Mammoth Apostate vs the World 1: "Lost in the Mist"

I don't think we quite need a 70,000 ton supercarrier that hosts 40+ planes ( the Nimitz runs 100,000 tons and host 80+ planes).

A carrier that can host 20ish planes and a single jaeger should be scary enough for force projection.
Neat fact I just found out today.

Only the U.S. currently have supercarriers the Nimitz & the forth coming Nimitz replacements ; the Gerald Ford class weighing in at 110,000 tons & 80 aircraft.

U.K. are in the process of build (x2) Queen Elizabeth class . At 70,000 tons & 40 aircraft.

If the wiki is to be believed the 11 supercarriers in the U.S. fleet provide more than 2x the deckspace of all the other nations carriers combined...
Neat fact I just found out today.

Only the U.S. currently have supercarriers the Nimitz & the forth coming Nimitz replacements ; the Gerald Ford class weighing in at 110,000 tons & 80 aircraft.

U.K. are in the process of build (x2) Queen Elizabeth class . At 70,000 tons & 40 aircraft.

If the wiki is to be believed the 11 supercarriers in the U.S. fleet provide more than 2x the deckspace of all the other nations carriers combined...
IIRC the US actually has far more space for planes on their carriers than they have planes and pilots ready to fly at any given time. The readiness rates are pretty abysmal, as far as I know.

...and now I know better. I just checked and apparently the Navy achieved over 80% Mission-Capable rates for both its Super Hornet and Growler fleets, just last month. Guess they're doing pretty well, now it's just the Air Force that needs to get its shit together.
As to devoting a few actions to the scouting of Charleston, I am all for it.

@Highwind do we think maybe Glass could do some astral projection? One of the biggest unknowns is Charleston's MAGICAL capabilities & after our stunt w/t the Tsunami we'd be fools to not tick THAT checkbox.
As to devoting a few actions to the scouting of Charleston, I am all for it.

@Highwind do we think maybe Glass could do some astral projection? One of the biggest unknowns is Charleston's MAGICAL capabilities & after our stunt w/t the Tsunami we'd be fools to not tick THAT checkbox.
Maybe? She did some sort of astral projection when she messed with Sammael's tsunami spell, so she might be able to do it again. The problem is that astral projection is unlikely to be safe, especially if she's going to spy on a hostile place.
If not actual astral projection maybe something a bit safer, maybe scrying with a crystal ball D&D style?

I'm sure we could gain some insight? The info obtained would probably be quite watered down compred to astral but that is to be expected if we limit our sensory input to visual alone.
If not actual astral projection maybe something a bit safer, maybe scrying with a crystal ball D&D style?

I'm sure we could gain some insight? The info obtained would probably be quite watered down compred to astral but that is to be expected if we limit our sensory input to visual alone.
A crystal ball... might work. It'd be a good idea to get a ball made of actual crystal like quartz in that case, and it shouldn't be too difficult to make one.

The main problem with trying to magically scout Charleston's defenses is that we don't know how exactly magic works IC and how to create our own rituals and spells just yet. Worse still, we don't know the consequences of failing to perform a ritual or spell IC, and in an Eldritch Horror setting those are generally nasty things I would rather not inflict on Glass. But with that said, I do have a couple ideas for a ritual that might just work.
OOC NOTICE - AT&T failing again. I am posting from my phone in the interim.

@Highwind if I could ask a favor ? Could I get you to cut/paste & post info from the Mammoth conversation on my behalf?

re: magic cosmology (seafoam multiverse) and the know magics based off Lyndon Hardy's "Master of Five Magics".

It is an impossible task from my phone.

Glass is a fully functional mage, the whole Tsunami battle awoke an awareness of these subjects - she is still ignorant of specific rituals, and this is where her reliance on Richard begins.
OOC NOTICE - AT&T failing again. I am posting from my phone in the interim.

@Highwind if I could ask a favor ? Could I get you to cut/paste & post info from the Mammoth conversation on my behalf?

re: magic cosmology (seafoam multiverse) and the know magics based off Lyndon Hardy's "Master of Five Magics".

It is an impossible task from my phone.

Glass is a fully functional mage, the whole Tsunami battle awoke an awareness of these subjects - she is still ignorant of specific rituals, and this is where her reliance on Richard begins.
I actually have a tab with that very post in the conversation open while I was trying to come up with a suitable ritual.

