Mammoth Apostate vs the World 1: "Lost in the Mist"

Post Black site Downtime
And with those 'encounters' out of the way we arrive yet again at down time planning. (QM heads up, last easy mode 'Encounter' for a bit; to be honest though I wanted you to have a chance to explore having a viable action economy (as opposed to only 2 actions) for the first time in relative peace.

Resources: 4,671 R 9/15/2018

Plus ongoing Income Sources:
250 R / Downtime Casino taxes (ongoing)
50 R / Downtime Fort Pulaski Market (ongoing)
1,000 R / Downtime Manufacturing (ongoing)

Resources as of now 5,971 R 9/17/2018

Free Actions:
[ ] Repair 2 damaged UA-571 auto sentry MG's -45 R

[ ] one free J-Tech Research Project

[ ] one free K-Sciences Research Project

[ ] one free Jaeger Repair or Upgrade action (Hephaestus)

Five General actions(1 per Population stat) :

Partially completed projects:

Defensive Perimeter:
Garrisoned Forces; These are exclusively dedicated to defending Savannah and NOT available for field ops. Necessary to get full value of Defensive Perimeter.
15 / 30 Garrisoned Rifleman Platoon
30 / 30 T-95 AK-Artillery Batteries
14 /14 (upto 14 max) Mark 60 CAPTOR AK-Naval Minefield

Hazardous Research & Containment Facility - Built new on plans based off an upscaled Titan II subterranean launch facility.
(Basic structure in place; needs finishing touches)

  • Silo #1 K-Scale Cat 1/2 containment AV 6/4, 10 structure
    estimated cost: 1,000r Current Status: Incomplete
  • Silo #2 Cat-zero/API small scale containment
    estimated cost: 500r Current Status: Incomplete
  • Silo #3 Hazardous High Energy Lab
    estimated cost: 1,500r Current Status: Incomplete
  • Communications center; a backup Comms center
    estimated cost: Standard City Stat pricing
    Status: Unstarted
You may slot as many complete Hazardous Research & Containment Facility projects under 1 action as you are willing to invest the cash. Massarone Discount of 10% not reflected in these costs.

Bolting 'Whitecap Tritons' upgrades in place and securing 2 Pilot Candidates (I have a NPC in mind if interested, but feel free to design both candidates if you prefer).

Not yet applied: Pre Purchased Jaeger Stat Improvement rolls: (originally intended for Mammoth)

@Fyrstorm I may need assistance moderating these correctly (not really familiar with this mechanic) Does each stat require a separate action? etc.

5 rolls to improve Ranged
5 rolls to improve Dexterity
15 rolls to improve Toughness


In a similar vein, Massarone slaps up an office for Nathaniel Gulf (your Architect)as you promised him. Your promised Urban Planning & Development center is now open for business. To show you the guaranteed utility of his designs, your initial design is FREE*.

Urban Planning & Development - This Free* research augment Cost 250 r per use -Cumulative- (one use per turn) to recieve blueprints for a city augment. Using this facility is a free action.

*(When I said free, I meant it. No aug slot required, no resource spent to obtain: FREE) No ACTION Cost


Research tokens acquired to date:

Research Token - Retardant Paint (from Hakuja's Retardant Carapace Plate)
Research Token - Anti-Armor (based off Ickthorn's Anti-armor Flail Tail)
Research Token -Kaiju Cleanup (Ickthorn Nest Moss Sample)


An embarrassment of options available and that is not Counting ANY write - ins (Bracer search, Tome, Elder sign, magic, troop construction, blah, blah.)
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Will bop in and out to answer questions but no new info forthcoming until a plan gains consensus.
Hey Smithsguild, I have a question regarding Whitecap Triton, specifically the Narwhal bayonet.

I understand it is a mod because it allows the rifle to use its stats to melee, but it can also double as a dagger, right?

Also I'm a bit confused as to the whole shape memory alloy aspect, care to explain it to me?
Hey Smithsguild, I have a question regarding Whitecap Triton, specifically the Narwhal bayonet.

I understand it is a mod because it allows the rifle to use its stats to melee, but it can also double as a dagger, right?

Also I'm a bit confused as to the whole shape memory alloy aspect, care to explain it to me?

If by dagger your meaning a roughly equivalent in size to Triton's forearm kabar inspired weapon, then yes.

Mono-molecular edges although their initial cut is impressive the thinness of blade either chips away or blunts, by using a shape memory alloy like Nitinol edge over reinforced steel blade that can blunt but returns to razor sharpness when a current that heats it allows it reacquire its original shape.

