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OMAKE: It's a Mystery.
"...So, where did you guys say you were from?" You ask, walking down the street.

"We're from Inaba." The tallest, Kanji, answers. "So how the hell'd we get here?"

"If anyone knows, it'd be Naoto or Narukami." The one with the knives, Yosuke, states.

"And if Naoto's missing," the bear suited guy, Teddie, begins, "Then that only leaves Sensei!"

The boy known as Yu Narukami looks at everyone, analyzing the party.

"Well, Partner? What's the deal?" Yosuke asks.

"Do you want the long answer, or the short answer?" Yu asks.

"Short, please." Kanji says, turning around to look at Yu.

Yu smiles. "I...!"

"You...?!" Everyone but you asks.

"...Have no clue." Yu finishes.

"What?!" Yosuke shouts. "All that buildup for nothing?!"

"I didn't build up anything. I just didn't finish my sentence."

"What's that?" You point to an alley, with a large pot of...?

The Inaba guys all freeze. "Is that...?!" Yosuke sputters out.

"It is...!" Yu answers, slowly backing away.

"Well, at least we know the girls were here." Even Kanji sounds worried.

"Woah, what's with the visceral reaction?" You ask, moving closer.

"Just stay far away from it...!" Yosuke warns, shivering.

"It's just a pot?"

"It's not about the pot! It's about the contents!" You give Yosuke a strange look.

"Can't be that bad." You shrug, walking closer to the pot.

"No, don't...!" Yosuke calls, but Yu puts his hand on Yosuke's shoulder.

"She's made up her mind. We can't do anything else but pray."

"I'll get ready to cast Samerecarm, Sensei!" Teddie says, determination ebbing into his voice.

"Wait, don't we have to be in the TV World to-" Kanji tries, but to no avail.

You have made it to the pot. You take hold of the serving spoon, and scoop up some of this...

It's purple. That's it's defining characteristic. You'll give it a shot! How bad can it be? You take a-

Death is inevitable. It seems to have come for you.

Heroes rise and fall, and only their legends remain.

Through your actions, you will be-


You're on your hands and knees, panting. What just happened...?

"She's alive! Help her up!" Kanji rushes to your side, grabbing your arm.

You feel... Cold. Is this what Witching out feels like?

"Yumi, can you hear me?!" Yu asks.

You hear footsteps. "What the hell did you do to Yumi?!" You hear Kyoko shout.

"We didn't do anything! It was Mystery Food X!" Yosuke explains.

"What the hell's you talking about?! That shit over there?" Kyoko begins to walk towards the Unholy Concoction!

"We need to destroy it! Sensei, try your strongest Persona against it!" Teddie suggests.

"You're not wasting food!" Kyoko draws her spear, "I'm gonna finish it if you can't!"

"NOOOOO!" Everyone but you howls.
Finally, I am able to write the update! Let the vote close! Thanks for participating in that QnA/EX-travigansa!
Scheduled vote count started by TremendousMilk3 on Jul 16, 2022 at 9:45 PM, finished with 83 posts and 9 votes.

  • [X] Plan Fry 'Em!
    -[X] Start by casting Tarukaja
    --[X] Have Itsumade blast the enemy with Maragi
    ---[X] If the Familiars survive that, follow up with Mazio/Mazan (depending on whether you or Pixie cast first)
    ---[X] Have Angel focus his Hamas on the Witch
    ----[X] If the Witch resists Light, tell Angel to focus on keeping everyone alive instead
    ----[X] Once the Familiars are gone, use single-target spells to bring down the Witch
    -----[X] Make sure that Hama or a Fusion Spell including it is what finishes the Witch off
152: Boss: Controlling Witch.
[X] Plan Fry 'Em!

You start the fight by casting Tarukaja. An orange glow envelopes your party, and you crack your neck.


Itsumade knows his mission, and lets loose a Maragi. "How much longer 'til you die?!"

(ITSUMADE ATTACKS: MARAGI: 13, 14, 19, 11)
(DMG ROLL: 7+7=14)
(TOTAL: 26)

Itsumade's flames strike true, incinerating the Familiars almost instantly. The Witch feels the heat, too! If one thing's for certain, it doesn't like fire!

Angel, seeing his opportunity, casts Hama. "Let there be light!" He shouts.

(DMG ROLL: 4+5=9)
(TOTAL: 17)

The Witch, if it had a mouth, would be screaming as it is covered in Angel's attack.

Pixie follows up with Zan. "Die quick, 'kay?"

(DMG ROLL: 7+6=13)
(TOTAL: 16)

Pixie sends a small tornado at the Witch, cutting into it. This simply reveals more eyes.

"Ew!!" Pixie cringes.

The Witch, readying its weapon, charges you and your demons.

(DMG ROLL: 4+9=13)

You backpedal on instinct , not wanting to be hit. Pixie floats above the Witch's strike, which connects with Angel instead.

"Urk!" He recoils from pain, before regaining his position. Then, the Witch tries to hit Itsumade.

Itsumade nimbly dodges, quickly moving to claw at some of it's eyes.


The Witch swats at Itsumade with it's free hand, tossing the body somewhere unseen. Itsumade cackles, "Hee hee hee! Can't get a little birdie?!"

The Witch swings it's massive weapon wildly!


The swing wasn't meant for Itsumade. It was meant for you.

A loud clang echoes through the room. Omaya watches in horror as you...

...You stand still. There is a distinct shoulder shaped dent in the Witch's weapon.

All of it's eyes narrow.

[] ???????????????
[] "Bitch."

YUMI (HP: 186, MP: 158)
PIXIE (HP: 68, MP: 48)
ANGEL (HP: 51, MP: 31)
ITSUMADE (HP: 88, MP: 33)
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Nah Pixie finds ammo for us (after battles IIRC)
[X] *raise an eyebrow at it* "Was that supposed to do something?"
-[X] Continue with Plan Fry 'Em
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The swing wasn't meant for Itsumade. It was meant for you.

A loud clang echoes through the room. Omaya watches in horror as you...

...You stand still. There is a distinct shoulder shaped dent in the Witch's weapon.

All of it's eyes narrow.
Very stoppable force, meet Immovable Object.

By the way, is there a spell that has a metal element? I want to make a railgun. Maybe Zio and Zan..?
Technically there used to be an earth element, but it was never in the main series so I'd say its a no-go on getting a related spell.
my old Dungeons and Dragons Campaigns.
Knew it.
Was... Was that how it was supposed to go?
He's simulated a basically normal demon negotiation, yes. Your own anomalous magic power is the only anomalous thing here.
"Maybe have your little tantrum somewhere else?" The woman coldly snarls, "If memory serves, you were supposed to transfer-"

"You killed her." She states.

"I did no such-"

"You made her break. You pushed her over the edge."

"She went missing, it doesn't mean she's dead! Officer, take her-"
...maybe we should have let the dude kill her.

Nah, that ain't Yumi.
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