Mammoth Apostate vs the World 1: "Lost in the Mist"

Does anyone else share Greatwyrmgolds opinion about my wasting their time or my not being qualified to write sci-fi?

I've invested weeks of my time preparing before I ever opened the thread; I don't want to devote another hour if it is merely me thats enjoying this.

Going to bed, if the consensus is the little bit of narrative I've been allowed to provide between justifying each paragraph written was worthy I'll continue... If not I'll pull the plug and binge some more netflix.
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Does anyone else share Greatwyrmgolds opinion about my wasting their time or my not being qualified to write sci-fi?

I've invested weeks of my time preparing before I ever opened the thread; I don't want to devote another hour if it is merely me thats enjoying this.
Given how often the original writers screwed up on the subject? No, you're doing fine, Smith. That said, there is some extraneous information in the initial post that could probably stand to get spoilered or moved to some sort of "setting changes" section. And we could probably stand to have the rules and objectives more clearly laid out, too.

I think some of the issue is that completely new players are feeling lost as to what's happening or why, and what's significant, and why. We need to make it clearer. This is a classic communication issue, where, in the original group, those who know fill in the gaps themselves, whereas outsiders are lost.

That said, I would also suggest anyone not already familiar with the setting should also take a look at the lore before diving in. While this is an AU, knowing details about the basic setting will help immensely, because this setting is fairly closely tied to the base setting, albeit with a number of changes.
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Does anyone else share Greatwyrmgolds opinion about my wasting their time or my not being qualified to write sci-fi?

I've invested weeks of my time preparing before I ever opened the thread; I don't want to devote another hour if it is merely me thats enjoying this.

I'm having a good time. As to the lore, I can't speak for anyone else but the antiverse is a different universe/reality where things work differently so everything looks fine to me. Failing that Your world Your rules, as long as everything looks like it fits together and we don't get into another argument about how fast the giant robot transport is and how many fuckhugitons of explodium worth of explosion there will be when the ram prow hits an enemy Kaiju I won't have any complaints.

In other words @GreatWyrmGold, your arguments are invalid and as far as I can tell nobody wants you here, either start being nice or get out and don't come back.
This now appears on the OP. Take it to heart it is now 'Rule #1'

-----Edited in: This alternate universe is to be considered science-lite, I am not the most knowledgeable person when it comes science/biology/genetics/etc... for narrative purposes wherever you smell techno-babble bullshit, roll with it -or- if it offends you to your core move along, this is not the quest for you. My intent is to entertain to the best of my limited ability with giant robots punching giant monsters.
Does anyone else share Greatwyrmgolds opinion about my wasting their time or my not being qualified to write sci-fi?
1. I never said you were wasting anyone's time just by making the quest. Though if the technobabble and worldbuilding details I was critiquing were completely irrelevant, then writing them was probably a waste of time.
2. ...I wrote that comment assuming that the difference between not following the laws of physics and active misrepresentation was obvious. Is that not the case?

-----Edited in: This alternate universe is to be considered science-lite, I am not the most knowledgeable person when it comes science/biology/genetics/etc... for narrative purposes wherever you smell techno-babble bullshit, roll with it -or- if it offends you to your core move along, this is not the quest for you. My intent is to entertain to the best of my limited ability with giant robots punching giant monsters.
See, I don't care if you have giant robots punching giant robots. I care when you try to justify that scientifically and screw up the science. Or when you violate your own, in-universe rules, but if you'd stop giving technobabble I don't think you'd have any to violate.
Seriously, what's with the technobabble?
Rebuttal to #1 you are right your exact words were:
4. There has been crap-all to do in this thread.
Rebuttal to #2
I don't care about following the laws of physics, I care about not misrepresenting them. If you don't understand the difference, you are not qualified to write science fiction.

