Mammoth Apostate vs the World 1: "Lost in the Mist"

MUAHAHHAHAHAHAH!!!! Quick, Let's make a mass production system for them, so we may rain nuclear death on all kaiju!!!

Sadly there is a production bottleneck that will prevent mass production, the correct enriched fissile materials namely plutonium and uranium in just the right isotopes.

Sure, getting your hazard research centers 'High energy lab' up and running and then they could begin work on a breeder reactor program, but a steady supply of yellow cake uranium to feed into such a breeder reactor is also another hurdle.

Indiscriminate raining of nuclear fire on our own orb (as opposed to in another dimension) , will have environmental repercussions not easily ignored or long survived.
Sadly there is a production bottleneck that will prevent mass production, the correct enriched fissile materials namely plutonium and uranium in just the right isotopes.

Sure, getting your hazard research centers 'High energy lab' up and running and then they could begin work on a breeder reactor program, but a steady supply of yellow cake uranium to feed into such a breeder reactor is also another hurdle.

Indiscriminate raining of nuclear fire on our own orb (as opposed to in another dimension) , will have environmental repercussions not easily ignored or long survived.
Fair enough, We could replace the warhead with a conventional one or some other more easily manufacturable warhead. Still packs a punch but is much less expensive.
Fair enough, We could replace the warhead with a conventional one or some other more easily manufacturable warhead. Still packs a punch but is much less expensive.

True, the intent here was to manufacture 2 of these style warheads (you now possess 1) , one for each breach (Atlantic and Pacific). Hopefully destroying enemy infrastructure and disabling or destroying the mechanisms that maintain the breaches as paths to our world. (Hell, it would be nice bonus to cause massive casualties as well...)

When I earlier described warehouse contents radioactives were on the list. A side by side comparison of build materials versus items on hand will probably yield the data with proper facilities you could construct the second MRV-12.
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In a perfect world both would be deployed at same time for a coordinated strike.

It would also be sweet if we could afford to keep Triton on the D/L as soon as he blips the Kaiju radar, we draw Hadley's heat.

Such wealth, and such a price tag on its use...

Edit: :ninja: Cloak and hood him... mystery man Jaeger style ;) Hey! It worked for Zorro!!
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In a perfect world both would be deployed at same time for a coordinated strike.

It would also be sweet if we could afford to keep Triton on the D/L as soon as he blips the Kaiju radar, we draw Hadley's heat.

Such wealth, and such a price tag on its use...

We can keep Triton under wraps if we can find Bracer.
Well that should officially close out the Black site, there are a couple of addendum that need addressed of things that need handled. Me tying up loose ends and such.

No real response on your parts just a few more informational posts of shit happening in the big wide world.


It has been an eventful 24 hours since your defeat of Sammael, and I mean 24 hours to the second from the time his body slumped in defeat.

A bolt of lightning cleaves the clear night sky coming from the highest reaches, drawing on the persistent current of the low earth orbit super storm, the massive currents normal jump cloud to cloud like bursts of heat lightning unable to jump the gap of so much insulating air to reach ground, tonight -something- not completely natural makes the difference something focused inside the rune covered skull of Sammael.

With an actinic flash and a deafening rumble, bolt meets skull, and shards fly like shrapnel from a grenade. A trembling torrid somewhere between ball lightning and a will-o-wisp rises from the ruins quivers impatiently before splitting in twain. Both race away in different directions at super sonic speed and yet disturbing not a single leaf.
The resting site of the cultists remains are defiled, each head collected the bodies discarded wantonly. On the pavement right below the Savannah Law Enforcement warning sign, is transcribed the following sigil.
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Oh frak. That can't be good at all.
Edit: Dagon. That symbol is the symbol of the esoteric order of dagon, from innsmouth. They worship father dagon, mother hydra, and cthulhu.
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Also, on the topic of Bracer, if it's holed up in a city it's in either Macon, Augusta or Athens.

Macon's on the highway so unless we went around it for some reason Bracer's probably not there.

Augusta's pretty far out of the way but Bracer did leave to draw off pursuers so there's some precident.

Athens' right next door to Savannah so if Bracers there it's likely to have severe damage keeping it from leaving.

There's also Milledge and Sandersville, the boros and Sylvania. They're smaller, but they're also closer to the highway than other large cities.

If Bracer's at a major area it's one of these or the wildlife refuge.
Oh frak. That can't be good at all.
Edit: Dagon. That symbol is the symbol of the esoteric order of dagon, from innsmouth. They worship father dagon, mother hydra, and cthulhu.

