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When a child is born, the Nornir decide the exact moment of their death. There is nothing that can bring a man down if it is not his time to die and there is nothing that will save a man if it is his fated day.

Everything between now and then, however, is up to you and you alone.

So tell me, how will you shape your future?

Credit to @DeadmanwalkingXI for assisting with the logistical side of things.
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Height Comparison between Halla, Age 13, Abjorn, Age 14, Steinarr, Age 44, and Average Viking
This is just for curiosity but what exactly would be the size difference between Abjorn and Halla be relatively? Cause I'm imagining Abjorn as a tall boy but it's hard to get a proper sort of scale since all of them are still young.
Halla is 5'6" (167 cm), at the moment. She's got some growing left in her, though. Very tall for a 13-year-old girl, let alone one in xianxia-9th century. She'll probably end up around 5'7"-8" (~175 cm).

Abjorn is over a foot taller than Halla at 6'7" (~204 cm), at 14. Giant's Blood will do that to you. He's far from done growing, for that matter. In early versions of what would eventually become this quest, Abjorn would reach well over 8' tall. I'm not sure that I'm going to have him be so tall in this quest, as his character is rather different, but we'll see.

Steinarr is around 5'11"-6'1" — big dude, but not outlandishly so.

To put this into perspective, the average height of a Scandinavian male around this time period was on the higher end of 5'7" (~177-ish cm).

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Halla Edit (Slickji)
wish college wasnt so time consuming, come May i might have free time to make bad drawings of characters using my mouse and ms paint
LMAO pranked ya'll, i accidentally drank a monster energy at 8pm and was bored enough that i decided to draw in MS paint for 3-5 hours using the AI art posted earlier by Alectai as a base

behold I have attempted to add this red gambeson i found on google images to be worn under our apron (because if it was over you wouldnt see the apron and i like the apron plus less work for me) since the AI art doesnt have gambeson, also decide the embroidered ame on the gambeson would go on apron cause there was o good place for it. Anyways im no professional or even amateur, this is like my third thing in ms paint and i don't have proper hardware just my mouse so my hand hurts like hell. good night!
Halla Longstride (CedeTheBees)
Halla's virthing resembles a cloak of owl feathers, feathers that are singed at the tips. A silver clasp holds it in place.

Her frami coats her in an outline of crimson flames.

And her saemd is a crown of iron spikes that curl out and up, each one bearing a candle-like lick of flame at the point.
This sounded too cool not to doodle
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Hair of Fire and a Gaze of Steel (CedeTheBees)
Staggering on rubbery limbs over to where the small stream trickles from the ash, you peer down into the clear, reflective waters. Sure enough, in twin seas of steel floats a pair of infinitely thin rings of softly glowing red.

The same red that colors runes.
I can't wait for Halla to learn how to turn that on on purpose.
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