The goal is to get Horde members removed from Hammerfell with peaceful negotiations as the ideal. While Grok is the exile his dad isn't as well as his connections towards seeing any of the inhabitants if they're interested to immigrate to greener pastures.
So as written, Grok knows Feldad has connections with the Shattered Hand and Blackrock primarily, as well as something going on in Desolace. However, that's as far as you know for the moment. Feldad is the Grand Warlock of the Horde, not the Minister for Immigration or something.
In general though, if you did want to call on your Clan to help out in various ways, yes that's possible. Remember though that you're working for the Scarlet Crusade/Alliance, not for the Horde (being an exile) and not for the Burning Blade (At least not officially)
Is the talk to the village boss action an end point or does it mean getting him someplace with slightly fewer witnesses and seeing what his thoughts are?
So you've just arrived, and want to make an impression in various ways. You've been given some tea and biscuits, and when your host (Drum Fel) gets back, Grok expects him to force some sort of confrontation about what you're actually there for, given you have an armed band. Similarly, it would be a bit awkward if you showed up and didn't have anything to talk about. You've arrived, the onus is on you to negociate or propose stuff. You a political actor, you're there for a reason, and both Grok and Drum Fel intend to speak in public with various matters like why you're there, why there's humans with you, what's going on generally.
Drum Fel has gone off to (probably) get more support, talk to others for advice, or to do something else, you don't know because you're not him obviously. If you went after him you could speak to him privately to establish various things, which might indeed be beneficial for you in various ways.
The actual negociations about you trying to sort out the problem you've been sent to sort won't be right now, but in the next couple of chapters.
IF Hammerfall is indeed there in de-jure human lands on the decree of the Warchief
If I was being unchairitable, I'd say the random scattered Horde settlements on the Eastern Kingdoms (Grom'gol, Kargath, Stonard, Hammerfall) are just one more result of Thrall's tendencies toward passivism and prevarication. Each of those places is there basically to keep an eye on certain situations or areas, but Thrall maintains his policy of almost 'anti-expansionism'. He's really really reluctant to even defend his lands because he's terrified of the Orcs going back to their genocidal habits, given most of his generals for example are Old Horde veterans.
As you note, there'll be a number of reasons the 'official' Horde might support Hammerfall, but I'd also note that the 'control' the Horde has isn't that extensive. Hammerfall is a settlement of convenience between Forsaken who are fighting the Alliance for resources, Frostwolves who want support in their struggles iwth teh Dwarves, Warsong/other clans essentially leftover from the 2nd War, and then perhaps some actual 'ex agents' as you say who mnight be there for specific reasons. The Horde just doens't have the same structure as other areas, so Thrall probably has only nominal overlordship of the area.
I hope Grok won't consider convincing whoever he can to leave and then leaving to be dishonorable. Because it is not.
He's there on a mission, if he gives it a good go honour is satisfied,
Also, to reiterate, just vote for people, don't worry about specifying deligation etc. Unecessarily complicates things really.
I'm intending for the chapter after this to be Grok's negociations, and subsequent action, through a narrative element, sort of like how I did the March of Forneus as mostly narrative with a few chocies. If anyone has a special request for me to put it to a vote and write in, that's fine, but it would be just that so you'd have to think of a plan etc.