Mammoth Apostate vs the World 1: "Lost in the Mist"

Bright side? your combined performance this turn is making me feel better about my rolls ;)
Finishing the sensor rolls (not going to feel bad about hogging them as it's been 2-3 days awaiting rolls.)

Outriders at +4, then Mammoth.

Edit:sorry about crit-fail :oops:
BadKatt85 threw 2 10-faced dice. Reason: Sensors Total: 10
1 1 9 9
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[ x ] Plan: rinse & repeat

(I -think- last plan should cover everything.)

Mammoth continue slugfest Guiron.

Triton moves towards Osahi (into max rifle range & fire)

Little bird paints, if succeeds cobras fire hellfires.

Everyone else overwatches and fires at non clustered targets of opportunity (Osahi preferred target)
Mammoth & Triton score their sensor locks near simultaneously revealing Osahi had broke from supporting Guiron and began towards Savannah proper, he had begun to advance diagonally more to the NW than the N-NE vector Guiron and he previously held aiming approximately towards the western edge of the DP. As the flaming limb enters visibility the flames flare very briefly as if they had been somewhat oxygen starved in their non-visible state.

(map showing everyone's positioning will be posted shortlytm​. Please hold votes/plans until I provide visual aids.)

Loccent again deals with near catastrophic feedback, popping surge protectors and filling the air again with ozone and the smell of melting plastic, the Outriders are however less fortunate, the kludged together sensors Radar had fashioned from oddball salvage cannot bear the strain and melts to slag and briefly catches fire. (Outriders sensors are destroyed, with enough time Radar can cobble up a replacement but not during this conflict. )
Relative distances, these are approximations.

and a sample to show the headache of accurately mapping to 1/10 km scale upper left shows 1/10 km, rest map each square = 1 km

Feel free to vote/plan/send me winning lottery tickets...
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[ X ] Plan: Rinse and repeat v1.1

Jump Hawks flit in load AKP'S & ALSV'S line moving it to block Osahi's new vector centered on D-5 on second map.
Plan: Rinse and repeat v1.1 has 2 votes (Badkatt & Cmd. Frost), I would prefer a few more before I call it locked and call for rolls.

Valid combatants for this plan/turn
  1. Mammoth vs Guiron (clustered)
  2. Little Bird paint Osahi and if successful, 2 Cobras attack w/t last of Hellfires. (4 km/ 3km respectively)
  3. Whitecap Triton shoots at Osahi ( 3km ) this order Triton can benefit from Little Bird painting as well (Rifle is an accurate weapon, as a nice QM I incorporated Pave Penny compatibility into the Jaegers if applicable... Because their -Jaegers-!)
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(OOC) I would like to further develop player ties to our persistent world, to that end I am encouraging you to think on 'Councillor pet projects' such as @dgr11897 has voiced interest in his Councillor heading up a skunkworks independent research branch ( DARPA inspired) and @KnightDisciple powered armor strike force. BadKatt privately voiced an interest to overseeing a Public Relation city augment of speech writers, spin doctors, people well versed in the social sciences to counter negative propaganda or other sources of morale loss.

Councillor pet projects gain a reduction in outlay in R, higher chance of initial success, and a bonus to projects in direct relationship to your recent participation in the quest.

IE. I'm not above bribery to encourage even MORE participation. :p
Cool, note to self, vote in this more. Should probably work on my battlefield analysis and diplomatic shenaniganing skills a bit...
Iceman's Trek 7
Michael approaches the outskirts of Yemassee and made good time doing so, however there are trade offs like some light blistering as his shoes are beginning to break down, the adhesives holding the sole to the shoes body giving way long before the rubber wears down, opening seams and turning a good fit, loose and prone to slipping.

Michael thanks the heavens he has had the foresight to dust the inside of his pants with cornstarch to help prevent the moisture of exertion from causing chafing of groin and thighs, another of Hunter's tricks. Nothing can prevent a restful nights slumber like a seeping, hot, angry groin.

