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[X] *raise an eyebrow at it* "Was that supposed to do something?"
-[X] Continue with Plan Fry 'Em

I find extremely funny that the only variation on votes is the main vote while the subvote is the same :V
The Quest, Abridged. Part 1/??
"Golly gee! I sure do love having emotional baggage! I hope nothing is attracted to probably repressed trauma!" You say in the middle of the mall.

Suddenly, Barrier. "Fucker. Well, while I'm here, I might as well-"

"Hey Madoka, wanna see me jinx us?" Sayaka loudly interrupts.

"Please don't." Madoka quietly begs.

"Gee, it sure is boring around here!"

"My boy," A Familiar says, "This peace is what all true warriors strive for!"

"If we make it out alive, I'm buying a squirt bottle specifically for you." Madoka turns and runs, Sayaka not far behind her.

Oh, yeah, you're there, too. "Can you shut up so I can run?!" Jeez, sorry! Some people-

"Oh good. Kaname and Miki. Saves me the trouble of-"


"Fine! Just let me go, Sayaka!" Sayaka let's go of Oriko.

"Thank you." Pop, welcome back! "Welcome back."

"Man, that place was weird!" You begin, "Almost as weird as my Dad's room on my Mom's death date. One time, he was wearing-"

"No. No. I'm not fucking doing this. You're dying, too."


Madoka slowly backs away. "I'll just... Let you guys handle that. C'mon, Sayaka, let's go try to forget what Yumi just said."

"Okay!" Madoka and Sayaka bounce.

"So, uh, what's with the "Killing you too" thing?" You ask, Oriko lying motionless on the floor.

She sits up with a start. "Witches are MGs! Huh?"

You wave. She scowls.

"Madoka Kaname needs to die. I kinda want you to die, too-"

"Fucking why?!"

"It sure would be inconvenient if someone attacked!"




"I said, it sure would be inconvenient if-"

"Oops, sorry! I was throwing Kyubey against a wall! What's up?" Kirika pops out from somewhere. Probably an unfinished stall.

"Kirika, just... Do the thing." Oriko seems frustrated today.

"Oriko seems frustrated today!" Kirika repeats what I just said. "Whatevs! Kirika used Slash! It's super-"

"Slash is a Normal-Type move, dipshit. Yumi used Mach Punch."

Cue the MK11 X-Ray. Kirika gets Kakyoin'd into the wall.

"...I had fun. But I'm going home now. See ya around!" You calmly sprint out of the mall.

So where are you gonna go now?

"Excuse me, bleeding girl, did you happen to punch a Magical Girl?"

"Yes!" You announce proudly, "And why do you ask?"

"You saved Madoka's life."

"I guess."

"I suppose we're acquaintances now. I'm Homura."

"Okay, Homu!"

"Don't call me that." She begins to walk away.

"Sure thing, Homu-Slice!" You follow.

Homura knew from that moment onward that this would be an interesting loop.
oh god an Abridged quest!!! I'm dying of laughter so much right now!

I love this so much!!! Please when THE Bucket appears made it so he has a super deep voice, and says threatening things and everyone but Yumi hears him.
[Last Time on Shin Madoka Magika Abridged]
Yumi: "Akem Homura, my name is Yumi Konishi. And I fought the god of Death and Time to do your gimmick better."

Homura: "Wiggity wiggity whhaaaaaattt? You can't do that! I copyrighted that!"

Yumi: "I sold my rights to the Mouse so I could access the best copyright lawyers in existance to overturn your claim!"

Yumi: "Though, uh... I'm apparently gonna have to take care of a Mouse Girl alongside Yuma at some point due to the contract."
[And now to continue our story]
Now I have the image of Canon!Homura in an abridged quest and everything just shmoves too fast for her.
Homu: It's a good thing I can time stop to have a break

EX 42: Strange World Of Ours

*A witch is born*
So the barrier we're in is from a very new witch. In fact she's so new that her body would still be at that office after defeating her witch. Presuming we win and get her soul gem, this brings the question of what to do with a soul gem:

- Use a Revival Bead to revert her from being a magical girl, like originally planned?
- Go find her body and have her soul gem reconnect to it?