Not 'exclusive' to Innsmouth, but otherwise a spot on assessment, would you like to share with the class about the 3 oaths or shall we wait for an official translation from "The Cthäat Aquadingen" ;)
Not 'exclusive' to Innsmouth, but otherwise a spot on assessment, would you like to share with the class about the 3 oaths or shall we wait for an official translation from "The Cthäat Aquadingen" ;)
The three oaths are pretty standard except for the last one, the first two being secrecy and loyalty, while the last one is To take a Deep One mate and sire/bear a child

Also, on the topic of Bracer, if it's holed up in a city it's in either Macon, Augusta or Athens.

Macon's on the highway so unless we went around it for some reason Bracer's probably not there.

Augusta's pretty far out of the way but Bracer did leave to draw off pursuers so there's some precident.

Athens' right next door to Savannah so if Bracers there it's likely to have severe damage keeping it from leaving.

There's also Milledge and Sandersville, the boros and Sylvania. They're smaller, but they're also closer to the highway than other large cities.

If Bracer's at a major area it's one of these or the wildlife refuge.

All good guesses, remember however Bracer was outnumbered and had to worry about being constantly flanked sudden changes of direction (including back tracking) are a reasonable possibility. Also remember to factor in any disabling damage , foot/leg/hip/pelvis/spine or even ongoing could stop him as he did not have ANY significant repair capability (no mini-mobile shatter dome).

If only Savannah had city sensors to scan large tracks of land with... oh wait ;). Comms are also 2 way communications, not merely your troops but getting word out and inquiring stuff from people within your sphere of influence...
Let's not forget Little Birds have massive range, and the Outriders elite Pathfinders are equipped with superior sensor suite (thx Radar! )

Flying it at our sensors edge should let us peep the neighbors effectively.
Lol, sounds like you guys have some actions to spend as soon as you deal with...

Roll me both:

a Sensor roll 1d10 +2
a Comms roll 1d10 +2
The three oaths are pretty standard except for the last one, the first two being secrecy and loyalty, while the last one is To take a Deep One mate and sire/bear a child

Survivalist/Fanatics are not so hesitant as most to have their own

The reality behind mermaid legends... A Deep One Siren.
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The three oaths are pretty standard except for the last one, the first two being secrecy and loyalty, while the last one is To take a Deep One mate and sire/bear a child

Last night I was suffering a bit of brain fog or I would have pointed out a 'small' error. Quote: "/bear a child". This implies human mother & Deep One father; these are referred to as Deep One Abominations and are generally frowned upon, as unlike the human father /deep one siren union, the offspring result in accelerated metabolism (enhancing the deep ones trait of endless growth with age), heightened aggression, and a tendency for independent behavior in opposition to the more prevalent ancestor worship culture of deep ones in general. (When you outgrow Great Great Great Grandfather in a decade it tends not to reinforce the awe otherwise present).

Abominations are viewed as disposable weapons, useful but disruptive. Generally only bred in times of war when the outcome is in doubt although like nukes, one or two are maintained just in case.
Well that should officially close out the Black site, there are a couple of addendum that need addressed of things that need handled. Me tying up loose ends and such.

No real response on your parts just a few more informational posts of shit happening in the big wide world.


It has been an eventful 24 hours since your defeat of Sammael, and I mean 24 hours to the second from the time his body slumped in defeat.

A bolt of lightning cleaves the clear night sky coming from the highest reaches, drawing on the persistent current of the low earth orbit super storm, the massive currents normal jump cloud to cloud like bursts of heat lightning unable to jump the gap of so much insulating air to reach ground, tonight -something- not completely natural makes the difference something focused inside the rune covered skull of Sammael.

With an actinic flash and a deafening rumble, bolt meets skull, and shards fly like shrapnel from a grenade. A trembling torrid somewhere between ball lightning and a will-o-wisp rises from the ruins quivers impatiently before splitting in twain. Both race away in different directions at super sonic speed and yet disturbing not a single leaf.
The resting site of the cultists remains are defiled, each head collected the bodies discarded wantonly. On the pavement right below the Savannah Law Enforcement warning sign, is transcribed the following sigil.

The three oaths are pretty standard except for the last one, the first two being secrecy and loyalty, while the last one is To take a Deep One mate and sire/bear a child
...There is only 1 appropriate response.

