Prince Aladdin Quest (Disney Villains *Almost* Victorious)

Can we do a Royal Visit with a Present as an Adventure @TempestK ?
Honestly it'd be more likely to be an interlude than an adventure. But I can see that as being an option.
Are those oaths actually binding? Because I don't think the Disney Hercules setting have such oaths that can bind the gods, Hades was certainly able to pull a coup on Zeus, and try to murder Zeus son, despite presumably having sworn oaths of fealty to Zeus.
Yes actually. Sworn on the Styx even.
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Yes actually. Sworn on the Styx even.
And how secure is that? As far as I know, gods can break oaths sworn on the Styx, it just carry consequences.

According to a quick googling, all breaking an oath sworn on the Styx does, is cause the god to be forbidden from eating ambrosia and drink nectar for a year, and cause them to be banished from Olympus for 10 years, considering what Hades did, that don't seem the kind of consequences, that most of the Greek gods would consider too high a price for revenge.
Honestly it'd be more likely to be an interlude than an adventure. But I can see that as being an option.

So a personal action in either case.

Now, let's say we go for a three layer gift because we're late on said gift giving.

The first would be a supply of spices, coffee, etc etc, maybe some of that medical enhancing herb with dosage instructions in case of emergencies?

Second layer, something practical for the child? Can we use an Occult action to Make something or is that outside of our Advisor's wheelhouse?

The capstone would need to be something personal, but I can't think of what exactly without knowing more about the people involved.

What do we know about Maldonia? Princess and the Frog is the originating movie, but what about the Kingdom itself and its rulers?
I just needa layer one of my Omakes to provide us an actual Adventure or Action now. All my stuff is happening way across from our purview - dangit! ... minus the Gaston stuff, but I don't wanna push too hard for that.

Anyone know since when the last Alice and/or Gaston Omake took place? Turnwise that is.
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Hades was certainly able to pull a coup on Zeus, and try to murder Zeus son, despite presumably having sworn oaths of fealty to Zeus.
Here's a question though, does Disney's Zeus seem like the kind of guy that'd have his siblings swear oaths of fealty to him? The impression I got of him, he seemed more likely to think something along the lines of "We just fought side by side to cast down the titans! Why should I need oaths after something like that?"
So a personal action in either case.
To personally accompany the gift? Yes.
Second layer, something practical for the child? Can we use an Occult action to Make something or is that outside of our Advisor's wheelhouse?
Leah's skills in shaping living wood and grass have grown substantially; so yes she could shape something.
The capstone would need to be something personal, but I can't think of what exactly without knowing more about the people involved.

What do we know about Maldonia? Princess and the Frog is the originating movie, but what about the Kingdom itself and its rulers?
Maldonia has basically replaced Morocco, as a kingdom they rely on their position at the entrance to the Atlantic to allow for stops for trade goods. The EITC owns some warehouses there, but the king has made it very clear that he knows how Beckett operates and that if he pulls any funny shit, they'll get the boot. Including people suddenly and inexplicably deciding to join the EITC crews without telling anyone.
Anyone know since when the last Alice and/or Gaston Omake took place? Turnwise that is.
The Psychology of a Huntsman would have been likely right before the Huntsmen reached Ababwa. So not only are Gaston and Clayton dealing with Gaston's issues, but there's also their unease about how Selous viewed their actions and the Club as a whole.
Maldonia has basically replaced Morocco, as a kingdom they rely on their position at the entrance to the Atlantic to allow for stops for trade goods. The EITC owns some warehouses there, but the king has made it very clear that he knows how Beckett operates and that if he pulls any funny shit, they'll get the boot. Including people suddenly and inexplicably deciding to join the EITC crews without telling anyone.
Yeah. Maldonia's from relatively far forward in the timeline; to them, a version of the East India Company is part of their history.

It's kind of unclear whether in their own canon Maldonia is a European nation or not, but if they're not, European traders trying to get all up in their grill probably isn't a new experience. And the EITC, who are operating without an actual European power backing up their muscle beyond what they already have, would be almost relaxing. Easily told to fuck off, compared to what they'd usually be dealing with.

