Mammoth Apostate vs the World 1: "Lost in the Mist"

Well put, BadKatt. We got fucking Deadites working for Charleston.

...I should've expected this when I stole Bruce Campbell's surname and appearance for one of my OCs. :V

*Need for Crusade intensifies*
I'll start looking into potential rituals to enchant equipment for the Sentinels, and looking for magically active individuals should become a priority for next turn.

We should also send scouting parties to cities around the edges and borders of Charleston's territory in case we can establish an alliance with them. If we can manage to force Charleston to fight on multiple fronts things might just become easier for us.

If there ever was a Righteous War, this is it. This kind of shit cannot stand.
Pg 200 giveaway
OOC Post -

Well here we are. After some fits and starts we have reached 200 pgs of posts a milestone for success few of our Vs the world brethren ever reached.
You my loyal readers are the reason, your enthusiasm, your creativity, your willingness to give.

I am offering a humble gift in return. Each and every reader that reads this now and into the future (however long this game remains active) merely quote this green text and respond "Claimed" receives a 1x use (+2 token) that is stackable with any other modifiers, including the personal re-roll, they may be applied to ANY call to roll dice.

Again my personal thanks for making our personal AU such an entertaining place to write for, it is probably the greatest campaign I've ever been associated with.
I am offering a humble gift in return. Each and every reader that reads this now and into the future (however long this game remains active) merely quote this green text and respond "Claimed" receives a 1x use (+2 token) that is stackable with any other modifiers, including the personal re-roll, they may be applied to ANY call to roll dice

It's been a pleasure and an honor to participate in this quest, Smith!
I am offering a humble gift in return. Each and every reader that reads this now and into the future (however long this game remains active) merely quote this green text and respond "Claimed" receives a 1x use (+2 token) that is stackable with any other modifiers, including the personal re-ro

And yeah, it's been great seeing how long this thing's lasted, even if I haven't engaged much with it.
I am offering a humble gift in return. Each and every reader that reads this now and into the future (however long this game remains active) merely quote this green text and respond "Claimed" receives a 1x use (+2 token) that is stackable with any other modifiers, including the personal re-roll, they may be applied to ANY call to roll dice.


If only for insurance on any situations of that fucking Valstrax type.
I am offering a humble gift in return. Each and every reader that reads this now and into the future (however long this game remains active) merely quote this green text and respond "Claimed" receives a 1x use (+2 token) that is stackable with any other modifiers, including the personal re-roll, they may be applied to ANY call to roll dice.

Here's to hoping we continue this game indefinitely. This game is pretty unique.
I am offering a humble gift in return. Each and every reader that reads this now and into the future (however long this game remains active) merely quote this green text and respond "Claimed" receives a 1x use (+2 token) that is stackable with any other modifiers, including the personal re-roll, they may be applied to ANY call to roll dice.
Claimed like the USA in the 1800s.
I am offering a humble gift in return. Each and every reader that reads this now and into the future (however long this game remains active) merely quote this green text and respond "Claimed" receives a 1x use (+2 token) that is stackable with any other modifiers, including the personal re-roll, they may be applied to ANY call to roll dice.
Well the Christmas Holidays ambushed my early write up plans, first with a ton of responsibilities (family get togethers, last minute shopping, etc.) then the "Oooooo Shiny" distractions of Smithsguild geared presents. Marathoned played Titanfall 2 to conclusion of campaign mode then multiplayer fever broke out... (Parkour style wall running over 1 resurrection deep chasms with my intrinsic fear of heights, made for some interesting gameplay). BT-7274 I will mourn you as I never have a video game NPC before.

I am also enjoying another gift, the 'Borderlands' franchise (1, 2, 2.5, purchase of BL3 pending).

I didn't realize just how close I was running the ragged edge of burnout, until I took this last week off.

TLDR; MAvtW will resume after the new years w/t a refreshed QM.
My own artistic attempts have been stalled by a combination of family time and getting Nioh for free on the PSN, so I completely understand. A late Merry Christmas and an early Happy New Year to you, Smithsguild!

(Nioh is an amazing game, by the way, I highly recommend it and its DLCs.)
(Nioh is an amazing game, by the way, I highly recommend it and its DLCs.)

Free is good, as I just got PS plus myself, considering getting PS now as well. I was also considering trying out the Shenmue franchise, as I was intrigued by it since its release on the Sega Dreamcast eons ago, never heard any reviews by people I trusted but they now have a Shenmue III out so someone somewhere made it profitable enough to continue.
(OOC) It is I, your wayward QM. I apologize for my tardiness (nearly 2 weeks later than projected). PS+ / PS Now on my first PS4, is a near fatal distraction for a person with Attention Deficit Disorder w/t - hyperfocus ( I've never been 'formally' diagnosed, but from self research I wear all the qualifications).

Breaking out a 'library' of gaming titles that tick all of my nostalgia checkboxes, is a sure fire way to assure all my responsibilities are equally neglected.


When last we left our intrepid Mage she had discovered quite a bit of Mystically gathered intel and narrowly avoided both obvious detection AND the trap that the Black Flame Furnace is by origin.

Only one objective remains unscouted, the SOCOM style trained, awakened / practitioners of Charleston's 'House of the Holy'. Turning her mind that way Glass can perceive more than a half dozen 'wizards flame' that speak of some casting ability in attendance and that is mirrored by at least double that number of 'sparks' indicating some level of magical awakening.

Glasses magical reserves remain only slightly diminished, but her focus is beginning to suffer... Psychic wizard's duels, steeling oneself against the siren song of a relic ancient before Cthulhu was conceived, all in all she has had a busy day.

She can attempt to dampen her flame as she did near the Deacon's palace, but there are over 3x as many eyes and minds to ferret her out including those whose tasks is to recruit a promising spark...

