Mammoth makes short work of the stunned Sage, despite the fact when first grabbed and its neck squeezed there was no visible signs of being choked. Mammoth doesn't relent and goes for a bear hug around the torso constricting slowly lifting the kaiju from the ground, a loud 'Blat!' of protest comes from -below- where the beasts legs attach. Yes, Sage apparently talks out of its ass, (as well as breaths and eats...). It is not but a moment of feeble struggles with ineffective arms flailing before it lapses into unconsciousness.
The whole submission is filmed for later distribution, it has a wondrous effect on morale across your area of influence. Morale rises to Calm!
Income 4,445 R
-2,700 R to finish construction of both containment's (K-scale/ & SSC) as well as Hazardous High Energy Lab (free energy research action each downtime). (3,000 R - 10% from Massarone Construction deduction.)
Morale Improves to Calm! +10% to manufacturing income!!
Environment level improves! (if not for the Mines runoff,
would have reached Growing & received +1 additional general action.)
Remaining Balance before Income = 1,745 R
-275 R Kaiju Cleanup
(optional, but suffer environmental damage if left undone)
-200 R for the two 'Divine Thunderbolts' used.
Black market salvage Cat 3 - +1,000 r/ quick kill 500 r
+250 R Casino taxation
+50 R Fort Pulaski Market
+450 R 'Landrum-Pickering Titanium mine'
+1,100 R Manufacturing (includes morale bonus)
+600 R Processing Crude to Petrochems (2 more down times of crude remain)
+941 R Ports Authority (Cargo Container Income)
New Income total: 6,161 R 10/15/2018 downtime begins!
(OOC) Quick footnote - I allow synergistic research across compatible labs. IE for arguments sake lets say you wanted to "theoretically" research a kaiju ability that used large energy emissions. You could use both the K-science
AND High Energy Lab (HEL) to gain standard 1d10 +4 (research stat) + (1/2 research Stat AGAIN for additional lab synergy) with a good enough justification there is no practical limit to how high these stack. Each lab may however only give ONE stat bonus per downtime (full solo or 1/2 as synergy)
Dazzle me with your technobabble!
Free Actions:
[ ] Full or partially Fund the Shared currency program ( 0000 / 5,000 R ) Atlanta will match for use on their end, IE they will maintain their gold / platinum reserves up to 5,000 R to back the currency. 1,000 R in to start / +200 r mint cost
[ ] Assign troops and "seed money resources" for start of Commodity Exchange
[ ] upgrade All our applicable forces that could benefit from existing new tech (GLTD/ PP/ Recoiless) 280 R
Kaiju Blue Cleanup
[ ] Clean
[ ] No clean
[ ] one free J-Tech Research Project
[ ] one free K-Sciences Research Project
[ ] one free Jaeger Repair or Upgrade action (Hephaestus)
[ ] one free High Energy Lab (HEL) Project
Five General actions (1 per Population) :
- Used for Containment/Lab Construction
- -
- -
- -
- -
Possible projects needing attention:
Finish Blueprints for the "Smithy" a dual purpose structure housing both the 'Foundry' and the 'Crucible' defensive augments; Counts as a single defensive Augment. (Blueprints are 6/10 researched with a research bonus of 4, it is a guaranteed success.) Build order can be issued as a free action turn BP completes. Each 'half' requires 750 R.
Use the Already purchased Ranged (5 rolls) /Dexterity (5 rolls) /Toughness (15 rolls) for STAT Upgrades ( 1 action per Jaeger being improved - Hephaestus compatible upgrade)
Allow J-Tech chance to upgrade 'Imperfect Jaeger MLRS System' into a better field reloading compatible system.
With completion of HEL, the scientist from Atlanta that promised he had a potential fix to allow flight w/o worry about radioactive particulates can begin research.
(This can open up jet powered flight again, as well as remove the 2 hour flight window before prop driven engines must be overhauled).
Any of your research tokens;
- Research Token - Retardant Paint (from Hakuja's Retardant Carapace Plate)
- Research Token - Anti-Armor (based off Ickthorn's Anti-armor Flail Tail)
- Research Token -Kaiju Cleanup (Ickthorn Nest Moss Sample)
K-Science continue Hive mind Research: more research to understand & catalog stress responses, and begin mapping cognitive function of Primary Brain.
(OOC) that should give you enough to begin noodling a downtime plan...
Later today I may do a write up Re: Atlanta convoy, Emissary Kim's return and response to shared currency/commodity trading/ & Atlanta's stance on your war on terror. and IF I feel particularly motivated, another installment w/t Iceman.
Edit: I also will need 1d10 rolled for Homeland, to see if they find a suitable outpost please.