Mammoth Apostate vs the World 1: "Lost in the Mist"

While I am awaiting rolls I will amuse myself by posting some 'event's'.

These are merely 'things' occurring in the multiverse, some may have bearing on you, others are merely background flavor for this AU.

Location - A prehistoric stone monastery, in the City of Alaozar, the Plateau of Leng, the Dreamlands.

The frigid desert winds could not curb the enthusiasm of 'the high-priest not to be described', who wears a yellow silken mask over its face; after aeons of maneuvering his master Nyarlathotep (Flagg) had overcome a rival godling.

The Twin Terrors, Zhar & Lloigor were defeated and and its shared organ of power devoured. Its loyal followers banished from the Dreamlands, never again to interfere and vie for the souls of the Tcho-Tcho people from the yellow masked Priest. His acolytes were preparing a cannibalistic feast not seen in centuries. Without a rival in close proximity, he would soon need to decide a new target for the holy crusade, but the Dreamlands were overfull with godlings and servitors to chose among.


The 'Deacon' for the first time in a long time, sat uneasy. His emissary to his god, was not accepting communication. Leviathan was always a receptive ear, and crooned promise of power and glory of ascendance. To rise above humanity and become truly 'other'.

The Deacon knew there was a perpetual 'war in heaven' it was one of its appeals after all. But he never would have suspected, Cthulhu and his camp with their vast powers would be forced to scramble suddenly to cover areas in contention because Nyarlathotep had experienced a sudden unexplained leap in power.


(OOC) Small break, then I may jump back to Iceman's travels...
Elsewhere (the Anteverse)

<My liege.> The tall slender figure, a Precursor, kneels before another similar being. <I am saddened to report the Invasion, it does not proceed as scheduled.>

<We do not need excuses. Or delays.> The second Precursor (who is sporting a large cerebral crest) says, looming over the first, who flinches slightly from the action. <Explain yourself!>

The first one, its head still bowed, speaks in hushed tones. <The most recent information shows this world suffers another simultaneous Incursion, from the Outsiders... Our projections showed us dangerously close to the exclusion zone and their interference was always a possibility.>


<I shall do as asked my liege!> The kneeling being whispers, its head nearly pressed against the floor of the podium. <We will adapt.>

The standing one straightens up, its tone more neutral. <As you say, as always - We will adapt.>
<Make it so.>
Rolling for Kaiju Particulate research, and MLRS. Someone else can take K-Science.

Edit: 14 for particulate, and 6 for missiles!
Fyrstorm threw 1 10-faced dice. Reason: Particle Man (+4) Total: 10
10 10
Fyrstorm threw 1 10-faced dice. Reason: Itano Circus (+4) Total: 2
2 2
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Guess I'll handle the K-Sci roll. It was my idea, IIRC.

Edit: Well. That may be an issue.
Nixeu threw 1 10-faced dice. Reason: Giant Monster Probing (+4) Total: 1
1 1
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HEL - Kaiju Particulate research (Natural 10! + 4 research bonus)

Plasma Net Construction perfected! Once prototype can be duplicated en masse (next turn) the propeller type aircraft (heli's/prop driven planes) can enjoy a regular pre-kaiju maintenance schedule. Jet aircraft can once again safely take to the skies (if only for an hour before requiring ground up rebuild or risk catastrophic failure).

But nothing breeds hubris like success, rather than cleaning his own lab (and following his own very strict, self imposed, protocols) 'Doc' Brown allows research staff maintenance to clean following standard Hazardous cleaning protocols. Disaster ensues, something as yet undetermined acts in a way defying conventional thought, a moderate thermobaric event occurs killing the poor janitor, causing 100 R in lab damage, and mildly concussing 'Doc Brown' .

Doc swears nothing in his lab should have possessed the potential energy he witnessed released, he vows to investigate!

J-Tech - MLRS chest module (continued)

MLRS research is successful, but again not on a level they had aspired to... MLRS requires 1 turn downtime to reload the 2 active pods (3 full reloads available / 6 additional pods), techs don't understand what is causing the autoloader to suffer such lag, it should be seamless with no downtime required. They swear there is still room for improvement.

K-science - ways to safely work with test subject, including prompting ability use

First attempt at a means of subdual, retractable Tesla coils intent to taser subjects down and allow safe work in close proximity meet with spectacular failure! But a lot of Sage's physiology is learned about, at a Cost!