Next is what to do with the humans, the woman there is who gave the last push to turn the magical girl into the witch, and thus her accusation of killing her friend is probably true. Are we going to inform them? I'm not sure if Yumi yet knows that negative emotions help with corruption of the soul gem

(just throwing the discussion on where to go with character actions after the battle, things tend to move too fast after an update is posted)

I think better not having her reliant on grief seeds so priobably would still go for the revival bead (but thigs will go weird if we find her old body), but I'm not sure how to approach the woman there: I'd like to make a distintion between actions made in the heat of the moment under panic (the man pushing the woman) and deliberate action (whatever the woman did to cause the girl to witch)
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In fact she's so new that her body would still be at that office after defeating her witch. Presuming we win and get her soul gem, this brings the question of what to do with a soul gem:

- Use a Revival Bead to revert her from being a magical girl, like originally planned?
- Go find her body and have her soul gem reconnect to it?

Next is what to do with the humans, the woman there is who gave the last push to turn the magical girl into the witch, and thus her accusation of killing her friend is probably true. Are we going to inform them? I'm not sure if Yumi yet knows that negative emotions help with corruption of the soul gem

(just throwing the discussion on where to go with character actions after the battle)
As seen with Sayaka, the body gets pulled into the barrier when it's formed. This is why so many girls go 'missing' instead of confirmed dead. It may well be in the room we are currently in, or somewhere else in the labrynth. If we don't grab it before the barrier collapses then its effectively lost forever, and we don't know where it is. These are canon mechanics.

Lets just use the Revival Bead.
Reverse QnA
Update will be a tad late again, but there won't be a QnA. I'm still a bit tired from the last one. This time, I will ask you a few questions!

1. Which of your party members is your favorite?

2. Do you like the personality of Takeshi Konishi, Ryoko Konishi, and/or Yumi Konishi?

3. How have I handled Homura? Good, bad, somewhere in between?

4. What was your favorite part of the quest so far?

5. Did any moments of the quest catch you off guard?

6. Are there any improvements I could make?

Thanks for sticking with PMMT!
i wonder if girls can re-contract after being revival bead-ed. Would Kyuubey pester them still?

edit: Posted at the same time as the Qm. Neat
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Update will be a tad late again, but there won't be a QnA. I'm still a bit tired from the last one. This time, I will ask you a few questions!

1. Which of your party members is your favorite?

2. Do you like the personality of Takeshi Konishi, Ryoko Konishi, and/or Yumi Konishi?

3. How have I handled Homura? Good, bad, somewhere in between?

4. What was your favorite part of the quest so far?

5. Did any moments of the quest catch you off guard?

6. Are there any improvements I could make?

Thanks for sticking with PMMT!
1: It might be narcissistic but Yumi herself
2: Yes, Yes, and Yes
3: Pretty well, I feel like you've played her well as a someone who's shell starts slipping when major things keep happening but unflappable otherwise
4: Either giving Homura to Amy (when I joined) or THE BUCKET
5: The bringing back of the MG and the adding in of the SMTPs
6: Keep on posting, this is honestly my favorite quest I am following bar none and am hoping that it will continue for as long as it can, It is also amazing because I knew nothing of SMT before reading and am finding the gradual bringing in of demons an amazing way to continue the story in ways I wouldn't expect just feels so nice.
1. Which of your party members is your favorite?
Probably Oni at the moment, although that could change given time (especially since Itsumade hasn't really had time to make much of an impression).

2. Do you like the personality of Takeshi Konishi, Ryoko Konishi, and/or Yumi Konishi?
Takeshi: Answer unavailable due to lack of data and poor memory.

Yumi: Mostly yes, although some of her... odder moments can irritate me a bit (the game with Mami after Yumi found out they're neighbors comes to mind).