Yemassee apparently has held some rebellious faction at some recent time, and has been the victim of an apparently sustained & repeated thermobaric bombardment the smell of fresh combustion still adheres to the rubble. Ruins are the rule, collapsed by over pressure or reduced to charred rubble his eyes can pick out no likely intact structure. Sleeping rough the most likely outcome.

Michael settles for an intact corner where two walls once met, with a bit of work additional charred flooring is used to make a lean-to that will block the worst of the wind, and shelter a small flame from sight if he is careful of fuels that produce no visible smoke. It's best done pre-dusk to build a coal bed that can be nursed through the night, open flames even without clear line of sight produce a general lightening that would make him stand out from the ruins.

Shelter and comfort attended, Michael moves on to security. Invisible fishing trip lines and strategic placement of prop rods makes for a series of smallish collapsing rubble piles indistinguishable from the natural settling of the rubble to a casual listener.

Another warm meal of canned goods and stale water, replenishing the energy spent trudging the roads and he settles in for the night, tomorrow with fresh eyes, a quick scout to see if anything of worth can be obtained before again south and west towards Savannah.
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I'm wondering if setting up checkpoints on major highways near our area of influence borders would be cost effective to watch for major troop movements from Charleston.

At 20 R a pop, garrisoned rifle platoons are fairly inexpensive, and can be stationed beyond our sensor range.

Unless coming at us strictly by sea, I count only 1 interstate, 6-7 US highways, and less than a dozen States highways.

Sure that leaves scores of back roads small groups might use, but columns of troops will readily stand out attempting to use them.

For the cost of 40 platoons of Garrisoned rifle (800 R) listening posts tied into our coms could eyeball any largish group movements on our Northern border.

Edit: have some combat engineers on the major inbound roads boobytrap, streams, overpasses, etc. And show the rifles how to set them off and for a pittance an armored column is slowed to a cross country crawl.

I was rethinking this and still think it would be a worthy project for next turn downtime, it would be even more potent if 50 % of garrisoned rifle replaced by AKP'S. Cost jumps to 20 Rifle (400r) + 20 AKP'S (800 r) = 1,200 r but adds k-scale to 1/2 our borders guards.

What appeals more my fellow Councillors?

Cheap but limited effectiveness
[ ] All rifle (800 R )

Added expense but increased versatility
[ ] 20 AKP'S / 20 Rifle (1,200 r)
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I was rethinking this and still think it would be a worthy project for next turn downtime, it would be even more potent if 50 % of garrisoned rifle replaced by AKP'S. Cost jumps to 20 Rifle (400r) + 20 AKP'S (800 r) = 1,200 r but adds k-scale to 1/2 our borders guards.

What appeals more my fellow Councillors?

Cheap but limited effectiveness
[ ] All rifle (800 R )

Added expense but increased versatility
[ ] 20 AKP'S / 20 Rifle (1,200 r)

I vote we bite the bullet and go full AKP's
I vote we bite the bullet and go full AKP's

I would tend to agree but 1,600 r, is a Major investment, and I wanted to present a level I think I can justify to our most conservative member.

I also wanted to get more target spotters made like Little Birds or Atlanta BP style Stryker's. Stackable increased accuracy is a force multiplier.
Quote added for easy reference:
M1131 (GLTD equipped): This variant of the Stryker is designed for target acquisition and Fire for Effect operations in support of Pave Penny II equipped 'accurate' weapon systems.

Troop transport - 1 regular infantry units. External trailer may mount another infantry unit. 200 R / 250 R w/t trailer
Anzio 20mm anti material rifle turret - (Suppressed Sniper)
Range 20/30/40, hits on 4+ . 1d10+2 fire/impact 1AAP (-5 dam / min 1)
Perk: Accurate Weapon - allows called shot(only if vehicle stationary)
Perk: Focused Weapon - allows called shot(only if vehicle stationary) Allows 'safe' firing into clusters. This weapon when 'Focused' cannot roll exploding dice against Clustered targets.