Sage reached up with two of his Batons and drew in the current, redirecting it with his other arms that normally form his Electromagnetic Barrier Defense and instead he channels the blue white field and generates an EM pulse. This causes the Research generator to stall out completely, safety protocols engage preventing the compact fusion generator from going into critical failure. It is over 1 and a half hours before a restart is achieved.

Rubberized Spongy Hide
Armor Value: 2
Coverage: All
Resilience: +4 AV vs Electrical, +1 AV vs Impact/Blunt

Taser Batons (Melee) upto 2 independent attacks / turn - Superior hind brain
Attack Dice: 1d10 (-3 damage)
Damage Type: Electrical
Damage Bonus: N/A
Armor Penetration: +2 AAP vs conductive metals
Grappling Bonus: -5

Electromagnetic Barrier Defense - Intensive localized magnetic field that in seeming violation of natural law produces near zero bleed off to surrounding environment (20' beyond field).
Visible actinic blue/white shield (reminiscent of arc welding) uncomfortable to look at.
Acts a solid barrier against all minimally magnetic affected projectiles. (Shells, rockets, and missiles). May not use barrier and & both Taser Batons same turn.

Power 2 (4)
Dispersal 4 (5)
Integrity 6 (8)
⦁ Projected Shield (5 unit diameter - protects vs outside dome only) 1/4 sphere
⦁ Personal (personal diameter - protects vs outside dome only) number in parenthesis hemisphere

Collapse (1st) random Glancing wound, (2nd)random Minor wound (3rd) random Major wound and system permanently fails. May immediately re-raise short of system failure.
Power is the amount that incoming damage is reduced by. (Equiv. AV reduction)
Dispersal is the amount of damage that bleeds off each round.
Integrity is how much damage the shield can absorb before collapsing.
Collapse describes the cost of shield collapse (when shield integrity is exceeded)
All that remains is the (Hephaestus) one free Jaeger Repair or Upgrade action -

Upgrade Mammoth Apostate using as many stat upgrades as available to reach range 1 / Dexterity 1

Need 1d10+4 (full research Stat)rolled:

x5 for Ranged stat

x5 for Dexterity stat

with a roll of 6 or better netting you 1 pt progress towards a stat increase
Ranged 1 requires (0/5 successes)
Dexterity 1 requires (0/5 successes).
Please roll 1d10+4 <-----> 5 times, for Dexterity stat

with a roll of 6 or better netting you 1 pt progress towards a stat increase
Dexterity 1 requires (0/5 successes).

Ranged 1 requires (3/5 successes need 2 more)
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I can do the Dex rolls...even if the Dice Gods seem to be displeased with me.

Edit: Or maybe they're just yanking my chain.
Nixeu threw 5 10-faced dice. Reason: Dexterity Rolls (5d10+4) Total: 29
8 8 3 3 7 7 10 10 1 1
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Dexterity 1 (3/5 successes).
Ranged 1 (3/5 successes).

Looks like stat upgrades may have to wait until next downtime...

edit: personally I think I would have blown the 15 free toughness rolls on Whitecap Triton ;)
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(OOC) Event time!


"RED ALERT: Sensors register @#$*^$ [unclassified signatures]. Antiverse radiation- absent. Size, quantity,toxicity,& radiation readings in flux.

Closest Designation - ?Mist Entity? two category-3 entities [Error] one category-4 entity [Error] Bio-mass indeterminate and anomalous, no signs of life or movement present.

No Anteverse breech detected, no Mist portal detected, Creature was not present on any sensors, then suddenly was on all, without corresponding energy spike. Please flag incident as unresolved, and design new parameters...

Entity locale confirmed, Wassaw National Wildlife Refuge, Skidaway Island."


Okay, this ones a head scratcher... What does the Council want to do?
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Hmm, well, I see three, no, four, options.
First, samael, he has that power that lets him return and duplicate, I think. Probably one of the more likely explanations
Second, cultists, buried monster, or some other form of preexisting creature or force. this might be some kind of project from the guys who made whitecap trident
Third, stealth system of some kind, probably one of the more dangerous options.
Fourth, an unknown external force, a third faction out there between reality. unlikely under initial inspection, made more likely by the recent story interludes.
Iceman's Trek 3
Michael crept forward stepping down on the outer edge of his feet,slowly rolling the wieght onto it evenly to judge the ground upon which he now stepped, careful not to snap the smallest twig.

'Hunter' aka Ian St.John had taught him to move this way and called it fox-walking, it was a HUGE pain in the ass.

But it had meant the difference between gliding into a room full of raiders undetected instead of him doing his normal bull in a china shop, so Michael burned the extra calories and worked his senses like his next few breaths depended on it.

