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I decided to bring up magic in the dialogue cause kids like magic right? (It works for Kyubey why not us? What? No what he and we do are completely different.)
[X] Plan Want To See A Magic Trick?

We gotta get Chad Bro Oni in our party. That way Yuma can have a new Big Sis and Big Bro at the same time. We even get to upgrade to a whopping 5 brain cells guys. That's definitely way more than mine.
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I just realized I forgot to add actually using the healing magic into the plan, but I hope it's still implied we use it on Yuma.
[X] "Uhh, what's going on here?"
-[X] Be on guard to intervene. Prep a Zan spell but don't fire it. Stop the Oni from killing the woman by grabbing it's wrists, but don't let the woman leave the scene.
—[X] What did the woman mean by "Take her, she's younger"?

Edit: Oh things have been moving fast huh.
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[X] "Uhh, what's going on here?"
-[X] Be on guard to intervene. Prep a Zan spell but don't fire it. Stop the Oni from killing the woman by grabbing it's wrists, but don't let the woman leave the scene.
—[X] What did the woman mean by "Take her, she's younger"?

Bit late but don't worry your vote won : D. As a matter of fact there was even an update about it already.
I assumed we could cause we are 19. Technically an adult.
In Japan, you have to be married to adopt. You probably even have to be married to become a foster carer for a child who isn't the offspring of a close relative.

The overwhelming majority of adoptions in modern Japan are families with no (male) heir adopting a young man (20s-30s) to be their heir.

(Also, the age of full majority (as opposed to the age of consent) in Japan was 20 until, like, two weeks ago – the law lowering it to 18 came into force on 1st april 2022 :) )
[X] Plan Want To See A Magic Trick?
- [X] "Hey kid, are you alright? I'm not gonna hurt you. Where does it hurt? I'll make the pain go away with a magic trick."
- [X] Approach carefully and gently. Kneel down so you don't appear as large. Position your hands in a non-threatening posture, and approach slowly. If she doesn't want you near her then don't approach.
- [X] Take note of the bruise and the blood. If the Oni was going to hurt her, she would be in much worse condition. The culprit here is the woman.
—[X] Make plans and gather evidence of the woman's crime so she can be turned in to the authorities.
Let's just get Dad to adopt her for us. After we tell him her circumstances, and why she would attack to us, we would also have a reason for him to come see us.
Yeah, but I wanted to know what Macca was, if it was something other than simply another kind of currency. Because if the store was already dealing in Yen it felt strange.
Its demon currency:
-can be asked for in negotiations
-always accepted at relevant(demon associated) businesses
-honestly has a much better exchange rate than the brothers think, we practically robbed them blind. Macca would better correspond with dollars. We get $350 worth for $3.50

Some demons won't accept yen
Just checked our equipment and realized we have a space for ranged weapons. Can we ask Homura for a gun? A shotgun would be the best option I think.
Just checked our equipment and realized we have a space for ranged weapons. Can we ask Homura for a gun? A shotgun would be the best option I think.
We certainly can, but the real question is if Homura would give Yumi one: after all Yumi doesn't have either the practice* or innate marksmanship MG-granted skill to properly aim (at least form Homura's perspective)

* for reference, both Homura and Mami's marksmanship is from practice

...and that's hoping to Homura not refusing because Yumi's (again, from her point of view) unreliable showing during the battle. Homura would probably think Yumi may hit another MG before familiars or witches.
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...and that's hoping to Homura not refusing because Yumi's (again, from her point of view) unreliable showing during the battle. Homura would probably think Yumi may hit another MG before familiars or witches.
Not to mention Homura doesn't even know us that well yet. She also doesn't like how we are her opposite in every way.
Funny Thing 2
"Hey, Homu-Homu, can I have a gun?"

"No. Why?"

"I need a ranged wea-"

"Not happening."

"Why not?"

"Because you're too reckless. And besides, you'll draw way too much attention."

"Can you say that last part again?"

"You'll draw way too much attention...?"

"Say it again while doing the hair flip thing."

"You'll draw way too-"


"... Go nuts, Yumi." You got a Glock!
Would we need to find ammo for the guns? Asking cause none of the games ever made it a problem. Just thinking of getting a magnum and Hammer's face when she realizes we haven't reloaded all battle.
Would we need to find ammo for the guns? Asking cause none of the games ever made it a problem. Just thinking of getting a magnum and Hammer's face when she realizes we haven't reloaded all battle.
Who needs ammo when you can pistol whip your enemies?

In all seriousness though, Homura is the only one here who can get gun ammo. We aren't sneaky enough, skilled enough, knowledgeable enough, or have the time to get it ourselves. Also, Homura would never trust us to get it.
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