Last night I was suffering a bit of brain fog or I would have pointed out a 'small' error. Quote: "/bear a child". This implies human mother & Deep One father; these are referred to as Deep One Abominations and are generally frowned upon, as unlike the human father /deep one siren union, the offspring result in accelerated metabolism (enhancing the deep ones trait of endless growth with age), heightened aggression, and a tendency for independent behavior in opposition to the more prevalent ancestor worship culture of deep ones in general. (When you outgrow Great Great Great Grandfather in a decade it tends not to reinforce the awe otherwise present).

Abominations are viewed as disposable weapons, useful but disruptive. Generally only bred in times of war when the outcome is in doubt although like nukes, one or two are maintained just in case.
Hm. You know, Deep Ones might not be inherently evil. I wonder how they'd act if allowed to grow up in completely normal human society, one which accepted them an entire knew what they were? I mean the normal ones, BTW, not the aggressive Abomination kind. A lot of the creatures from Lovecraftian lore are completely irredeemable, due to being either Things Man Was Not Meant to Know, or just otherwise totally inhuman and incomprehensible. But many Deep Ones are partially human, and they're a social species which seems to have some degree of understanding of both cooperation and bargaining, and thus likely morality.

Mind you, Lovecraft being Lovecraft, I'm not exactly going to try and reason with them. Unless we encounter a group of rogue Deep Ones, or something. Until then, well...
...There is only 1 appropriate response. like they are...
Results of Comms roll - Success against hidden target number of 5+

On the North Eastern Edge of Comms range a booster / repeater tower was nearly high jacked by a pirate broadcast and had it been successful a looped message would have been broadcast the length and breadth of your sphere of influence damaging morale. Although the general populace will never hear this broadcast due to the quick response of your Comms team it is shunted to a non-monitored test channel and recorded for council review and analysis.

"Mankind can become like the Great Old Ones; free and wild and beyond good and evil, with laws and morals thrown aside and all men shouting and killing and reveling in joy. Then the liberated Old Ones will teach us new ways to shout and kill and revel and enjoy ourselves, and all the earth would be enflamed with a holocaust of ecstasy and freedom.

Ecstasy and freedom. Pleasure and dominance. An end to those pesky rules that are preventing us from doing things... The dark secret things we have longed for in the shadowy recesses of our hearts we dared not admit, even to ourselves.

The number of people buying what the Great Old Ones are selling is….big, and getting bigger, in this post apocalyptic, once civilized world.

The choice is always our own, sheep or wolf? The Esoteric Order of Dagon chooses wolf; your choice is simple as well: Howl with us as brothers or bleat your discontent as you're devoured."
Hm. You know, Deep Ones might not be inherently evil. I wonder how they'd act if allowed to grow up in completely normal human society, one which accepted them an entire knew what they were? I mean the normal ones, BTW, not the aggressive Abomination kind. A lot of the creatures from Lovecraftian lore are completely irredeemable, due to being either Things Man Was Not Meant to Know, or just otherwise totally inhuman and incomprehensible. But many Deep Ones are partially human, and they're a social species which seems to have some degree of understanding of both cooperation and bargaining, and thus likely morality.

Mind you, Lovecraft being Lovecraft, I'm not exactly going to try and reason with them. Unless we encounter a group of rogue Deep Ones, or something. Until then, well...

True enough as far as your analysis goes... Now begin to factor in the 'call of the sea' evidenced by the protagonist in "Shadow over Innsmouth" to join his fishy brethren in the depths, add a culture exerting a conformist attitude and oaths stretching back beyond written history with strong religious ties to Cthulhu and his spawn that include ritual sacrifice on 2x a yearly occasions. There remains a possibility of a fringe element, but they had best remain secret and outwardly support the status quo... I doubt any outward signs of vestigial human morality would be long tolerated.
Result of Sensor role: Success against hidden target number of 6+

Sensor anomaly detected - Southwestern sensor quadrant. Intermittent Antiverse radiation spikes -

?operator query? - Kaiju Signature?

?operator query? - Nest Signature?

!Operator Directive! Scan records and list closest matching phenomena.

32% match to breach phenomena Marianas Trench
32% match to breach phenomena Puerto Rican Trench

High probability phenomena is first recorded attempt at a non-tectonic plate breach.

(OOC) Southeastern U.S.A. has the Precursors attention (re: Hadley), it would only be fitting if they would attempt a non-tectonic breach it would be close to a perceived threat.
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