Magical Cosmology - The whole of reality and all potential realities (past and future) is based off 3 cosmological phenomena. The 'Source', The 'Aetheric Seas', & The 'Void Beyond'.

The 'Source' is the Wellspring from which ALL comes. It is energy, matter, thought and more... It is limitless, it is the raw potential of Creation, it defies quantifying because it pre-exists before boundaries, structure and forms to conceive it existed , and it can/will become an infinite variety of similar concepts as yet to be dreamed. Some beings of immense power swim towards the Source drinking deeply of the potential and spinning out bubbles of creation in their wake, some do it unconsciously, others with a certain fondness and pride in what they have wrought.

The unformed stuff that lies between the Source & the Void Beyond was termed the Aetheric Seas and it is within small bubbles of creation on this Ocean that individual universes/dimensions/realities exist. Magic and it's relative strength in any one bubble are due to proximity to either Source or Void. The Aetheric Seas are awash with tides, currents, and eddies and movement of any particular bubble are based on how these influences move them around. A bubble may sit placid in still aetheric waters for eons, another storm tossed constantly rocking between source and void.

The Void Beyond is an area of total entropy devouring the continual outpouring of the Aetheric Sea. Nothing exists -within- the Void, but along the border Dark entities tainted by the breaking down of structure and rules have an endless hunger and look Sourceward at the endless bounty. Only when the currents are -just- right can they escape the pull of the voids borders long enough to indulge in a glutinous revelry often spawning lesser abominations that are not tied so closely to the voids pull.

Precursors - Stagnant Aetheric pool
Great Old Ones - Spawn of the Void

Some known Structure re: magic within -our- bubble...

Inspired heavily by Lyndon Hardy's "Master of 5 magics" / "Secret of the sixth Magic"

The Principle of Sympathy: like produces like
The Principle of Contagion: once together, always together

Thaumaturgy is what we usually think of as magic. Using the principles of sympathy and contagion, it's possible to move things, to transform things into other things, and otherwise manipulate one's environment. However, a strong spell requires a great deal of outside energy, such a from a fire or a flywheel. And thaumaturgy, while rule-based, is not an exact science -- sometimes changes don't stop when they should...
Unexpected outside forces can occasionally influence a Thaumaturgic working. A water working done in close proximity to a powerful Storm or where the Ocean pounds against the shore might grow out of control drawing on the power, or adopt unwanted attributes.

The Doctrine of Signatures: the attributes without mirror the powers within
The Doctrine of Chance: when random factors align

Alchemy is mostly as you expect it: by properly blending items with the appropriate attributes you can obtain a final product with superior virtues, such as oils of heat resistance or gold from lead. The only problem is that each step of the blending process has a chance of failure -- for example, four out of ten times a particular step in a process might produce lightning or an explosion instead of the intermediate product you actually want. So you have to start with a much larger quantity of initial substances than you wind up with... and the more complex the changes, the more steps are required (and the lower the chance of success on each step).

The Maxim of Persistence: perfection is eternal

Magic is used to create magical objects. By repeatedly performing rituals of great complexity, common objects can be imbued with properties they can confer to their user. Rings can make their wearer invisible, carpets can fly, glass spheres can give light, and so on. The more perfect the ritual, and the more persistently it is applied, the greater the power of the object. Naturally, if you fail to correctly perform any ritual at any point, the object being given power will probably be destroyed with catastrophic release of the energies contained.

The Rule of Three: thrice spoken, once fulfilled

Sorcery grants the arts of illusion, of enchantment, of clairvoyance, of fate, and of prophecy. Each of these is activated by speaking a charm three times, which sounds simple enough, but the more complex charms do not want to be said -- each word becomes more difficult to utter. The most complex sorcerous charms are nearly impossible to speak, but must be said without error (and cannot be abandoned once begun). A mistake will produce hallucinations, pain, and even death in the most powerful cases. But even if one succeeds, some amount of one's life force is drained away forever. Cast too great an enchantment with too little life force remaining, and goodbye.

Law of Ubiquity: magic permeates all worlds
Law of Dichotomy: dominance or submission

Wizardry is about summoning and binding extra dimensional entities to your will. An appropriate medium as a connection to the correct realm and the Law of Dichotomy requires that there must always be a contest between the summoner and the summoned. Fail to dominate, and the summoned entity will control the summoner.