The house was quite, a quite that bespoke of small life: crickets chirping, a small furitive scurry of a rodent crossing bubbled linoleum. The smell was of old charcoal and molded wood, even the cool moist breeze gave comfort.

Comfort was a lie, and Michael knew better than to trust it.

Inside the house there was a sudden scramble, the rodent squeaked protest and was suddenly silenced. What followed was an unearthly chitter and small crunching noises. The crickets were silenced for only a few moments after the hidden violence and again began their song, apparently accustom to the danger lurking, no threat to them apparently.

Michael was faced with a hard choice a night in the open or investigate and deal with the potential threat.

What does Michael decide Councilor's?
[ ] A night in the open.
[ ] Deal with it.
Damn Smithsguild, you've been busy today.

Creatures from dream, paranoid worries from a cultist, Kaiju-Masters, sensors going crazy & now Iceman's trek.

You need a hobby Old man!

For the sensors , I say full battlestations all hands on deck. Wassaw Refuge is several km **inside** our defensive perimeter, no time to be conservative.

As to Iceman's dilemma, I say .22 in mainhand, shotgun in left and 'Deal with it !'
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Damn Smithsguild, you've been busy today.

Creatures from dream, paranoid worries from a cultist, Kaiju-Masters, sensors going crazy & now Iceman's trek.

You need a hobby Old man!

For the sensors , I say full battlestations all hands on deck. Wassaw Refuge is several km **inside** our defensive perimeter, no time to be conservative.

As to Iceman's dilemma, I say .22 in mainhand, shotgun in left and 'Deal with it !'
Definitely agreed on our response to the sudden and unexplained presence of a K-Scale creature within our walls. Iceman also seems like a decent plan.
It's okay, your Mom bought me 'X-com 2, War of the Chosen for my B-day'. I can't help the muse takes control and this AU bubbles forth...
It's an excellent expansion for an excellent game. I really should play more... but I have a lot of games like that, unfortunately.
Lol, I guess it falls to me to ready an actual 'plan'.

The burden of having found a niche, I guess...

[X] Plan: Bring it all.

Sound alarms to take shelter.

2 Tanks (1 Elite - Hammer's Slammers)
1 Elite mortar - Woj
5 Avengers
2 ALSV's using HE-I
1 M270 using 2 Divine Thunderbolt
1 SPLL (4 pods BK-85) w/t trailer (2 pod DT, 2 pods M26)
2 T-95 artillery Mounted on Jump Hawk (x2) cargo pallets, arty crews fast rope down after pallet quick release.
1 Resupply unit
6 AKP's (3 Elite) mounted on deuces
1 militia k-9 mounting Pathfinder (Elite-Outriders)
4 Motorcycle Militia (3 Elites)

1 Elite Little Bird Flies ahead evasively and paints any potential hostiles.

3 SuperCobra (1 Elite) armed hellfires

Atlanta contingent follow as fast as their training permits, they are to support like units. When their Stryker hits range paint like a tagger on meth.

Big Boys (Mammoth & Triton) hot foot it... has to be faster than waiting on strapping under a jump hawk at these distances.
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Anyone else want to weigh in on Iceman's dilemma? Setting 6 p.m EST tomorrow for him. And let's just set same for dealing with your uninvited guest, inside your defenses.

Edit: If I didn't know better I'd think K-scale inside the DP is likely to cause civilian casualties...
Might want to append a civil defense alert and withdraw civvie populace to shelters.
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Anyone else want to weigh in on Iceman's dilemma? Setting 6 p.m EST tomorrow for him. And let's just set same for dealing with your uninvited guest, inside your defenses.

Edit: If I didn't know better I'd think K-scale inside the DP is likely to cause civilian casualties...
Might want to append a civil defense alert and withdraw civvie populace to shelters.

Ack!!! Editing that in now!
Lol, I guess it falls to me to ready an actual 'plan'.

The burden of having found a niche, I guess...

[X] Plan: Bring it all.

Sound alarms to take shelter.

2 Tanks (1 Elite - Hammer's Slammers)
1 Elite mortar - Woj
5 Avengers
2 ALSV's using HE-I
1 M270 using 2 Divine Thunderbolt
1 SPLL (4 pods BK-85) w/t trailer (2 pod DT, 2 pods M26)
2 T-95 artillery Mounted on Jump Hawk (x2) cargo pallets, arty crews fast rope down after pallet quick release.
1 Resupply unit
6 AKP's (3 Elite) mounted on deuces
1 militia k-9 mounting Pathfinder (Elite-Outriders)
4 Motorcycle Militia (3 Elites)

1 Elite Little Bird Flies ahead evasively and paints any potential hostiles.

3 SuperCobra (1 Elite) armed hellfires

Atlanta contingent follow as fast as their training permits, they are to support like units. When their Stryker hits range paint like a tagger on meth.