Ryoko: Lacking some data here too, but currently leaning yes, mostly for the EX Chapter where she asked Takeshi out.

3. How have I handled Homura? Good, bad, somewhere in between?
Poor memory is interfering with my ability to make an assessment here too, but I'd say you've done a good job so far. At the very least, she feels believable to me as Homura in a very anomalous Timeline that keeps blindsiding her with Wrong Context Magic.

4. What was your favorite part of the quest so far?
Hard to say due to poor memory, but it might be Physical attacks tinking off of Yumi because of Null Physical, just for the reactions we get whenever it happens.

5. Did any moments of the quest catch you off guard?
When we 1) reverted Hiroko's Witch into a Soul Gem instead of a Grief Seed, and 2) resurrected Hiroko as a normal human instead of a Magical Girl. I did not see either of those coming.

6. Are there any improvements I could make?
Not entirely sure. I'm tempted to suggest bringing in the SMT side more, since right now it feels more like "Madoka with SMT Demons and a Demon Summoner running around" than a proper fusion of the two, but I'm guessing you're building up to that and I should just be patient.
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1. Which of your party members is your favorite?
-Since Yumi isn't an option, Pixie

2. Do you like the personality of Takeshi Konishi, Ryoko Konishi, and/or Yumi Konishi?
-Hell yeah!

3. How have I handled Homura? Good, bad, somewhere in between?

4. What was your favorite part of the quest so far?
-Yumi's refusal to take damage

5. Did any moments of the quest catch you off guard?
-I actually precoged a good chunck of the past few months a year or two ago, so no. Its actually incredibly frustrating having seen a fair bit of this thread. My few attempts to change things have been futile. Thankfully we are (painfully slowly) reaching the end of what I've seen.

That said, The Bucket refused to let me see it.

6. Are there any improvements I could make?
I just wish you weren't posting near midnight for me.
Update will be a tad late again, but there won't be a QnA. I'm still a bit tired from the last one. This time, I will ask you a few questions!

1. Which of your party members is your favorite?

2. Do you like the personality of Takeshi Konishi, Ryoko Konishi, and/or Yumi Konishi?

3. How have I handled Homura? Good, bad, somewhere in between?

4. What was your favorite part of the quest so far?

5. Did any moments of the quest catch you off guard?

6. Are there any improvements I could make?

Thanks for sticking with PMMT!
1) Pixie and Oni
2) I like em. A bit of chaos running in the family.
3) Homura just kinda, shows up, gets exhausted of us, and leaves. Otherwise, yeah I like Homura.
4) Definetly a tie between Hassou Tobi cause potential and Fusion Spell: Divine Storm for the same reason.
5) The Magatsuhi thing. I had no idea what that was and damn did it show off, even if it didn't kill.
6) Honestly? I just want to start getting some traits, like boosting Fusion Spell success rate.
1. Which of your party members is your favorite?

2. Do you like the personality of Takeshi Konishi, Ryoko Konishi, and/or Yumi Konishi?

3. How have I handled Homura? Good, bad, somewhere in between?

4. What was your favorite part of the quest so far?

5. Did any moments of the quest catch you off guard?

6. Are there any improvements I could make?

Thanks for sticking with PMMT!
1. Oni, no doubt here. He's reliable, has shown to have a big heart and has lots of little nuances in his characterization (physically strong and proud of that, he's very expressive when he dislikes something, the things he truly despises are very much unlikeable, dislikes being thought of a just a brute only because of his muscles, etc.)

2. I like the characters, it reminds me a little of the Konata Izumi's parents (Lucky Star) in its basest form, where he widowed and never stopped loving his wife and daughter (there are lots of differences after that but not really important now). I also appreciate how Yumi has her WTF-limit that has to release at some point, that shows she's still getting used to all of this.

3. I think it's ok so far? Yumi has been an OCP that somehow appears to wildly succeed despite being overwhelmed (yet she doesn't know this isn't Yumi's first rodeo, although the previous ones haven't been supernatural). And I very much enjoyed the moment Homura's mask cracked, how she needed to hear Yumi was in her corner.