The laser targeting system has acquired the nickname 'Glad Tidings' from the Ground Laser Target Designator (GLTD)acronym.
'Glad Tidings' Laser designator M1131 version
1d10 attack. Hits on 4+. Range 20/30/40. On a successful hit, 'accurate' weapon systems are treated as having gained 1 Ranged against the target. This point of Ranged may be used for increased accuracy, or Called Shots. Stacks to a bonus of 2 (1 against underwater targets). All bonuses are removed at the end of the round.

Addendum: the Trailer mentioned for the extra 50 r, is know as a Conestoga has solid rubber oversized tires and features 5 armored gunports to both port and starboard, 2 more aft and is environmentally sealed (independently powered positive air pressure seal) equal to the Stryker.
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Smithsguild, I know plan is not declared locked yet... but can I add a common sense addendum?

I want the now irrelevant 'Outriders' to do an evacuation of the Smooth Operators and fall back to Savannah.

No reason to keep valuable elites in harms way.
Smithsguild, I know plan is not declared locked yet... but can I add a common sense addendum?

I want the now irrelevant 'Outriders' to do an evacuation of the Smooth Operators and fall back to Savannah.

No reason to keep valuable elites in harms way.

I'll allow that as an eleventh hour modification, but with that in place considered planned locked and lets get some rolls going.
Valid combatants for this plan/turn
  1. Mammoth vs Guiron (clustered)
  2. Little Bird paint Osahi and if successful, 2 Cobras attack w/t last of Hellfires. (4 km/ 3km respectively)
  3. Whitecap Triton shoots at Osahi ( 3km ) this order Triton can benefit from Little Bird painting as well (Rifle is an accurate weapon, as a nice QM I incorporated Pave Penny compatibility into the Jaegers if applicable... Because their -Jaegers-!)
Quoted for ease of play.
[X] BadKatt

Because I've been away today...

I'm going to be out of town for a few days and likely unable to meaningfully post during that time. Roughly a week's time. I'll maybe be around tomorrow but posting from work is always iffy. I know this is a Quest but we're a tight-knit bunch here.
[X] BadKatt

Because I've been away today...

I'm going to be out of town for a few days and likely unable to meaningfully post during that time. Roughly a week's time. I'll maybe be around tomorrow but posting from work is always iffy. I know this is a Quest but we're a tight-knit bunch here.

The heads up is appreciated, safe travels and have as much fun as the law allows! (More when no one is looking!)
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Roll breakdown:
Mammoth punches Guiron: roll 1d10-1 +3 HtH bonus, hits on 5+, roll 2d10 for hit loc.

Little Bird paints Osahi: roll 1d10 on 4+ target acquisition bonus acquired;
if successful Cobras then roll 1d10 for Hellfires, hits on 4+, roll 2d10 for hit loc.

Whitecap Triton fires the MC-1 'Boomstick' gyrojet from long range (-3) offset by his range stat (+2) and the Little bird target acquisition (+1) if applicable.
Roll 1d10+2, hits on a 5+, roll 2d10 for hit loc.
Punching Guiron's face in the face!

Edit : rolling explosion
Boom! Modified to 25!
BadKatt85 threw 3 10-faced dice. Reason: Face punch Total: 23
10 10 10 10 3 3
BadKatt85 threw 2 10-faced dice. Reason: Too late for called shot so... Total: 17
10 10 7 7
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Punching Guiron's face in the face!
Edit : rolling explosion
Boom! Modified to 25!

[emote] QM's jaw drops.

With a double crit, I'll allow a 1 time, called shot post roll (but only to the face) because of "Rule of Cool!" but it'll shave 4 off your roll to shift it that far... Any objections? (with a 25 I think you can afford it, but the dice gods are a fickle lot, and I've yet to roll Guiron's defense.)

3 yes votes to lock in called shot "To.The.Face."