[X][War] Uti possidetis - Peace out with limited gains (+1 Temp Happiness)
[X][Bill] 2 PW - King's Bill (+1 temp SoL, Boost Science Research, +2 Sell Crown Corp Uses)
[X][Rails] 1 PW - Yes please(Kielmyr Invest, gain +1 Railroads)

Just a friendly reminder, the Hung still haven't done a single useful thing for us. I've also played games of Victoria where I spent disproportionate resources trying to force an ahistorical outcome, but at some point you just have to shrug and realize it's not happening.
We can test for intelligence and souls respectively.

Shouldn't be hard to get our hands on some lawyers and career politicians.

This could be interesting if we can tell rates, we can get a judge on relative intelligence.

Problem being, relatively easy for some 'scientists' to rig the system to make what amounts to the skull measurement thing. Intelligence tiers among humans, etc.

Welcome to Path of Arbitrary Fixation, where things happen and nobody learns.

Hey, that's not fair. I listened, just was not convinced.
Just a friendly reminder, the Hung still haven't done a single useful thing for us. I've also played games of Victoria where I spent disproportionate resources trying to force an ahistorical outcome, but at some point you just have to shrug and realize it's not happening.

They are an excellent pin cushion that attracts everyone's attention, allowing non-targets to keep their heads down for their internal projects.
In the interests of interpreting this in a manner more like non-standard physics and less like what we think of as 'magic,' im going to go with the brain/body mass.

I mean...the fact that it works on "higher" animals rather than "larger" animals is strong evidence against a purely mass-based criterion. I know you don't like the idea of magic in this setting but this is a bit of a reach.
Just a friendly reminder, the Hung still haven't done a single useful thing for us. I've also played games of Victoria where I spent disproportionate resources trying to force an ahistorical outcome, but at some point you just have to shrug and realize it's not happening.
What have the Hung ever done for us?
None of us voted to help the Hung with immediate gains in mind. We're making a century-long investment, to create a DM-friendly Hung instead of the xenophobic basket case they're slated to be.
What have the Hung ever done for us?

Again, this doesn't matter. Having an ally, no matter how loyal, that's more trouble than it's worth is a drawback, as WWI Austria proved. On the other hand, cultivating alliances with future superpowers is a great idea, because that means they don't have a bone to pick with us.

None of us voted to help the Hung with immediate gains in mind. We're making a century-long investment, to create a DM-friendly Hung instead of the xenophobic basket case they're slated to be.

This, basically.
Leaving nosedives the Hung opinion of us, making much of our effort up until now meaningless. Also, it wakes them up by throwing them into the deep end of the pool without a life raft. Hung won't be in a state to survive that.
Hung's in the deep end of the pool even if they sign a treaty right now, and they have always had a life raft; they've just repeatedly chosen not to take it.

It's entirely up to them whether they survive this. If their only ally leaving the war because it's fundamentally unwinnable doesn't snap them out of their fugue, then very likely nothing is going to, and they'll run themselves off a cliff long before we can get anything useful out of them.

Also, Proper Living Bill raises our education, which also raises our perm consc, while dropping our perm SoL, and making our settlement situation worse.

Not a bad bill, per se, but it has significant downsides.
Agreed; I simply think it's the best option available.
[X][War] Uti possidetis - Peace out with limited gains (+1 Temp Happiness)
[X][Bill] 2 PW - King's Bill (+1 temp SoL, Boost Science Research, +2 Sell Crown Corp Uses)
[X][Rails] 1 PW - Yes please(Kielmyr Invest, gain +1 Railroads)

Just a friendly reminder, the Hung still haven't done a single useful thing for us. I've also played games of Victoria where I spent disproportionate resources trying to force an ahistorical outcome, but at some point you just have to shrug and realize it's not happening.

Nobody's expecting to win the war.
I mean...the fact that it works on "higher" animals rather than "larger" animals is strong evidence against a purely mass-based criterion. I know you don't like the idea of magic in this setting but this is a bit of a reach.
Did I say mass or larger? I said brain/body mass (sorry, should have clarified, brain to body mass), which is one of the few ratios that can be relied on for the relative intelligence of a given species.

