"Mind if I ask you something?" The blonde had been respecting Jinx' boundaries more since she'd been teleported out of the girl's room.
Should be Jinx's.

...When I asked him what kinds of tests or analysis were being done to find out why his power was different, less efficient, he said that he was basically told to 'Grit his teeth and push on through, it'll get better!'.
If there's an exclamation point, period, comma, or question mark (or interrobang) inside a quote, you don't add a period outside of it (with extremely rare exceptions; this isn't one of them). That last period needs to go.
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I have a question. Leslie the original body owner, does he now have a large apptitude for magic, and the stats before the alpha gamer jumped into the new body? Since in the new body they started out all over again. That might lead to interesting things between player 1 and Leslie for season two or potential nightmare fuel if nabu has him be the new fate. Maybe he could apprentice under Giovanni with zatana.
Nah, the stats and such followed Alchemist when he left Leslie's body. They didn't get reset until he Transmigrated, which happened while he was between bodies talking to Gaia.
That would certainly save Batman a TON of money whenever the Batmobile gets set on fire. Or dumped in acid. Or gets hurled at high velocity into the multiverse's largest banana cream pie.*

I wonder who actually does maintenance and repair jobs on Batman's stuff?

*The Joker decided to actually be funny for once. According to Batman, he failed, miserably. According to Robin, The Flash, and everyone else in the League, it was hilarious.

Batman, inside the Batmobile, having been thrown on a vat of acid that's also on fire: *frantically smashing hammer*
That would certainly save Batman a TON of money whenever the Batmobile gets set on fire. Or dumped in acid. Or gets hurled at high velocity into the multiverse's largest banana cream pie.*

I wonder who actually does maintenance and repair jobs on Batman's stuff?

*The Joker decided to actually be funny for once. According to Batman, he failed, miserably. According to Robin, The Flash, and everyone else in the League, it was hilarious.
Batman,mr.Fox, and Harold repairs his gadgets
I mean, if you can somehow get Robin and Yuffie to take the Batmobile out for a joyride on the belief that Alchemist can fix whatever they break and Al hits them with the reasoning you just gave with Batman backing him up? Might be the in for the talk Alchemist wants to have with Yuffie.

Can Alchemist possess the batmobile like that tank?

Al: (possessing batmobile) "In Bizarro-Gotham, batmobile steals you!!!"
Yuffie: (panics) :o :o :o ?!?!
So who are considered Jinx's parents, since she swapped races? Is Bahamut her father? Is Tiamat her mother? Is she considered half-dragon, or maybe a dragonborn of Bahamut?

That's a very good question and one I haven't thought of an answer to, yet.

Planar Dragons can get pretty weird. Havoc Dragons are, typically, Chaotic-Good. This puts them on the alignment scale for neither Bahamut or Tiamat who are Lawful-Good and Chaotic-Evil respectively.

So just imagine a few extra generations removed from direct lineage, possibly some crossbreeding and have Bahamut and Tia argue over custody.

If push comes to shove, I'd say Tia, though. She may be on the more evil end of things but she's still a Goddess of Creation.

The origin of Void Dragons like Alchemist will be explained here in another chapter or two. They're... Even weirder.

Can Alchemist possess the batmobile like that tank?

Al: (possessing batmobile) "In Bizarro-Gotham, batmobile steals you!!!"
Yuffie: (panics) :o :o :o ?!?!

I don't know how. I don't know when. But, I will be stealing this.
That's a very good question and one I haven't thought of an answer to, yet.

Planar Dragons can get pretty weird. Havoc Dragons are, typically, Chaotic-Good. This puts them on the alignment scale for neither Bahamut or Tiamat who are Lawful-Good and Chaotic-Evil respectively.

So just imagine a few extra generations removed from direct lineage, possibly some crossbreeding and have Bahamut and Tia argue over custody.

If push comes to shove, I'd say Tia, though. She may be on the more evil end of things but she's still a Goddess of Creation.

The origin of Void Dragons like Alchemist will be explained here in another chapter or two. They're... Even weirder.
Bahamut is the patron god of all Good-aligned dragons, I think. Tiamat is, as you said, the goddess of Evil-aligned ones. I'd think the former would be closer to Jinx, given his (and her) lack of princess-eating proclivities.
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Yeah, afaik it's an axis of Good and Evil more generally speaking. Instead of being completely in-line with Bahamut or Tiamat. Like, I think Copper Dragons are also Chaotic Good.
It's Al hunting down the Joker as a Christmas gift to Gotham.
Edit: That or it's how he sets up a playdate between Jason Todd and Yuffie.
Seeing that, I want to ask, am I the only one who feel it's weird that a DC fanfic can go on for so long without the MC getting rid of the Joker ? It just happens so much that it's kinda surprising when it doesn't !
Seeing that, I want to ask, am I the only one who feel it's weird that a DC fanfic can go on for so long without the MC getting rid of the Joker ? It just happens so much that it's kinda surprising when it doesn't !
Back when he was spending most of his time in Gotham, he was too weak to reliably take on that bastard without getting killed horribly, and now that he's strong enough, he doesn't spend much time there. Out of sight, out of mind. Maybe some incident or another will come to his attention and he'll have to...intervene, but for now, he's busy with a lot of really time-consuming responsibilities. Plus, Batman would get upset if he took down his nemesis -- not that he would let that stop him, if it came down to it. It's the right thing to do, even if Batman doesn't want it to happen, for some reason.
It's Al hunting down the Joker as a Christmas gift to Gotham.
Edit: That or it's how he sets up a playdate between Jason Todd and Yuffie.
This is somewhat unrelated, but this comment caused me to think about what it would take to really put joker down, and I don't mean death, as he'd probably just claw his way out of hell.

