Hmm, Khemtri have all their clay back that belonged to them in Africa, Vortuga still have some. Vortuga (the punching bag of syffron) are fighting Hes a bit. Hes are kicking ass in Europe against federation.
We don't want to deal with the federation population.

The Nex Hex have a port in Hung, that we don't like, and are opposed by the ccp, who we do like, and opposed by the Hes.

Assuming the above is true;

If we can give hes a fair bit of the federation lands, or support their claim, they get empowered by people and industry (but have to deal with the fanatics so they don't flood out and get everyone against them ), we might be able to get them to drop any Cb for the lands Khemtri took from them, and have them postively inclined towards us for our despite them being obnoxious about needing to boost their prestige.

Does that sound doable? If we can get the Hes on our side, or at least more focused on new Hex than Khemtri/glymryn then that puts pressure on the people who just made a deal with the nohon.

And it would appeal to then slightly as a potential long term in to Hung diplomance.

Hmm, one thing, was there a war between hes and glymyrn? I can think of one.

Oh yeah. How much are the Sketch doing in this?
I knew you figured out vaccinations for smallpox IIRC, I didn't recall cholera.

Cholera, typhoid, polio. All feco-orally transmitted.
And your Pollution is going up, with human waste getting into the water supply.
Bad things a gwan.
Based on how we spread the knowledge I think it's very likely to be integrated into regional religious practice by now that pooping where people drink is taboo and boiling water before consumption is encouraged.
Okay, looking at that plan, you have definitely finished off Cheap Iron.

Breechloading Cannon has been unlocked for research.
Kickass. Going to want those ASAP, before Ironclads even. Breechloading cannons should let our fixed emplacements at least hold their ports.

>Implying there will only be one shiny

I am pretty sure AN stated other tech newly available such as improved war doctrine and the such.

Not to mention we still require 8 more reamament projects right now. Let our Industrial base catch up first.
Most war doctrines are probably not going to be quite as impactful.
You think the Hespranxer already had some degree of Officer Academy/General Staff thing going on, they are just going in a different direction from you. The SKF inherited a large chunk of the Hesp army and their NCOs were very well trained and could instil significant elan and instruction in the new recruits, but the Hesp officers managed to regenerate their own cadre with somewhat alarming speed.
So they took Training route in their doctrines, which led to inspiring and advanced training methods to train high quality troops very quickly.
In comparison the People have very aggressive and independent officers but there is a steeper learning curve since the rank and file will tend to react with straightforward, linear aggression if denied command. There are obvious comparative strengths and advantages: the People are very good at churning out masses of adequately trained troops lead by aggressive and independent officers, while the Hesp and those following their thinking are very, very good at producing well trained troops at all levels.
Meanwhile we got orks led by eldar. Except in our case if you kill the bosses they go berserk and try to kill you harder
The default of aggression is quite useful given how often we fight far from command. In most battles the party taking action is more likely to win than the one reacting after all.

Its just expensive in manpower, but that is one thing we have vastly more of than anyone we engage with, short of the Hung.
Did the Sketch pull their weight for once? If not maybe we can get them ostracised by continental Syffryn.
Dude, when they burned down the regional economy with them they didn't get ostracized. This war won't do more than slap a little mud on them.
Perfectly normal behavior, out there. Why is everyone staring?
Because his branches came from the elusive North Eastern Black Pine. Rumours of him having felled the tree to get the branch were met with violent branch related reprisal on the field of honor.

To this day it hangs in his office, bearing the scars of combat proudly.
How would those enhance our navy? Would it put the Nohon at a serious disadvantage even without ironclads?
In the Second War of Schleswig-Holstein, Denmark had the only ironclad in Europe and perhaps the strongest Baltic fleet and still had to draw the fleet away from the range of the Prussian artillery or risk the ironclad KDM Rolf Krake's untimely destruction.
How would those enhance our navy? Would it put the Nohon at a serious disadvantage even without ironclads?

Breachloading cannons don't need to be rolled back to reload them, unlike muzzleloaders, meaning you can build them in much bigger calibers (can be heavier, and not going to kill the crew via recoil of the cannon. Newton's third law is a bitch.).
Breachloading cannons don't need to be rolled back to reload them, unlike muzzleloaders, meaning you can build them in much bigger calibers (can be heavier, and not going to kill the crew via recoil of the cannon. Newton's third law is a bitch.).
Aka. Get fucked Sketch Navy!

It basically takes away a lot of the effort they put into maintain their naval advantage. If we manage to stick it on our own Ironclads somehow we'll be able to make Ironclad killing Ironclads before them. Which will immediately give us an advantage over them they won't be able to match for decades.
Breachloading cannons are going ti be good, but not gamewinning unless we also rush organic chem for smokeless powder and cheap steel for cannons capable of using smokeless powder.

Se are getting into an age that the cointry with the best steel wins the navel race.
Also known as Dreadnoughts.

Far cooler name :V

Cool as Dreadnoughts are, there's a lot more that goes into them then jut being Ironclad killing Ironclads.

And if we invented them first they'd be Devourer class ships (Crow the Devourer says high from hell Sketch bitches).
Breachloading cannons are going ti be good, but not gamewinning unless we also rush organic chem for smokeless powder and cheap steel for cannons capable of using smokeless powder.

