Prince Aladdin Quest (Disney Villains *Almost* Victorious)

Some send the propper notice to malificent, good on them we also should properly invite her to important stuff...

Also Grimhilde is racist, im not surprised since her ideal of beauty is snow white and she is vanity in person.
If that all works out, we can have Helga become our Primary Adventure Troubleshooter/Leader while we handle affairs of state (and maybe she and a certain Cat will get along with each other) giving her an important position of authority while helping us consistently work through the various opportunities that show up
Idk about that, we will be recruting indy too, and even he is young he still is indiana jhones.
also, is it a bad thing the most of the court likes our stuff? will we get more raiders, or actual legitimate trade from them seeing as most wouldn't want to attack someone under Davey Jone's rule?
Depends on who comes calling. Long John Silver, Maui, Drago, and Blackbeard are too far away. Hook might try something, but he's just a bit far, and somewhat weak. Sinbad likes us well enough, so between that and Jones favor of Aladdin he'll probably leave us alone. Might even pick up some trade. Nemo is busy with his latest grudge, but we're not the type he goes for when he attacks. Unfortunately we're not going to pick up any trade from him either.

Really, we're just lacking in ocean going trade, and that's probably going to remain a problem for a while. I was honestly thinking about hiring Sinbad's bunch to shop our stuff around, see who else is buying. I'm really not fond of the idea of working with the EITC for anything.
Intrigue: 5 (Vinny doesn't really do "subtle" well.)
Nonsense. If you blow everything and everyone up, nobody will ever know you were there. I mean, that giant crater could have been created by any number of causes.
No, he's the one that cheated death twice. First by tricking Thanatos into his own manacles and then literally locking him in a trunk, and then by instructing his wife to not bury him properly in order to get out to set his burial to rights. This is his third escape from the Underworld.

Edit: It would appear that I am incorrect and he was indeed in habit of viciously violating guest rights.
Yep, basically the overwhelming majority of the big-time gods hate his guts. Thanatos (for stuffing him in a box), Ares (for stuffing Thanatos in a box which resulted in nobody dying meaning war was much less fun), Zeus (for violating the expectations of a host etc), Hades (for boxing Thanatos and making his wife look like a fool) and finally Persephone (in conjunction with ensuring his wife not to bury him, he conned Persephone into letting him go back long enough to 'settle affairs/get buried properly'). Surprise, surprise he chose to stay alive after coming back.
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as for Helga and Vinny stats, even before they came up, we knew Vinny would have better martial if it came to explosives, the flying tuna was a surprise to me, and the slighty better learning too. Plus us needing a new Martial hero

I like Helga more right now for a generalist hero we can throw at any problem, plus that diplo/intrigue malus she can drop on people. Her loyalty was expected, but kind of annoying and probably will be over come by Aladdin being Aladdin
Remember Helga's a smart cookie, she'll see through an act like that. Assign her to support action on something big with Aladdin. Like maybe we take her and carpet out to meet with Viggo. Something important with the new boss

I don't really see it as an act and more a slowly escalating series of tasks in terms of importance? Intrigue is important, but we have our Advisor and Iago as our primary operators there so Helga would be in a supporting role, and then sending her out as Mission Lead on a low importance Adventure would be testing the waters on how she operates in a leadership position, and after that if everything goes well we'll have her lead more and more important missions until she's become the De Facto Adventure Coordinator.

We could just throw her into the deep end, but I'd rather give her time to adjust rather than dive right in.

also, is it a bad thing the most of the court likes our stuff? will we get more raiders, or actual legitimate trade from them seeing as most wouldn't want to attack someone under Davey Jone's rule?

Part of Jones's terms were that the Brethern would do their best not to raid our ships, so as long as we properly mark our ships and have decent lines of communication with our local Pirate Lords (seems to be just Sinbad and Nemo?) then we should be fine as long as we continue to pay our 500 Gold Bribe.

Idk about that, we will be recruting indy too, and even he is young he still is indiana jhones.