I mean... they might actually have some modern-ish weaponry, now that I think about it. It's set in the 1920s. Realistically a minor nation of that time period would probably be armed with WWI surplus or something, but even if we deliberately age-down their tech base, they'd be likely to have late nineteeth century weapons from foreign purchase, stuff that the EITC would have a very hard time fighting its way through if they decide to force the matter. On the other hand, a minor 1920s nation might well not have domestic arms production commensurate with what it has from foreign purchase.

Have you got a position on this staked out, @TempestK ? It probably wouldn't make a lot of sense for Maldonia to be one of the great powers of the new setting due to having a ridiculous arsenal of firepower, but the ability to defend themselves effectively against attackers and hold a strategic position that isn't easily taken away from them due to being one of the factions with qualitatively good weapons would kind of make sense...?
To personally accompany the gift? Yes.

Ah, so the entire gift giving situation would be a Diplomacy Action but we can also spend a Personal Action to accompany it? That makes sense.

Leah's skills in shaping living wood and grass have grown substantially; so yes she could shape something.

Oh, that sounds great! How does she feel about either an expandable cradle (starts at newborn size, additional parts added like an Ikea Furniture piece can increase the size until let's say age 8?) or a growing cradle (starts at newborn size, magically grows alongside child until it become an entire bedframe sized to an adult?)? Maybe a plant fiber blanket and full sheets along side it?

Maldonia has basically replaced Morocco, as a kingdom they rely on their position at the entrance to the Atlantic to allow for stops for trade goods. The EITC owns some warehouses there, but the king has made it very clear that he knows how Beckett operates and that if he pulls any funny shit, they'll get the boot. Including people suddenly and inexplicably deciding to join the EITC crews without telling anyone.

Do they have an arrangement with Jones already? Offering to act as an initial intermediary with the Brethern Court would be a very useful for them if they haven't already...
The Tenacity of Life (Canon)
The Tenacity of Life

"η ανεξέταστη ζωή δεν αξίζει να τη ζεις." Henry Jones, Jr. read to himself aloud while walking the paths of the Menagerie. "The unexamined life is not worth living." Closing his Greek translation of Plato's Apology, he looked at one of the enclosures, this one containing a handful of what appeared to be purple peacocks. "I wonder what conclusions you would come to if you could examine your own lives?"

Now that he'd had a few weeks to slow down and consider his own, he wasn't sure he liked the conclusions to which he'd arrived. His thoughts went back to his father, someone he hadn't considered for over a year at this point. The last he had seen him, back in New Mexico, he had promised to come back on Sunday. He'd left on a Friday, gotten caught up in Pancho Villa's revolution in Mexico, and before he knew it, he'd left for Europe with his new friend Remy Badouin and found himself enlisted in the Belgian Army.

"Dad must think I'm dead," he muttered. "Assuming he's still alive, that is." Was Dad still alive? Henry had to admit, the odds were pretty long. At times it seemed as though whoever had stitched together this patchwork world had rolled dice to see who would go and who would stay.

The weight of what he had done - what he had lost - was starting to catch up with him. He'd been running for two years at this point, preoccupied more with survival than with introspection, a careful consideration of his wins and losses. Von Lettow had encouraged that mindset; Henry had heard the man's 'two duties of a soldier' speech more often than he'd like to admit. And while it was good advice for a soldier, Henry hadn't been one of those since leaving his friends in Maldonia and traveling - first with the McCanns, and then with Ned joining their merry little band.

Still. Pancho Villa? Charles de Gaulle? Mata Hari? All gone. Even Frederick Selous had vanished after the storm in Africa. Was the old man even alive? Or was he yet another victim of this damned new world-

"-and that's when I found out that they are, technically, a kind of fruit."

Henry's ears perked up at the sound of an English speaker. Here, in Ababwa, those were vanishingly rare. Why, apart from Ned and the McCanns, the only one he had met was Chiron! How a centaur learned English was beyond Henry.

Following the sounds of English, Henry turned the corner to see two old men chatting outside of one of the buildings of the Menagerie - the building that, if his Arabic wasn't failing him, was the home of the Sirrush.

"Tomatoes are a lovely fruit indeed, but the wise man knows not to include them in a fruit salad." The older man laughed at his own joke; clapping the man Henry knew to be the manager of the Menagerie on the back, he continued "I shall see you again, Frosting. Thank you for a lovely conversation."