I refuse to further engage with you, you were rude, demeaning and all around unpleasant. I reiterate you are no longer welcome in this thread and further posts I'm sure will meet the guidelines for disruptive posting and will merit action by mods. I wish you a long life and happiness, the entertainment and answers you want do not reside in this thread. Please move along.
@Nixeu I will gladly edit any posts if it helps my players. I may need you to highlight offending areas for me with your suggestions for improvement. Probably something best handled in the mammoth convo.

I thought my posts cover the basic information of who, what, when and the whys were covered. Please explain on what you see missing and I'll gladly correct it. As to Jaegerbroiled rules those were to be covered with example combats that were on the storyboard. I do see your point though the other VS the world quest did have links to several quite helpful articles explaining the mechanics. I will add those ASAP. (edit: DONE)


a helpful reading section added to the front
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Also regarding digging in, heading to savannah, etc... My checkboxes are always meant as suggested choices and never the only options available.

Rule #2 You may ALWAYS write in a better solution, if it gains consensus we will run with it.

Rule #3 regarding research; "You can research ANYTHING..." is a long standing VS the world tradition. The rolls may not be easy, you may need many ongoing successes, or it may have multiple prerequisites steps needed for success but sky is the limit.

my adrenaline spike has passed, I'm (really this time) off to bed. Looking for a consensus plan on "what next commanders?"
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My input on the matter, I'm new to the genre of quest and mostly here to fight giant monsters as a giant robot. You're also moving quite quickly, but that's perfectly fine. I'll no doubt check in every couple days or so.

That said, here's a plan that builds upon what Cmdr. Frost says.

[X] Plan Sit and Explore
-Gather our resources within the city, take a proper pre-Savannah accounting, and build some moderately appropriate mini-Kaiju defenses around. This will help the city, the people, and us for the time being. The engineers and the construction company can be assigned to this. Meanwhile, we will dedicate the more mobile elements of ours to scout both our surroundings and the way to Savannah. Since our goal is to go to Savannah, a proper scouting will help us know the challenges.
Downtime #1
[X] Dig in temporarily and send out the scouts as far as they dare to search for Phoenix.

Digging in isn't mutually exclusive with trying to retake the Shatterdome, but I don't know tbout surrendering the initiative.

My input on the matter, I'm new to the genre of quest and mostly here to fight giant monsters as a giant robot. You're also moving quite quickly, but that's perfectly fine. I'll no doubt check in every couple days or so.

That said, here's a plan that builds upon what Cmdr. Frost says.

[X] Plan Sit and Explore
-Gather our resources within the city, take a proper pre-Savannah accounting, and build some moderately appropriate mini-Kaiju defenses around. This will help the city, the people, and us for the time being. The engineers and the construction company can be assigned to this. Meanwhile, we will dedicate the more mobile elements of ours to scout both our surroundings and the way to Savannah. Since our goal is to go to Savannah, a proper scouting will help us know the challenges.

All are quite cool with me; it appears we have a general consensus. Stated in various manners, but all contain a shared kernel I'm going to run with.

You have 2 downtime actions at your disposal, I'm distributing them thusly: (Unless an objection arises; in which case I can always ret-con). After the kerfuffle yesterday, I just want to get back to the 'fun'.

1 - "Reinforce existing Atlanta defenses using the engineers and the construction company."

2 - "Deploy the 'Pathfinders' to gain operational awareness of Atlanta environs and relaying that info back before they sweep southward towards Savannah along our former route. They will deploy at maximum dispersal while maintaining both visual and radio contact with each other. They are to use all caution as they acquire intel and look for any signs of Bracer Phoenix. Will attempt to maximize range over gaining detailed information."

The Engineers and Massarone workers are explained their tasks, to dig in and provide the best short term, need it now defenses they can provide. They get to work with a gusto. Using the Varsity as a hub they expand the perimeter outward to about 6 blocks, heavy equipment rumbles to life to clear all unclaimed vehicles from the streets, the civilian camp followers eager to assist scavenge gasoline, and rifle through the vehicles before the cranes grab the offending vehicles and drop them onto flatbeds to be taken away to be unloaded elsewhere. Sight lines are maximized and positions are determined to get the most uses possible from the tanks and mortars. Some abandoned building are dropped to provide rubble for berms, others with suitable substructures are reinforce to serve as impromptu shelters. Although unasked for in the plan Massarone steps up and picks a few of the more secure buildings inside the new defensive perimeter and does their best to reestablish water and electricity via generators to provide more suitable shelter for the refugees than tents or sleeping in their vehicles. By days end you have a warning siren and have established watch posts on all approaches tied into comms.

