Mammoth Apostate vs the World 1: "Lost in the Mist"

@BadKatt85 I think the meeting outline is solid. I don't love intentional gentrification but I think you're doing some good work to kind of prevent the negative effects there. Me personally I'd prefer we don't provide tax breaks to gambling-based businesses. Tourist trade, construction, transport, those are all fine. But frankly I don't have a high view of casinos....unless they're super-exclusive they're likely to be more of a detriment to the middle and lower class population than the upper class.

I do agree about trying to have some medivac units out there and provide some to Liberty. The 3rd AKP unit I intend to write up will be based on Pararescue.
Eh. I think casinos are still preferable to most other forms of gambling. Casinos employ a lot more staff (to run the tables, serve the drinks, maintain machines, and bounce drunks) than pretty much any other form of gambling, especially compared to things like state-sponsored lotto tickets. Except maybe horse racing and random sports that people bet on, I guess. But those people aren't employed by those who run the gambling side, so...
Combo EMS/Firefighter

I understand from the origins of the Corpsman Parajumpers, that they attended smokejumpers schools to learn the use of steerable chutes, but fail to see later ties to firefighting.

To get the most utility for your buck it may not be smart to have them wear too many hats at one time. The equipment used for triage has no crossover to firefighting. That is not to say the exo on its own can't be used to brute force an impromptu firebreak, but imho PJ's should down scale upper body strength to reinforce leg servos and larger battery capacity for those marathon runs when standard exfiltration isn't feasible.

I could see designing a fire/rescue powered armor used in civilian sector with other powered armor exos like a heavy warehouse loader (aliens) yet to design civ spec exos for general use will require an action to redact any 'sensitive' tech (like the waldos, the heavy armor granting near immunity to SSC weapons, etc.)
Eh. I think casinos are still preferable to most other forms of gambling. Casinos employ a lot more staff (to run the tables, serve the drinks, maintain machines, and bounce drunks) than pretty much any other form of gambling, especially compared to things like state-sponsored lotto tickets. Except maybe horse racing and random sports that people bet on, I guess. But those people aren't employed by those who run the gambling side, so...

Casino's cover sports betting (in fact they are usually the ones who determine the point spreads 'odds always favor the house' :V).

But I agree, tax break on casino (or any other gambling) sets a bad precedent. Tourism, construction, and diversifying into small businesses in Georgetown should be a big enough apple he should be salivating uncontrollably.

If there are no other points of contention for a modified [X] Masserone Sit Down (& Listen ;)) vote ready and has my support.
I understand from the origins of the Corpsman Parajumpers, that they attended smokejumpers schools to learn the use of steerable chutes, but fail to see later ties to firefighting.

To get the most utility for your buck it may not be smart to have them wear too many hats at one time. The equipment used for triage has no crossover to firefighting. That is not to say the exo on its own can't be used to brute force an impromptu firebreak, but imho PJ's should down scale upper body strength to reinforce leg servos and larger battery capacity for those marathon runs when standard exfiltration isn't feasible.

I could see designing a fire/rescue powered armor used in civilian sector with other powered armor exos like a heavy warehouse loader (aliens) yet to design civ spec exos for general use will require an action to redact any 'sensitive' tech (like the waldos, the heavy armor granting near immunity to SSC weapons, etc.)
Firefighters are typically the ones with things like Jaws of LIfe, which for rescuing crews from tanks or Jaegers, might be necessary.
My mind is just so -bad-. :V:V:V Remember I love "research anything".

Version 1.0 of a flight capable Pararescue
Version 2.0

Edit: and BadKatt has the right of it, Exo can open anything jaws of life can handle.
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Down Time Planning and discussion template, just an outline to see how much of what we can do and where...
This is a tool for discussion and debate other than rescue everything is up for modification.

Actions denoted with ?action? are merely my ideas on a filler action, things neglected I believe worthy of attention. YMMV

Normal Actions: (5 population, 1 from Environmental bonus)
[X] - (RESERVED ACTION for Rescue / Diversionary strike)
[-] - Construct a MASH unit: ??? R
[-] - Construct X# of Little Bird Variants (Medivac, Spotter/T.A.G., Killer Shrikes)
[-] - Construct X# of Grey Eagle UAV's
[-] -
[-] -

Free Actions:
[X] - Computerized Communication Center, Comm action:
[X] - Jaeger Tech Research: ?Mark Zero Research?
[X] - BPRD Magical Research:
[X] - Hephaestus Repair and Upgrade:
[X] - High Energy Lab: ?DEW (Lasers) Research making a conventional Vehicle mount weapon bridging the gap between proof of concept man portable Nixeu carried to Atlanta and the Mastodon Superheavy, something that keeps charged/ready as default allowing a quick pulse then it remains down until recharged?
[X] - Kaiju Sciences Lab: ?Finish research on Sage's EM shielding?
[X] - Savannah Hangar & Airfield: Construct X# of Longbow Helos
[X] - Savannah Infantry Training Regiment:
[X] - Savannah Motor Pool:
[X] - Savannah Dry Docks & Shipyard:

Situational Free Actions:
[X] - Prior to Rescue/Strike "Liberty's Toll" use their Pirate Broadcasting to Hijack Charleston broadcasts to ready disparate rebel cells to be ready for unified action on our signal.
[X] -
[X] -
[X] -

Normal Actions:
[X] - ?Maybe buy some cheap arty for their Defensive Perimeter (keeping parity with Savannah defenses)?