"You as well, Frederick. Until next time!" The old man turned around, and Henry felt his heart stop.

For standing right in front of him, looking younger than he had when Henry last saw him eighteen months prior, was Frederick Selous!

Selous, for his part, had cocked his head in curiosity upon seeing Henry, and he could almost see the cogs turning in the older man's eyes as his mind told him about the impossible vision before him. Less than ten seconds passed before he lit up in recognition.


"Mr. Selous?"

Selous let out a loud cry of joyous laughter. "It is you!" Selous started trotting forwards, and Henry felt his own feet involuntarily pull him towards Selous. As they drew close, Henry extended his hand out for a shake, but the older man instead pulled him in for a hug that threatened to crack his spine.

"I thought you were dead, my boy!" Selous's voice was muffled as he grasped at Henry like he would disappear if he let him go.

Henry, for his part, was oscillating between grief and joy. Selous was a friend of his father's, and a reminder of all that he had lost, but conversely, he had found his old friend just when he had come to the conclusion that he had to be gone. He settled with a simple "No, I made it."

Finally breaking the hug, Selous placed both hands on Henry's shoulders and looked him over. "You look as though you've done well for yourself! Henry Jones Jr., all grown up." His eyes grew misty. "Your father would be so proud of you if he could see you now."

Henry swallowed the lump that threatened to arise in his throat. "I certainly hope so."

Sensing the incipient grief, Selous wisely opted for a change of subject. "Well, you'll have to tell me all about how you got here! The last time I saw you, you were drifting away in a basket with your Belgian friend and Von Lettow!"

His mind flashing back to all that he had done in the past eighteen months, Henry's only response was "Sir, we should find a place to sit, maybe get some coffee. A lot has happened since we last saw each other…"


Selous sat, stunned, the cup of coffee in his hands having long since gone cold. To think that the boy had ended up coming here with the General? Well, Baudoin too, but to think that he had befriended Von Lettow during their escape from Africa? Henry's tales of hijacking EITC ships, of meeting Sinbad the Sailor, of rescuing a lost detachment of the French Foreign Legion from leopard-man hybrids (a vicious combination if Selous had ever heard of one), and his various adventures across North Africa would have been almost too much to believe, had he not experienced his own travels with the Huntsman's Club and traveling the length of India.

"So…these 'McCann' brothers were part of the Foreign Legion?" he asked for clarification. Henry nodded. "And you decided to travel with them after arriving in Maldonia."

"Yes, we didn't want to stay there when there was so much to see in this direction." The lad grinned. "I can't say I regret it, either, not with having found Ned and then getting into the university here."

Selous shook his head. "I still can't believe you ran into your friend in the middle of the desert. The odds of that happening are…"

"Almost impossible, I know." Henry grinned. "Don't you know the world has become a place of impossible things?"

He chuckled; the lad had a point. "So what are your plans now?"

Henry looked pensive for a second. "You know what? I think I'll make it up as I go along."

Selous laughed. "Here you go, throwing my own words back into my face."

Henry smiled broadly, "What can I say? It was good advice. Got me out of more than a few scrapes since we parted." Sobering, he continued, "As I mentioned earlier, I was accepted to the university here and signed up for their linguistics course. I know a lot of languages, but this will help me refine my translation skills and my knowledge of language in general." He shrugged. "I was hoping for an archeology course of study, but Headmaster Chiron hadn't even heard of it, let alone provide a course for it."

Selous nodded in response. "He's a wise being, Chiron, but he'll be the first to tell you that he doesn't know everything."

A quiet fell over the two of them, but it was a comfortable silence. Selous found himself impressed by Henry; he had grown into quite the capable young man since they last met. The fact that much of that growth was due to Von Lettow was a testimony to his old rival.

Taking a sip of his cold coffee, grimacing slightly at the taste, he leaned forward. "Now, what's this I hear about you accidentally helping plan the Prince's expedition to Greece?"

Henry blushed. "Well, it started with my entrance exam. Someone mixed up the papers, and I got the proposal, but thought it was part of the test. So I…"


Story told, Selous couldn't help but laugh. "Hahaha! That reminds me of an incident that happened…must have been just a few years after you were born. I asked your father to review a book that I wrote. I didn't hear back for an entire year, and when I did get the manuscript back with his edits, it was accompanied by a note that read "thank you for the inspiration." It turned out that somehow the section on lions inspired him to go write a book on Richard the Lionheart. Published his own just six months after mine."

