Ooh, were going to get the Superman One Million version of batman early, though with less psychic powers and more magical ones. Also, Bruce gets one more counter for superman in case the need ever comes up.

Worst case scenario, if all contingency plans fail, and earth is doomed, then the entire league could take a trip to Bloodborne, fight some gods, kill one important god, have one of them become god, etc.
"Some fight for Law." Alchemist huffed, amused that Bruce thought that he would be deterred by such a foe. If they wanted to fight him for the right to torture a child? Alchemist had broken one world government over his knee that had been doing the same thing and he'd accomplished that over the course of one night. "Some fight for Justice."

The mage stepped past Batman, opening the door to his workshop. He turned halfway, his misty silhouette framed in the light.

"What will you fight for?"

This line hit hard. You could honestly have ended the chapter there.

Calling out the League and particularly Batman like that, over Ace of all people. Just wow.
I intend on extending an offer to Plastic Man and the Question. Are there any suggestions on your end?"
Ah yes good Old Plas.
The one heroe that is sorely underestimated
he can't be Killed, can't be Mind Controlled or Read, can shape-shift as he pleases can basically not be sensed while he has done so, is a hell of a Thief, and Negs most conventional damage
Question one of the Greatest Detectives and can see the Truth of things so can point them in the direction that they need to look, skilled in utility Magic (Shamanism).
The goddess possessing Cheetah is weak enough, I might be able to break the connection.
Barbara would be great someone as Fast as a semi-serious Flash, can physically Fight wonder Woman, who's Claws and Fangs are Considered Divine Weapons, is Intelligent and Knowledge as well,
All around a great pick
Alchemist looked at the Feeblemind spell about the same way he looked at a sniper injuring soldiers for the sake of tying up manpower. Useful? Pragmatic? Absolutely. It was also incredibly cruel and unethical
Sometimes it's the best choice you got for the situation but your right it is Unethical.
isn't that a path way to becoming an elder god?
Alchemist is technically already on the Path to becoming one with being an Void Dragon, spending years if not Eons in the VOID possibly having interacted with Outsiders, all the Knowledge he has, all this happened before Terra-Chan took him and stuck him on a Eldritch Meal Plan that is the Gamer (Alpha Version),the Unaligned Divine Spark he plans to eat at some point,

He is sorta like Diana in that they are too Young and uneducated to be "Eldritch Gods" but give them Time and they will eventually Qualify.

@Mister Ficser if they rescue Ace it might actually be best if they take her to MAL since even if their planet has its Problems it would still be best to have her on a Planet of people that could teach her Control, and can probably contain any accidentally explosion of powers, as well she might actually feel at ease on a Planet of people that are like her (in a Fashion) till she is stable. Or at least put her up with J'onn Family.

It would also put her in a Place that the Governments could never reach or likely find her as well.
What do you think
@Mister Ficser I believe the ideal animal to transform a criminal is a tortoise, they are durable, slow, and can be turned upside down in case they misbehave

there is also the delightful ability tortoise have of entering hibernation when placed in a common fridge, excellent for adding pseudo-cryogenic suspension for less than a hundred dollars
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I kind of want to see a scene of the Justice league showing up to a single important fight dressed up like high level adventurers decked up with the highest level gear and the person their going to fight just turning tail and attempt to run away.
Planetary Teleportation was a ninth tier spell as well but it didn't need a hop into another plane to cover massive distances.
Unless Planetary Teleportation opens a physical portal traversable by anyone/anything, that is a terrible spell.

[Rant]The thing I hate about D&D that makes it feel like every edition is worse than the previous one is how the later edition's seem to intentionally have it out for anything beyond combat. And make magic worse and worse at doing things beyond killing monsters.

The best versions seems to have been 3.0, where the summoned monsters/natures ally spells had a duration of a minute per caster level. Enough to have a chance a using them outside of combat. 3.5 made that a round per level, just as a fuck you. 5th doesn't even have several of the iconic utility spells anymore, like Leomund's Secure shelter, and the Tiny Hut the size reduced by half and interior volume by 8.[/Rant]

The regular Teleport from 3.5 should do what you want.
7th level Greater Teleport aka Teleport Without Error.
Could transport a small group anywhere in the same dimension.
The effect could be duplicated with Wish, which also offered a specific "Transport Travelers" ability that was even better and could teleport three times as many people, as well as Large/Huge/Colossal+ creatures without them taking up multiple slots.