Gained a non-upgradeable w/o resource invested defensive perimeter; AV 1 to forces thus protected (to qualify as a city stat it needs be much more comprehensive but to protect your limited military assets, it currently works).

Gained 'shoddy' civilian shelter - it's not pretty but it gets the civvies off the streets into buildings that can withstand -some- abuse without collapsing upon their heads. limited time and resource invested but it enough to get the civvies the bonus from being sheltered during a kaiju attack.

Gained temporary housing - minor Morale bump for civilians

The Pathfinders circle overhead in an expanding ring, and then radio back that other than some pockets of survivors clustered here and yon Atlanta seems secure. No other military forces observed, no kaiju or nest sign present. When they reach the southeastern quadrant of their overhead patrol they shift slightly to center themselves over Interstate 75 and then continue southward until lost to sight. Up until the atmospheric disturbance makes their signal untenable there is nothing noteworthy to report... It is nearly 45 minutes latter before they come back into range.

"Command this is Scout Leader, no sign of Bracer. With our limited fuel we were able to scout about the first 70 miles of the return route to Savannah, we are happy to report no signs of Nest infestation or Kaiju - The road home appears clear."

Scouts are now down to 1 hour flight time before needing a maintenance overhaul.

So commanders; what is the plan? Extend your Atlanta stay or shall we begin the exodus back to Savannah or is there a third option unknown to me you'd like to pursue..?

We are approaching the 'Monster of the week' time and I want to know where we're going to host it ;). (Technically Monster of the week is a misnomer, but we have had a down time action and those are usually followed by an encounter of some flavor.)
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I know you said I wasn't allowed here, but I feel the need to clarify my statements, if only for the mods you're so certain are going to punish me for caring about the things you bothered to detail.

Rebuttal to #1 you are right your exact words were:
...I'm sorry, I believe I'm missing a link. How does "crap-all to do in this thread" equate to "waste of time"?

Again, I'm missing a link here. How does posting the quote we both know we're both referring to help anyone in this discussion?

Also regarding digging in, heading to savannah, etc... My checkboxes are always meant as suggested choices and never the only options available.
I'm aware. Problems occur when the players are left with neither checkboxes nor any context to ground their own write-in actions. Apparently people who've played this kind of Quest before understand well enough to do things and people who ask annoying questions get kicked out?
There is no discussion, you are a non-entity to me. You've said the piece you felt you must. Bravo, I'm glad you have closure. You shall get no future responses from me.


I shall be back at roughly 8 - 11 PM EST to confirm consensus. Between now and then I will have limited access through my phone.
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Information: For the love of mod...
Stop right there... No sir, you are the one asking for it.

You have apparently confused my composed and congenial behavior, as my being weak or easily bullied. You are wrong.

See, I don't care if you have giant robots punching giant robots. I care when you try to justify that scientifically and screw up the science. Or when you violate your own, in-universe rules, but if you'd stop giving technobabble I don't think you'd have any to violate.
for the love of mod...
This entire dispute is a gigantic waste of everybody's time.

1. Most people appreciate it when provide critique. People who don't care don't bother to critique. I'll be perfectly frank, @Smithsguild. When someone insists they're not "weak or easily bullied", inevitably it means they're just a hypersensitive asshole who's looking for a reason to fly off the handle. Your behavior in this thread follows that track pretty precisely.