True Naming, Tulpas/thought forms caused by Faith/Concentration, and a grab bag of other possibilities arise and are open... Magic is not something I'll attempt to leash and quantify to tightly, it is magic and its use is the work of enlightened men (or the mad?)
With all that in mind, my main ideas involve avoiding the Sorcery discipline, for reasons that should be obvious upon reading it, and relying on Thaumaturgy and Magic to achieve similar results. I am trying to, at the very least, mitigate the cost on Glass' life force by supplementing the Sorcerous work with either of those two disciplines.

As such, my main ideas were:

Psychography: use Contagion and Sympathy to create an annotated map of Charleston's defenses through a normal, if detailed, map of the area (sympathy) and some items or even people from the city itself (contagion).

Remote Viewing: This cleaves a bit too close to Sorcery to my liking, but a we might be able to directly watch Charleston through a ritual centered around a crystal ball, a iece of glass or crystal from Charleston, and a projector. The idea is to use the contagion from the crystal to project a view of what the item's current location looks like onto the crystal ball, which is itself a well-known medium for clairvoyance. This should reduce the strain from the Sorcery and finding something that was once of Charleston shouldn't be too hard since we have a lot of officers in our ranks and Charleston is where the goddamn Citadel is located.

Other than that, we should have other options as long as we are creative enough. There are many, many historical methods of predicting the future and of seeing one's fortune, the least of which would be haruspicy and Augury. Using runes and cartomancy to answer simple questions are also potentially viable methods of scrying into Charleston's decenses without using actual Sorcery.
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Many thanks Highwind, I appreciate the assist.


The construction of a physical model of a super accurate contour map should be easy enough.

You already possess a 3d terrain map model of land feature elevations as part of Savannah's VORTAC.

Loccent has the data input in an accessable holographic model used for strategic desicion making.

Savannahs manufacturing is high enough that your autojigs can churn out a photo real scale model suitable for a "War Room".


As to your ritual ideas, I see no problems with any of the concepts.

Metamagic (the combination of intradisciplinary magics) is real and not an uncommon practice.

Each spell/ritual attempted will require its own success die roll and will tap Glasses reserves.

(Spellcasting is similar to body building, more you do the more your strength grows. HOWEVER, pushing too much at your tolerance risks injury.)

Glass is much more powerful and has yet to test her new limits.
Odds run pretty high of their being a Citadel Alumni present amongst the Rank and file.

Roll me a d10 for a focus linking back to Charleston, the longer it was a fixture in the city or the more iconic of a link the better it will serve as a thaumeturgic focus.
Odds run pretty high of their being a Citadel Alumni present amongst the Rank and file.

Roll me a d10 for a focus linking back to Charleston, the longer it was a fixture in the city or the more iconic of a link the better it will serve as a thaumeturgic focus.
It occurs to me that a focus doesn't have to be, ncessarily, an item. A person who lived there their whole lives up until recently could have as much of a Thaumaturgic link to the city as a piece of marble from a statue or an old commemorative plaque provided those aren't older than the person. A city is as much its people as its buildings.

But anyway, time to roll.
Highwind threw 1 10-faced dice. Reason: Thaumaturgic Link Total: 7
7 7
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I agree whole heartedly, a Charleston born Cadet whose entire carreer was shaped by the Honor code instilled at the Citadel would make an epic focus.

If said soldier was to have retained a piece of stained glass left over from the Summerall Chapel at the Citadel from the great chancel window behind the altar (dedicated in 1942) a gift from a doddering groundskeeper who was present at the installation who took a shine to a dedicated young man of strong moral fiber; so much the stronger the tie...

GAIN 1 stained glass fragment.
AT&T Finally has restored service!!! Feel free to put me through my paces... (Questions Re: Downtime research,etc.)
Discussion "Plan" V0.2
All of this EXCEPT Rescue / Diversionary is negotiable.

13,452 R this turn to work with.

Normal Actions: (5 population, 1 from Environmental bonus)
[X] - (RESERVED ACTION for Rescue / Diversionary strike)
[-] - Construct a MASH unit: 350 R
350 R outlay = 1 M.A.S.H. unit
[-] - Construct 6 of the Little Bird Variants (Medivac, Spotter/T.A.G., Killer Shrikes)
1x Medivac (200 R) for our MASH unit, 3x GLTD spotter/TAG (@250 R ea. for 750 R subtotal), 1x Killer Shrike (275 R) gifted to Liberty Raiders.​
Total expenditure on Little Birds: 1,225 R​
Idea; lets reassign the "Mighty Merlins" to Medivac, with their double dipping in evasion skill they are able to go into hot zones and get out intact with their rescuees.​
[-] - Construct ?X# of Grey Eagle UAV's (Want to base numbers of these on number of Longbows purchased.)
[-] - Send our 2 Special forces teams for an Advanced deep scout of Charleston using the stealthy Blackhawks. Final plan should be more detailed, (the better the write up the better the reward.)

