Mammoth Apostate vs the World 1: "Lost in the Mist"

@Smithsguild do you want me to roll that d10 or are we still waiting the 1 more vote?

ALL activities that consume action(s) from an upcoming downtime require 4 vote consensus (just like the plan), rolling before the vote is gathered is not permitted.


Let me ping those who still appear active and see if we can get you the 1 vote.


Quest is in motion again and needs warm bodies for voting purposes. SV sucks at notifications, I'm pinging you because 'reasons'.
(IE. you've participated within the last 10 pages of post)

@Fyrstorm , @HolyDragoon , @dgr11897 , @Dream Logic , @Justhere

As always if you have moved on and don't want pestered, a simple "remove me from future notifications" is all that is required to make me go away :V:V:V


Edit: By wifes decree ---> YMMV, she says I was her 'Boomerang Boyfriend' she'd run me off and 2-3 days later I'd be back...
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With 6 aye votes, "For the children" is locked.

@KnightDisciple roll your dice & Best of luck. My template for measuring success included for handy reference.

Speed research on this topic burns any bonus dice you *might* have had from city research stat. (IE. It offsets the rushed research penalty).

Roll 1d10

5+ limited success (limited flight unlocked)

8+ dual high speed -or- stealth mode achieved

10+ ??? (How big does the crit explode?)

Your QM is dubious that hundred(s) of MPH is an achievable goal out of the gate, (your pushing into Strike Eagle speeds).

( exact nature and speeds achievable when burdened with passenger in mortis harness still will require some adjustment on my part. And more info on your part - Are you going for 1 passenger or 2? More wieght = less speed as you must overcome the additional drag.)

------ All flying units are limited to SSC weaponry - any not rigged for passengers I will allow a limited use hvy ssc & travel as if carrying a single passenger ------

In my head cannon these prototypes are leaning hard towards "Vulture" from Marvels cinematic universe, crits might move it towards a more "Falcon" appearance/performance.
...I seems like it worked.

33+ yrs married is a stronk track record.


Re: Research Roll

Giving it some time for possible token redemption (tomorrow 2pm EST) , as it stands the worst achieved is limited flight.

Edit: If anyone cashes a token, plz roll the dice and cut to the meat of things.
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Powered Armor Flight - token redemption deadline has past. The roll of 5 stands and is locked. Write up inbound.
Shit... Shit... Shit...

This had become the personal mantra of the senior engineer put in charge of Councillor Knight's personally led, powered flight project for powered armor.

His first thoughts had been "You want -what- done in a one month research window?!?"

Okay, so we're all cutting edge scientists and engineers with a very deep research budget, a motivated Councillor to clear the political hurdles allowing for us to go all out without having to wait on peer review, and amazing latitude on ignoring safety protocols. On second blush he had grown excited. It was a novel concept... Who didn't want to be like Iron man since childhood, and he could be the protectorates Tony Stark making it all work?

"I'm optimistic." How Councillor Knight could hear those few words and construe it to mean a solid "yes" was beyond him... The man wouldn't hear the words "no", his
mission was to rescue children for god's sake. Who wouldn't get a bit of tunnel vision.

He could have throttled the junior engineer that allowed the councillor to set eyes on, let alone get his hands on a pie in the sky copy of blueprints featuring strictly theoretical stretch goals... Stealth flight, check. Speeds that would make a cheetah blush, sure. Oh, you wanted that while carrying two hundred plus pounds of wriggling passengers AND maintain stable controlled flight... :facepalm:

He hadn't found out about the leaked schematics until AFTER Knight had displayed them before the assembled council.

That wasn't to say his team hadn't had glorious successes, the aeronautical challenges of designing engines small enough yet with enough oomph to lift powered armor and that level of human cargo would have earned him the 'Wright Brothers Medal" for notable contributions in the engineering, design, development, or operation of air and space vehicles had the honor still been given out.

To make these monsters take to the skies at all was a Herculean accomplishment, the fact they still provided armor comparable to their foot slogging brethren and have enough juice for an hour of combined flight and combat operations was astounding.