Free Actions:
[X] - Macon Hangars & Airfield: Construct X# of Strike Eagles

[X] -

[X] - Prior to Rescue/Strike Gift a Little Bird Airframe along with the Cargo Container M-16's and ammo for Liberty distribution to Charleston Rebels
[X] -
[X] -

13,452 R this turn to work with.

Costs: R
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Some other ideas on thing that need doing...
  • Buy some replacement Cruise Missiles for the Staurolite
  • Maybe buy/build SOC-Riverine (blueprint available) for naval insertion/extraction of SOCOM forces? / or go with the Dry combat submersible?
  • Finish making our potential 'elites' Elite (Naming/appearance)
  • Figure out Rescue Team force composition (who/how many)
  • Figure out Strike Team(s) & their composition/targets

  1. Naval elements
  2. Air elements
  3. Ground Forces
  4. SOCOM elements
  5. Special Support Elements (forward MASH unit, & the 'Oracle' FDC logistical support vehicle )
  6. Jaegers?
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@Smithsguild so we currently have better-than-the-movie Combat Jackets, which are to the point of being (primitive) full-on Power Armor. You've also mentioned we can get Mark 0 Jaegers, with a single pilot.

Do you have a rough mental scale in mind for various vehicles? Like, how big is a Mark 0? Are they kind of between Tanks and Mark 1+ Jaegers? Is there still room for AKPs that end up in full on Power Armor?

@BadKatt85 :
Let's see, going with the Special Actions, then the General...

Comms: What about something about us coordinating with all the smaller communities around us that are in our circle of influence?
Jaeger Tech: Hm.....Maybe? I'd like clarification from Smith on the scales/sizes involved.
BPRD: Further research into defensive things. Anti-mind-control, sanity reinforcement, something like that?
Heph Repair: Maybe reserve for after the liberation mission
HEL: Yeah, I think DEW research would be good
KSL: Agreed on EM Shielding
Hangar: Agreed
Barracks: Do we have AKPs that don't have Combat Jackets yet?
Motor Pool: My gut says "moar Tanks"
Dry Docks: Not sure yet

Macon looks good

For regular actions...
Agreed on reserved action and constructs. Depending on Cost, maybe more than 1 MASH?
What about an action to Research the next generation of Power Armors? Something with the same performance as current Combat Jackets, but with slimmer profiles?

I'm not 100% sure on other free or standard actions....part of me says "another Jaeger" but we're working to basically grab one now....

Maybe use an action somewhere to build more Jumphawks?
@Smithsguild so we currently have better-than-the-movie Combat Jackets, which are to the point of being (primitive) full-on Power Armor. You've also mentioned we can get Mark 0 Jaegers, with a single pilot.

Do you have a rough mental scale in mind for various vehicles? Like, how big is a Mark 0? Are they kind of between Tanks and Mark 1+ Jaegers? Is there still room for AKPs that end up in full on Power Armor?

Old Combat Jacket (Stat block) size just under 7 foot
Combat Jacket: base infantry cost + 150 R (in traditional SSC a single hit usually is fatal to all but the luckiest, the combat jacket allows the trooper to shrug off 2 normal or a single Hvy SSC wound (IE it'll take 3 SSC / or 1 hvy & 1 SSC to prove fatal), In addition Mv becomes 2 (3, if unit forgoes attacks for the turn). If engaged in melee the Combat Suit can inflict (Scratch damage - zero point K-scale) more than sufficient to splatter all but the hardiest SSC/Cat - Zero opponents.

Attacks are as per the base infantry unit with the exception that crew served weapons (such as AKB's recoilless rifles) can be mounted on waldo style swing arms making weight less of a limiting factor.

