Prince Aladdin Quest (Disney Villains *Almost* Victorious)

Got some new ideas for munitions and various weapons we could add to our army.

1. thundercrash bombs/frag bombs- One interesting invention the Chinese made we're an early model of a fragmentation bomb that had pieces of lay instead of metal inside it so when detonated it would release them as shrapnel. Pros- doesn't use a lot of steel and can be modified to be used with catapults or cannons and is great against infantry. Cons requires gunpowder and lacks penetrating power against heavily armored targets.
2. various anti boarding methods- some early anti boarding methods used ships were things like boarding nets to stop people from getting across quicker and greasing the floor of the ship so boarders have less grip on the floor.Pros- will slow down boarding parties and will give them a combat disadvantage.Cons-won't slow down magical stuff
3. Arrows fired through cannons(yes really). One type of munitions used by Korean ships were large darts fired through cannons.Pros- the bolts move very fast and are essentially armor piercing rounds and can penetrate granite in addition they can be set on fire to also add an incendiary effect. Cons we will have to train our operators on how to use this correctly.
It occurs to me that, in statting Moran, I inadvertently created the perfect anti-Shere Khan weapon. Moran rolls 60 martial when hunting tigers specifically in India.
Edit: correction, 70 martial. His customized air rifle grants him another 10.
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But how to get him there...

First we need to consolidate the local area. Pick up the rest of the Saltpans, reveal the Cultists and free the people from their hold, and perform the reforms necessary to properly govern, protect, and steward the areas. At some point we should marry Jasmine, but that isn't a situation to rush so let's just assume nothing horrific happens.

Then, we expand our foreign contacts. Ensure the freedom of our Chinese Friends, make nice with whomever the Emperor of China is (maybe actually give the Rebellion some support), and get to the point where we actually hear about what's going on in Europe. Our in with the Brethren Court should increase our effective trade power tremendously which should give us a foot in the door.

Then, help evacuate refugees from Europe and France especially. A lot of people there are turning to bad options due to a lack of options, so providing an out will benefit most everyone involved.

With that line of information, it'll be a matter of time for Moriarty to either accomplish his coup and become someone for us to get direct contact with, at which point we can negotiate a hit on a tiger, or contact us for support for his coup at which point we can leverage the situation for a contract killing and some additional goodies.

Otherwise we just wait and expand trade until it becomes easy enough for Moriarty to make moves on India, at which point either the obvious solution will happen or suddenly India has much worse problems.

Several of these steps can be progressed at the same time, but that's the general direction I'd go for to set up the hit.
A dragon will literally hatch next turn. Moriaty will need at minimum 5 more turns to even set his coup not mentioning the time he need to stabilize the country.

And that will be a Hatchling. Turns are two month durations iirc, so by my estimate we'll likely need at least 60 turns before the Dragon is large enough to be properly sized for Adventuring.

In comparison, I think Moriarty will make his move in much less than 10 years.

I'm pleasantly amused that you assume without question that Moriarty's coup will be successful. Granted, it is the Napoleon of Crime we're talking about here, but still.

Sherlock isn't anywhere close to focused on Europe right now, so as long as Moriarty has the opportunity and time to set up his infrastructure I trust in his ability to arrange for a few hundred gallons of holy water to flood the Holy See's Apartments in the middle of the night :V

Plus, Moriarty doesn't strictly need to win, he just needs to be in a position to let loose his Hatchet Man for a bit of work when we get around to making contact with him :V
Where did you get 10 years from? Dragon usually grow up very fast.
Depends on what you want really, this is a Alpha class dragon that gets to Kaiju sizes. They take their time getting to full size.

We do however have a close relative of Dragon kind already who'll be full grown fairly soon. The Sirrush, complete it's martial training and it'd be a helluva fighter.
Where did you get 10 years from? Dragon usually grow up very fast.
Probably from Zummi's thoughts that it takes centuries for this particular type of dragon to fully mature.
Aladdin took several steadying breaths. "Okay, so that's... that's a lot to process. But for it to be so big... that's gotta take a lot of time, wouldn't it?" Zummi nodded rapidly.