They could meet Knights mission goals for being 'rescue capable' with a little wrangling... okay stay honest, a good bit of wrangling.

Insertion would need be through a power assisted HALO jump (make that a High Altitude Extreme Low Opening with powered deceleration) counting on the armors servos to absorb a great deal of the shock, to have enough battery to remain mission viable. Reserving the flight for emergency use and to exfiltrate over the walls and out of range of Charleston's defenses. Hopefully getting far enough away to declare a -lukewarm- LZ and wait for a Jumphawk and escorts.

Six Prototypes, and these only having the most preliminary (if comprehensive) of bench tests. Simulator trained pilots with no actual air time in the real world suits, Knight was a madman, an honorable madman to be sure but with odds so stacked against him the Sentinels of Faith that agreed to follow him into the fire had the same determined insatiable damn it all attitude.

The engineer shook his head, it was all so tragically heroic.

"Heh, kind of like my own situation... Me getting the Councillor alone long enough and explaining the suits REAL capabilities and limitations." He squared his shoulders as he knocked on Knights office door.

He knew no rescue would be forthcoming for the ass chewing currently inbound, he had instructed everyone to schedule his meeting for a half hour, 5 minutes to explain the reality, 25 minutes for knight to dispose of the body.
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Okay, it looks like it is getting time to iron out the last few wrinkles in a downtime plan. I am including last iteration inside the spoiler for review.

Areas in green still needing work on ACTUAL #'s.

?Question Marks are discussion topics of things I thought were needed and are negotiable

Discussion "Plan" V0.3
All of this EXCEPT Rescue / Diversionary is negotiable.

13,452 R this turn to work with. Solid decided on #'s for purchases amount to 1,600 R spent. Leaving 11,852 R available to purchase Gray Eagle UAV's, Apache Longbow helos, M270 MLRS, SPLL, SOC-R, & Jaeger upgrade rolls as called for in the plan.

I'm exhausted and taking a Katt nap... :eyebrow:

Normal Actions: (5 population, 1 from Environmental bonus)
[X] - (RESERVED ACTION for Rescue / Diversionary strike)
[X] - Construct a MASH unit: 350 R
[X] - Construct 6 of the Little Bird Variants (Medivac, Spotter/T.A.G., Killer Shrikes)
1x Medivac (200 R) for our MASH unit, 3x GLTD spotter/TAG (@250 R ea. for 750 R subtotal), 1x Killer Shrike (275 R) gifted to Liberty Raiders.
Total expenditure on Little Birds: 1,225 R

Idea; lets reassign the "Mighty Merlins" to Medivac, with their double dipping in evasion skill they are able to go into hot zones and get out intact with their rescuees. Free to do, but I still need enough support for consensus.
Edited in [X] Mighty merlins transfer checkbox

[-] - Construct ?X# of Grey Eagle UAV's (Want to base numbers of these on number of Longbows purchased. Exact #'s to be decided)

[X] - Send our 2 Special forces teams for an Advanced deep scout of Charleston using the stealthy Blackhawks. Final plan should be more detailed, (the better the write up the better the reward.) - COMPLETED

[?] - ?Citizenship census and ID's to be issued?

Free Actions:
[?] - Computerized Communication Center, Comm action:
?Inform citizenry in our comms range to be on high alert for increased banditry threat and the potential that Charleston may send a sizeable military force against us, borders are monitored and guarded, but increased vigilance is advised. Residents are not to engage, but are to seek shelter, and request immediate assistance from Protectorate forces over civilian comms on a dedicated Citizen Band Channel reserved only for emergency communications.?

[X] - Jaeger Tech Research: Mark Zero Research

[X] - BPRD Magical Research: Magical Recon Charleston - COMPLETED

[X] - Hephaestus Repair and Upgrade: ?finish Jaeger upgrades? (exact #'s of rolls to be purchased yet to be decided).

[X] - High Energy Lab: DEW (Lasers) Research focus to be decided by further council destruction decision.
?scale being researched? Jaeger/Superheavy, Conventional (vehicle mount), Conventional (man portable) ??

