Orc Quest; or, A Critical Examination of Agency Through in Interactive Fiction (Warcraft)

Due to the unclear chain of command in the warband you're frequently called on to mediate or clarify orders which takes up time. -1 actions till the warband is better organised.

Grumbles more.

Grumbles like a dawi.

I want to recover, look for trouble. I'd be interested in approaching the undercity, but don't want to taint us by association.

Interesting that they have griffon riders, those are usually a dwarf thing at least on a formation level.
Right then.

Presumably the Forsaken don't have people presently living in the manor otherwise, we're about to meet the annoyed residents, I am very against taking up command of the band we've few enough AP as is (functionally we've got -2 AP this turn since one AP is being spent just solving the bloody warband and if we take up command presumably we're loosing more AP on top of the 1 we're already missing...****ing hell we're not going to get anything done!)

As far as dealing with that is concerned I'd actually want Vok'fon to lead.

Fundamentally you don't want to get into a long drawn out fight with the undead and you want to take advantage of the fact that they're slow and stupid. That said he won't necessarily be here for a long time.

As far as personal AP is concerned, mmm...

I'm conflicted. On the one hand the under city is where we're liable to find more information, but it also makes us known to Sylvanus and if we're spotted heading there it'll colour us, however heading to Brill is where they're going to absolutely see us. Staying put is an option, but there's very little there. We seem to be setting down there so presumably its not completely covered in zombies as it was in canon.

As to training, I want to put X2 onto meditation. Its not doing nothing, but unless we get into a fight with an elemental or stress ourselves to death its more relaxing than any other option we can take and we have to solve that issue.

After that I'm torn on whether to go for a social action, go on patrol or do one more training.
Presumably the Forsaken don't have people presently living in the manor otherwise, we're about to meet the annoyed residents
Maybe they're just being very quiet?
I am very against taking up command of the band we've few enough AP as is (functionally we've got -2 AP this turn since one AP is being spent just solving the bloody warband and if we take up command presumably we're loosing more AP on top of the 1 we're already missing...****ing hell we're not going to get anything done!)
I don't recall giving you an extra action per turn? Currently it's just -1 for the warband stuff because you've got various people coming to you and asking you if you want them to do X or not do Y etc.

You do sometimes have minus actions because of injuries, but currently you've recovered mainly, you're just a bit weak still. It's not like when the Kul Tiran knights beat you up and you were bedridden and stuff.

As for the action economy for the leader slot, I've yet to consider it deeply, It might be '-1 action overall, +2 actions for warband specifically'
Maybe they're just being very quiet?
And very patient with over 100 people traipsing into their home presumably unnanounced.

I don't recall giving you an extra action per turn? Currently it's just -1 for the warband stuff because you've got various people coming to you and asking you if you want them to do X or not do Y etc.

You do sometimes have minus actions because of injuries, but currently you've recovered mainly, you're just a bit weak still. It's not like when the Kul Tiran knights beat you up and you were bedridden and stuff.

As for the action economy for the leader slot, I've yet to consider it deeply, It might be '-1 action overall, +2 actions for warband specifically'
No you've not, however I'm considering us at effectively -2 actions this turn because we've got to do the reorganisation.

And yes I'm aware, although that recover action is also going to be burning a hole into our AP.
Well they're (hypothetically anyway) undead, so it's not like they need to come out and get food or anything.
Yeah, but all these living folks are loud, annoying, breathing and tramplin the daisies :p

Anyway, the main thing is this bit here
o if there are particular things you want to accomplish with freedom now would be the time.
What can/do we want to accomplish before we meet the Scarlet Crusade? The only thing that springs to mind is meeting the Forsaken currently, but I maybe missing something.
Let's see:
  • Recovery: necessary
  • Cold Hearth Manor: Who were the owners? What happened here and when? Will we meet any Forsaken lurking around, so we can start talking with them?
  • The Undercity: later, the Scarlet Crusade would not take kindly to us going there, we would be hunted as HERETICS! spies of the Forsaken. One more reason to be sneaky gits and find out all da secretz.