"Oh my yes. Probably centuries. I hope at least.
So it might actually be some time for the dragon to reach anything close to "adventuring" size.
Probably from Zummi's thoughts that it takes centuries for this particular type of dragon to fully mature.

So it might actually be some time for the dragon to reach anything close to "adventuring" size.
In fairness their Juvenile forms are considered a whole other bread of dragon so while it might not mature to full size, it's still a serviceable dragon sooner rather than later.
But considering that his full size is a small mountain. We don't need an adult since their juvenile form is already a medium to large dragon i don't think will take that long until he is good enough to take out a tiger.

Also dragons usually don't stay small cute and killable for long.
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In fairness their Juvenile forms are considered a whole other bread of dragon so while it might not mature to full size, it's still a serviceable dragon sooner rather than later.

But considering that his full size is a small mountain. We don't need an adult since their juvenile form is already a medium to large dragon i don't think will take that long until he is good enough to take out a tiger.

Also dragons usually don't stay small cute and killable for long.
When I say "adventuring" size, that is roughly a juvenile foreverwing, it's just that given the rough timescale it takes to mature (that is centuries) it's hard to say how long it will take to get to juvenile. Doesn't help that we don't know the nesting habits of said dragons: if they're meant to fend for themselves immediately, they'll grow quickly, but if a parent is expected to be keeping them safe and providing for them, then a few years as a hatchling/baby equivalent would be a mere drop in the bucket.
When I say "adventuring" size, that is roughly a juvenile foreverwing, it's just that given the rough timescale it takes to mature (that is centuries) it's hard to say how long it will take to get to juvenile. Doesn't help that we don't know the nesting habits of said dragons: if they're meant to fend for themselves immediately, they'll grow quickly, but if a parent is expected to be keeping them safe and providing for them, then a few years as a hatchling/baby equivalent would be a mere drop in the bucket.
In the end we don't really have a gauge for dragon lifespaw, expecially since its a magical creature. But asuming 10 years seems too much due the quest format.
Where did you get 10 years from? Dragon usually grow up very fast.

I believe we both approach Dragon Lore from different perspectives.

I am entrenched deep into D&D Tabletop related Dragon Lore, and in that case it can take as long as 16 years for some species of Dragon to become Adult Human sized, with the fastest growing Dragons only getting to Horse/Tiger size after at least 6 years of growth.

With your stated intent of having our new born dragon kill a Faction Leader Tiger, ideally said dragon will be at least the same size and preferably at least an order of magnitude larger.

By my estimates, just out of gut feeling and scaling what Lore I'm aware of and the end size, it'll probably be about 10 years for the dragon to grow to "casual horse eater" size, which is what we need for what you want.

In terms of Adventuring, either the dragon will be Sapient and therefore we'll want to properly raise them and give them a childhood or the dragon will be a- non-sapient? Can't exactly call them an animal as a method to discount their personhood with this setting- and need to grow and be trained to be enough to be a mount for Adventuring Transport or to kill the Faction Leader Tiger.

So basically unless we do some blood rituals or Time Magic, I don't expect our baby dragon to be an intentionally and directable lethal threat for quite some time ICly.

Our primary benefits are long term strategic and logistical, not immediate tactical, and I expect the time scale to match.
Very long term. That this dragon turned out to be a Foreverwing was less then exciting to me. No offense to the GM, but it reaching adulthood seems to be very far outside the scope of this quest. Plus I worry about feeding the thing, or setting up its habitat. Those are going to be expensive, I'm not sure our economy can support it as it grows. I'm not sure we have enough territory for it. Plus in a world like this, with an abundance of dragon trainers and dragom hunters, having one isn't as much of an 'I Win' button.

I do like the potential challenge it provides if it is a huge resource hog, since it means we'll have to be on the lookout for opportunities to expand and treasures to plunder. We want to keep it, we'll have to earn it.
Our primary benefits are long term strategic and logistical, not immediate tactical, and I expect the time scale to match.