[X] - Kaiju Sciences Lab: ?Finish research on Sage's EM shielding?

[X] - Savannah Hangar & Airfield: Construct ?X# of Longbow Helos (exact #'s to be decided)

[?] - ?Savannah Infantry Training Regiment: Train some SOCOM equivalent troops, I'm looking for something similar to Marine Force Recon or Marine Scout Snipers specializing in non-contact 'Green operation' deep penetration/ long duration intel gathering ( < 25 miles behind enemy lines); the force retains 'Black operation' capabilities if needed for high value targets of opportunity.?

[X] - Savannah Motor Pool: Moar M270 MLRS (exact #'s to be decided) This is to include MLRS's for Macon Garrisoned city defenses to replace the arty I suggested earlier

[X] - Savannah Dry Docks & Shipyard: some SOC-R (exact #'s to be decided) as I feel it'd be a lethal mistake to not be able to patrol our interior waterways.
Savannah River and associated tributaries overall length

Chattooga river (57 miles) & Tallulah river (48 miles) join to form the Tugaloo River; Further downstream near Hartwell, the Tugaloo River (46 miles) joins with the Seneca River (now a 21 mile arm of Lake Hartwell) from South Carolina to form the Savannah River (313 miles to ocean).

These are just the major feeders of the Savannah river and does not account for small creeks, streams, ponds that are accessible. Nor the other multitude of rivers that do not intermingle with the Savannah River, a few examples include the Okatie River, Ogeechee River, Little Ogeechee River, Bull River, Blackbeard Creek, etc. ad nauseum. There is a good reason Savannah is portrayed with sphagnum moss in the trees & swamps ;)

Situational Free Actions:
[X] - Prior to Rescue/Strike "Liberty's Toll" use their Pirate Broadcasting to Hijack Charleston broadcasts to ready disparate rebel cells to be ready for unified action on our signal.

[X] - 25 R to get the 'Outrider's' airborne ASAP.

Normal Actions:
[X] - Buy artillery for their Defensive Perimeter keeping parity with Savannah defenses.
- Buy SPLL's to resupply the Savannah/Macon M270 MLRS's purchased (exact #'s to be decided)

Free Actions:
[X] - Macon Hangars & Airfield: Construct X# of Strike Eagles (exact #'s to be decided)

[X] -

[X] - Negotiate with Liberty's Council to act as the Protectorates official 'Refugee Assimilation Center' (goes hand in hand w/t my proposed Census & citizenship action)
[X] - Prior to Rescue/Strike Gift a Little Bird Killer Shrike Airframe along with the Cargo Container M-16's and ammo for Liberty distribution to Charleston Rebels
[X] -

Now exhausted, going to take a Katt nap. :eyebrow:
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Going through the Yellow subjects in the order they show up...

  • I'm in favor of a census and citizenship ID. It's not going to help us find infiltrators... Unless we keep an active Elder Sign clearly visible during the Census process. Say, in the same room people will have their photos taken for their ID cards. ;)
  • The Comms action might work. I'm neutral on it but can't think of anything better.
  • We have a Laser Superheavy, but no Laser weapons for our Jaegers. It might be worth investing into them. Lasers for our Conventional Units would probably be restricted to large vehicles like Tanks or Aircraft, for now.
  • Let's finish up on Sage's EM shielding before we start something else.
  • More SOCOM forces please! We need as many as we can feasibly train if we're going to actually go to war with Charleston instead of just trading skirmishes and defending ourselves from half-hearted attacks.
As for the things where we need to pick numbers... I have no idea. I'll have to study our forces a bit more.
I'm in favor of a census and citizenship ID. It's not going to help us find infiltrators... Unless we keep an active Elder Sign clearly visible during the Census process. Say, in the same room people will have their photos taken for their ID cards.

First I wanted to thank you for your input, it makes the game sooo much more fun when I don't feel it's just me versus Smiths, US vs Smiths is new and fresh LOL.