Waldo #1 Gustav Recoilless Rifle as per normal AKP's

Waldo #2 .50 Hvy MG w/t suppressive fire subroutine (uses suppressive perk mechanic) Hvy SSC (limited AoE 1d3 targets) 360 traverse 10/20/30

Right arm mounted - AK-47 (Hvy SSC) 10/20/-

--------- Improved Combat Jacket - Low end powered armor (base infantry cost + 150 R) just under 7 foot
May endure 3 points damage as per old jacket / Mv is 2 (3 if forgoes attack opportunities) 30 mph/45 mph
  • Shrugs off SSC (unless a natural 9 or 10 on to hit)
  • Endless filtered air / or sealed environment 30 minutes
  • Resistance to cold/heat -1 to hit
---------Carrier Para-rescue Exo (base infantry cost + 150 R) just under 7 foot
Mv is 3 (4 if forgoes attack opportunities) 45 mph/ 60 mph due to enhanced leg servos
  • Intermediate life saving equipment (IV's, Cloned type O blood, EKG, sphygmomanometer (AKA blood pressure monitor).
  • Heavy Steerable parachute
  • Rigged for 2x Mortis Harness /Kevlar coveralls design for easy patient immobilization in case of neck or limb injury
  • Does not possess Waldo arms
  • Extended Battery Life

Mark Zero Jaegers - Scrapper from Pacific Rim 2 was an example of average Mk-Zero scale at 39' 7" (12.07 m) a bit less than 1/10th the scale of a MK 1-5. The closer it is to the human form & scale, the less neural load it incurs upon the Pilot.

In my mind's eye I envision power armor being able to scale up to 1/2 the size of a Mk-Zero before the difference between worn armor necessitates becoming a driven machine, so things like Adeptus Astartes towering over mere mortals at 12-15 ft -is- possible.
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Mk-Zero are unlockable but will require a research action. (How shiney will be dice dependent). :)
Old Combat Jacket (Stat block) size just under 7 foot
Combat Jacket: base infantry cost + 150 R (in traditional SSC a single hit usually is fatal to all but the luckiest, the combat jacket allows the trooper to shrug off 2 normal or a single Hvy SSC wound (IE it'll take 3 SSC / or 1 hvy & 1 SSC to prove fatal), In addition Mv becomes 2 (3, if unit forgoes attacks for the turn). If engaged in melee the Combat Suit can inflict (Scratch damage - zero point K-scale) more than sufficient to splatter all but the hardiest SSC/Cat - Zero opponents.

Attacks are as per the base infantry unit with the exception that crew served weapons (such as AKB's recoilless rifles) can be mounted on waldo style swing arms making weight less of a limiting factor.

Waldo #1 Gustav Recoilless Rifle as per normal AKP's

Waldo #2 .50 Hvy MG w/t suppressive fire subroutine (uses suppressive perk mechanic) Hvy SSC (limited AoE 1d3 targets) 360 traverse 10/20/30

Right arm mounted - AK-47 (Hvy SSC) 10/20/-

--------- Improved Combat Jacket - Low end powered armor (base infantry cost + 150 R) just under 7 foot
May endure 3 points damage as per old jacket / Mv is 2 (3 if forgoes attack opportunities) 30 mph/45 mph
  • Shrugs off SSC (unless a natural 9 or 10 on to hit)
  • Endless filtered air / or sealed environment 30 minutes
  • Resistance to cold/heat -1 to hit
---------Para-rescue Exo (base infantry cost + 150 R) just under 7 foot
Mv is 3 (4 if forgoes attack opportunities) 45 mph/ 60 mph due to enhanced leg servos

  • Heavy life saving equipment (O2, Defibrillator, etc.)
  • Heavy Steerable parachute
  • Rigged for 2x Mortis Harness /Kevlar coveralls design for easy patient immobilization in case of neck or limb injury
  • Does not possess Waldo arms
  • Extended Battery Life

Mark Zero Jaegers - Scrapper from Pacific Rim 2 was an example of average Mk-Zero scale at 39' 7" (12.07 m) a bit less than 1/10th the scale of a MK 1-5. The closer it is to the human form & scale, the less neural load it incurs upon the Pilot.

In my mind's eye I envision power armor being able to scale up to 1/2 the size of a Mk-Zero before the difference between worn armor necessitates becoming a driven machine, so things like Adeptus Astartes towering over mere mortals at 12-15 ft -is- possible.
So, a full Mark 0 would be...large Battlemech, or a bit smaller than a Gundam (Gundams are in the 60ft range). Maybe 60ish feet with a high-grade control interface (Scrapper was, ah, scraps)?

But there's also space for the Power Armor niche. Good, good.
So, a full Mark 0 would be...large Battlemech, or a bit smaller than a Gundam (Gundams are in the 60ft range). Maybe 60ish feet with a high-grade control interface (Scrapper was, ah, scraps)?

But there's also space for the Power Armor niche. Good, good.

Basically you're on point. Scrapper was from scraps stolen from downed Mk. 1+, the control interface was of independent design (non-pons)... and according to Cannon material - (the comics) Amarra didn't truly build Scrapper (braggart teen wanting to impress ppl) , she may have upgraded him a bit and maintained him but the control interface was someone else's work.

Edit: too many cool powered armors not to leave a niche. Starship Troopers, WH40K, BattleTech Elementals, etc.
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Sentinels of Faith
Bringing the Paladins and Champions in here, and adding data on the 3rd of my starter Sentinel groups. @Smithsguild if you could threadmark this it would be awesome.