4. My favorite part is that everyone here wants Yumi to succeed.

5. Off guard... I think when I realize that, yes, we're signing up to be a mother figure to Yuma. I don't recall that used as a plot point before.

6. It hasn't been important yet, but I feel sometimes I don't have some in-character knowledge to make some decisions.
How did you manage to pull that off?
Shits been fucking with me since elementary, literally only gives me spoilers. Had thought my last vision was in middle school, until it started a wombo combo of them fulfilling one after another

My first big one covered:
-The dog my dad would bring home (the next day)
-Self fulfilling prophecy on the best spot to place the cheap baby gate we use to keep the dog out of our rooms after one of them broke(a few years down the line)
-My dad's current house's living room layout (moved there only a handful of years ago)
Huh, that is super cool dude. Used to get those too in childhood but they stopped, and mine were way less impactful, sometimes they include the part where I react to the fact that I've seen stuff in the visions.
Anyway, the Questions.... I Don't know dude I'm just a simple Bot that likes this story and participates in the thread i don't think deep enough to answer those questions
Homura is pretty good though (from one who hasn't seen the anime at all and gets all lore from TV Tropes and Fanfics and stuff)
Dad is dad, Mom is mom, and self is self.
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My first big one covered:
-The dog my dad would bring home (the next day)
-Self fulfilling prophecy on the best spot to place the cheap baby gate we use to keep the dog out of our rooms after one of them broke(a few years down the line)
-My dad's current house's living room layout (moved there only a handful of years ago)
Honestly thought I had the same thing at one point. Would just get dreams at points but when the event actually occurs I just have a really bad feeling of deja vu.
Does this count as a Two For One? Eh, voting closed!
Scheduled vote count started by TremendousMilk3 on Jul 17, 2022 at 11:40 PM, finished with 41 posts and 11 votes.
153: Oopsie Doodles!
[X] Smug Yumi is smug.

Your eyebrow raises. "Was that supposed to do something?" You ask.

(CHR ROLL: 16+1)

This is a fight against a Witch. This should be a terrifying, or even somber, event. Then why? Why are you so... Confident?

Why are you smiling?


And now, back to your regularly scheduled ass kicking.

OOC: Oh. Okay. Sure.
(DMG ROLL: 7+7=14)
(TOTAL: wait a second.)
OOC: Um. Yeah, weak to Light + Nat 20 + Smirk = Dead Witch. Oops.

You look at the Witch, where it's face should be. "Rest." You command as your spell rains upon the Witch, bathing it in Light.

It lets loose a horrible shriek, before the entire Barrier closes in on itself, reverting back into what should have been a Grief Seed.

You simply hold out your hand and let the Soul Gem fall into your palm. You clutch it to your chest, closing your eyes.

Each of your demons are surprised at that sudden burst of strength, none of them dare to speak.

"What...?" Omaya gasps from behind you. The other man keeps his distance from you, with a worried look.

The woman, however, is pale. Her mouth is agape, trying to say so many things, but failing to even whimper.

You feel... Different. Like something just clicked in your mind.


"Master Yumi...?" Angel finally asks, slowly approaching you. "Are you... Unharmed?"

"That was..." Pixie softly whispers, "...Hardcore as all get out!" She shouts.

"What... What was that?!" Omaya sputters out, "What was any of that?! The monsters, the light, you being alive... What?!"

"...Shit." The man says simply, sitting down on the pavement.

"What... Where's Nori?! Did she do this?!" The woman demands, walking up to you. "Are you in on this?!"

[] ???????????????

[] Write in your stat growth!

[] Blessed Sword: Adds Sword Skill "Blessed Sword". (12 MP) [DMG: HAMA+SWORD] {PHYS+LIGHT}
[] Personal Grip: The sword gains a handle fitted specifically for your hand, granting +2 to hit.
[] Scabbard Trigger: Adds a trigger to the scabbard, allowing a quick opening strike.
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