Aye. A well prepared wizard has everything and anything in his bag of tricks.

But a well prepared fighter or barbarian is mostly good for one thing.

A decent rogue is the skillmonkey, under normal circumstances very useful... When combined with a wizard that knows more than just 'Fireball!', though? The synergy is absolutely amazing. Such as the spell True Skill, which adds half the mage's spellcaster level to a skill of choice for one check. It doesn't initially sound amazing, but add +10 to a rogue about to do a stealth check and the gods themselves might lose track of him.

Anywho. They've been weakening magic to strengthen melee. Working on making it more and more situational instead of universally useful.

Jokes on them, though. Even with limited base utility an imaginative player can still make something incredibly useful.

Batman has access to the world's most powerful psychic... And her uncle. Teaching a child how to control her powers would be good practice for M'gann. Reinforce the basics that she's probably half-forgotten.

This line hit hard. You could honestly have ended the chapter there.

Calling out the League and particularly Batman like that, over Ace of all people. Just wow.

I'm honestly surprised that nobody has called me out on stealing it functionally wholesale from somewhere else.

Then again, maybe most of them probably weren't as boneheaded as me and actually picked the defend option when we were told that 'A true paladin will sheathe his sword'.
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Batman has requested an Instant Quest suited for trying out his equipment. So there's three questions to follow on that: what Game world would be Best for putting Batman through his paces, while being on his Threat level, without utterly derailing that World? Two: Would Alchemist gave any consideration to fulfilling the spirit of the request over knocking off more of his to-do lists(which Jinx just called him out over)? And Three: Would Alchemist give any consideration to the World they visit beyond its utility or will he just deride every Quest World as disposable iterations?
Batman has requested an Instant Quest suited for trying out his equipment. So there's three questions to follow on that: what Game world would be Best for putting Batman through his paces, while being on his Threat level, without utterly derailing that World? Two: Would Alchemist gave any consideration to fulfilling the spirit of the request over knocking off more of his to-do lists(which Jinx just called him out over)? And Three: Would Alchemist give any consideration to the World they visit beyond its utility or will he just deride every Quest World as disposable iterations?
The boys.
Mcu or Marvel
Tmnt (I was thinking of the magic and chi using versions).
Rwby for aura and mecha shift.
Overwatch(For the tech).
Dragon ball or any martial arts anime.

Could be viable options.

The only other option I could think of is to give oul reaper powers and dump him in the start on Bleach.
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The best game would be Batman Arkham City, obviously. It would also give him more mundane upgrades he may not have just yet.
The boys.
Ciuld be viable options.

The only other option I could think of is to give soul reaper powers and dump him in the start on Bleach.

the boys would just piss him off

MCU doesn't have villains that are in the right spot, or has villains that require specific

he had a crossover with TNMT, doesn't do much for upgrades if he doesn't want to become a bat, he actually has Man-Bats formula if he wants that

The best game would be Batman Arkham City, obviously. It would also give him more mundane upgrades he may not have just yet.

that is the correct choice, it's basically familiar but unfamiliar ground, he would probably mention how the cities' layout is completely different, how the villains don't look like themselves but actor (which is a valid point) and would add several incorrect spoilers, like him trying to save Nora and this version of her being an actress that didn't know freeze

it's also ideal from a story telling perspective that it would give him JUST enough wrong that he would act on it unquestioningly and be catastrophically wrong

however if you reeeeely want to make him better... injustice is always an option, it's excellent to hone his skill in metahuman fighting, and there is also that pills that lets you take hits from superman
what Game world would be Best for putting Batman through his paces, while being on his Threat level, without utterly derailing that World? Two: Would Alchemist gave any consideration to fulfilling the spirit of the request over knocking off more of his to-do lists(which Jinx just called him out over)? And Three: Would Alchemist give any consideration to the World they visit beyond its utility or will he just deride every Quest World as disposable iterations?
Batman can handle pretty high level encounters, but his superpower is preparation, so I'd still want to ease him into things. Most RPGs will be suitable, offering low and high level encounters. Or he could do several at a range of power levels.

Alchemist said he was thinking of a dangerous Instant Quest, but that it wasn't safe to bring Batman along. He's definitely wanting to double up on utility, but Jinx and Kar'Yashlan were worried about him trying to do it on his own. My impression is that Alchemist got his brain stuck on one idea, knowing it wasn't appropriate, so he wanted help to find other options.
Batman... and Alchemist... are making plans ?!