"Hmm, I think I remember that vaguely. Dad locked himself into his study for three months while he was doing research for it." Yet another incident where his father had put his scholarship ahead of his family. Selous must have caught the bitterness in Henry's tone, because he frowned.

"You didn't get along with your father?"

Henry scoffed. "What was there to get along with? Between his research, writing, and lectures, I rarely saw the man."

Selous's keen eyes bored into Henry's own. "You should know, Henry, that Professor Jones thought the world of you. When you were born, he sent telegrams to all of his friends and associates celebrating your entrance to the world." He sighed. "And when your mother died, he was devastated. He might not have shown it well, but he loved her - and you - dearly. I can't say it surprises me that he retreated into his scholarship after her passing. It in no way justifies neglecting you, but it does explain things somewhat."

Henry's jaw clenched. He couldn't deny that Selous had a point. Several points, in fact. But it didn't change the bitterness he felt over it. Perhaps that was why he hadn't fretted overmuch about leaving back in 1916? Because from Henry's perspective, his father had abandoned him long before then.

Sensing Henry's mixed feelings, Selous clapped him on the shoulder. "But enough about the world that was. Best to focus on what's right before us." Casting about for a new topic, after a few moments' thought he came up with something. "Say, I haven't told you how I was rescued, have I?"

Henry shook his head. Selous grinned, but this time it was less joyful and more…toothy. "Let me tell you the tale about the Elite Global Huntsmen's Club, and how I got myself exiled to the toe of India after assaulting one of their 'vaunted' members…"


By the end of that story, Henry was pale - from shock or indignation, Selous wasn't quite sure.

His next words cleared it up. "Those poachers left you to be devoured by a tiger?!?"

"Not just any tiger," Selous clarified. "The most powerful, cunning, and vicious man-eater in the Indian subcontinent. The locals called him Shere Khan, and somehow it was smart enough to get the local predators organized. I did what I could to help, but in the face of hordes of jackals that plan, that use tactics, there's only so much that can be accomplished."

Henry shook his head in amazement. "That's alternately incredible and terrifying. So where is this 'Club' now?"

"You'll never believe it, but they were here, and left just before I arrived. Imagine my shock to come here and learn from Prince Aladdin that they were seen as heroes." Selous spat on the ground as though the word left him physically repulsed.

Henry's eyes were wide. "How did they manage that?"

Slowly, as though the words pained him, Selous ground out, "by killing a dragon that was threatening their ally Xiang-Wu. The Frenchman, Gaston, he got the final blow - fired his rifle up into its mouth through the soft palate and into the brain. Then they rescued the man who had been the dragon's prisoner and brought back most of the treasure for Ababwa."

Henry blinked. "That sounds pretty heroic."

"It was legitimately heroic, and that's part of what aggravates me!" At Henry's disappointed expression, Selous clarified "I'm glad they were able to rescue Jose. He's a good man and didn't deserve to end up as dragon food. But remember, this was the group with members who bragged about wiping out endangered species, who even upon their first contact slaughtered untold numbers of wildlife in the forests here. One display of skill and heroism does not compensate for all of their other evils."

"No, but it does put things into a sort of perspective." Selous looked appalled; Henry hastily amended his statement. "Not that it makes it right! But…well, I spent almost a year traveling with the man you assigned me to kidnap. You saw the propaganda, same as I; you'd be hard-pressed to have not thought that the Germans spent their time roasting infants on a spit. But after watching each other's backs, across the savannah, stealing a ship, fighting battles together…you get to know a man pretty well. And honestly? Von Lettow is a ruthless man; he's cunning, analytical, and knows his enemies better than they know themselves. But he's also a decent, brave, and wise man. He taught me more in the time we spent together than my teachers did in over a decade of schooling." He paused. "So maybe…maybe there's more to them than what you saw? Or at least not all of the club is like that McLeach fellow you mentioned."

Henry: 1d100+12+5 (knows Selous): 34!
Selous: 1d100+12+5 (knows Henry): 97!
Henry reroll (Voice of Experience): 1d100+12+5+5 (Von Lettow story): 85!
Result: Selous bare victory!