To expand on this.

Let's assume that we properly raise a Sapient Dragon as a loving parental figure such that they find Abwabwa to be their Home and seek only a happy life of peace and prosperity. Let's also assume that this dragon has a life span measured in the thousands of years if not biological immortality.

From an Heir point of view, we now have one of the best possible Regents to maintain our country in times of crisis and disrupted lines of inheritance. A tremendously personally powerful immortal who cares about the place they're holding stewardship over? That means no coups that aren't "Dragon Slaying" in quality which would have succeeded against a much more mortal regency, a Regent who has spent decades to centuries learning the art of Stewardship and who truly cares about the country and not their own personal ambitions, and a foreign policy which can be happily described as "Don't make the Dragon come over there."

Militarily, once grown any Invasion will need to factor in "has a Defensive Dragon" as well as "Need Anti-Dragon Defenses to Maintain Supply Lines", which at worst forces them to spend resources on specific anti-Dragon options.

Magically, willingly given Dragon blood/scales/teeth/fire is likely a potent reagent, which will have all sorts of benefits.

Economically, ignoring the martial pressure of "We have a Dragon, don't make us Mad or we might use the Dragon", we have reliable internal flight with a capacity of however much the dragon can carry, which also applies to military repositioning.

Diplomatically, a Dragon is a tremendous stick, and the sheer prestige of having a Dragon in our household or of flying on a Dragon to our destination is a huge flex against our diplomatic participants.

And for Magical Diplomacy, if we had a War Trained Dragon before the Jones meeting, you bet your butt he'd approach us with a much less hostile initial attitude. The Force Projection of a Gargantuan+ Sized Dragon cannot really be understated within this general sort of setting. Even a Huge Sized Dragon would have made him at least wary of what we might be able to sneak by into making his life difficult.

In essence, an educated, trained, House Sized Dragon upgrades us from being a notable uprising power in the Middle East to being someone that people on the tier of Jones have to at least acknowledge the potential trouble we could cause them.

I wouldn't say we'd be a Peer to Jones, but we'd be someone that he couldn't sail into port and dictate terms to, not without making it a Focus of his attention at least, which would force him to take losses elsewhere.

Now combine that altogether with the timescale of a few hundred years from now?

The world is still much bigger than us, but I wouldn't be surprised if we had enough territory to be considered for a proper Empire title if we maintain a Heroic Heir or three over the immediate generations.

Of course, I'm completely ignoring the powerhouse that is Agrabah, Jasmine, and the Sultan, so we might end up creating the UN-But-Effective for all I know with our baby Dragon being effectively a slice of life foot note in our ascendancy to World Police :V
I am entrenched deep into D&D Tabletop related Dragon Lore,
It's a HTTYD Dragon, I don't think we know for sure their growth rates (or atleast the Alpha class groth rates, the closest I know of is from the book series and that's an entirely different universe than the more popular movie/shows/games)
Very long term. That this dragon turned out to be a Foreverwing was less then exciting to me. No offense to the GM, but it reaching adulthood seems to be very far outside the scope of this quest. Plus I worry about feeding the thing, or setting up its habitat. Those are going to be expensive, I'm not sure our economy can support it as it grows. I'm not sure we have enough territory for it. Plus in a world like this, with an abundance of dragon trainers and dragom hunters, having one isn't as much of an 'I Win' button.

I do like the potential challenge it provides if it is a huge resource hog, since it means we'll have to be on the lookout for opportunities to expand and treasures to plunder. We want to keep it, we'll have to earn it.
To be fair to the Foreverwing, they become basically an entire normal dragon while not fully grown so it's still usable much like a normal dragon. Just you know, one that will eventually get even stronger. And food isn't that big of a concern most of the time, Foreverwings produce sedatives that cause them to sleep long enough that entire villages can spring up on their backs. Unlike Red/Green Deaths or Bewilderbeast which seem to be active all the time Foreverwings hibernate for periods of time measured in years if not decades.