Big Boys (Mammoth & Triton) hot foot it... has to be faster than waiting on strapping under a jump hawk at these distances.
What about having Triton go by water, at least as far as it can? Seems like there are inlets or rivers it could follow to the Kaiju, and depending on the distances, it could be quite a bit faster, too. Maybe have the rest follow a coastal route, to keep the group more together? Not sure. Potentially, Triton could scout it out, assuming the water's deep enough. Which it probably isn't?
What about having Triton go by water, at least as far as it can? Seems like there are inlets or rivers it could follow to the Kaiju, and depending on the distances, it could be quite a bit faster, too. Maybe have the rest follow a coastal route, to keep the group more together? Not sure. Potentially, Triton could scout it out, assuming the water's deep enough. Which it probably isn't?

Average water depth of the rivers separating Wassaw Island and Isle of Hope (Shatterdome location) vary from 12-25 feet deep. I do appreciate the creative thought process involved, and the channel from the ocean to Savannah's Ports Authority could have supported such a tactic. Might want to spend an action next downtime to dredge these smaller rivers for quicker aquatic deployment. (or Station Whitecap & pilots in a secure location near a deep water channel). Service and maintenance in the Shatterdome is only a small stroll away.

Edit: In my minds eye Triton can control his buoyancy to float like a boat in a swimmers posture, with only half his torso submerged, the 'Poseidon's Wake' Aquatic propulsion system would not require him to thrash like a 'real' swimmer so a channel depth of 25' - 30' should be sufficient (it's enough for the cargo container ships after all). Triton is lithe when compared to most Jaegers. @Nixeu tagging you so you don't miss the edited info.
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Hmmm, Fort Pulaski is inside our DP, has an already stationed Garrison of troops, for security concerns, we could move their market outside the actual fort. Throw up some traffic barriers and such to making getting a truck bomb near fort harder.

Deploying Triton and his own personal Jump hawk's inside the Fort would give ease of Ocean access while retaining deployment flexibility, Strengthening our northern Border (Cultists are to NE) maybe an Avenger for air defense.

This is just me thinking out loud ...

Edit: Triton's move land is 6/12, in water 7/14? Damn, at a turn being roughly 30 seconds, would mean 168 kmh or 104 mph! That's a hell of a wake!
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Idea, could we have triton get in the river so its back is up then put our artillery on them and use them as a (very fast) attack barge?
Average water depth of the rivers separating Wassaw Island and Isle of Hope (Shatterdome location) vary from 12-25 feet deep. I do appreciate the creative thought process involved, and the channel from the ocean to Savannah's Ports Authority could have supported such a tactic. Might want to spend an action next downtime to dredge these smaller rivers for quicker aquatic deployment. (or Station Whitecap & pilots in a secure location near a deep water channel). Service and maintenance in the Shatterdome is only a small stroll away.

Edit: In my minds eye Triton can control his buoyancy to float like a boat in a swimmers posture, with only half his torso submerged, the 'Poseidon's Wake' Aquatic propulsion system would not require him to thrash like a 'real' swimmer so a channel depth of 25' - 30' should be sufficient (it's enough for the cargo container ships after all). Triton is lithe when compared to most Jaegers. @Nixeu tagging you so you don't miss the edited info.
Hm. And I also misjudged the distances. Land would still be much a shorter trip, and, without the stealth potential, it's just really not worth it. Still, it's a thought for future actions.
Hmmm, Fort Pulaski is inside our DP, has an already stationed Garrison of troops, for security concerns, we could move their market outside the actual fort. Throw up some traffic barriers and such to making getting a truck bomb near fort harder.

Deploying Triton and his own personal Jump hawk's inside the Fort would give ease of Ocean access while retaining deployment flexibility, Strengthening our northern Border (Cultists are to NE) maybe an Avenger for air defense.

This is just me thinking out loud ...

Edit: Triton's move land is 6/12, in water 7/14? Damn, at a turn being roughly 30 seconds, would mean 168 kmh or 104 mph! That's a hell of a wake!
It's not a bad thought. Triton being able to scout out or interecept oceanic targets is sort of why he's useful.

Anyway, since my suggestion's not really practical...

[X] Deal with it.
[X] Bring it all (BadKatt85's plan)