The Silver Paladins

This unit is built off of the hardened survivors of one of Savannah's most recent, and brutal, battles, as well as individuals from other units with both the skills and the mindset to match them. They are a unit whose identity is only beginning to take shape, but whose destiny holds enormous potential. For while all the forces of Savannah, be they Jaeger, Ground, Sea, or Air, are vital to her defense, these men and women shall be charged with defending them from the darkest, most depraved threats from within and without. Cultists and the terrible things they do and call up are some of their primary targets. At least when not engaged in the general defense of the city.

The Paladins wear BDUs woven with silver-sheened thread, armor that has highly-polished external plates, and Combat Jackets that have been polished and, in places, even chromed. In addition to bearing the unit logo on their left breastplates, their Jackets and armor each bear a multitude of symbols designed to repel the likes of the Mist-dwellers. The more protective/repellent iterations of Elder signs, other generic warding symbols, as well as symbols connected to the belief and faith of each member of the Paladins. Councilor Knight made it clear from early on that this Unit would take any faith-member, so long as they were committed. Christian, Muslim, Buddhist, Hebrew, Shinto, and more besides fight side-by-side, their armor set to repel any beings that would dare stand against them and threaten their minds and souls.

The Paladins try not to lock themselves into strict weaponry loadouts, preferring to adjust on the fly. However, the growing trend is to leave at least one of their actual hands free from projectile weapons to instead wield a melee weapon of some kind or another. Right now, these are often simply improvised, scavenged, or antique pieces, but there's talk of Councilor Knight attempting to get them some high-quality gear that will let them, perhaps, even wound a Kaiju-scale opponent in melee...

Shield of Faith
By surrounding themselves with appropriate religion appropriate Iconography and the 'Symbol of true faith', the Paladins may more easily steel their resolve in the face of external mental influence, unnatural fear, or maintain mental stability in the presence of the truly sanity rending 'things'.

This will be a dice based ability as an individual's faith (no matter how devout) waxes and wanes. Even a crit-fail will provide more protection than the common soldier will have...

The Silver Paladins tend to favor Combat-Jacket-sized Hammers and Maces as their Melee Weapon of choice, while preferring high-power, high-accuracy Solid Projectile Weapons for their ranged option.

The Obsidian Champions

The Silver Paladins are borne from a desire to be a shining shield for Savannah, and Humanity in general. In contrast, the Obsidian Champions are the sword from the darkness; they exist less to protect, than to eliminate threats.

The Champions were borne out of a small group of soldiers who found the rather noble-bright culture developing within the Paladins to clash with their desire to slash and burn the foul things that came from the oceans and the Mist and the dark places. They would be the ones to fight where others could not, kill and destroy where others could not.

It should be clarified that the Champions are, like the Paladins, a mixed-faith group. They are not a group centered on "intolerance", but they are much more oriented toward aggression and proactive use of violence.

The Champions wear BDUs woven with flat black thread, armor that has soft, almost satin-black finish, and Combat Jackets that have been darkened with a paint scheme that's only a couple of steps above Vantablack in terms of how dark and light-absorbent it is. In addition to bearing the unit logo on their left breastplates (in a slightly shinier/more polished black), their Jackets and armor each bear a multitude of subtly woven or stamped symbols designed to repel the likes of the Mist-dwellers. The more protective/repellent iterations of Elder signs, other generic warding symbols, as well as symbols connected to the belief and faith of each member of the Paladins. Councilor Knight made it clear from early on that this Unit, as part of the larger Sentinels of the Faith division of the armed forces, would take any faith-member, so long as they were committed. Christian, Muslim, Buddhist, Hebrew, Shinto, and more besides fight side-by-side, their armor set to repel any beings that would dare stand against them and threaten their minds and souls.

The Champions try not to lock themselves into strict weaponry loadouts, preferring to adjust on the fly. However, the growing trend is to leave at least one of their actual hands free from projectile weapons to instead wield a melee weapon of some kind or another. Right now, these are often simply improvised, scavenged, or antique pieces, but there's talk of Councilor Knight attempting to get them some high-quality gear that will let them, perhaps, even wound a Kaiju-scale opponent in melee...

Shield of Faith
By surrounding themselves with appropriate religion appropriate Iconography and the 'Symbol of true faith', the Champions may more easily steel their resolve in the face of external mental influence, unnatural fear, or maintain mental stability in the presence of the truly sanity rending 'things'.

This will be a dice based ability as an individual's faith (no matter how devout) waxes and wanes. Even a crit-fail will provide more protection than the common soldier will have...

The Obsidian Champions tend to favor Combat-Jacket-sized Swords as their Melee Weapon of choice, while preferring rapid-firing projectile weapons and missile/rocket weaponry for their ranged option.