Se are getting into an age that the cointry with the best steel wins the navel race.
That would be Kielmyr, who at his point in time are closer to us than with Sketch. Despite Sketch's attempts to steal them away.

They're our Viking Waifu! You bastards!
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Husbando. Our heir is a girl.
...We are not marrying Yenyna to a foreigner.

Also Gylruv-Ymar is more of a Male nation, let by a Male Haddyth, and has never had a female Haddyth so far. And was once called a Patriachy.

So yeah. They're a Waifu, as is Hung, Black Sheep and finally Main Girl

Edit: The Old Ymaryn Empire seems like it would be a woman, What with being built of the backs of great women just as much, if not more so, than men. But The Dual Monarchy is much more patriarchal, and much more male dominated in its culture, just look at its stereotype as a soldier, and our martial culture, no women are in the military.
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...We are not marrying Yenyna to a foreigner.

Also Gylruv-Ymar is more of a Male nation, let by a Male Haddyth, and has never had a female Haddyth so far. And was once called a Patriachy.

So yeah. They're a Waifu, as is Hung, Black Sheep and finally Main Girl

Edit: The Old Ymaryn Empire seems like it would be a woman, What with being built of the backs of great women just as much, if not more so, than men. But The Dual Monarchy is much more patriarchal, and much more male dominated in its culture, just look at its stereotype as a soldier, and our martial culture, no women are in the military.

"Mother Russia" would like to have words with you.
...We are not marrying Yenyna to a foreigner.

Also Gylruv-Ymar is more of a Male nation, let by a Male Haddyth, and has never had a female Haddyth so far. And was once called a Patriachy.

So yeah. They're a Waifu, as is Hung, Black Sheep and finally Main Girl

Edit: The Old Ymaryn Empire seems like it would be a woman, What with being built of the backs of great women just as much, if not more so, than men. But The Dual Monarchy is much more patriarchal, and much more male dominated in its culture, just look at its stereotype as a soldier, and our martial culture, no women are in the military.

We need to fix that last part. Our ladies need to kick the ass of THEIR ladies.

And when we have universal officer literacy I suspect the next step is universal SOLDIER litteracy and having woman soldiers will just expand the amount of people who can read.
...We are not marrying Yenyna to a foreigner.

Also Gylruv-Ymar is more of a Male nation, let by a Male Haddyth, and has never had a female Haddyth so far. And was once called a Patriachy.

So yeah. They're a Waifu, as is Hung, Black Sheep and finally Main Girl

Edit: The Old Ymaryn Empire seems like it would be a woman, What with being built of the backs of great women just as much, if not more so, than men. But The Dual Monarchy is much more patriarchal, and much more male dominated in its culture, just look at its stereotype as a soldier, and our martial culture, no women are in the military.

Ymaryn was led by males throughout most of history, but we still called her a girl.
"Mother Russia" would like to have words with you.
When did we become Russia?

I thought we were the Dual Monarchy of Gylruv-Ymar.
We need to fix that last part. Our ladies need to kick the ass of THEIR ladies.

And when we have universal officer literacy I suspect the next step is universal SOLDIER litteracy and having woman soldiers will just expand the amount of people who can read.
Mmm, but women soldiers are rare even today now that they get treated equally.

Not going to lie, my brother is in the military and has been since he was old enough to sign up. He's not sexist or anything, but he actively dislikes female soldiers. And he actually has a good reason.

Female soldiers can't train as hard, aren't capable of the same fitness or amount of activity, aren't actually expected to be in some cases and apply in lesser numbers. Yet they get payed the same, given more opportunities to become officers to gain a better gender balance and yet aren't as effective as Male soldiers in the field. He actively dislikes female soldiers because he sees them as getting coddled and claims it's extremely unfair on Male soldiers.

Perhaps we could solve it with Metagreen to boost women up to the same standard. But I can't see much benefit to using women in the army without it being an 'All hands on deck scenario'. No offence, and I don't mean to be sexist. But I've heard enough lectures on it from my brother to be wary.

Ymaryn was led by males throughout most of history, but we still called her a girl.
And yet the list influential people in her history were mostly women. The most famous and prominent heroes were women. There was a whole string of female queens.

In the Dual Monarchy that is a very very different matter.
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Female soldiers can't train as hard, aren't capable of the same fitness or amount of activity, aren't actually expected to be in some cases and apply in lesser numbers. Yet they get payed the same, given more opportunities to become officers to gain a better gender balance and yet aren't as effective as Male soldiers in the field. He actively dislikes female soldiers because he sees them as getting coddled and claims it's extremely unfair on Male soldiers.

Perhaps we could solve it with Metagreen to boost women up to the same standard. But I can't see much benefit to using women in the army without it being an 'All hands on deck scenario'. No offence, and I don't mean to be sexist. But I've heard enough lectures on it from my brother to be wary.

All of this is solved by using the same rules in the fitness exams.
We called them Kings, damn it!
And yet they were women.
Yes, Ymaryn is a girl.

Dual Monarchy is not.

When you think of the Ymaryn you think of the mad tattoo'd warrior queen and generals like Gygothya, or Yenyna or the woman who founded the Red Banner who I forget the name of.

If you think of the Dual Monarchy you think of Queshyks, of Stern faced Haddyth's playing stretching their hand across the world, you think of bellowing hordes of Soldiers swarming enemies.

Very different images and nations.
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