I find the fact that a Ymaryn counter propaganda leaflet seems to hold itself t a decentlyly high standard of scholarship amusing. It just strikes me as a very Ymaryn way of doing things.

Apparently our approach to counterpropaganda is twofold: when approached by scholars arguing in good faith, deploy a sophisticated array of well-researched facts and technical points. When dealing with the general populace, deploy exclamation points.
You know what? I bet you that the knowledge of Sacred Warding will be rediscovered through the Not!hieroglyphics.

Has the Not!Roseta Stone been found?
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Yeah, you don't NEED intrigue(though it does happen, its a little hard to arrange) to drive one of your high flying elites to suicide when:
-Society is highly competitive, where their diminished capacity later in life can be used to harm the career of their children. Better to die when they decline so you ONLY have good things to say about them. We kept very thorough records, a Patrician could just as easily point to a criminal offense or mistake made two generations ago and extrapolate it into a trend for denouncing a rival.

-For those who were convicted, the typical punishment was to take them from the highest, most gloried parts of society into half exiles/slavery, where they would probably stay for the rest of their lives and their children would be more likely to be judged harshly.

Thus theres going to be significant pressure for anyone who made a major mistake, could not escape conviction, or who felt that one of the former two was about to happen to seek suicide rather than drag their children down with them.
Yeah, you don't NEED intrigue(though it does happen, its a little hard to arrange) to drive one of your high flying elites to suicide when:
-Society is highly competitive, where their diminished capacity later in life can be used to harm the career of their children. Better to die when they decline so you ONLY have good things to say about them. We kept very thorough records, a Patrician could just as easily point to a criminal offense or mistake made two generations ago and extrapolate it into a trend for denouncing a rival.

-For those who were convicted, the typical punishment was to take them from the highest, most gloried parts of society into half exiles/slavery, where they would probably stay for the rest of their lives and their children would be more likely to be judged harshly.

Thus theres going to be significant pressure for anyone who made a major mistake, could not escape conviction, or who felt that one of the former two was about to happen to seek suicide rather than drag their children down with them.

If some of our nobility is still that insanely competitive we might have a mix of élan and noblesse oblige, where any noble that doesn't put his life on the line, is not worth of notice or even being cited in anything.

Like, the Shadow of Alyxyumin is enormous, and claiming that you descend from the fabled dragon general is worth shit if you can't back it up with achievements of your own.
1805 - Political Opportunities
1805 EY

[x][Agenda] Plan Cornuthaum 1804
-[x][Agenda] Begin War - 2 PW: Declare War on the Tortun Republics
-[x][Agenda] Increase Armies - 1PW: Temp Increases Armies by 1, -1 Temp IC
-[x][Agenda] Diplomatic Outreach - 2 PW: +1 Trust, -3 Temp Trust
-[x][Agenda] Claim Kyberi Territory - 1 PW, -1 Temp IC, +2 Max Development

Industrial Cap 2 (0) (Max. 3)
Development 11/19
Pollution 0

Consciousness 3 (4)
Standard of Living 4
Happiness 5 (4)/10

Academies 3/3
Education 3
Innovation 2

Trust 9 (7)
Espionage 8

Militancy 5
Armies 6 (7)
Navies 3

Political Will 0/10

Min. 15
Current 50

Bonuses: Unified Playerbase +2 PW; War Turns +1 PW; War Eagerness -1 Temp Consciousness, +1 Temp Militancy
War Results: -2 Temp Armies, +2 Net Prestige

Industrial Cap 2 (0) (Max. 3)
Development 11/19
Pollution 0

Consciousness 3
Standard of Living 4
Happiness 5/10

Academies 3/3
Education 3
Innovation 2

Trust 9 (7)
Espionage 8

Militancy 5 (6)
Armies 6 (5)
Navies 3

Political Will 3/10

Min. 15
Current 52

Poetyr stared out at the assembly fields set up outside the Rural Palace in the plains west of New Blackmouth, watching as the tents were thrown up to house this part of the muster for the war with the Tortun. The initial columns of troops had already mustered and deployed to the Wyrmyn Front and the Styrmyr Front to tackle the Tortun there, but when it came to gathering the more distant Qeshyk warriors it tended to be a good idea to gather them in places where the Haddyth was watching. The Crown was often the only thing the half-civilized tribes respected beyond pure brute force. Observing the warriors, Poetyr idly mused, "Why do they call them tiger stripes? They look nothing like tiger stripes, they're just a bunch of parallel lines."

"I'm pretty sure they are stylized to be more obvious sire, but I can inquire further if you wish," one the attendants noted.

Thinking it over for a moment, Poetyr shrugged and said, "If it comes up try to remember, but it's not particularly important."