  • Organisation: necessary.
    IMO, we have 2 paths this turn:
    - Shamanism: leave command to Scorn, and use Meditation, to try to humbly knock on the Elements' door.
    - Battle Commander: Take the lead, and study tactics. Grok'mash as Commander Shepard is a funny idea. The "choose someone for command" bit reminded me of Mass Effect 2's suicide mission with its choices for leadership roles.
After all, if a horde of walkers / wights / zombies comes a'shambling, what do we need?
A tenuous uncertain connection with any whimsical elementals that can be found in the blighted land? Probably not.
Sneakin'around selfishly while the new warband goes the way of the old, or worse? No!
Being able to fight and maneuver in difficult terrain against the Army of the Dead? By [what divinity does Grok'mash even have], YES!
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By [what divinity does Grok'mash even have]
One more reason to be sneaky gits and find out all da secretz.
"Oh no we didn't know about the forsaken sorry we'll definetly make sure not to go to meet them now we've seen you scarlet guys wink wink"
A tenuous uncertain connection with any whimsical elementals that can be found in the blighted land?
There's some interesting questions about what would happen to elementals in areas which have been affected like that. I'd also say the stewardship of Dalaran and their specific magical traditions around ley lines would also probably have something to do with it.
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I wasn't sure how the forsaken will be involved since you're in the area of the Scarlet Crusade. Guess that answers that. Technically allies but the character's exiled so all obligations to the horde are rendered moot.
I wasn't sure how the forsaken will be involved since you're in the area of the Scarlet Crusade. Guess that answers that. Technically allies but the character's exiled so all obligations to the horde are rendered moot.
Yea it's complicated. However keep in mind propel might assume you're some sort of deniable asset. They could look at your warband and hear you claiming you've been exiled and just assume that wasn't a lie and thrall is trying to send help but pretend he's not
Yea it's complicated. However keep in mind propel might assume you're some sort of deniable asset. They could look at your warband and hear you claiming you've been exiled and just assume that wasn't a lie and thrall is trying to send help but pretend he's not
The exile reminds me of of Zuko from Avatar. Grok didn't get his face burned but he's exiled and gets to go on adventures with a group of people on their lonesome.
Dramatis Personae
Dramatis Personae

The Burning Blade Clan

Grok'mash Fireblade, the protagonist

Neeru Fireblade, his father, public chief of the Burning Blade and member of the Shadow Council

Xerash Fireblade, father of Neeru and noted warlock and arcanist

Drek the Firecaller, a priest and pyremaster

Ureda, a warlock and arcanist

Grok'mash's warband

Sorek, warrior of the Blackrock, former pupil of Akinos, Grok'mash's banner bearer

Vark, warrior of the Warsong, blood-brother to Grok'mash, now Chief of the Boulderfist Ogres

Vok'fon, warrior of the Darkspear Trolls, went into banditry due to political discontent, and following his travels with Grok'mash, left the warband to continue his own affairs.

Kartha, spy and assassin of the Shattered Hand

Keldran, necrolyte and warlock of the Burning Blade

Zaruk, warlock formerly of the Twilight's Hammer

Drum Fel, former leader of Hammerfell

Myzrael, maddened Princess of Deepholme

The Blademasters, swordsingers of the Burning Blade

Akinos Steelclaw, mentor of Grok'mash, slain by Jubei'thos

Jubei'thos, the most experienced blademaster, previously thought to be in Alterac, now apparently hostile to his clan and his spirit mysteriously bound in a human body. Former Chief of the Demonsword cadet clan.

Sesk, a blademaster, tainted by the Fel, wants to kill his brother, Gorn. Once companion to Ishi, a blademaster, untainted by the Fel, and slain in Grok'mash's defence in Naxxramas.

Mankrik, a blademaster

Ronak, an experienced blademaster

Rahjak, a Blademaster seeking the perfect battle and the 'Breath of Eternity', with his disciples, Redjaw and Brolic

Saruk, a blademaster

Gorn, a blademaster and general of the Horde, brother to Sesk

Takata Steelblade, a blademaster, familiar with the warlocks of the Burning Blade

Moogul the Sly, an experienced blademaster, whereabouts known.

The Demonsword Clan

Haomarush, Fel-Orc Blademaster and chief of the Demonsword Clan

Mazath, a Blademaster and son of another Blademaster.

The Knights of the Silver Hand

Tirion Fordring, one of the first paladins, now serving the Scarlet Crusade.

Halford Wyrmbane, Commander of the 7th Legion

Duke Zeren

Taelan Fordring, Lord of Mardenholde#

Lord Irulon Trueblade

Lord Grayson Shadowbreaker

Valgar Highforge, smith and artificer of the Silver Hand

The Shadow Council

Lord Banehollow, nathrezeim supervisor of the Shadow Council, with his attendant, Ur'dan.