2. I will never understand what compels people to wedge themselves into a quest when the QM doesn't want them there. I don't try to crowbar myself into parties I'm not invited to, and neither should you. A discussion thread is one thing. Hell a story is one thing. But a quest is like... an ongoing effort involving interaction. You wouldn't shove yourself into D&D game the GM doesn't want you in so like. That's just life. @GreatWyrmGold, you're clearly not welcome, so I'm going to make it clear that you should move along by banning you from the thread.

Jeeze Louise.
@LordSquishy I'll accept your assessment ( I don't feel I was being a hypersensitive asshole, but that is my biased perception) and I would like to thank you for your involvement and promptly ending an ongoing no end in sight disruption of the game.

I was IMO conciliatory and tried to be polite and attempted accommodating the first 2-3 in depth critiques but it was in my personal opinion this was the establishing of a detrimental trend. To me it seemed we were generating more critique/rebuttal than content... YMMV.
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So, moving swiftly along, anyone got any other recommendations for pilots? I'm fond of Frost's suggestion, but am open to other options.

If anyone is waiting on the rewrites to the introduction post to say things, they're more about phrasing than content, though I can't say there's nothing new in them. There's going to be a bit more canon information included, to better establish the setting, and few odd things I noticed may be changed. Like the fact that we were still going by "Pan Pacific Defense Corp", when we're stationed on the shores of the Atlantic. But, overall, I'm just playing editor.
And your editorial efforts are appreciated; ESPECIALLY if it makes my ramblings more coherent.

Delaying everything a bit, my pacing to begin with may have been a bit frantic, let's chalk it up to I'm just enthusiastic.
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Happy Fourth of July to ALL! And before any protests please note I did not say 'Independence Day' which is the name for the proper American holiday (although I wish that as well for those that it applies.) I kept it friendly to all nationalities.

It being my nationality and me being a patriot, I'm hoping to enjoy frosty alcoholic beverages to celebrate; official write-ups delayed ;).

I will be checking in and available to answer questions, give input, and anything else that can be handled with diminished capacity. :V:V:V
New version up of post #2 cleaned up through the hard work of @Nixeu ( I adjusted a phrase or two because I'm "that guy" that must look at the new shiney and thereby smudge it with my hamhands.) I think it is much clearer and addresses the high points nicely.
I'm hoping we can have a consensus on: Lingering in Atlanta? Vs Road trip Savannah by 8pm est tomorrow so I can begin a write up. I promise additional time to hammer out pilot #2 before I post and begin our first Combat.

I believe @Fyrstorm said they might have a pilot suggestion for consideration if they found the time.
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[X] Plan Sit and Explore

@Nixeu ???? I'm a bit confused I thought we had addressed all the points in Plan Sit and Explore... Here

[X] Plan Sit and Explore
-Gather our resources within the city, take a proper pre-Savannah accounting, and build some moderately appropriate mini-Kaiju defenses around. This will help the city, the people, and us for the time being. The engineers and the construction company can be assigned to this. Meanwhile, we will dedicate the more mobile elements of ours to scout both our surroundings and the way to Savannah. Since our goal is to go to Savannah, a proper scouting will help us know the challenges.

Having the results of 'Sit & Explore' I was asking for whether you want to "Sit tight in Atlanta for the moment" (meet the Monster of week safe behind your newly constructed impromptu defensive perimeter) or brave the road to Savannah? Or whatever other options you want to attempt (write in).
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Okay first off there's no r in Cmd. I'm the Vice Commander not the Rear Commander, there's a big difference.

Second, lets fight it here.

So far we have 1 candidate submitted. Cmd. Frosts 'Ezra Carter'.
Proof the Qm tries to get it right...

Secondly, that seems a prudent use of the labor so recently invested.

I'll hold for a second voter or opportunity for a write in before the 8pm est deadline. I can begin my write up and give you until noon tomorrow to forward any additional candidates for pilot if no other candidates offered, silence will equate consensus for Cmd. Frosts pilot.
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Just added a Story Only archive link to Opening posts. Mammoth Apostle Narrative Archive (Story Only) to help new players with the story so far...