A courier came in shortly after that, distracting the Patriarch from his musings as the latest batch of reports had come in from the Styrmyr front, the generals coordinating the overall campaigns reworked their maps. The best field commanders were obviously out in the thick of it, but some of the older generals who no longer had the fire in their guts and the spring in their joints were keeping track of the bigger pictures. As soon as the Qeshyks were considered 'adequately' mustered Poetyr would head out to the front with them. He would link up with the contingent most in need of a morale boost, while the Qeshkys would be unleashed, joining the clans already serving as scouts and raiders out on the western plains and forests between the Storm Mountains and Kalesee Sea.

As the maps were updated, Poetyr could only frown. The fighting in Styrmyr was growing in intensity, and the casualties among his troops were mounting at an alarming rate. Perhaps not dangerously so yet, but it was enough to be a concern, especially as the worst defeats appeared to have been handed down by First Citizen Hohozyn. It was fortunate that they had decided to call up extra troops and get the guilds cranking out armaments early, meaning that these losses were still bearable. Perhaps even more war taxes and levies were required...

Then again, as a letter was handed to Poetyr and he read over it, perhaps such things would be unnecessary. The ambassadors who had helped coordinate the response of the People and the Styrmyr and helped convince nations like the Kielmyr and Ochruhr to hang on had news for him. While they were not going to move without his order, they had already done much on their own initiative.

The average member of Hespranxer society was getting sick of the ruling party that was supposed to be representing them, for having dragged them into wars with their neighbours and driven colonial possessions into revolt. On the other hand, they also still despised the old king and everything that had to do with what had brought about the revolution in the first place, such that fear of the return of the current claimant Hunrix XI was driving them to keep fighting everyone around them despite a failing economy all around. However, the diplomats had discovered something while looking through genealogical records for the purpose of shoring up relations elsewhere: there did exist a prince with a weak claim to the Hespranxer throne who could be a good compromise candidate. He had no connection to the old regime in terms of ruling style, so while he could be used to appease some of the monarchist factions by restoring the monarchy, he wouldn't be bringing back the royals and nobles that the population so hated. Give the Hespranxer the "constitutional monarchy" that they had claimed to have desired before they had gone insanely regicidal, and get a stop to the fighting, freeing up the Sketch and Vortuga focus on the Tortun.

It would probably mean assassinating Hunrix XI, but honestly, no one liked that guy anyway, and he would probably do something stupid like not recognize the legitimacy of the sale of colonies or exchange of territory and drag everyone back into another war. Now, obviously king's couldn't be seen going around assassinating inconvenient kings who they had said to be wanting to restore their thrones, but accidents did happen. However, Poetyr also considered the globe sitting nearby. He sometimes mused upon the stretch of some of the Syffryn powers. While he did not have the deep seated hatred of some, he recognized that a disunited Syffryn benefited his people. The longer the Hespranxer simmered in their current state, the more colonies they would lose, the less power they had at the end of it all, the better for the interests of the People in a generation. But Faron was tough and clever and the Tortuns were motivated, and if Poetyr had to choose a unified group in Syffryn, he wanted it to be the one not on his immediate border.

Total of 3 PW to currently spend
Should the mission go forward?

[] [CD] 0 PW - No, leave the Hespranxer as is
[] [CD] 0 PW - Allow the mission to go forward (-1 Temp Trust, -1 Temp Espionage, chance of switching Hespranxer Republic to a Constitutional Monarchy, chance of failure, small chance of embarrassing failure)
[] [CD] 1 PW - Find additional resources (-2 Temp Trust, -1 Espionage, increased chance of success, ???)

Increase war taxes and conscription?
[] [Taxes] 0 PW - No
[] [Taxes] 1 PW - Yes (-1 Temp SoL, +1 Temp Armies)
[] [Taxes] 1 PW - Actually, further bank and business shenanigans should be good (+1 Temp IC)

Where should the king go?
[] [King] 0 PW - Stay away from the fronts (-1 Happiness)
[] [King] 1 PW - Styrmyr Front (increased military morale boost, increased risk)
[] [King] 0 PW - Wyrmyn Front (increased civilian confidence, lower risk)
Bonuses: Unified Playerbase +2 PW; War Turns +1 PW; War Eagerness -1 Temp Consciousness, +1 Temp Militancy
Nice, I was worried about the lack of PW, so this neatly solves that issue.
War Results: -2 Temp Armies, +2 Net Prestige
And as expected, ouch, that hurt.

Sounds like the Tortun are surronded, and our allies are coming back online. With Not!Napoleon stuck fighting us here, they might be able to do significant damage to him.
[] [CD] 1 PW - Find additional resources (-2 Temp Trust, -1 Espionage, increased chance of success, ???)
Could you expand on this option @Academia Nut ?