I don't necessarily object to magic. I generally object to the idea that we should start looking for what we see as magic. It's non-standard physics, sure, but treating it like science is my aim.
Did I say mass or larger? I said brain/body mass (sorry, should have clarified, brain to body mass), which is one of the few ratios that can be relied on for the relative intelligence of a given species.

I don't necessarily object to magic. I generally object to the idea that we should start looking for what we see as magic. It's non-standard physics, sure, but treating it like science is my aim.

Ah, okay, I thought by "brain/body mass" you just meant "brain or body mass," not the ratio. That makes more sense, my bad.
How would meta-green knows the mass/body ratio of a given species? Makes sense that the meta-green interacts within something with the blood, maybe the DNA?
How would meta-green knows the mass/body ratio of a given species? Makes sense that the meta-green interacts within something with the blood, maybe the DNA?

Testing hypothesis can be difficult, so I'm not sure. Testing that could be done on a separated limb from an amputation, see if that heals. Another interesting test would be a coma patient, to see if it's responding to brainwaves somehow.
[x][War] Continue War - Royalists Pleased
[x][Bill] 1 PW - Veto (+1 temp Consciousness
[x][Rails] 1 PW - Yes please (Kielmyr Invest, gain +1 Railroads)
Looking at the map the potential options for fleet access are (in descending order of how good they are):
Vortuga - not happening
Sketch - might be possible, though would probably be a hard sell. do we have anything they want?
Hex - *waggles hand* honestly I'm not sure we've got anything they'd take in exchange for docking rights
Halvyni - maybe, we just don't know enough about them

Given this, if we're going to keep going with the war we need to do a diplomatic outreach to someone, probably the Sketch, to get them to give us fleet basing rights for the duration of this war. We just can't win otherwise. The Sketch would probably turn a six month trip into two months, at which point the war becomes winnable.

Maybe we can offer them some SoL :V
[x][War] Continue War - Royalists Pleased
[x][Bill] 1 PW - Veto (+1 temp Consciousness
[x][Rails] 1 PW - Yes please (Kielmyr Invest, gain +1 Railroads)
[x][War] Continue War - Royalists Pleased
[x][Bill] 1 PW - Veto (+1 temp Consciousness
[x][Rails] 1 PW - Yes please (Kielmyr Invest, gain +1 Railroads)
Negaverse: Who, What, When, Why, and Especially How
Negaverse: Who, What, When, Why, And Especially How

"So, it went as you predicted." The faces of the men were grim as they studied the map before them. The tent was illuminated by a small lamp, casting dancing shadows and flickering light upon the map. The way the shadow lay upon the far east section of the map, upon the Nohon homeland, only served to deepen the melancholy nature of the men.

The leader of the men sighed, "Yes. Though I wish I had been wrong, the capabilities of the Nohon have proved to be... greater than we would have wished, or had expected."

The third man trailed a finger at the edges of the map, "Your Excellency, there is only one question that I have heard repeated again and again from all the citizens of Hung. How. How did the Nohon become so powerful, that they could stand against the might of the greatest empire the world has ever known? Even taking into account the new weapons and the surprise attack, how did they pull off such an attack."

The general snorted. "You think everyone hasn't been asking the same? What makes you think I would know?"

"You are one of the few the Emperor still trusts. Surely he must have given you some insights you feel you can share." The second man prods as well.

Drumming his fingers, the general thinks before answering his lieutenants. "Louw Chori returned recently from his mission to the Lands of Glass and Porcelain." At this, both men perked up. One of the only remaining tributary states to stay loyal to the Empire, they were the only reason the Nohon still had to fight at sea. While that had been unable to do more than slightly lighten the burden on the southern coastlands of the Empire, it was still at least something.

"Did he actually travel to their homeland?"

The general shakes his head. "No, he was merely requested to oversee the destruction of the opium stores that they had seized. But," He grimaced, "We are pretty sure that's where all this began."

