He could use Remove Radioactivity for various purposes, from removing the threat of Kryptonite to helping him in any romantic relationships he might have in the future.
Imagine Superman with a Mindblank or Anti Magic Ward.
Just a note that most of SUperman's powers are considered psionic based, and an Anti-magic shell WOULD shut them down.
He needs something against radiation/radiant damage, and Dispel Magic. The latter alone would terrify a lot of wizards using stuff on him.
Mending is also perfect for the farmer in him, but I suggest he learn 'bloom'. Flowers on demand is perfect for him!
So, Alchemist taught Clark and Lois a magic spell. How many people were nearby that heard the lecture that can now cast Mending after a bit of practice? Including Lex's minions employees that could have overheard, given the number of them in and around the building across the street? Maybe some typists or a secretary sitting near the office window? And will they bring that to Lex's attention? Because spreading that particular spell across his company could save him so much money in the long run.
Lois Lane gets her clothing, car, and apartment ruined on a regular basis, so the Mending Spell is a huge relief. She can unwind a little bit and not worry about having to purchase a new wardrobe every month.

In at least one continuity, Lois deliberately doesn't have any sentimental keepsakes in her apartment because she is afraid of her irreplaceable items getting destroyed by a villain attack.

Possible humor if people find out Lois knows the Mending Spell and start going to her with their broken possessions.
It more of her advertising that alchemist taught her how to do it
What spells has the League and Mini-League learned? Like besides healing and the small tidbits of cantrips Batman has picked up here and there.
Clark using magic. What a world. I like the idea of superman sticking around to help repairs with magic after battles, and it shores up one of his weaknesses.
Magic is one of the few traditional Superman weaknesses. It would be cool if Clark got to the point where he can have a Protection from Evil up for those pesky mind control effects.
I really have to wonder if they were genuinely that successful or if Brainiac Five decided to sabotage the heroes again because his ego demands that he be the one in charge.

Or maybe Brainy's self-sabotaging again, consciously or otherwise. He does rather have a history of it, after all. :whistle:

His attempts at calling Alchemist had been sent straight to voicemail which was... unfortunate. He wanted someone to yell at.

C'mon Bruce, you must have seen this (lack of) response coming a mile off! :rofl:

Bruce had forced himself to bear witness. To look, to see, to remember.

Holy Emotional Whiplash Batman!

Oh, Bruce. You don't have to keep doing this to yourself. You don't deserve it, and you never did. :cry:
A the mending spell/cantrip the bane of capitalism and planned obsolescence if you spread it enough if everyone can mend their stuff only inovation and making new things remain
Magic, as Alchemist had explained, was just as much a technology as it was an art.
Shouldn't that be "science"? Magic is not really tech. It can be combined with it, fuel it, and sometimes even created by it, but magic is not technology.
So, Alchemist taught Clark and Lois a magic spell. How many people were nearby that heard the lecture that can now cast Mending after a bit of practice? Including Lex's minions employees that could have overheard, given the number of them in and around the building across the street? Maybe some typists or a secretary sitting near the office window? And will they bring that to Lex's attention? Because spreading that particular spell across his company could save him so much money in the long run.
You know he didn't really scream instructions out loud, right? Lois read the scroll, Clark looked it up from the side, and all Al did was guide her through the process. If there was someone close to them, they would notice. And secretary? Really? From a building with non-opening windows, in a bussy city from something like 30m away?
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... So here's an idea. What if Alchemist made a Ring of Mercy based on the Merciful enchantment (1d6 extra damage, but all damage is nonlethal, can be suppressed voluntarily) and just... gave it to Superman so the world was made a bit less of cardboard?
... So here's an idea. What if Alchemist made a Ring of Mercy based on the Merciful enchantment (1d6 extra damage, but all damage is nonlethal, can be suppressed voluntarily) and just... gave it to Superman so the world was made a bit less of cardboard?
...and Superboy, and Power Girl, and Wonder Woman, and Martian Manhunter, and Captain Marvel, and...

Actually, are there any other major physical powerhouses in The League that aren't The Flash?

And in 3.5e D&D, there's the necklace of natural weapons. It allows you to apply weapon abilities and bonuses to natural weapons, including unarmed attacks. Could be turned into a ring easily enough. There's also the fanged ring, which grants the Improved Unarmed Strike and Improved Natural Attack feats, and also deals 1 point of Con damage on a critical hit.

Al really ought to consider equipping most or all of the League with items to improve them as much as his gear improves him, as well as inviting them into his or P1's system to choose perks (which he can help them optimize). Aaaand also teach them magic spells to help them work smarter instead of harder. Seems a lot more efficient for power multiplication than further grinding, if you ask me.
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So locally will Alchemist be responsible for Introducing Bizarro? The Off Brand of Superman with a Bizarre Logic where it says Hate but means Love and the Opposites?

Both Super Zombie & Die-anna survived Earth blowing, do they get together?