Selous was silent for some time. When he did speak, it was with the tone of a man who was deep in thought. "Shortly after I arrived in Ababwa, I had the pleasure of speaking with Miss Leah, one of the Prince's aides. She told me about a woman and a child who were aboard the airship, a 'Lady Waltham' and a girl by the name of 'Alice'. I never met them while I was on-board. I can't say you're right, but…I can't say you are completely wrong either." He paused to pour out some more coffee into his now-empty cup, and took a sip of the steaming liquid. "I'll have to think about it. You've certainly given me food for thought, Henry."

The younger man grinned. "That's all I can ask for." He shook his head. "But wow! I've said it before, and I'll say it again. It is really good to see you again. I never thought I'd see another familiar face."

Selous chuckled fondly. "Same here, son. Same here."

Henry Jones, Jr. and Frederick Selous have been reunited! Both men's morale has gone up significantly as a result!

Frederick has promised to give Henry a recommendation to the Prince as an adjutant to the University to allow him to exercise his wanderlust in the name of advancing his studies and earning credits. "Hire Henry "Indiana" Jones Jr." action unlocked!

A/N: Thanks to @TempestK for reviewing this for me, and for writing the results of the meeting. Also, for those language pendantics out there, I'm aware that the Greek used is Modern, not ancient, and done via Google Translate since I don't read Greek at all. Anyway, I hope you all like the omake!
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It's kind of unclear whether in their own canon Maldonia is a European nation or not, but if they're not, European traders trying to get all up in their grill probably isn't a new experience. And the EITC, who are operating without an actual European power backing up their muscle beyond what they already have, would be almost relaxing. Easily told to fuck off, compared to what they'd usually be dealing with.
Given that Naveen spoke fluent French, I think it's safe to say that they were host to a French colony at some point, even if the royal family remained in power.
Have you got a position on this staked out, @TempestK ? It probably wouldn't make a lot of sense for Maldonia to be one of the great powers of the new setting due to having a ridiculous arsenal of firepower, but the ability to defend themselves effectively against attackers and hold a strategic position that isn't easily taken away from them due to being one of the factions with qualitatively good weapons would kind of make sense...?
Yeah, that was basically my thought as well. Plus Maldonia isn't expansionist. They're doing all they can to preserve quality of life for their citizens, and they'll defend themselves, but they're not about to start throwing resources into a grist mill for more land.
Oh, that sounds great! How does she feel about either an expandable cradle (starts at newborn size, additional parts added like an Ikea Furniture piece can increase the size until let's say age 8?) or a growing cradle (starts at newborn size, magically grows alongside child until it become an entire bedframe sized to an adult?)? Maybe a plant fiber blanket and full sheets along side it?
The expandable cradle is more likely to be implemented, Leah's not up to enchanting items with lasting enchantments that actually change a shape. Though she can imbue things like senses of calming and comfort into the wood. Probably also some runic work to protect against nightmares and evil influences.
Do they have an arrangement with Jones already? Offering to act as an initial intermediary with the Brethren Court would be a very useful for them if they haven't already...
They currently have something of an unofficial relationship with Jones, due to their friendship with Sinbad. None of the Pirate Lords are willing to test how far he might go if one of them tried to go after Maldonia, and as they give port to the pirates Jones is content to leave that as tribute. He also doesn't seem to like being near Maldonia. He always looks like he's squinting at a bright light the few times he's been there; and he's never attempted to command a meeting with any member of the royal family like he did with Aladdin.
Given that Naveen spoke fluent French, I think it's safe to say that they were host to a French colony at some point, even if the royal family remained in power.
That sounds reasonable. It'd be interesting to try to work out how that fits together and what the Maldonians might have on hand, based on the idea that they were a French colony, but very much "were."

Do you have any thoughts on this matter? On where in the world they were located? Possibly on the site of OTL Morocco in their own world, for all I know?

I'm sort of interested to try to work out what the country's situation might be, now, potentially as an omake.