And I realized that not even the gods would be able to stop him.

But Buddha might.

1. Kill the joker.
2. Shatter his soul into pieces.
3. Work with Buddha to fastrack these soul pieces through the reincarnation process.
4. And now onto the easy part! Make a magic spell that prevents destiny (narrative) from making another guy into the joker and make a second spell that blocks off jokers from other dimensions from entering yours.

Four quick and easy steps!
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This is somewhat unrelated, but this comment caused me to think about what it would take to really put joker down, and I don't mean death, as he'd probably just claw his way out of hell.

And I realized that not even the gods would be able to stop him.

But Buddha might.

1. Kill the joker.
2. Shatter his soul into pieces.
3. Work with Buddha to fastrack these soul pieces through the reincarnation process.
4. And now onto the easy part! Make a magic spell that prevents destiny (narrative) from making another guy into the joker and make a second spell that blocks off jokers from other dimensions from entering yours.

Four quick and easy steps!
Al currently has at least two ways to deal with him permanently without killing him.

1. Toad + Petrify.
2. Trap the Soul.

Between his Gamer Shop and his Instant Quests, as well as anything he can find in the DC universe, he has lots of other potential options, as well.
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Does Young Justice's setting do anything with Joker? Like, presumably the guy is pretty unpleasant, but you wouldn't want to go all-out on him just to find out that he was the Adam West version...
I don't know how. I don't know when. But, I will be stealing this.
I'd find it funny if he immediately got kicked out with a killer headache because the AI is built to stop foreign intelligences gaining control. Or it locks down and straight up refuses to function when it does something it didn't tell it to, or if it loses contact with the AI, or if the AI 'behaved suspiciously'. I wouldn't be surprised if as a favour, all of Batsies more important tech is enchanted to hell and back

Whatever happens, it won't be a simple and hopping in. It's an extension of the Batcomputer, and the only reason there are more powerful computers in DC is development time, versing the likes of Brainiac, something millions of years ahead of human tech. They are more powerful, but the Batcomputer is better
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If he somehow got his hands on an egg containing Priscilla the Halfbreed, he was going to be asking a lot of questions.
Topping the list: How? Why? What do you remember? Are you okay with technically being my familiar, your highness?
It did work to keep this ugly, tail-less animal spirit out. He'd caught it, a Raccoon spirit, taunting his familiar in English to try and trick her into following it out beyond his fence before it had been enchanted.

If it was the spirit he was thinking of, it had already gotten a taste for hunting dogs. And hunters.
I am unfamiliar with the myths and legends of Appalachia. What spirit is Alchemist thinking of?
"You... Don't know?" Jinx really didn't understand, how could she not know! "Vandal Savage, the immortal caveman? He was the first Metahuman!
Eh, it didn't really matter. It was long gone and long buried.

Dinah, in contrast, had completely frozen up. Her hand, which had been petting Cinder, was frozen on the dogs head.

So Alchemist told Jinx of Vandal Savage and his history in such a way that Jinx assumed it was common knowledge among supers.
Clearly it is not common knowledge.

J'onn, Wonder Woman, anyone who paid attention to his flippant mini-rants, and now Black Canary and Shazam. The number of people aware that Alchemist knows deep truths of the universe and impossible secrets grows.
Hmmm Yuffie getting trained/babysat by a Alchemist hired Deathstroke or TMNT Shredder?
Deathstroke nearly had a stroke from when Al started harassing him and his family with creepy haunted dolls, so I doubt anything like that would happen with him, and Shredder is 100% untrustworthy (not that Deathstroke has that category cornered, either).

Oroku Saki is Chaotic Evil in the worst way, and he'll betray you at the drop of a rat if he thinks he can get something from it. Holding a daughter hostage to get what he wants out of an extremely powerful wizard is exactly the kind of crap he wouldn't give a second thought about doing, if he felt he could escape the consequences.

Alchemist would never be that mind-blowingly dumb.

Plus, Al has Batman on call. Bats could either spend a bit of time training the incredibly powerful magical ninja to get himself firmly wedged into her personal social circle (not a bad idea), or he could suggest someone else who could (because he just doesn't have the time).
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Speaking of Deathstroke, Alchemist should approach Deathstroke as a Ghostbuster and offer Deathstroke exorcism services. The same way he fixed the vent fan for Shinra.