The Ivory Angels

While the Silver Paladins and Obsidian Champions are units formed whole-cloth from just a concept in Councilor Knight's heart and mind, their cultures a combination of miscellaneous bits of the various special forces, faith groups, and (semi-secretly) nerds among them, the Ivory Angels are different. The Angels were formed around a core of experienced Air Force Pararescue members, alongside several experienced members of the fire-fighting and EMS agencies in the area around Atlanta (a space that was, thankfully, rich with such personnel). All members are thoroughly trained in combat, but their focus is on the saving of life, not its taking.

Members of the Ivory Angels act as, in essence, the Pararescue equivalent for the current PODC combat forces. Their focus is on the retrieval of crew from downed and destroyed vehicles and Jaegers, as well as extraction of individual wounded personnel from the battlefield. It is distinctly possible they would be deployed in a "civilian" disaster, albeit only if extreme capability was needed. The Angels have a strong, already-established culture, with one of the most striking creeds: "These things we do, that others may live". Every single member of the Angels is ready, willing, and able to lay down their life to ensure the safe return of any and all men, women, and children in the face of harm, and to take every possible step to stabilize injured people. They have even undertaken some measure of training with remaining US Coast Guard personnel, to help them enact rescues at sea.

While the Angels are by no means the be-all, end-all of Atlanta and the PODC's emergency responders, they are absolutely the most heavily armored and individually capable rescue force, at the very least on this part of the Eastern Seabord, if not the nation/continent, and perhaps the world. But instead of boasting of this, the Angels are more apt to simply shrug and move on with their work.

There's always someone else to rescue, after all.

The Angels wear BDUs woven with white thread, armor that has white-painted external plates, and Combat Jackets that have been pained white with silver accents. They bear their unit logo on their left breastplates of their armor, or the left pocket of their BDUs. They bear some of the same protective symbolism of the Paladins and Champions, but a bit more subdued in comparison, though they have taken to having the technicians "stencil" their armor plates with many of the same protective symbols. Their right breastplate (or BDU pocket) bears a medical corps caduceus.
Councilor Knight made it clear from early on that this Unit, as part of the larger Sentinels of the Faith division of the armed forces, would take any faith-member, so long as they were committed. Christian, Muslim, Buddhist, Hebrew, Shinto, and more besides fight side-by-side, their armor set to repel any beings that would dare stand against them and threaten their minds and souls.

The Angels have the most distinct equipment loadout of the Sentinels, owing to their vastly different mission profile. Only 1 in 10 Angels (one per 10-man Squad) still carry the the traditional waldo-borne weaponry of a Combat Jacket. The rest have traded heavy weaponry for a variety of life-saving equipment necessary in the chaotic, heavily-armored modern battlefield. All members of the Angels continue to bear the "lighter", hand-held weapons that other Jacketed AKP soldiers use (currently the extra-heavy rifles, shotguns, and the like, along with melee weapons).
A typical Squad consists of:
-1 Gunner (normal Jacketed AKP weapon loadout)
-4 Carrier Medics, with Jackets outfitted to literally strap wounded soldiers to them for rapid exfiltration from a battlefield. They carry the lightest possible weaponry on their person, and have a variety of medical supplies strapped to themselves in armored heavy-duty medkits.
-2 Heavy Medics, whose Jackets bear a variety of heavier-duty medical equipment, as well as deployable armor barriers to shield them while performing emergency field "surgery" on soldiers (typically just enough to stem catastrophic bleeding or the like to allow for transport). They also have breathing aid gear, and at times you will see a Carrier and Heavy Medic jogging side-by-side, with the latter connected to the former's passenger by several sturdy hoses.
-2 Heavy Rescues, who bear an assortment of powerful, precise tools for the extraction of troops from destroyed vehicles and Jaegers. Saws, clamps, and the Jacket-borne equivalent of the Jaws of Life give them the ability to pull men and women from wrecked machines as easily as one might peel an orange.
-1 Search and Rescue, bearing advanced sensor equipment that allows them to find people trapped under tons of rubble, as well as gear that will allow them to either begin extraction, or stabilize wreckage until the Heavy Rescues can arrive on-scene. While they have no waldo-borne weapons, the SAR soldier typically has a heavy, long-range weapon, and can act as a pseudo-sniper at times.

When splitting into "fire teams", the typical arrangement is 1 Gunner or SAR, 2 CMs, 1 HM, and 1 HR.