Fel'dan, supposed son of Gul'dan and ruler of the Shadow Council

Kaz Steelfist, True Chief of the Burning Blade

Prince Xavalis, son of Xavius the Accursed, the first Satyr

Jergosh the Invoker, commander of the cultists of Ragefire Chasm

Athrikus Narassin, a elven Highborne mage

Nagaz, leader of the Argus Wake

Vorpil, a powerful Orcish shadowmage and warlock believed to have been killed on lost Draenor

The Scarlet Crusade

Sally Whitemane, a priestess, wounded in the Assault on Naxxramas and now forever silent.

Darion Mograine, a young knight and the Scarlet Crusade's liaison to the Burning Blade

Inquisitor Fairbanks, apostle to the Forsaken

Castillian, a mage of the Scarlet Crusade

Calia Menethil, the Scarlet Princess

Saiden Dathrohan, Grand Crusader and leader of the Scarlet Crusade

The Black Dragonflight

Kalaran Windblade, a Black Dragon sent by his master, Neferian, to infiltrate the Alliance

Nyxondra, Broodmother of Alterac

Velarok, Black Drake

Jirakka, Dragonspawn commander

Moldarr, his attendant

The Horde

Thrall, Warchief of the Horde

Nazgrel, advisor to Thrall

Gordul, Chief of the Shattered Hand clan

Angrais, daughter of Rexxar

Tagar, half-ogre and father of Vark

Kardris Dreamseeker, former tutor in shamanism to Grok'mash

The Alliance

Queen Katrana Prestor, formerly royal councillor and now wife to King Varian of Stormwind and Regent of that Kingdom

Brann Bronzebeard, brother to King Mangi and patron of the Explorer's League

Mangi Bronzebeard, King of Ironforge

Bolvar Fordragon, paladin and former Regent of Stormwind, now suspected to be dead or a prisoner of the Scourge.

Archbishop Hylan, humanocentrist senior priest of Alterac Church of the Holy Light

Bishop Karlus, former bandit-priest turned warden of Varnhold's flock

High Priest Voss, most senior of Dathrohan's 'Red Bishops' and close in the Grand Crusader's confidence

Regent Gregor Lescovar, tremulous Stormwind noble assigned as regent in Alterac to represent Queen Prestor's interests there
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Dramatis Personae post is now up as noted a few chapters ago, let me know if you lot want something more on these, I've included most of the characters but not historical or offscreen figures
Dramatis Personae post is now up as noted a few chapters ago, let me know if you lot want something more on these, I've included most of the characters but not historical or offscreen figures
...alrighty then...

Ironically there are no surprises amongst are friends (but I suppose that makes sense).


Tirion Fordring, one of the first paladins, now serving the Scarlet Crusade.
This is good, however he's not necessarily in the Tristfal Glades.

Renault mograine, commander of the Scarlet Crusade forces in Tirasfal Glades
This is potentially not good, as it leaves the possibility he is a traitor "alive" and well.

Castillian, a mage of the Scarlet Crusade
This is potentially very not good, although in a longer term sense, in canon he's an agent for Varimathras.

Inquisitor Fairbanks, apostle to the Forsaken
This is...weird, but potentially very good, but his job as apostle leaves a lot of questions open. Does it mean they think the Forsaken can be redeemed, or is he apostle in a different sense?

Furthermore there are some people missing, most notably Tirion's son Taelean, who was key to the founding of the Crusade, rose very high in the organisation and was the commander of the Scarlet Monastery after Mograin died, not Renault initially. In canon again what happens is he defects and Balnazar (in his guise as Dathrohan) makes sure he ends up dead and then appoints the increasingly deranged Renault.

Dathrohan is also absent. Which is curious.

Also the mystery of Calia herself.

Anyway, if we take them as an initial selection of the people we're likely to meet first contact I am cautiously optimistic. Renault I am the most sus of but lacking in evidence as Fairbanks is there and Renault ain't dead I think we can give him a shot. Tirion's liable to at least let us talk and Whitemane I'm hopeful we can try to friend, Castilian is...complicated.

Fairbanks and Castilian too also imply that forsaken have/are joining the Crusade, which means very big potential implications about Calia and interesting things for us say visiting the under city.

Another potentially missing person is Alonsus Faol, but that depends on what happened to Calia.

Lady Katrana Prestor, royal councillor to King Varian of Stormwind
This is potentially very bad.

But also implies that Varian is alive, or at least someone pretending to be him is in Stormwind.