@Highwind you glorious, devious, Rascal. I firmly am in support of such an addition. I'd even add a spoonful of extraordinary rendition, black hooded extractions ---> Normal interview please exit through the left doorway, *special* interview please take the right doorway (the one leading to the room with the 4 burly guards with tasers, that eventually leads out to the soundproofed black panel van). Next interviewee please... :V:V:V
I'm going through our lists of units and putting them all on a spreadsheet, including Elite status and any notable things. I'm done with Savannah and Macon's City Sheets for now, but I still need to go through the rest of the docs in case there are any missing units or inconsistencies in them. I'm only writing down the unit's that aren't garrisoned (those will be in a separate page in the same spreadsheet document), so this will be strictly meant to organize what troops are available for the Operation.

I have to say, we have a lot of Combat Engineers in Savannah and Macon doesn't have much in the way of unit diversity. Only 10 AKPs as a Garrison, the Strike Eagles, the Spooky II and a C5M Super Galaxy transport.
Yep, Macon is kind of naked & undergunned IMHO. Too much infrastructure there to leave it so poorly defended.

The loss or heavy damage to Robins AFB could temporarily negatively impact those aircraft stationed there.

Last thing I want going into a shooting war is to have Spooky & the Strike Eagles (LOL, Sounds like a band name) grounded due to not having the right tools & parts on hand.

Even if only for a turn or two, that would tie our hands operationally.
Lasers for our Conventional Units would probably be restricted to large vehicles like Tanks or Aircraft, for now.

Not necessarily, to wit:
After some minor wheedling from Councillor Nixeu convinces EWD to allow the 'loan' of the man-portable DEW - Laser prototype (a proof of concept model left lying around from the DEW-Superheavy research, it bears the same concept of shot power & efficiency being tied to charge time between shots, it has a bulky backpack power supply, and has quite limited energy.

It is also extremely obvious, and looks rather intimidating. (the EWD geeks without a project tend to tinker with case modding. This weapon has been modded with gratuitous LEDs and speakers to 'enhance' the badassitude by making the powering up as lethal looking and sounding as some bored fanboys could imagine without actually disrupting function.)

It took me a little digging to find the quote; today was the first opportunity I had to devote the time to root it out.
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The boys down at EWD have even given the prototype a nickname in keeping with portions of our military leaning heavily towards the 'Paladin' theme (powered armor in particular) they call it a 'Thermal Lance' because you must ready a charge. :V:V:V
I've compared the number of units in the Conventional Units Document and the numbers I tallied up in my spreadsheet (which were taken from the City sheets), and after consulting the Outposts and Allied City documents, I've found the following inconsistencies:

  • 2 T-100 AK Tanks. And to make it worse, one of them is an Elite, the Hammer Slammers. They aren't in Savannah's sheet, nor in Macon, nor in our Outposts'.
  • We have two Hawkeye Artillery that aren't in any of the city sheets.
  • Also, a Small Scale Capture Team that's not in any City/Outpost sheet.
  • The Conventional Units document mentions we have a single "Motorcycle Stealth Scouts" unit, and says nothing else about them. They aren't in any city sheet. They would have been very useful in scouting.
  • The unit numbers in the Conventional Units sheet only shows the units that aren't garrisoned. By itself, this isn't a problem but it might get confusing seeing as it says we have 6 AKPs while we actually have a total of 46 divided between our standing army (6, three of them Elite), Savannah's Garrison (30 Platoons) and Macon's Garrison (10 Platoons)

This last point brings me to the main problem I've noticed with our Army. We only have six platoons we can spare for the operation. That's a very small number of Infantry units for an operation this size and they cost only 40 R apiece.
As for my spreadsheet, It's pretty much done except for adding a page for the Outpost garrisons. I'd share it with you all, but first I need to find a way to share it anonymously.
TYSVM @Highwind ! Looking forward to the spreadsheet. Poor Smiths is virtually criminal with his bad bookkeeping, he means well but documenting and making shit easy to access has never been his forte. Hell of a writer IMHO and creative as f*$#, just he possesses zero clerical skills.