[] [Taxes] 0 PW - No
[] [King] 0 PW - Wyrmyn Front (increased civilian confidence, lower risk)

Tentatively going with this for now.
We seem to be doing well so far, and we convinced our monarchist neighbors to join us, so we should make sure our populace doesn't revolt from a war that pushes too hard.
[X] [CD] 1 PW - Find additional resources (-2 Temp Trust, -1 Espionage, increased chance of success, ???)
[X] [Taxes] 1 PW - Actually, further bank and business shenanigans should be good (+1 Temp IC)
[X] [King] 0 PW - Wyrmyn Front (increased civilian confidence, lower risk)

Gotta do this right the first time. Need more production and the strain uses the excuse of the war to strengthen the corporations against the guilds
Burn assets to better ensure your vision of this plan succeeding goes down, which means that you are definitely taking aggressive action to take the current heir to the Hespranxer throne out of the picture (one way or another) in favour of your compromise candidate.
So, greater chance of success, but basically everyone knows we're playing Kingmaker?
The average member of Hespranxer society was getting sick of the ruling party that was supposed to be representing them, for having dragged them into wars with their neighbours and driven colonial possessions into revolt. On the other hand, they also still despised the old king and everything that had to do with what had brought about the revolution in the first place, such that fear of the return of the current claimant Hunrix XI was driving them to keep fighting everyone around them despite a failing economy all around. However, the diplomats had discovered something while looking through genealogical records for the purpose of shoring up relations elsewhere: there did exist a prince with a weak claim to the Hespranxer throne who could be a good compromise candidate. He had no connection to the old regime in terms of ruling style, so while he could be used to appease some of the monarchist factions by restoring the monarchy, he wouldn't be bringing back the royals and nobles that the population so hated. Give the Hespranxer the "constitutional monarchy" that they had claimed to have desired before they had gone insanely regicidal, and get a stop to the fighting, freeing up the Sketch and Vortuga focus on the Tortun.
[] [CD] 0 PW - No, leave the Hespranxer as is
[] [Taxes] 1 PW - Actually, further bank and business shenanigans should be good (+1 Temp IC)
[] [King] 0 PW - Wyrmyn Front (increased civilian confidence, lower risk)
Gut instinct is this. That ??? in the max assassination option is making me wary and AN's explanation of it does not make me want to press that button.
[X] [CD] 0 PW - Allow the mission to go forward (-1 Temp Trust, -1 Temp Espionage, chance of switching Hespranxer Republic to a Constitutional Monarchy, chance of failure, small chance of embarrassing failure)
[X] [Taxes] 1 PW - Actually, further bank and business shenanigans should be good (+1 Temp IC)
[X] [King] 0 PW - Wyrmyn Front (increased civilian confidence, lower risk)
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@Academia Nut How was the Styrmyr situation resolved? I thought they were busy on their southern border? Did we help calm down that area, or was it just good fortune?
[X] [CD] 1 PW - Find additional resources (-2 Temp Trust, -1 Espionage, increased chance of success, ???)
[X] [Taxes] 1 PW - Actually, further bank and business shenanigans should be good (+1 Temp IC)
[X] [King] 0 PW - Wyrmyn Front (increased civilian confidence, lower risk)
[X] [CD] 0 PW - Allow the mission to go forward (-1 Temp Trust, -1 Temp Espionage, chance of switching Hespranxer Republic to a Constitutional Monarchy, chance of failure, small chance of embarrassing failure)
[X] [King] 0 PW - Wyrmyn Front (increased civilian confidence, lower risk)
[X] [CD] 0 PW - No, leave the Hespranxer as is
[X] [King] 0 PW - Wyrmyn Front (increased civilian confidence, lower risk)
[X] [Taxes] 1 PW - Yes (-1 Temp SoL, +1 Temp Armies)
@Academia Nut How was the Styrmyr situation resolved? I thought they were busy on their southern border? Did we help calm down that area, or was it just good fortune?

You are coordinating with them, and have right of passage through their territory. The Tortun Republic and their puppet is a threat to them as well, and Ochruhr will no longer raise objections if anyone else takes a swing at their former vassal. You are doing much of the fighting, just mostly not on your own territory.
[X] [CD] 1 PW - Find additional resources(-2 Temp Trust, -1 Espionage, increased chance of success, ???)
[X] [Taxes] 1 PW - Actually, further bank and business shenanigans should be good (+1 Temp IC)
[X] [King] 1 PW - Styrmyr Front (increased military morale boost, increased risk)
[X] [CD] 1 PW - Find additional resources (-2 Temp Trust, -1 Espionage, increased chance of success, ???)
[X] [Taxes] 1 PW - Actually, further bank and business shenanigans should be good (+1 Temp IC)
[X] [King] 0 PW - Wyrmyn Front (increased civilian confidence, lower risk)

Tentatively going with this. Will be interesting to see if we can keep the monarchy alive in not!France.