They currently have something of an unofficial relationship with Jones, due to their friendship with Sinbad. None of the Pirate Lords are willing to test how far he might go if one of them tried to go after Maldonia, and as they give port to the pirates Jones is content to leave that as tribute. He also doesn't seem to like being near Maldonia. He always looks like he's squinting at a bright light the few times he's been there; and he's never attempted to command a meeting with any member of the royal family like he did with Aladdin.
Huh. Interesting.
As far as weapons go, the Maldonian army recently had an influx of recruits from the French Foreign Legion from circa 1915, and a former EITC 16-gun brig. The latter is captained by Von Lettow. The legion also came with a 75-mm artillery piece and 16 rounds of ammunition.
As far as weapons go, the Maldonian army recently had an influx of recruits from the French Foreign Legion from circa 1915, and a former EITC 16-gun brig. The latter is captained by Von Lettow. The legion also came with a 75-mm artillery piece and 16 rounds of ammunition.
Yeah, but if I'm right, that might not actually be such a huge step up for the Maldonian Army. Need some time to think about this, and maybe some information from Tempest.
That sounds reasonable. It'd be interesting to try to work out how that fits together and what the Maldonians might have on hand, based on the idea that they were a French colony, but very much "were."
They have a small Navy that mainly consists of patrol boats and a cutter or two. They have cavalry and WW1 era artillery as well as WW1 surplus American weapons that were brought in and distributed to aid in the local chapter of the Underground, as well as smuggling weapons into France for the French Resistance.
Do you have any thoughts on this matter? On where in the world they were located? Possibly on the site of OTL Morocco in their own world, for all I know?
Going off the DVV map, Maldonia has indeed replaced OTL Morocco.
Great to see this continuing, take 8 XP!
A very interesting twist for Hans' situation. Take 8 XP
The Tenacity of Life​
A soul-aching reunion between mentor and mentee. Take 8 XP as well.
They have a small Navy that mainly consists of patrol boats and a cutter or two. They have cavalry and WW1 era artillery as well as WW1 surplus American weapons that were brought in and distributed to aid in the local chapter of the Underground, as well as smuggling weapons into France for the French Resistance.
...Underground? French Resistance? Aren't those things from World War Two?

Going off the DVV map, Maldonia has indeed replaced OTL Morocco.
Right; I was mostly just wondering if Maldonia started on the site of OTL Morocco. For all I know, it's not a foregone conclusion that everyone on this wacky blender of an Earth is in the same location they remember being in on their native Earth.
A very interesting twist for Hans' situation. Take 8 XP
For anyone curious, because I certainly found it funny... that opposed social was rolled by Tempest, who was very upset at having rolled a 98... until they learned it was for Elsa and not Hans.

I love how the rolls have forced me into directing Hans into a less manipulative tone because Elsa has been rolling insanely well in terms of social.
...Underground? French Resistance? Aren't those things from World War Two?
... in my defense I got like four hours of sleep before my stoned roommates woke me up. But yeah, you're right. So disregard that and just focus on them having WW1 surplus.
Right; I was mostly just wondering if Maldonia started on the site of OTL Morocco. For all I know, it's not a foregone conclusion that everyone on this wacky blender of an Earth is in the same location they remember being in on their native Earth.
Yes it did. I apologize that I'm not being clearer.
The expandable cradle is more likely to be implemented, Leah's not up to enchanting items with lasting enchantments that actually change a shape. Though she can imbue things like senses of calming and comfort into the wood. Probably also some runic work to protect against nightmares and evil influences

Excellent! That should work out great!

They currently have something of an unofficial relationship with Jones, due to their friendship with Sinbad. None of the Pirate Lords are willing to test how far he might go if one of them tried to go after Maldonia, and as they give port to the pirates Jones is content to leave that as tribute. He also doesn't seem to like being near Maldonia. He always looks like he's squinting at a bright light the few times he's been there; and he's never attempted to command a meeting with any member of the royal family like he did with Aladdin.

Great for them! I'm glad to hear that one of the good guys are doing unambiguously well in all of this!
... in my defense I got like four hours of sleep before my stoned roommates woke me up. But yeah, you're right. So disregard that and just focus on them having WW1 surplus.
Yeah. I think I'm going to do a riff (pun unintended) off OTL 1920 Morocco with some slight variations, actually.

In which case, when I write it... Well, I'm going to intentionally justify nerfing things a bit so we don't end up with "Maldonia OP," but they're likely to be quite tough customers man-to-man. Very weak in artillery and naval assets, though.