Almost correct; you forgot our most sizeable contingent that also remains nearly invisible - 40 AKP's serving as border guards (if I'm not mistaken, there is an Avenger AA platform stationed to support them - a specific post for the Avenger was never detailed. I'm assuming it is a floating unit that is highly mobile to counter Anti-AA ops and keep the enemy guessing which flank has anti-drone support.)

This is a more specific plan for troop distribution for my border guard plan covering all major and minor highway Charlotte might use to Attack Savannah.
(2 AKP's) Okatie Highway - hwy 170 - Bridge to Lemon Island form Shell point
(2 AKP's) Okatie Highway - hwy 170 - Bridge to Chechessee Point/Chechessee Bluff from Lemon Island

With orders and explosives in place to blow the bridges if needed. Bridges blown ^ assume the above 4 units were reassigned to elsewhere on the front.
These forces are stretched out non-clustered to watch most area as possible, and yet support each other.
(5 AKP's) Coosawhatchie at the exchange for Interstate 95 / State route 17
(5 AKP's) Coosawhatchie hwy 462 N-S/ hwy 462 E / hwy 462 W
(5 AKP's) State Route 278 / hwy 462 exchange
(5 AKP's) Merge of State route 601 with State route 321
(2 AKP's) Harrassment units at each Garnett / Tarboro / Tillman / Ridgeland just in case they manage to slip past the primary chokepoints.
an additional (8 AKP's) scattered as single units on backroads & excellent vantage pts to make stealth troop movements near impossible by Charleston forces.
A total of 40 AKP's defending the border.

I'd say 3/4 of those could be stripped as our advance begins and still leave some eyes on approaches 'just in case' the enemy launch another offensive that occurs just as we go to attack. (Improbable, but not impossible.)
(OOC) Been away from the helm for a few days, figuring I'd leave you all to hash out a downtime plan while I started a new video game. (Days Gone; an excellent apocalyptic zombie-esque game that is both fun and has about three times the play time of your average 'newer' game. Still not finished as the hordes are a mind blowing challenge.)


Ack, did I really leave it in THAT bad a shape again?!?

Mea Culpa, I will redouble my efforts and am happy to change formats if someone should devise a more steady and reliable system.
I have given the troop listings some thought. I think the current sheets (By settlement : Savannah, Macon, Outpost, etc.; By troop type : Conventional, Elite, Super-Heavy/Cat-Zero, & Individual Jaeger) all serve their purposes. Which is quick and easy access for combat -or- descriptive purposes.

What I need to do is generate an overall troop roster organized by posting. This will show ALL protectorate forces in total in a single location.

Something along the lines of: ALL Cities, Outposts, & Troops in the field such as the border guards.

EXAMPLE ONLY: Numbers may or may not be accurate...


'Whitecap Triton'
'Mammoth Apostate'

30 akp's (garrisoned)
30 T-95 AK artillery (garrisoned)
1 K-9 Corps (garrisoned)
14 Captor Naval minefields (garrisoned)

---Home posting in Savannah, but not garrisoned---

Savannah Protectorate Law Enforcement:
2 ALSV Patrol Groups
3 Rifle Platoon Technical's
1 'SuperCobra'
1 K-9 Corps

Protectorate Engineer Corps:
10 Combat Engineers maintain upriver Dams, waterway dredging, highways, and railway repair throughout our area of influence.

Savannah Division of Homeland Security: 2 teams ( each composed of a K-9 corps & Combat Engineer)
2 K-9 Corps
2 Combat Engineers

Standing Military (Generally available for field use)

Air Forces:
6 'Jumphawks'
1 'Little Birds' (Elite -
'Pathfinders' (x1 elite)
'SuperCobras' (x1 elite, x2 conventional)
MH-47G Chinook Helicopter (x1 elite )
Crashed, but enough crew survived to retain elite status for a replacement Chinook
Apache 'Longbow' (x1)
MQ-1C 'Grey Eagle' UAV (x3)
AH-6M Little Bird Gunships (x2)