In conclusion
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Three Plans

[X] Plan do not lead, restore the connection
-[X] Organisation
--[X] Previous arrangements
-[X] Cold Hearth Manor
-[X] Meditation X2
-[X] Speak to Varak about why he decided to come along with us?
This plan doesn't make us lead defaulting to the old set up, it instead focuses on personal recovery (meditation isn't the full recovery option, but I imagine it still helps towards that.) It also does some exploring of our current base of operations, hopefully letting us contact any Forsaken within it and speaks to our bloodbrother, cause I am curious and I think its good to talk to our friends.

[X] Plan do not lead, restore the connection + outsider
-[X] Organisation
--[X] The Outsider
-[X] Cold Hearth Manor
-[X] Meditation X2
-[X] Speak to Scorn about what he wants and how we can help him achieve them.
Similar logic to the above, the main difference being that Vok'fon will lead, since his tactical adaptations are arguably the best, and talks to Scorn to try and solve the issue of him potentially feeling put aside.

[X] Plan do lead, restore the connection
-[X] Organisation
--[X] Captain
-[X] Lead
--[X] Search for human settlements to make friendly contact.
-[X] Meditation X2
-[X] Speak to Vok'fon about his experiences as a leader
The biggest change since so many people want to lead the warband I may as well give the option, I just hope that what we get makes up for the loss of AP :cry: . This one goes into that, has us trying to make friendly contact with humans preferably before we join the crusade directly, and speaking to the main other person who has experience leading a warband outside of the normal limits of the horde, seeing as Vok'fon was a bandit.

@VagrantHero @Uhtread anythoughts as well as anyone else?

Also @FractiousDay write ins seem to work out/thoughts on plan logic?
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Three Plans

[X] Plan do not lead, restore the connection
-[X] Organisation
--[X] Previous arrangements
-[X] Cold Hearth Manor
-[X] Meditation X2
-[X] Speak to Varak about why he decided to come along with us?
This plan doesn't make us lead defaulting to the old set up, it instead focuses on personal recovery (meditation isn't the full recovery option, but I imagine it still helps towards that.) It also does some exploring of our current base of operations, hopefully letting us contact any Forsaken within it and speaks to our bloodbrother, cause I am curious and I think its good to talk to our friends.

[X] Plan do not lead, restore the connection + outsider
-[X] Organisation
--[X] The Outsider
-[X] Cold Hearth Manor
-[X] Meditation X2
-[X] Speak to Scorn about what he wants and how we can help him achieve them.
Similar logic to the above, the main difference being that Vok'fon will lead, since his tactical adaptations are arguably the best, and talks to Scorn to try and solve the issue of him potentially feeling put aside.

[X] Plan do lead, restore the connection
-[X] Organisation
--[X] Captain
-[X] Lead
--[X] Search for human settlements to make friendly contact.
-[X] Meditation X2
-[X] Speak to Vok'fon about his experiences as a leader
The biggest change since so many people want to lead the warband I may as well give the option, I just hope that what we get makes up for the loss of AP :cry: . This one goes into that, has us trying to make friendly contact with humans preferably before we join the crusade directly, and speaking to the main other person who has experience leading a warband outside of the normal limits of the horde, seeing as Vok'fon was a bandit.

@VagrantHero @Uhtread anythoughts as well as anyone else?

Also @FractiousDay write ins seem to work out/thoughts on plan logic?

I would be broadly down with the one where we lead. I get why others would be reluctant to get into any clear fights this turn.
I would be broadly down with the one where we lead. I get why others would be reluctant to get into any clear fights this turn.
mmm. Fair.

The issue is wanting to do something for leading this turn, but lead implies more combat than I want to. I also don't want to drop a meditation as focus = results. There's also no write in option for the Tristfal glade options so I'm using lead as the exploration action.
mmm. Fair.

The issue is wanting to do something for leading this turn, but lead implies more combat than I want to. I also don't want to drop a meditation as focus = results. There's also no write in option for the Tristfal glade options so I'm using lead as the exploration action.

I was mostly referring to my "looking for trouble" write-in. Though I acknowledge direct leadership adds some more peril I view it as well within a reasonable tolerance. We are an Orc, best no be too skittish.

After more thought I 100% agree with doubling down on meditation.
Though I acknowledge direct leadership adds some more peril I view it as well within a reasonable tolerance.
It ain't peril that's my issue, its time crunch. Despite not being in direct command last time either we invested quite a few actions into the war band and now we're doing it again when we really need to do internal focus, cause we really are not strong enough nor social enough.

Like currently it feels like we're falling into the trap of Orgimmar where we're trying to do everything and so make progress on none of our actual goals.