I thought the whole thing about Folded Attacks was that you couldn't defend during them, though? Can we really afford to take those crossbow shots? One arrow did six damage, instantly piercing our armour... on top of also being poisoned. Not to mention that it's faster than us. The Folded Attacks will probably even the playing field, but it'll definitely get at least one shot off. Although, one shot wouldn't actually be a problem for us. Unless it uses another type of arrow that does more damage, or uses the sealwood sap arrow to ground us.
I thought the whole thing about Folded Attacks was that you couldn't defend during them, though? Can we really afford to take those crossbow shots? One arrow did six damage, instantly piercing our armour... on top of also being poisoned. Not to mention that it's faster than us. The Folded Attacks will probably even the playing field, but it'll definitely get at least one shot off. Although, one shot wouldn't actually be a problem for us. Unless it uses another type of arrow that does more damage, or uses the sealwood sap arrow to ground us.

You can do only do basic defenses during them. Because of Punching Up, we can do, like, 15d6 basic defenses pretty easily. Makes them a lot easier to do.
So it seems like in addition to letting you kill things fast and trigger round ends before the opponent gets many chances to respond, it is also a way to get safe folded attacks, which can make even a modestly sized dice pool much scarier.
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Can we hone/reinforce them? What's the difference between basic defenses and honed/reinforced defenses again? That the former can't defend against tricks?

We can. The big difference is normally that you can only assign one base die to basic defenses (Reinforce and Hone can add, but you can't just add more)...but Punching Up breaks that rule. Which allows for shenanigans.

Plan almost done.
Okay, here's my write-up of the plan:

[X] Plan Skyfire
-[X] 44d6 Attack (44d6 tricks)
-[X] 40d6 Defense (12d6 tricks technically, like 36d6 in practice)
-[X] 0d6 Intercept
-[X] Leap into the air with Ember-Wing Cloak (-6 Orthstirr) immediately and stay there while we use our 3fold Kindle Spinner.
-[X] Make an 18d6+3 (w/Hugareida) 3Fold Kindle Spinner attack using it as a flamethrower from outside the Threaded-Man's reach (-7 Orthstirr), then charge the Threaded-Man immediately with a 15d6+3 Honedx3 Lightning-Charged Leaping Cleave (-7 Orthstirr) which we will maneuver during with Ember-Wing Cloak if needed (-9 Orthstirr), then make three 12d6+3 (w/Hugareida) Orthstirr-Enhancedx2 Lightning-Charged Firebomb-Strike attacks (-5 Orthstirr each).
-[X] When attacked with a bunch of simultaneous melee attacks, use a 20d6 (w/Hugareida) Orthstirr-Enhancedx4 Inertia-Arresting Throw enhanced with Odr (-10 Orthstirr, -2 Odr) to stop as many as possible
-[X] Aside from that instance, in response to any ranged or Trick Attack while not using Folded Attacks (or keeping up IAT) use Halting Vortex (-4 Orthstirr), and if we are using Folded Attacks (or IAT is up) or something gets through that use up to three 14d6+7 Reinforcedx3 Honed x3 defense (-6 Orthstirr). If we are out of those or are attacked with single non-Trick melee attacks use up to four Reinforcedx2 Honedx2 Defenses using our Defense dice (-4 Orthstirr each, 5d6+7 each) and if that doesn't work and our armor is penetrated use Halting Vortex (-4 Orthstirr).
-[X] Tactics – Leap into the air and rain fire down on the Threaded Man, hopefully dodging its ranged reprisals (which it shouldn't have too many of left anyway), then fall on it like a meteor and hopefully finish it off. If it's still up at that point, defend against its multiple attacks with IAT, paralyzing it for long enough to finish it off with Firebomb-Strikes. If it actually gets into melee before we get into the air, rearrange the order of that (ie: use IAT, then Firebomb-Strikes, then take to the air if it's still alive and finish up with the Leaping Cleave)

I was tempted to use a berry with this, but the time to consume it is relevant in a very problematic way and we maybe have another fight coming up to boot.
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I just had the crazy idea of creating a Runed Automata which is basically an iron golem with a storage of paint that can reapply itself. with a core that master all the other runes and responsible for applying paint permanently submerged into the paint to both be always active and lengthening the duration it can work by being the only thing always active.

Runepunk can be one hell of a setting in a hypothetical future.

Some poor bastard trespass in some old crazy dude farm and out of nowhere an iron statue wakes up, quickly cover its shell/vital parts in a red substance, start full on glowing, and then assault him. Later after it gores him it exsanguinate the poor trespasser into his fuel tank and go back into sleep mode.
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I thought we were trying not to destroy the house? Hasvir is still in it? Getting it off is important but trying to not collapse the house is equally important.

I think the house may be a loss. We're definitely not trying to set it on fire and collateral damage of Kindle-Spinner when we aren't trying has been pretty limited thus far but, like, structurally speaking...
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Hmmm. Actually, we have a problem, well, maybe anyway:

@Imperial Fister we can't use the 'skip along the ground' version of Kindle-Spinner from midair, obviously. Can we use the flamethrower version from further than the Threaded-Man can reach?

If so, we're good. If not, we have an issue.
Even if Hasvir dies it should (hopefully) only be Bodily Death unless we somehow set his corpse on fire.

That's not predictable. You never know when someone's fated day has come until they die and you feel their orthstirr release into the world. It could be from something relatively minor...as long as it killed them and it was their time, they are permanently dead.

Specification coming right up!