More technobabble bullshit but hey it sounded good if not looked at directly ;)
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[X]Plan: Fortify

Free Actions:
[] Repair 2 damaged UA-571 auto sentry MG's -45 R
[] one free J-Tech Research Project
-[] Retardant Paint
[] one free K-Sciences Research Project
-Kaiju cleanup.
[] one free Jaeger Repair or Upgrade action (Hephaestus)
-[] Mamoth dexterity
[] Urban planning

Five General actions(1 per Population stat) :
[] Build Garrisoned Rifle Platoon x15 -300R
[] Search Territory for Bracer (Scanners)
[] Search Territory for Bracer (Comms)
[] Manufacturing 5 -3000R

[] High Energy Lab -1500R
Plan cost- 4,890R
Current- 5,971
End Total- 1,081

Still need an idea for the urban planning office, other than that the plans complete.
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Fyrstorm I may need assistance moderating these correctly (not really familiar with this mechanic) Does each stat require a separate action? etc.
Yep, basically. And each roll is pretty much a Research check, granting one advancement point on a 10+ for the attached stat. You need a number of advancement points equal to 5 times (1 plus the Stat value) before the Stat improves.
Still need an idea for the urban planning office, other than that the plans complete.

Actually that is the beauty of the urban planning center, you don't need an idea... just suggest an area of city you want improved and they go nuts digging into the engineers vast experience and pulling the equivalent of a natural 10 roll research mod.
Yep, basically. And each roll is pretty much a Research check, granting one advancement point on a 10+ for the attached stat. You need a number of advancement points equal to 5 times (1 plus the Stat value) before the Stat improves.

So at research of 1, they roll 1d10+1 and hope for a modified 10 or 11 to gain a point for the improvement pool? Improving a zero to one requires collecting 5/5 points?
[X]Plan: Fortify

Free Actions:
[] Repair 2 damaged UA-571 auto sentry MG's -45 R
[] one free J-Tech Research Project
-[] Retardant Paint
[] one free K-Sciences Research Project
-Kaiju cleanup.
[] one free Jaeger Repair or Upgrade action (Hephaestus)
-[] Mamoth dexterity
[] Urban planning

Five General actions(1 per Population stat) :
[] Build Garrisoned Rifle Platoon x15 -300R
[] Search Territory (Scanners)
[] Search Territory (Comms)
[] Manufacturing 5 -3000R

[] High Energy Lab -1500R
Plan cost- 4,890R
Current- 5,971
End Total- 1,081

Still need an idea for the urban planning office, other than that the plans complete.

@Cmd. Frost
This plan is good (IMHO) but I wanted to point out it does nothing for bringing 'Whitecap Triton' online, not saying you need to do so this turn. Just making you aware his inside bits are exposed and he can't readily be called on until that's fixed.

----edit: further clarification requested Search territory actions (comms & sensors) for what are you searching? (I'm fairly certain of answer but zero ambiguity is best).
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I like a lot of Cmd. Frosts plan but think I have some different priorities. I'll post an alternate and my justifications.

Military Supremacy
Free Actions:
[ ] Repair 2 damaged sentries -45 R
[ ] Transfer a Militia K-9 to Law enforcement (per Smiths )
[ ] J-tech Research - chest module - MLRS derived missile system.
[ ] K-Science - begin hivemind research
[ ] Bring 'Whitecap Triton' online (finish upgrades using Hephaestus )
[ ] Urban Planning - totally leave to Engineers discretion.

5 general actions:
[ ] build Garrisoned rifle platoon x15 -300 R
[ ] build Self propelled launch loader w/t trailer -400 R
[ ] build M270 x1 -350 R
[ ] upgrade research stat to 4 -4,500 R
[ ] have both the Little Bird & Outriders skirt our sensors edge, looking for any signs of Bracer. Little Bird is to spiral search outward from sensor periphery primarily looking for Bracer but noting anything of interest.

Resources remaining 476 R (low but should cover repairs, so far cash has flowed in really well.

As you can see I redirected any token based research for after we upgrade our research stat. K-Science & J-tech research are used on projects that probably won't have an immediate return.

The rest is meant to replenish combat losses we have suffered & finish our defense.

Left Urban to Engineer as that is where he claims to shine, independent design.

Edit: Launch loader is the resupply unit specific to the M270, which is a beast but runs dry of shots in a heartbeat. This will open us up for using Mad Cat armor destruction rounds as well as the Divine Thunderbolt (blast damage) missiles.