I feel as though Helga and Indy have somewhat different areas of focus. Indy feels more "Asset Retrieval" to me while Helga feels more "Lara Croft" if that means anything? There's overlap, but I'd sooner have Helga run Military Ops and send Indy to chase down McGuffins if you get what I mean?
I feel as though Helga and Indy have somewhat different areas of focus. Indy feels more "Asset Retrieval" to me while Helga feels more "Lara Croft" if that means anything? There's overlap, but I'd sooner have Helga run Military Ops and send Indy to chase down McGuffins if you get what I mean?
Lara crof is a extremely poor comparation since she and natan are basically indina derivation. But yes i understand she have talents on the military side.
I don't really see it as an act and more a slowly escalating series of tasks in terms of importance? Intrigue is important, but we have our Advisor and Iago as our primary operators there so Helga would be in a supporting role, and then sending her out as Mission Lead on a low importance Adventure would be testing the waters on how she operates in a leadership position, and after that if everything goes well we'll have her lead more and more important missions until she's become the De Facto Adventure Coordinator.

We could just throw her into the deep end, but I'd rather give her time to adjust rather than dive right in.

Part of Jones's terms were that the Brethern would do their best not to raid our ships, so as long as we properly mark our ships and have decent lines of communication with our local Pirate Lords (seems to be just Sinbad and Nemo?) then we should be fine as long as we continue to pay our 500 Gold Bribe.

I feel as though Helga and Indy have somewhat different areas of focus. Indy feels more "Asset Retrieval" to me while Helga feels more "Lara Croft" if that means anything? There's overlap, but I'd sooner have Helga run Military Ops and send Indy to chase down McGuffins if you get what I mean?

Helga would probably need to be the junior support for any of our missions seeing as they have to with magic items or something involving magic. I want to give her the magic sword just to see how she responds to magic so in your face

Personally I like Sinbad, he's more fun pirate than pillage everything pirate
Sinbad and Aladin are very similar, personality wise the difference was in the scale of their operations.
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I think our next goal should be to get the eastern satraps to make sure Lemuria doesn't get them, then focus on actions against Lemuria because they are right there and want to go through our stuff.
I think the big five are settling affairs in the Northern Satraps, sending presents to Maldonia and Hades, the Eastern Satraps, and the Agrabah embassy. Which should we tackle first?
Eastern Satraps has a time limit. Another power is explicitly trying to absorb them and they have mind control and they just got a good roll.

I'd at least try the diplomacy action to get them with a hero assigned.

Then the presents for diplomatic purposes and we don't want to be too late on them. Maldonia first.

So diplomacy this turn eastern satraps and one gift. Next turn the other gift and the embassy? Or recruiting some of the available heros we have now.

Going for stewardship extra action?

Something for Martial so we don't get a malus from the eastern satraps?

Intrigue on Lemuria and something else?

Not sure on learning. Lots of fun options there.

I don't think we can go for the second Occult yet? Not a big enough hero bonus we can assign?

I guess it depends on the recruitment actions as well.

Recruiting the brothers might be a martial action. Indy could be a learning one. Or they could all be diplomacy. Have to wait and see.
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Queen Grimehilde sent a series of potions and creams that were alleged to assist in the tightening of the skin, dealing with weight loss, and a few medicines as well. Many people raised their brows at the obvious dig that had been made towards Princess Tiana.
I've decided to believe that this wasn't a dig and that this is literally just what Grimhilde came up with when thinking about what she'd want to get her hands on as quickly as possible after giving birth.
There's always Bigger is Better, but the cost there is an extra 1000 gold and a dc of 90 instead of 70.


I don't know. If we do go for eastern then we will have to do this either before we take it and avoid the malus or we do it afterwards and take the malus till we do.

Feels like the cost of expanding territory.

The penalty for not having the military to cover the northern satraps was 1000 gold a turn.

1000 Gold Upkeep per turn to keep the territories occupied and defended until the Satraps become protectorates, and the army is expanded to cover the territory.


On second thought that was for the one we conquered instead of absorbed.

Yeah looking back on it I don't think we had a malus from taking the western satraps with diplomacy. So if we go that route we might be OK and use martial for something else.