Mechanized Ground:
T-95 AK-Artillery Batteries (x2)
Tracked AK-Mortar platoon (x1 elite)
T-100 AK-Tank (x2)
ALSV Patrol Groups (x2)
AN/TWQ-1 Avenger AA squad (x1)
M270 Multiple Launch Rocket System (x1)
SPLL & Resupply trailer (x1)
'Oracle' FDC logistical support vehicle (x1)

Mechanized Infantry:
Resupply Platoon (x1)
Anti Kaiju Platoons (x3 elite, x3 conventional)
Motorcycle Club Militia (x3 elite, x1 conventional)
K-9 Corps (x1)
Combat Engineers (x30)

Naval forces:
AK-Patrol Torpedoes (x4)
USCG 'Sea Dragon' protector class cutter (x1)

Super Heavy:
'City of Atlanta' Mastodon DEW Superheavy
'Hephaestus' (x1) Jaeger Repair and Construction vehicle
USS 'Staurolite' (SSGN-729) Naval Super Heavy

Macon (rinse/repeat)
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I have given the troop listings some thought. I think the current sheets (By settlement : Savannah, Macon, Outpost, etc.; By troop type : Conventional, Elite, Super-Heavy/Cat-Zero, & Individual Jaeger) all serve their purposes. Which is quick and easy access for combat -or- descriptive purposes.

What I need to do is generate an overall troop roster organized by posting. This will show ALL protectorate forces in total in a single location.

Something along the lines of: ALL Cities, Outposts, & Troops in the field such as the border guards.

EXAMPLE ONLY: Numbers may or may not be accurate...


'Whitecap Triton'
'Mammoth Apostate'

30 akp's (garrisoned)
30 T-95 AK artillery (garrisoned)
1 K-9 Corps (garrisoned)
14 Captor Naval minefields (garrisoned)

---Home posting in Savannah, but not garrisoned---

Savannah Protectorate Law Enforcement:
2 ALSV Patrol Groups
3 Rifle Platoon Technical's
1 'SuperCobra'
1 K-9 Corps

Protectorate Engineer Corps:
10 Combat Engineers maintain upriver Dams, waterway dredging, highways, and railway repair throughout our area of influence.

Savannah Division of Homeland Security: 2 teams ( each composed of a K-9 corps & Combat Engineer)
2 K-9 Corps
2 Combat Engineers

Standing Military (Generally available for field use)

Air Forces:
6 'Jumphawks'
1 'Little Birds' (Elite -
'Pathfinders' (x1 elite)
'SuperCobras' (x1 elite, x2 conventional)
MH-47G Chinook Helicopter (x1 elite )
Crashed, but enough crew survived to retain elite status for a replacement Chinook
Apache 'Longbow' (x1)
MQ-1C 'Grey Eagle' UAV (x3)
AH-6M Little Bird Gunships (x2)

Mechanized Ground:
T-95 AK-Artillery Batteries (x2)
Tracked AK-Mortar platoon (x1 elite)
T-100 AK-Tank (x2)
ALSV Patrol Groups (x2)
AN/TWQ-1 Avenger AA squad (x1)
M270 Multiple Launch Rocket System (x1)
SPLL & Resupply trailer (x1)
'Oracle' FDC logistical support vehicle (x1)

Mechanized Infantry:
Resupply Platoon (x1)
Anti Kaiju Platoons (x3 elite, x3 conventional)
Motorcycle Club Militia (x3 elite, x1 conventional)
K-9 Corps (x1)
Combat Engineers (x30)

Naval forces:
AK-Patrol Torpedoes (x4)
USCG 'Sea Dragon' protector class cutter (x1)

Super Heavy:
'City of Atlanta' Mastodon DEW Superheavy
'Hephaestus' (x1) Jaeger Repair and Construction vehicle
USS 'Staurolite' (SSGN-729) Naval Super Heavy

Macon (rinse/repeat)
Do what I did, make a spreadsheet. It's a bit time consuming, but not much more so than making a regular Word/GDocs document and I found it easier as well considering it makes organizing and copying things so much faster and cleaner.