Edit again: updated k9 transfer into plan
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Smiths, another question if I may?

Are troop transfers between units in same city a free action? Ie. General troops to let's say Law Enforcement?

I think it would be wise to gift some K-9 unit that way, if my fellow councillors agree.
Smiths, another question if I may?

Are troop transfers between units in same city a free action? Ie. General troops to let's say Law Enforcement?

I think it would be wise to gift some K-9 unit that way, if my fellow councillors agree.

Permanently assigning to a special group is free action, removing from specials requires an action.
Down the road a bit I'd love to propose a new special.

Division of Homeland Security, a force that goes around making sure communities in our sphere of influence have decent shelters, an armed deterrent force, and access to Comms. A welcome wagon opening outposts x1/turn.
That is... wow! (My jaw dropped; I had never considered that, but it makes perfect sense.)

Actually a workable idea. Hmmm, what would be the requirements...

1x Combat Engineers (permanent to group) to build civilian shelters.
20 R expenditure/turn on successful candidate found - 1x Garrisoned rifle platoon attached to proposed outpost
10 R expenditure/turn on successful candidate found - install radio to tie into regional Comms attached to proposed outpost

1d10 roll each turn to find a suitable small community ready and willing to work under Savannah leadership. Composite morale will have an impact +/- bonus.

(target # roll hidden as I decide intangibles based on all sorts of plot hook ideas...)

How does this sound to the rest of our participants?

[ ] yes, sounds good.
[ ] Nah, lets pass on this.

Please vote.
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Quick thought for how we use our free city augment research, I have several designs for augments to enhance our existing elite units, or we could make a war factory. Either way, we should specify what we build.
Quick thought for how we use our free city augment research, I have several designs for augments to enhance our existing elite units, or we could make a war factory. Either way, we should specify what we build.

City aug, that enhances Elite units? I must have missed that... checking and brb.
4 ideas relating to elites and city augs that might upgrade them (from research idea document)

Proving grounds- uses our specialized factories to produce prototype, customized, and/or esoteric equipment to augment our troops, an engineers playground, we have no clue what they'll make next.(Idea here is that this thing takes free actions from factories or just actions, and uses them to make specialized gear for related elites/units. The gear is randomized, or based on what tokens you put into the proving grounds. Might use research actions)

Foundry-facility designed to fine tune and customize gear for our units (may take the elites out of action, uses free actions from related factories and resources to fine tune a unit's gear and improve it, offering stat boosts.) ?Immunity to Scratch, structure?, or added/enhanced durability/hits?

Crucible-elite unit training facility, it'll be expensive to run, but probably worth it.(Either trains new elites, or improves the training of existing elite units, which may take them out of action to do so, probably grants new traits skill increase to existing elite units) ?probably better to hit?

Academy of the elite- A facility where our existing elite units can mentor non-elite units, potentially turning them into elites as well.

I can see several of these being made into Defensive Augments in fact everything but proving grounds has strong potential. (proving grounds is a little too close to double dipping, the random unique perk gained by becoming an elite as it is currently written.)
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Oh, right, proving grounds stuff would be more like the stuff from Xcom two's proving grounds, changes to damage type, better weapons, or other such abilities. The stuff you get would probably be more akin to the traits that conventional types have.
Oh, right, proving grounds stuff would be more like the stuff from Xcom two's proving grounds, changes to damage type, better weapons, or other such abilities. The stuff you get would probably be more akin to the traits that conventional types have.

Problem with that is a ton of varied bonus tied to single units. Could quickly become logistical nightmare to apply correct bonuses... worth headache when it is tied to a units identity but when no concrete tie to unit becomes cumbersome quickly.
Problem with that is a ton of varied bonus tied to single units. Could quickly become logistical nightmare to apply correct bonuses... worth headache when it is tied to a units identity but when no concrete tie to unit becomes cumbersome quickly.
Fair enough, prototypes with more varied abilities could be one use, or there could be a limit to the number of prototypes a unit can have (2-3), or you could make the prototypes be based on/limited too certain elites.
If by dagger your meaning a roughly equivalent in size to Triton's forearm kabar inspired weapon, then yes.

Mono-molecular edges although their initial cut is impressive the thinness of blade either chips away or blunts, by using a shape memory alloy like Nitinol edge over reinforced steel blade that can blunt but returns to razor sharpness when a current that heats it allows it reacquire its original shape.

More technobabble bullshit but hey it sounded good if not looked at directly ;)
Nah, self-assembly does kinda work like that. Impressive feat, though.

[x] yes, sounds good.