Deathless Allies: All units within this units movement radius (4 units "running speed", if lose mv; radius shrinks it is meant to reflect this unit performing field triage) suffer the disabled status rather than destroyed by 1 additional dice pip , so a unit with 'combat veteran' now survives on a natural 8, 9, or 10. (IE 30% chance of only being 'mission dead' and not 'throw dirt on me' dead.)
Lesser Shield of Faith: By surrounding themselves with appropriate religion appropriate Iconography and the 'Symbol of true faith', the Angels may more easily steel their resolve in the face of external mental influence, unnatural fear, or maintain mental stability in the presence of the truly sanity rending 'things'. (-2 on Die roll compared to their brethren)

The Ivory Angels tend to wield Axes, powered armor scaled Fatmax Fubars (a wrecking bar multi-tool), or Pickaxes as their Melee Weapons, due to being able to use them in a rescue capacity as well. For their (limited) ranged weaponry, they prefer Rifle and Shotgun type weaponry, due to the lighter weight.
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I am supportive of your initiative with the highly customized "Ivory Angels" including squad breakdown into Gunner, Carrier, Heavy Medic, Search and Rescue & Heavy Rescue.

I try hard to not duplicate 'Elite' perks but this write up screams for something similar to the EMS Roadhog perk

Unique Elite Perk: "Deathless Allies" All units within this units movement radius (4 units "running speed", if lose mv; radius shrinks it is meant to reflect this unit performing field triage) suffer the disabled status rather than destroyed by 1 additional dice pip , so a unit with 'combat veteran' now survives on a natural 8, 9, or 10. (IE 30% chance of only being 'mission dead' and not 'throw dirt on me' dead.)

They're your brainchildren what say you?
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Furthermore in addition to oversized axes/picks I see things like a powered armor scaled Fatmax Fubar (a wrecking bar multi-tool) being included part pry bar / sledgehammer / Dual Gripping jaws that can grasp and torque on 2" ( or 4") structural lumber or metal beams.
Additionally they retain the SOF keystone perk albeit to a lesser degree (-2 on Die roll compared to their brethren)

Lesser Shield of Faith
By surrounding themselves with appropriate religion appropriate Iconography and the 'Symbol of true faith', the Angels may more easily steel their resolve in the face of external mental influence, unnatural fear, or maintain mental stability in the presence of the truly sanity rending 'things'.

This will be a dice based ability as an individual's faith (no matter how devout) waxes and wanes. Even a crit-fail will provide more protection than the common soldier will have...
While the thread is idle (awaiting more discussion for filling in the actions of the DT plan) I'll commit some more effort to flesh out the variant exo's of the 'Ivory Angels'.

Edited earlier posts Pararescue to reflect the new Carrier style Exo and make the need for Heavy Medic more distinctive.

---------Heavy Medic Exo (base infantry cost + 150 R) just under 7 foot
Mv is 3 (4 if forgoes attack opportunities) 45 mph/ 60 mph due to enhanced leg servos
  • Heavy duty Life saving equipment (O2, Defibrillator, Surgical kit, Etc.)
  • Combat Barrier - 4' tall x 12' long (6 x 2' folding panels of 1/4" sandwiched steel, lockable dual hinged) eq. of Hvy Cover
  • Fold away surgical table designed for deployment on uneven terrain
---------SAR Exo (Search & Rescue) (base infantry cost + 150 R) just under 7 foot
Mv is 3 (4 if forgoes attack opportunities) 45 mph/ 60 mph due to enhanced leg servos
  • Equipped with Ground Penetrating Radar, Acoustic Listening Devices, saucer sized 'sniffers' bots, & other location tools
  • Equipped with pneumatic braces & bladders to stabilize debris & pneumatic jacks to perform controlled shifts of rubble
  • SAR Sniper Weapon is just a downscaled version of the Anti-material Rifle used on our Strykers
---------Heavy Rescue (base infantry cost + 150 R) just under 7 foot
Mv is 3 (4 if forgoes attack opportunities) 45 mph/ 60 mph due to enhanced leg servos

This unit is equipped with a wide variety of construction, rescue and demolition tools​
This includes (but isn't limited to) jackhammers, rotary cut off saw with blades ranging from abrasives for cutting metal, diamond for concrete & masonry, & carbide for wood, Oxy-acetylene tanks & even a very limited supply of thermal lances​
Part of the reason I mentioned the Jaws isn't just the raw power, it's that they seem to provide a smooth, steady pressure. Which might be handy for situations with twisted debris piles etc.
  1. Naval elements
  2. Air elements
  3. Ground Forces
  4. SOCOM elements
  5. Special Support Elements (forward MASH unit, & the 'Oracle' FDC logistical support vehicle )
  6. Jaegers?
Right, so I proposed a plan for this a while back, now. Basically, I think we should take a three-pronged approach to this. Maybe four, with the aid of Liberty's rebels (who we'd have focus on taking out the enemy's long-range sensor capabilities and causing diversions with guerrilla tactics). One prong attacks from the ocean, one from the land, and a small team books it towards where Bracer is. All prongs could use some degree of air support.