@Smithsguild are they both SEAL teams? You never clearly stated...
Total troops involved 2 Special Forces
You have only seen 1 non-standard the SEAL team (8 man squad) that were assigned to assist the Engineers at the Damns upriver from Savannah.

Dealing with you I -assume- nothing. :p

[-] - I don't know...

Free Actions:
[X] - Computerized Communication Center, Comm action:
[X] - Jaeger Tech Research:
?Mark Zero Research?​
[X] - BPRD Magical Research:
?Magical Recon Charleston?​
[X] - Hephaestus Repair and Upgrade:

[X] - High Energy Lab:
?DEW (Lasers) Research making a conventional Vehicle mount weapon bridging the gap between proof of concept man portable Nixeu carried to Atlanta and the Mastodon Superheavy, something that keeps charged/ready as default allowing a quick pulse then it remains down until recharged?​
[X] - Kaiju Sciences Lab:
?Finish research on Sage's EM shielding?​
[X] - Savannah Hangar & Airfield: Construct ?X# of Longbow Helos

[X] - Savannah Infantry Training Regiment:

[X] - Savannah Motor Pool:

[X] - Savannah Dry Docks & Shipyard:

Situational Free Actions:
[X] - Prior to Rescue/Strike "Liberty's Toll" use their Pirate Broadcasting to Hijack Charleston broadcasts to ready disparate rebel cells to be ready for unified action on our signal.

[X] - 25 R to get the 'Outrider's' airborne ASAP.
The Outrider's Pathfinder is grounded for next turn. It will take 25 R to get the unit airborne again, and seeing as the Elite's Pathfinder is the only such vehicle in your air force, they may not -bump- a conventional crew and make use of their vehicle in the interim.

Normal Actions:
[X] - ?Maybe buy some cheap artillery for their Defensive Perimeter (keeping parity with Savannah defenses)?

Free Actions:
[X] - Macon Hangars & Airfield: Construct X# of Strike Eagles

[X] -

[X] - Prior to Rescue/Strike Gift a Little Bird Airframe along with the Cargo Container M-16's and ammo for Liberty distribution to Charleston Rebels
[X] -
[X] -


I've achieved brain lock, but I have my fellow councillors to cover for me. Jump in anytime LOL
Apologies for not contributing to the discussion much, real life has been a bit rough these days.

[-] - Construct 6 of the Little Bird Variants (Medivac, Spotter/T.A.G., Killer Shrikes)
1x Medivac (200 R) for our MASH unit, 3x GLTD spotter/TAG (@250 R ea. for 750 R subtotal), 1x Killer Shrike (275 R) gifted to Liberty Raiders.Total expenditure on Little Birds: 1,225 RIdea; lets reassign the "Mighty Merlins" to Medivac, with their double dipping in evasion skill they are able to go into hot zones and get out intact with their rescuees.
Having the Merlins man a Medivac Little Bird is a clever idea and I wholeheartedly approve of it.

[-] - Construct ?X# of Grey Eagle UAV's (Want to base numbers of these on number of Longbows purchased.)
Each Longbow can command a pair of Grey Eagles. I can't find the maximum distance from where they can operate away from the Longbows before losing connection on their sheets, but the Sidearm anti-radiation missiles (which are going to do the majority of the damage against Radar and SAM sites in the opening of the operation) have a maximum range of 40 units, or 4 kilometers. That's a significant range, but the Grey Eagles can also carry glide bombs with a maximum range of 10 Km.

A Longbow plus its pair of Grey Eagles cost us 1340 Resources in total after applying the 20% discount, almost as much as a pair of Strike Eagles (they're 680R each factoring the discount, so we can buy two with 1360R). The Strike Eagles offer a different sort of capability we'll definitely want once we move to the later stages of the operation (if the CBU-87 performs anything like its real-world counterpart it can delete anything within a 2 unit radius, even if the target is an armored vehicle, and the BLU-91/B lets us lay a minefield that will also delete anything that enters it and doesn't roll 8+) but the Longbows and the Grey Eagles offer immense stand-off and precision SEAD capability that will be essential if we want to contest the skies near Charleston.