This is it guys. The Light has lost. Darkseid is doomed. Nekron is dead. The demons of Hell are shatting their infernal pants.

Justice is coming, and this time you're not getting a five minutes headstart !
Honestly persona is probably the best setting for Batman, he gets to beat up his inner demons, get a new power ect
Honestly, I would want to read it, so may I get a link/name?

Not a story, I'm afraid. At least, not one that can be picked up and read.

The line came from Final Fantasy Four. One of the first RPG's I ever played back in the nineties. I still remember the first time I beat it after weeks of effort.

Now I can speedrun the game in less than a day.

The line, in short, comes from the protagonist character working to discard the blood-soaked blade of the Dark Knight and fighting his inner evils, manifested in a reflection chamber as his former self.

During this, he is being told that the path of the Paladin is one of peace- He ought sheathe his blade and raise his shield instead.

Now, being the American version of the game, Squaresoft thought the American audience would need to have a lot of the mechanics dumbed down for us. In the original version, the protagonist had access to the special skill called 'Darkness' (A recurring ability, as you may have noticed) which would eat a chunk of the character's hit points in return for an AoE attack.

The reflected Dark Knight would use that move exclusively, implying that it was killing itself in a bid to snuff out the protag's nascent light.

Except we had no clue! The move was removed from the U.S. version so all we saw was a cool attack that we didn't have access to and no understanding of what it was doing!

Well, if you still managed to pull a win by stabbing your darkness to death, that would be the line you were given. It was meant to imply that you succeeded, but failed to learn the lesson that was intended.
Except we had no clue! The move was removed from the U.S. version so all we saw was a cool attack that we didn't have access to and no understanding of what it was doing!
Ugh. Bad ports, bad localizations, bad translations. Three ways to ruin a perfectly good game or story in another market.

Well, at least that last one can be good for some laughs.
Batman can handle pretty high level encounters, but his superpower is preparation, so I'd still want to ease him into things. Most RPGs will be suitable, offering low and high level encounters. Or he could do several at a range of power levels.

Alchemist said he was thinking of a dangerous Instant Quest, but that it wasn't safe to bring Batman along. He's definitely wanting to double up on utility, but Jinx and Kar'Yashlan were worried about him trying to do it on his own. My impression is that Alchemist got his brain stuck on one idea, knowing it wasn't appropriate, so he wanted help to find other options.

the Witcher is excellent, where preparation and knowing your opponent is always a massive advantage

there is also the fact that batman doesn't apply his no kill rule to aliens, robots or undead, so any containing those are fair game for him to escalate

most monster/witch/vampire hunter settings are actually quite useful

the Witcher - the Witcher arsenal are all things he would use

RWBY -Aura has really no downsides to it, and unlocking it is super easy, given how many times batman is shot even with a full bullet proof vest armor this is definitely a top pick, that there are infinite enemies that are morally slaghterable is also good

the Van Helsing movie - effectively what batman would be doing in this scenario

D&D - I can see a lot of things being useful, he would also be considerate enough to bring items to members of the league,
a Sunblade to superman - 1 augelite stone for him to put in his pocket
1 algae stone necklace for wonder woman, as it protect people from polymorph (don't ask about the Circe incident)
Ring of fire immunity to martian manhunter, if not an azurite stone
a single unbreaking arrow back to green arrow
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Batman honestly has a lot of avenues for power-ups in DC alone if he was interested in exploring them, the problem is that he's distrustful of unproven methods and leery of the time-sink investment of getting good at them / making them worthwhile, or else why wouldn't he pick up some magic to supplement his existing disciplines?

Because he has experts for that on speed dial already (showing he's also decided that delegation contributes towards preparation schemes).

But the Instant Quests are really turning a lot of that logic he had for avoiding it on its head. Because time in there doesn't equal time out there, so he's not letting relationships, investigations or training on his existing skills lead to stagnation, missed opportunities or over-extending himself.

And while it's more skills to maintain, the Ring of Sustenance just freed up eight to ten whole hours per day to maintain them (or re-spec temporarily toward more esoteric skills and not be afraid of having little time to reacquaint with more traditional Batman-esque techniques).

The ring would be more likely to cause a more subtle, perhaps more insidious break in his decision making from a psychological standpoint, since he can effectively double his workload. But even then he's self-aware enough of his tendencies that his immediate goal becomes related to acquiring more people to delegate more of his plans off to.