I was thinking the ocean attack should mostly be something of a feint, there to hopefully pull off some of their forces. Thinking Triton should probably be working with that prong. Ground attack should focus on jamming and covering for the small rescue team. Rescue team should consist of Jumphawks, possibly medical evac for the Marshall, some escorts, and some solution for getting Bracer out from under the buildings it's buried under. Could be Mammoth, could be something else. Probably should be, I'd prefer Mammoth be with the ground prong, in-case they have their own giant robots or monsters.

It might also be worthwhile to ask Atlanta to cover for us, should something big hit us while our heavy hitters are away.

Generally speaking, the goal of the non-rescue prongs of the attack would be to keep the enemy occupied and distracted enough that they don't notice our extraction of Bracer, and hit it with a missile. Weakening Charleston is helpful, but stalling tactics are just as good, in a lot of ways. And preserving our own forces is preferable, since this isn't a major push. Losing too much here would potentially leave us more vulnerable to a counter-attack from Charleston.
Small point of Order correction @Nixeu . It's not Liberty's rebels, as they are OUR outpost and for them to be rebels they would need to be against us.
Liberty would more accurately be described as Expatriate freedom fighters with strong former ties to the rebels they aid.

There are Charleston rebels that are aided by Liberty; the reason this distinction is important is Liberty will have minimal control over these rebels actions as they are only advisors and the ones handing out arms, food, and medicinals as foreign aid. They may have the rebels ear, but other than the respect they've earned for that help they have no control.

So forces in play on our side are:
Our troops​
Liberty's Guerrillas (nominally under our control, but used to operating independently and NOT part of our military. True militia forces)​
The various SOCOM equivalent teams at Liberty's disposal I think will excel at disruption of sensors and maybe if equipped with target acquisition gear could spot S.A.M. sites for our Drones for near guaranteed hits with their anti-radar missiles.​
Charleston Rebels - Wild Card element, that have a serious hate on for Charleston. Our only coordination with these people are through Liberty's contacts and whatever influence the Pirate Radio broadcasts of 'Liberty's Toll' exert.​

On to other things. I think we should go more for feints and hit and run tactics than protracted battles for punishing or crippling Charleston.

This attack is IMHO more a probe to actually gauge what do they have and how do they use it? Primary goal is Bracer Retrieval, secondary is the distraction of a feigned invasion. If we destroy targets of opportunity and weaken their defenses so much the better. We haven't the intel or amassed forces to suffer the attritions likely to occur if we overcommit.

We'll be in a much better position for a stand up WAR, with a Mk. 5 jaeger added to the roster.

Our conventional military is not massive (unless you count our AKP presence; then omg we're swimming in them. ;)) Our powered armor troops are our core forces, Having so many in the field as border guard has made for a ton of Elite powered armor at our disposal.

Naval Element -

I back the idea of Whitecap Triton acting as a heavy blocker to the Staurolite as it rains down hell from a relatively safe distance with Cruise Missiles, but it would be prudent IMHO to have a PT boat escort as well. (Protective detail in case Triton is engaged & we're Zerged by swarms of Deep Ones.)

Damaging or destroying their Sub, Aircraft Carrier, & Destroyer should be high priority targets if we want to cripple their naval forces.

I would want to leave a decent element of PT boats at Home for Savannah Harbor defense as well.

Air Element -

I envision two distinct doctrines here.

The rapid destruction of AA capabilities as a priority, followed by using resultant air superiority to control all ground force engagements.
Drones and whatever forces may equip the anti-radar missiles and Hellfires

Air Supremacy, Strike Eagles assigned to eliminate ANY Charleston air presence. It may be prudent however to keep some of the mine laying ordnance to hem up their armor (including their Mk. Zero's).

Having no real idea of the potential of Mk. Zeros has me on edge, I wish we knew how many they possess and what their capabilities are...

Hard to plan vs an unknown, but limiting their movement seems like a good start.

I will detail my thoughts on other Elements later; I'm not @Smithsguild so writing treatise length post sap my will to live ;)
Small point of Order correction @Nixeu . It's not Liberty's rebels, as they are OUR outpost and for them to be rebels they would need to be against us.
Liberty would more accurately be described as Expatriate freedom fighters with strong former ties to the rebels they aid.

There are Charleston rebels that are aided by Liberty; the reason this distinction is important is Liberty will have minimal control over these rebels actions as they are only advisors and the ones handing out arms, food, and medicinals as foreign aid. They may have the rebels ear, but other than the respect they've earned for that help they have no control.
Semantics. And I wasn't even considering bringing in anyone not with Liberty. They might call in some favors, or at least let other rebel factions know, but that's their business, not ours.
On to other things. I think we should go more for feints and hit and run tactics than protracted battles for punishing or crippling Charleston.
Here, I have to disagree somewhat. If we want to achieve our goals, we need to cripple or distract their forces. A protracted fight is more likely to divert than hit-and-run. Done right, a hit-and-run attack should cripple them in this context, or it's not achieving our goals, because their forces aren't tied up.
This attack is IMHO more a probe to actually gauge what do they have and how do they use it? Primary goal is Bracer Retrieval, secondary is the distraction of a feigned invasion. If we destroy targets of opportunity and weaken their defenses so much the better. We haven't the intel or amassed forces to suffer the attritions likely to occur if we overcommit.