The choices as always are yours councillor's.

[ ] Dampen her flame and scout the 'House of the Holy'


[ ] Call it a day.

Edit: As always write ins are viable with a consensus
Last edited:
[X] Call it a day.

I think all those wizards would probably notice that someone was poking around. Probably best we try to stay as under-the-radar that we can.
Combat Consensus only requires the first two like minded votes. 4 qualifies as overwhelming support. :)


Glass decides once you've successfully raided the Kodiaks cave, there is no sense in poking the bear.

Her concentration turns home to Savannah and she has a nasty shock. Her inbound journey to Charleston occurred at the speed of thought, but a portion of her return trip -from- Charleston occurs at a snail's pace. Due to to some inverted (and therefore undetected) ward the fifty miles around Charleston slow a departing astral traveller to the pace of a fly in molasses. No doubt Charleston's practitioners know the counter-charm and would remain unaffected.

She shudders to think of what the result would have been had she needed to evade a pursuer and had counted on the normally instantaneous transit. Discretion was indeed the better part of valor in this instance.

Her momentary sense of relief is washed quickly away upon her 'return' to normalcy in the scrying shrine.

As soon as her sense of self returns she is swept away by a sea of military analysts into an isolated room to hash and rehash her
remembrances while they are the freshest and untainted by time spent on reflection. The questions are unrelenting, and cyclical repeated in different ways and accompanied by asking of tangential questions. Please describe sounds, smells, colors, what were her 'feelings' regarding the mood and bearing of certain individuals. A thousand directionless prompts to wring every morsel of intel uncolored by the interviewers. She leaves feeling wrung out like a dishrag, but the analysts beam satisfied as they gather their notes. They remark pleasantly that Glasses attention to detail is amazing (when properly prompted).


Scouts are completed I believe? And there exists the barest skeleton of a downtime plan as well. The ball is in your hands now Councillor's.

I will be available for questions and clarifications as needed. (Within the scope of what you might know - otherwise "Research Anything".)
Scouts are completed I believe? And there exists the barest skeleton of a downtime plan as well. The ball is in your hands now Councillor's.
I think we were going to do more stuff with the ground-side SEAL scouts before we abruptly switched to Magic? I'm not sure.

Also, we definitely dodged a bullet by having Glass return when she did.
I think we were going to do more stuff with the ground-side SEAL scouts before we abruptly switched to Magic? I'm not sure.

Upon review I cannot find mention of any addendums?!?

This is the winning plan , Team 1's results , followed by Team 2's findings. Links included to refresh everyone as painlessly as possible.

"For the sake of the Children" @KnightDisciple 's rescue mission research had gained 3 of the 4 votes (Knight, BadKatt, & Nixeu) and required only 1 additional vote & a 1d10 dice roll to gauge whether powered armor flight proves successful or not (in the time frame to make the attempt). I personally feel the project is Knights baby and the roll should be solely on him.

And unless I'm mistaken this is the most recent and complete version of this downtimes 'plan' courtesy of @BadKatt85 .

I think this will let all interested parties review and act with good info moving forward.
@KnightDisciple my apologies. I did not read the replies nearly closely enough... Way back on pg 193? you responded to my plan with a point by point I missed entirely until Smiths threw up those links for review.

Better late now than never, i suppose.

For their Arty are we looking to have them build Arty guns, or MRLS?

What's the items/options for Decisions, again?

For opportunities, I feel like you're hitting solid ideas here. What can we do with that 3rd slot?

Also, next turn, I'd like to request 2 Research actions:
-Another round of improvements on Power Armor/Combat Jackets.
-Work on improving/refining the basic armored suits we've developed.

I suppose we could build MRLS earmarked for delivery to the other city and roll them into the existing MRLS build order (freeing a build action ;)) although I had envisioned regular arty (they are cheap, & they have operational stamina) but short term the missiles could serve just fine...

Decisions was a filler term carried into this iteration of the 'plan', I don't believe there are any decisions needing made at this time.

I have no idea as to more opportunities... lol running on brainfog atm.

I have no objections to on following turn earmarking two research requests (this is subject to change based on circumstances) of the 2, improving basic armor stands higher ---> your powered armor/ combat jackets have been getting oodles of time devoted, another councilor might want to shoulder in and get their shit done too. ;)
Addendum: With the newly freed build action - build some SPLL (self propelled launch loaders) to rearm the MRLS's?
I suppose we could build MRLS earmarked for delivery to the other city and roll them into the existing MRLS build order (freeing a build action ;))

This will only work because of the daily Train cargo availability, a settlement not on the railway can't get away with such easy-peasy logistics.
@KnightDisciple my apologies. I did not read the replies nearly closely enough... Way back on pg 193? you responded to my plan with a point by point I missed entirely until Smiths threw up those links for review.

Better late now than never, i suppose.

I suppose we could build MRLS earmarked for delivery to the other city and roll them into the existing MRLS build order (freeing a build action ;)) although I had envisioned regular arty (they are cheap, & they have operational stamina) but short term the missiles could serve just fine...

Decisions was a filler term carried into this iteration of the 'plan', I don't believe there are any decisions needing made at this time.

I have no idea as to more opportunities... lol running on brainfog atm.

I have no objections to on following turn earmarking two research requests (this is subject to change based on circumstances) of the 2, improving basic armor stands higher ---> your powered armor/ combat jackets have been getting oodles of time devoted, another councilor might want to shoulder in and get their shit done too. ;)
Yeah I'd prioritize the regular armored suits as well, they could end up being used by all pilots and infantry.

And that's fine on tube arty vs rocket arty, just wanted to be sure I was on the same page.

@Smithsguild do you want me to roll that d10 or are we still waiting the 1 more vote?