The Standing Army roster doesn't need a complete description of the capabilities of each unit type because we have the Conventional Units, Elite Units and Superheavy Units documents for that, so you can keep it simple and dry.

One row for each unit type, Elites get a separate row for themselves to separate them from their Conventional counterparts, and each cell of a row contains the following information, in order from left to right:
  1. Unit Name: Exactly what it says on the tin. Ex.: "Anti-Kaiju Platoon" or "F-15E Strike Eagle"
  2. Quantity: Once again, exactly what it says on the tin. How many units we have available for general operations.
  3. Unit Type: if the unit is of Infantry, Mechanized Infantry, a Transport, a Scout Helicopter, a Combat Helicopter, Jet Aircraft, etc. This is important for us to know if some of our transports can carry those units as well as to get a quick idea of what we can expect of them.
  4. Elite Status: If they're Conventional, Elites or Superheavies. Elite Units also get their unique names added in parenthesis. You can change the color of the text in this cell to make it easy to spot. I used Red to signify Elite units and Green for Superheavies.
  5. Additional Notes: If the unit has any unusual traits, or any unique perks or downsides, or if it is dependent on or can control other units, it gets mentioned here. If the information is complicated or too long to put here without breaking the formatting or making it unsightly, just summarize as best as possible and say "check its stat sheet".
  6. Location: Where the unit is stationed, be it Savannah, Macon, or an Outpost. This doesn't need to be included, given units should be grouped up by their location first and foremost just like in your example, but with a spreadsheet copying things between rows or columns is fast and easy so you might as well add it.
That's how I did it, at least. You can mess about with the format however you like by adding or removing things, but you should really keep it as Simple And Dry as possible. (And I realise that's SAD, but so are most spreadsheets. :V)

The Garrisons can follow a similar pattern and be placed in a separate page within the same spreadsheet document, so as to not mix them with our standing army while keeping everything readily accessible and organized.
I am not being neglectful, you all haven't even finalized a down time plan.

But to show I am putting in my best effort here is an early link to the (WIP) troop roster spreadsheet. Come watch it evolve...

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In light of the new information provided by our scouting efforts, I think it's a good idea to reformulate our battle plans.

Charleston's forces are more numerous, more well-equipped and more well-entrenched than I expected, meaning we have to reassess our plans considering how disastrous a straight-up fight could be for us. Rather than a simple SEAD mission followed by landing troops, shooting at their (120 meter tall) walls and possibly bombing the city itself with Strike Eagles, we have to be smart and careful about it so we can achieve all our objectives.

The primary objective, of course, is extracting Bracer Phoenix and its other Ranger. The second is to damage as much of Charleston's materiel and cause as many casualties as possible. The third one, is to give the Deacon and his cultists the middle finger.

My current idea is as follows:

We start by setting up radio repeaters in random places along their border and have them broadcast anti-Deacon speeches. The closer they are to Charleston, the better they can reach the people of the city and spread a message of hope and defiance against the cultists, but their main purpose is to serve as bait that the Deacon can't ignore for long. He'll have to send something to take them down, either a Drone or regular troops. He might also choose to just jam everything, but we'll set up multiple repeaters working on as many frequencies as we can.

Once he sends something to take them down, we ambush it and then retreat as soon as it's destroyed. Then we activate the next set of repeaters and repeat the process a couple times. After the third set of radio repeaters is activated, we send in the Grey Eagles to destroy their Radar/SAM sites to create a corridor to their walls.

By then, they'll be on high alert and their drones and Mark 0s will definitely be in play, which will be enough of a distraction that the group that'll extract Bracer will have fewer threats to deal with.

As soon as Bracer is on the Carry-alls and moving south, we shift the lion's share of our air force to defending the extraction team, and have our ground forces retreat.

Hopefully, we can manage to create a corridor for our air force to hit Charleston's walls, as an additional fuck you and to show the people living under his thumb that there are still people willing to fight the Deacon and that we can reach their gates.

There's a lot to refine still, but I think it has a better chance of success with fewer casualties than the previous plan.
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