We'll be in a much better position for a stand up WAR, with a Mk. 5 jaeger added to the roster.
Agreed on primary, but you're confusing means and goals on the secondary. The diversion is a means to our ends, not an end in itself. The distraction is how we keep Atlanta from blowing Bracer up with missiles. If we don't keep their eyes on something else, they're more likely to spot Bracer. Which is why I think trying to hit-and-run is a bad idea.
Naval Element -

I back the idea of Whitecap Triton acting as a heavy blocker to the Staurolite as it rains down hell from a relatively safe distance with Cruise Missiles, but it would be prudent IMHO to have a PT boat escort as well. (Protective detail in case Triton is engaged & we're Zerged by swarms of Deep Ones.)

Damaging or destroying their Sub, Aircraft Carrier, & Destroyer should be high priority targets if we want to cripple their naval forces.

I would want to leave a decent element of PT boats at Home for Savannah Harbor defense as well.
Then we need more of them, because we don't have that many PT boats, and they have limited numbers of torpedos at their disposal, IIRC. I think you're also forgetting about the Sea Dragon, as well.
Air Element -

I envision two distinct doctrines here.

The rapid destruction of AA capabilities as a priority, followed by using resultant air superiority to control all ground force engagements.
Drones and whatever forces may equip the anti-radar missiles and Hellfires

Air Supremacy, Strike Eagles assigned to eliminate ANY Charleston air presence. It may be prudent however to keep some of the mine laying ordnance to hem up their armor (including their Mk. Zero's).

Having no real idea of the potential of Mk. Zeros has me on edge, I wish we knew how many they possess and what their capabilities are...
I'm not confident that we'll be able to obtain air superiority in their own airspace. Unless we have our ground forces disable their ground facilities first, our boys in the air are going to have to deal with a lot of ordinance meant to take them down.

More thoughts when I'm actually home, I just wanted to get this out there.
I'm not confident that we'll be able to obtain air superiority in their own airspace. Unless we have our ground forces disable their ground facilities first, our boys in the air are going to have to deal with a lot of ordinance meant to take them down.

More thoughts when I'm actually home, I just wanted to get this out there.
It is unlikely that we'll achieve air supremacy, but we need to at least make an attempt so our more numerous ground forces don't run the risk of getting mulched by ATG missiles fired from Reaper drones or whatever other nasty aerial threats Charleston has, and to allow the Medivac birds to do their work without being shot down.

And while we've talked a lot about our own forces and capabilities, we haven't talked about the enemy's defences or their own armed forces enough. We know they have an Air Defense grid with camouflaged Radars and missile sites, but what about minefields, be they naval or ground-based?

The people from Liberty already promised us an extensive amount of intel on where the Radars and AA Missile sites are, so maybe they'll give us even more intel in exchange for that shipment of guns?
More thoughts when I'm actually home, I just wanted to get this out there.
...Okay, I said that, but I actually hit most of the points I wanted to. I mostly only have a few minor concerns/points about the naval side of things to bring up.
Naval Element -

I back the idea of Whitecap Triton acting as a heavy blocker to the Staurolite as it rains down hell from a relatively safe distance with Cruise Missiles, but it would be prudent IMHO to have a PT boat escort as well. (Protective detail in case Triton is engaged & we're Zerged by swarms of Deep Ones.)

Damaging or destroying their Sub, Aircraft Carrier, & Destroyer should be high priority targets if we want to cripple their naval forces.

I would want to leave a decent element of PT boats at Home for Savannah Harbor defense as well.
Right. So, the naval attack is mostly in the interests of leveraging all of our assets, and to hopefully draw away some of the enemy's air support/distract their own missile carrying naval units. Thus, I'm not entirely sure stopping at stand-off range and bombarding them with cruise missiles is likely to achieve that.

Honestly, if this wasn't urgent and we had more time to prep, I would really want to build some ships with good air coverage capabilities. There are actually a lot of holes in our navy I would really like to fix before we do this, but this can't wait, and our navy (well, mostly the Staurolite is a powerful tool. That being the case, we're probably going to want some of our aerial forces to handle the job. Also, the Staurolite can take care of itself in a scrap. It's probably more likely end up having to defend the PT boats once they run out of torpedos than them cover for it.

As for sinking their naval units, I'm not thinking that big right now. Honestly, I'm rather tempted to force them to play "find the submarine", but that is somewhat risky. One way to do it might be to have the Staurolite to lure out their ships by hitting something important with some missiles, lure them in, then have Triton hit them. Kind of a hit-and-run, and possibly a bit too fancy, but it's an idea, anyway.
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