We have limited amount of actions and resources, so we'll have to choose what we want to focus on right now.

[-] - Send our 2 Special forces teams for an Advanced deep scout of Charleston using the stealthy Blackhawks. Final plan should be more detailed, (the better the write up the better the reward.)
Scouting and reconnaissance really are essential, so I have no objections. No suggestions right now either, which is sort of a problem. Maybe looking at a map of Charleston in the current day will reveal a good point of entry for them?

[X] - Computerized Communication Center, Comm action:
[X] - Jaeger Tech Research:
?Mark Zero Research?
[X] - BPRD Magical Research:
?Magical Recon Charleston?
[X] - Hephaestus Repair and Upgrade:
For the Comms action, we can use it to contact Liberty and offer them those M16s and their ammo in exchange for more intel, or really anything else they want. They're very independent and treasure their freedom, so if we offer too many gifts we might come off as condescending, so attaching a few strings can help smooth over any possible issues.

Researching Mark 0s would be a good idea of only so we don't fall too far behind Charleston on this particular arms race. Unless someone thinks of some other urgent J-tech project, I support this.

We might as well perform the magical recon now that we have a suitable focus and potentially viable rituals. Now, if we somehow find ourselves with a spare action I really want to use it to recruit more magically active individuals from the population so we can start pursuing more wide-scale projects. I have so many ideas for ways to weaponize magic that don't even require all that much investment. You could conceivably create magically accurate bombs through simply painting one particular bomb every day without fail, like the old gunslinger tradition of carving your enemy's name on a bullet so it'll find its mark, or how soldiers would write things like "easter eggs for hitler" on mortar shells.

And for the Hephaestus... I have no idea. We might be able to squeeze another attempt to increase a Jaeger's stats into the budget, but that's all I can think of.

I'll finish my commentary and feedback tomorrow, once I'm well-rested, but so far everything looks good.
I can't find the maximum distance from where they can operate away from the Longbows before losing connection on their sheets

Use current comms falloff for ALL radio broadcasts in the particulate polluted air. (reliably a 30 mile diameter circle around broadcast point for mil-spec broadcasting equipment). The reason your city stat comms can work beyond this Hard limit is due to off camera use of repeater towers, etc.
if the CBU-87 performs anything like its real-world counterpart it can delete anything within a 2 unit radius, even if the target is an armored vehicle

Seeing as how you've never actually dropped a CBU-87 yet, I was being a bit low key about its AoE (your Independent research however has its own rewards).

Let us just say that it is lethal in its targeted hex, and threatens assets in the surrounding 6 hexes with splash, Armor in splash is less at risk than soft targets, but no one wants to use them for close air support.
Apparently -I- must have been thinking about a different Cluster Bomb unit - from Wiki

"... the CBU-87 can be adjusted so it can cover a smaller or wider area. Depending on the rate of spin and the altitude at which the canister opens, it can cover an area between 20×20 meters (low release altitude and a slow rate of spin) to 120×240 meters (high release altitude and a high rate of spin). So before one is dropped count on it being highly effective in the target unit & 1 adjacent unit of your choice (if undeclared I'll roll for a random assignment of the 6 possible).
[X] - High Energy Lab:
?DEW (Lasers) Research making a conventional Vehicle mount weapon bridging the gap between proof of concept man portable Nixeu carried to Atlanta and the Mastodon Superheavy, something that keeps charged/ready as default allowing a quick pulse then it remains down until recharged?
[X] - Kaiju Sciences Lab:
?Finish research on Sage's EM shielding?
For lasers, one possible option would be a chemical laser with the chemicals stored in a cartridge of sorts. Enough for one continuous, high power beam in each magazine.

EM shielding will probably be extremely useful in the future, considering Charleston will be fielding Mark 0s in the near-future (if they're not ready to be fielded already).

X] - Savannah Infantry Training Regiment:

[X] - Savannah Motor Pool:

[X] - Savannah Dry Docks & Shipyard:
For the infantry training? AKPs are always useful and we can never have enough of them. The other option are Combat Engineers and we can never have enough of those either.

Tanks are another thing we can't really have enough of, but building more MLRSs would probably be a better use for the free action. We currently have only one and they have pretty good range.

We should build some fast attack craft with the shipyards, since we don't have any.