He traces a finger along the seas between the Empire and a distant land, on the far west edge of the map. "When he was there, the Ymaryngylruv were quite insistent that he observes other matters they felt were pertinent to the seizure of the opium. Some of what they had shown him were the new weapons their army --And, as we found out later, the Nohon army-- were now using. They had also tried to imply that the Nohon were at least partially responsible for the increase in the sale of opium, and that they had been covering up information that was vital to the Empire."

The general lets off a slightly rueful smile. "Of course, he did not fully believe in their 'wild tales'. While he was a tad interested in some of what he saw, he was more focused on discharging his duties. And he did so efficiently, and then proceeded to head back to the Empire... Only to be intercepted by the Nohon."

Both men raised brows at that, "That seems... somewhat premature."

The general nods, "Yes, I thought so as well. The Nohon ship insisted that they be allowed to escort the governor home, while the Ymaryngylruv insisted that it was their honor as a Tributary of Hung to do so. The Governor, of course, sided with the Ymaryngylruv. One minor scuffle later, and the Nohon ship sailed off into a storm, while the Ymaryngylruv ship limped into a nearby port to wait it out. From there, well..."

"They panicked," The other two groaned as they realized what must have occurred. "They managed to perform the most devastating attack upon the Empire in centuries because the panicked."

The general grimly chuckles, "Yes. Embarrassing as that is, it worked far better than anyone could have expected. They acted quickly enough that neither we nor the Ymaryngylruv could react in time, and they managed to wipe out any chance we had at beating them back in their opening moves. And now here we are, with only a single ally, one who sits on the other side of the world, while the rest of the world circles around, smelling the rich blood of Hung in the waters."


A.N. Some background information for the vote on what to do about the rebellions. You've finally reached the point where I can talk a bit about why this happened so suddenly.

SpikeOfSunDust said:
Wooooow. Turns out letting the literal fire nation control the seas around us wasn't a good idea.

Who possibly could have guessed that?
Veekster said:
Ok, to be fair, everything has been on fire for centuries. We needed to prioritize, and navy was pretty far down the list of said priorities. Juggling the needs of 300 million people isn't exactly easy.

Though, wow, our people are going to be pissed once we pull ourselves together.
Magnets said:
Wait, so when the Ymaryngylruv were calling the Nohon 'treacherous pirate scum who would kill us if they had a chance', they were being literal?

Seriously though, when we actually get the chance for revenge, we need to utterly break Nohon
RealpolitikWalrus said:
As nice as the (somewhat disturbing) revenge fantasies are, I should point out that OTL China was pretty screwed for about a century. We're slightly better off because we managed to crit our diplomacy roll with the Ymaryngylruv, which gives us an in with the Not!Russians, who aren't exactly going to be friends with the Nohon.

But at this rate, they are probably literally seconds from just calling it quits. We're a pretty big millstone around their neck, and they don't have the range to reach us for more than fairly minor help. Don't get me wrong, the navy they sent is a godsend, but having to sail/march literally thousands of miles to reach the Nohon navy/army is not something they can do for all that long. Unless we pull ourselves together, or they get lucky and the Nohon make a stupid naval decision, they can't do that much to help.
DeNihilo said:
Didn't AF mention that the Ymaryngylruv might have to drop out if they get another war dec on them from the west? Cause I really don't trust Russia to not fight stupid wars constantly.
Academic Fruit said:
You're mostly fine on that front. The Ymaryngylruv are better than the Russians were at diplomacy. The one war that they might have to fight got diverted when they did some interesting long-term shenanigans in the New World. A war in the west is still possible, but it's not too likely right now.
McHatin said:
Huh. Sounds ominious.

Hopefully the type of ominious that screws over as many of our enemies as possible.
Academic Fruit said:
The Nohon were very displeased by what they did, yes.
Maxabillion said:
Bitchin. Keep the stabbing going, Ymaryngylruv. They are clearly best son-in-law.
Pikachu1972 said:
So, wait, is this the opium wars? Just, without opium being distributed?

Fucking hell, even here we can't escape the Opium.
Citina said:
Well, look on the bright side. At least we have one ally, unlike the OTL!
Theoverbolt said: