Mammoth Apostate vs the World 1: "Lost in the Mist"

Consider plan Locked, I however am lacking my muse atm... update tomorrow.

I can tell you Sage is captured and you can begin planning downtime - 1 action, I will update finances so you know budget ASAP.
10/15 downtime planning
Mammoth makes short work of the stunned Sage, despite the fact when first grabbed and its neck squeezed there was no visible signs of being choked. Mammoth doesn't relent and goes for a bear hug around the torso constricting slowly lifting the kaiju from the ground, a loud 'Blat!' of protest comes from -below- where the beasts legs attach. Yes, Sage apparently talks out of its ass, (as well as breaths and eats...). It is not but a moment of feeble struggles with ineffective arms flailing before it lapses into unconsciousness.

The whole submission is filmed for later distribution, it has a wondrous effect on morale across your area of influence. Morale rises to Calm!


Income 4,445 R
-2,700 R to finish construction of both containment's (K-scale/ & SSC) as well as Hazardous High Energy Lab (free energy research action each downtime). (3,000 R - 10% from Massarone Construction deduction.)

Morale Improves to Calm! +10% to manufacturing income!!
Environment level improves! (if not for the
Mines runoff, would have reached Growing & received +1 additional general action.)

Remaining Balance before Income = 1,745 R

-275 R Kaiju Cleanup (optional, but suffer environmental damage if left undone)

-200 R for the two 'Divine Thunderbolts' used.

Black market salvage Cat 3 - +1,000 r/ quick kill 500 r

+250 R Casino taxation
+50 R Fort Pulaski Market
+450 R 'Landrum-Pickering Titanium mine'
+1,100 R Manufacturing (includes morale bonus)
+600 R Processing Crude to Petrochems (2 more down times of crude remain)
+941 R Ports Authority (Cargo Container Income)

New Income total: 6,161 R 10/15/2018 downtime begins!
(OOC) Quick footnote - I allow synergistic research across compatible labs. IE for arguments sake lets say you wanted to "theoretically" research a kaiju ability that used large energy emissions. You could use both the K-science AND High Energy Lab (HEL) to gain standard 1d10 +4 (research stat) + (1/2 research Stat AGAIN for additional lab synergy) with a good enough justification there is no practical limit to how high these stack. Each lab may however only give ONE stat bonus per downtime (full solo or 1/2 as synergy)

Dazzle me with your technobabble!


Free Actions:

[ ] Full or partially Fund the Shared currency program ( 0000 / 5,000 R ) Atlanta will match for use on their end, IE they will maintain their gold / platinum reserves up to 5,000 R to back the currency. 1,000 R in to start / +200 r mint cost

[ ] Assign troops and "seed money resources" for start of Commodity Exchange

[ ] upgrade All our applicable forces that could benefit from existing new tech (GLTD/ PP/ Recoiless) 280 R

Kaiju Blue Cleanup

[ ] Clean
[ ] No clean

[ ] one free J-Tech Research Project

[ ] one free K-Sciences Research Project

[ ] one free Jaeger Repair or Upgrade action (Hephaestus)

[ ] one free High Energy Lab (HEL) Project

Five General actions (1 per Population) :

  1. Used for Containment/Lab Construction
  2. -
  3. -
  4. -
  5. -

Possible projects needing attention:

Finish Blueprints for the "Smithy" a dual purpose structure housing both the 'Foundry' and the 'Crucible' defensive augments; Counts as a single defensive Augment. (Blueprints are 6/10 researched with a research bonus of 4, it is a guaranteed success.) Build order can be issued as a free action turn BP completes. Each 'half' requires 750 R.

Use the Already purchased Ranged (5 rolls) /Dexterity (5 rolls) /Toughness (15 rolls) for STAT Upgrades ( 1 action per Jaeger being improved - Hephaestus compatible upgrade)

Allow J-Tech chance to upgrade 'Imperfect Jaeger MLRS System' into a better field reloading compatible system.

With completion of HEL, the scientist from Atlanta that promised he had a potential fix to allow flight w/o worry about radioactive particulates can begin research.
(This can open up jet powered flight again, as well as remove the 2 hour flight window before prop driven engines must be overhauled).

Any of your research tokens;

  • Research Token - Retardant Paint (from Hakuja's Retardant Carapace Plate)
  • Research Token - Anti-Armor (based off Ickthorn's Anti-armor Flail Tail)
  • Research Token -Kaiju Cleanup (Ickthorn Nest Moss Sample)
K-Science continue Hive mind Research: more research to understand & catalog stress responses, and begin mapping cognitive function of Primary Brain.


(OOC) that should give you enough to begin noodling a downtime plan...

Later today I may do a write up Re: Atlanta convoy, Emissary Kim's return and response to shared currency/commodity trading/ & Atlanta's stance on your war on terror. and IF I feel particularly motivated, another installment w/t Iceman.

Edit: I also will need 1d10 rolled for Homeland, to see if they find a suitable outpost please.
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Homeland DOES find a suitable settlement, Pembroke.

Although low on population (w/t only 35 people) it barely qualifies as a Hamlet. What is interesting about this quaint little place is the functional Dairy out on state route 67. Once part of a corporate Dairy chain (Mayfield Dairies) it is now an independent endeavor ran by a single extended family that produces an abundance of milk, milk products, and the rare side of beef. +125 R /downtime (+5 R slush fund) Generates much more income than its population would suggest.
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Mammoth makes short work of the stunned Sage, despite the fact when first grabbed and its neck squeezed there was no visible signs of being choked. Mammoth doesn't relent and goes for a bear hug around the torso constricting slowly lifting the kaiju from the ground, a loud 'Blat!' of protest comes from -below- where the beasts legs attach. Yes, Sage apparently talks out of its ass, (as well as breaths and eats...). It is not but a moment of feeble struggles with ineffective arms flailing before it lapses into unconsciousness.
...I mean...I can see some minor advantages, at least with breathing. Not so many with eating, though. Gravity would pull the food back down.

Definitely going to want to use the HEL action on improved flight. That's vital, IMO. Using the K-Sci action to poke our new pet Kaiju and figure out his shields' secrets might be a good idea, either as a free research action, or by using one of our 4 general actions. Finishing up the Smithy seems like a good idea, as well. Other than that, though, I'm feeling pretty neutral.
Atlanta's Ambassador Waldo Kim's Little Bird barely has time to land before the extremely tall gent jumps out grinning ear to ear and makes his way to the Council Chambers.

"Good news my friends; on two of these issues I have Exceptional news! As to shared currency and a commodity exchange Mayor Adaire and our council have decided a resounding Yes! with a few small conditions...

The money needs be an enduring sort, minted coinage of varying denominations, 1$, 5$, 20$, and 100$ coins is our councils suggestion. The minting plates for striking the coinage is a shared property, Savannah retains 1 plate, the second plate is the property of Atlanta and I will hold it here in my office in Savannah for cooperative minting. This precaution prevents either city from printing money on a whim and devaluing the sister cities currency without agreement. This is non-negotiable and I feel you'll agree, a reasonable precaution.

As to the commodity exchange, equal investment, equal shared security ran on the entirety of route, 2 warehouses (1 each city to store goods to sell as the local market peeks enough to turn reasonable profits), regardless of what sells or is held to be sold the profits are shared equally. 1/4 of all profit is rolled into escrow to further grow the exchange, the other 3/4 profit is split and payed out at downtime?

For Caravan guards we are going to permanently post 1 tank, 1 M1131 Stryker troop transport, mounting 2 platoons of AKP's to be taken from our current gift convoys troops. We ask that initially you match that, as the value of goods increase we both match a suitable increase in troops.

Sadly, that is the last of my exceptional news. The word on your War, is more of a mixed bag of good and not so great...

Mayor Adaire is a staunch advocate in your favor; but alas politics back home and placating his council has tied his hands somewhat, He hopes the following compromise is acceptable.

Atlanta will for now NOT be a participant in any conflicts.

However, we intend to offer you enduring command of the following members of OUR armed forces temporarily attached here in Savannah: 1 tank, 1 M1131 Stryker troop transport, mounting 2 platoons of AKP's to be used in joint maneuvers to observe your troops and protect Atlanta's interests within your sovereign borders. Now should hostile forces fire upon Atlanta's troops who are here as observers that would be like your unarmed scout being attacked on the high seas, and would of course merit a change in policy back home". He slyly winks at you.

As to your generosity sharing troop types, prototypes, and such... We do not possess the depth of forces you had, but what we have we now gladly share. When you scavenged Fort Gillem your troops overlooked some tech we now want to share these plans.

AKP - Upgrade: retiring the old outmoded RPG launchers and replacing them with Mk 4 'Carl Gustavs' increased AKP base cost 5 R
3/shots Recoilless Rifle Bombardment: 1d10+1 Impact/Fire damage. -1 Damage. rng 5/10/15 [cauterize]

AKP -Upgrade: Exchanging the deuce and a halfs for a APC based on an Atlanta design specs.

M1131 (GLTD equipped): This variant of the Stryker is designed for target acquisition and Fire for Effect operations in support of Pave Penny II equipped 'accurate' weapon systems.

Troop transport - 1 regular infantry units. External trailer may mount another infantry unit. 200 R / 250 R w/t trailer
Anzio 20mm anti material rifle turret - (Suppressed Sniper)
Range 20/30/40, hits on 4+ . 1d10+2 fire/impact 1AAP (-5 dam / min 1)
Perk: Accurate Weapon - allows called shot(only if vehicle stationary)
Perk: Focused Weapon - allows called shot(only if vehicle stationary) Allows 'safe' firing into clusters. This weapon when 'Focused' cannot roll exploding dice against Clustered targets.

The laser targeting system has acquired the nickname 'Glad Tidings' from the Ground Laser Target Designator (GLTD)acronym.
'Glad Tidings' Laser designator M1131 version
1d10 attack. Hits on 4+. Range 20/30/40. On a successful hit, 'accurate' weapon systems are treated as having gained 1 Ranged against the target. This point of Ranged may be used for increased accuracy, or Called Shots. Stacks to a bonus of 2 (1 against underwater targets). All bonuses are removed at the end of the round.

To upgrade an accurate weapon to be compatible 25 R/unit. unit gains (PP) notation.

Little Bird adapted 'GLTD' package 75 R. makes them able to designate as per M1131 stats.

Ambassador Kim also offers a city upgrade Manufacturing Augment - Kaiju Salvage Facility 1,000 R
Provides +10% additional Resources from a slain Kaiju, independent of Morale. Each further constructed facility adds +10% to the bonus Resource gain, to a maximum of + 100% (10 facilities). May purchase 1x per 2 manufacturing stat.


Atlanta's trade convoy arrives safely, they make some comment about passing some Kaiju harvesting and wonder had we been busy?
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I'm in agreement with @Nixeu , with one more pull my hair out point.

Free upgrades to Jaegers, sitting unused. Mammoth could really use a point in ranged, and dex to use the already constructed weapons that work as rngd/melee hybrids. Chakram?

I think everyone can agree Whitecap Triton could benefit from improved toughness.

Need to beef up military and we need at least one Stryker to meet trade agreements with Atlanta for commodity exchange.

One more wishlist item a SPLL to rearm the M270 in combat.
Are we confident that putting the Elder Sign on our coinage, which will be handled daily in large quantities by our entire citizenry, will have no adverse side effects?
Are we confident that putting the Elder Sign on our coinage, which will be handled daily in large quantities by our entire citizenry, will have no adverse side effects?
I think the benefits outweigh any side-effects short of fatalities, personally. It's probably a more effective measure than any Inquisition we could ever put together would be at shutting down cult activity. And it could end up extending to surrounding settlements without our active involvement.

I'm not entirely against testing the effects of frequent, long-term exposure, mind you. We could easily test that out by putting it on, say, a unit's weapons, or their uniforms, first. With some potential benefit, as well. If we put it someplace not obvious, but still seen a lot by soldiers, that could help prevent any effect from leaking out onto civilians.
My personal takeaway is now we have both a large scale & small scale containment we get to play xcom / Dr. Vahlen and capture and experiment with the Elder Sign on actual cosmic horrors, no more guessing.

Although thinking on it we may also want to fund a paranormal research branch like k-science or J tech. We have the 'Chat Aquadigen' (spelling?) & maybe our foot in the door on magical research.

Edit: Bureau for Paranormal Research and Defense. (I love Hellboy).
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Bottom line, regardless of the multitude of 'theories' floating around... You don't know the effects in this alternate universe, or who and/or what are valid targets. The monetary distribution -IS- a stroke of genius and in a strictly OOC way you know I tend to reward creative thought.

Beyond that I will fall back on Open_Sketchbooks mantra: "You can research ANYTHING". You want definitive answers do the work to get them.:p
Wait, what coinage are we making? Do they have the elder sign on the back?

Actually I Bad_Katt85 proposed all 3 Elder Signs. H.P. Lovecrafts branch, Derleths pentancle, and the Horned pentacle first encountered at the black site on the coinage.

Edit : phase one experiment, we have some cult leaders as prisoners, we could observe effects of signs on human beings until we bag a Deep one :evil:
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Small scale containment makes for an excellent minimal exposure to outside world, extraordinary rendition and detention facility.

(Think of how well you'd sleep if your next door cellmate were a grey widower)
As always so many shiny new toys, is no one else jumping for joy as to the upgrades Atlanta just gave us?

Laser designators for accurate weapons!

AKP'S no longer have to be underfoot to shoot a Kaiju.

Mayor Adaire is a crafty old fox, politically. Not joining the 'war' officially but opening the door to accidentally get involved by way of military observers. That's some Tricky Dick (Richard Nixon) style backhanded politics shit there.
So much needing done, so few actions. :confused::(

Military wise we need to expand our number of troops, as well as diversify.

Maybe Atlanta will allow us to begin commodity exchange mounting upgraded AKP'S on deuces until we get our higher priority troops constructed.

3 need now purchases, IMHO?

Self propelled launch loader for M270.

More anti-air units, AN/TWQ-1 Avengers because flying things (such as the Sturgis Queen suck when your forces are designed for ground battles, and in Icemans trek they mention Reaper drones.)

True, That is a bit meta, but I'm pretty sure the cultists would have some sort of air force unit to deal with.

Third, spend an action to upgrade All our applicable forces that could benefit into GLTD/PP compliance.

(Little Bird, Tanks, Cobras, Avenger, M270,)

Edit: @Smithsguild , how do we handle upgrades of existing units?
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Edit: @Smithsguild , how do we handle upgrades of existing units?

For existing units a 'Free action' with a completed BP. Pay the difference of old Unit / and the upgrade new Unit.

6 existing AKP's x 5 R for the new recoiless tech ; all future AKP purchased pay 40 R to make the new shiny models.

1 Existing Little Bird x 75 R to gain GLTD tech; all future 'spotter' Little Birds purchased pay 275 R to make the 'spotter' variant.

2 existing Tanks x 25 R to gain Pave Penny 2 tech; all future Tanks purchased pay 225 R.

3 AH-1 Super Cobras x 25 R to gain Pave Penny 2 tech; all future cobras purchased pay 325 R.

1 M270 MLRS x 25 R to gain Pave Penny 2 tech; all future cobras purchased pay 350 R.

1 AN/TWQ-1 Avenger x 25 R to gain Pave Penny 2 tech; all future Avengers purchased pay 225 R.

TLDR version; pay me 280 R to spend a free action in downtime plan to upgrade All our applicable forces that could benefit from existing new tech.
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[ ] Plan: Rough Draft for debate

Free Actions:

[X] Full or partially Fund the Shared currency program ( 0000 / 5,000 R ) Atlanta will match for use on their end, IE they will maintain their gold / platinum reserves up to 5,000 R to back the currency. 1,000 R in to start / +200 r mint cost

[X] Assign troops and "seed money resources" for start of Commodity Exchange (I suggest 500 R)

[X] upgrade All our applicable forces that could benefit from existing new tech (GLTD/ PP/ Recoiless) 280 R

Kaiju Blue Cleanup
[X] Clean
[ ] No clean

[X]one free J-Tech Research Project
  • Revisit the Jaeger scale M270, to allow time for reloader development.

[ ] one free K-Sciences Research Project

[X] one free Jaeger Repair or Upgrade action (Hephaestus)
  • Upgrade Mammoth Apostate using as many stat upgrades as available to reach range 1 / Dexterity 1

[ ] one free High Energy Lab (HEL) Project

Five General actions (1 per Population) :
  1. Used for Containment/ HEL Lab Construction
  2. Build 4 Avengers for 900 R
  3. Build 1 Self Propelled Launch Loaders
  4. Authorize a new research lab "Bureau for Paranormal Research and Defense". (Magic research).
  5. -
This an open plan to promote discussion, feel free to use as a template for your own plan. This is just projects I feel are priorities.
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Authorize a new research lab "Bureau for Paranormal Research and Defense". (Magic research).

Seeing as how you really don't know where to start with this, a 250 R expenditure for buying everything/anything to begin chasing 'magical theory' and translating "The Cthäat Aquadingen" AKA 'Things of the Water' dating circa 1400 A.D.
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I would think either would be fine, @Smithsguild keeps teasing us about low quality control (manufacturing because of stat of 2).

@Smithsguild is there actually a "good enough" point on the spectrum?

Double pinging me not necessary BadKatt... And yes there is, it goes something like:

1-3 manufacturing produces : Flawed equipment (less of a dice mechanism, more of a QM plot/story driven element; I invoke at will to produce dramatic tension).

4-5 Standard equipment - no explanation needed

6-14 produces -occasional- exceptional equipment (again more of a QM plot/story driven element; IE I invoke at will to produce dramatic results). A unit that gains a designation (M+) that shows they are equipped with superior gear, in game terms think D&D master crafted.

15+ Everything produced is superior to standard fare elsewhere, All units possess (M+) designation and gain QM love...
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