Situational Free Actions:
[X] - Prior to Rescue/Strike "Liberty's Toll" use their Pirate Broadcasting to Hijack Charleston broadcasts to ready disparate rebel cells to be ready for unified action on our signal.

[X] - 25 R to get the 'Outrider's' airborne ASAP.
I support both of these actions.

Normal Actions:
[X] - ?Maybe buy some cheap artillery for their Defensive Perimeter (keeping parity with Savannah defenses)?

Free Actions:
[X] - Macon Hangars & Airfield: Construct X# of Strike Eagles
I'm all for beefing up Macon's defenses. Chances are Charleston will try to retaliate our retaliation too.

And Strike Eagles are lovely things we really want as many as we can reasonably build.

[X] - Prior to Rescue/Strike Gift a Little Bird Airframe along with the Cargo Container M-16's and ammo for Liberty distribution to Charleston Rebels
[X] -
[X] -
Again, asking for something in exchange for the guns, would probably be the better option.

Apparently -I- must have been thinking about a different Cluster Bomb unit - from Wiki

"... the CBU-87 can be adjusted so it can cover a smaller or wider area. Depending on the rate of spin and the altitude at which the canister opens, it can cover an area between 20×20 meters (low release altitude and a slow rate of spin) to 120×240 meters (high release altitude and a high rate of spin). So before one is dropped count on it being highly effective in the target unit & 1 adjacent unit of your choice (if undeclared I'll roll for a random assignment of the 6 possible).
Since it has a relatively accurate setting (relatively, since 20x20 meters is still four hundred square meters and a square Unit is ten thousand square meters) you could make the GBU have a high damage bonus, no radius option and a low damage bonus, higher radius option.
Since it has a relatively accurate setting (relatively, since 20x20 meters is still four hundred square meters and a square Unit is ten thousand square meters) you could make the GBU have a high damage bonus, no radius option and a low damage bonus, higher radius option.

I love the way you think. How does this sound?

CBU-87 Combined Effects Munition - has 2 variable spreads Concentrated & Dispersed

Concentrated: Hit on 3+, does a minimum 2pt K scale Fire/Impact (check for clusters)

Dispersed: hit on 4+ central target unit 1pt K scale Fire/Impact (check for clusters), but threatens the 6 surrounding units (6+ hit)
Does K scale Scratch damage
I have an idea for how Liberty can 'earn' the help. The first step will require we spend an action to take a Census of all peoples living within our Sphere and declaring 3 levels of citizenship (2 of which will have ID's issued), Citizens , legal aliens, & undocumented others. Maybe even work with Atlanta to standardize Citizenship ID's. Regardless of citizenship all persons within our sphere are accountable to know and uphold the laws of the Protectorate.

Let's negotiate with Liberty to act as the official Protectorate "halfway house" for (Charleston) refugees. They have the experience converting undernourished, shellshocked, scavengers living on the ragged edge into a productive workforce. They have lived under Charleston's heel and understand the plight of the refugees better than anyone AND their entire population would be more likely to recognize a former Charleston raider turned mole than anyone.

Refugees can apply for Citizenship after a 1 year legal alien status where they serve in a FDR "New Deal" style Work Projects Administration (WPA) building housing, schools, and other critical infrastructure in a program that teaches vocational skills 'on the job'. Graduates may move freely into any sector of our Sphere of Influence as full citizens (must declare a City or Outpost for residency of record).

Only members of recognized Outposts and our Cities are to be considered full 'Citizens' & issued lifetime ID's, Legal Aliens (issued 1 yr renewable ID's) are those within our Sphere over which we exercise limited influence, (Visitors from Atlanta Territory can apply for Legal Alien status) they are allowed entry into City's/Outposts for purposes of trade/tourism but are restricted from sensitive areas. Undocumented Others are held to the highest level of scrutiny, with only supervised admittance to City's and Outposts.

Legal Aliens that live within our Sphere have 2 methods of becoming Full Citizens.
1. As a community - petition Homeland to review their community for inclusion as a tax paying outpost under the full governance of PODC Protectorate.​
2. Join in the WPA program as an individual to earn their Citizenship declaring the closest 'official' City/Outpost as their city, but posting real world physical location on their ID.​
Children born to Citizens ARE given Full Citizen status, IF as an adult you gain Citizenship your spouse & minor children become Citizens as well. Legal Aliens children are also considered Legal Aliens, undocumented are always undocumented.​