Mammoth Apostate vs the World 1: "Lost in the Mist"

To 'possibly' make this omake a cannon addition to the universe will take several steps.

Step 1: Garner 3 more votes in support of pre-spending a J-tech research action to research powered armor flight.

Step 2: roll high enough to achieve a success. (Valid for use of reroll tokens ;))

Speed research on this topic burns any bonus dice you *might* have had from city research stat. (IE. It offsets the rushed research penalty).

Roll 1d10

5+ limited success (limited flight unlocked)

8+ dual high speed -or- stealth mode achieved

10+ ??? (How big does the crit explode?)

Your QM is dubious that hundred(s) of MPH is an achievable goal out of the gate, (your pushing into Strike Eagle speeds).

( exact nature and speeds achievable when burdened with passenger in mortis harness still will require some adjustment on my part. And more info on your part - Are you going for 1 passenger or 2? More wieght = less speed as you must overcome the additional drag.)

------ All flying units are limited to SSC weaponry - any not rigged for passengers I will allow a limited use hvy ssc & travel as if carrying a single passenger ------

In my head cannon these prototypes are leaning hard towards "Vulture" from Marvels cinematic universe, crits might move it towards a more "Falcon" appearance/performance.
To 'possibly' make this omake a cannon addition to the universe will take several steps.

Step 1: Garner 3 more votes in support of pre-spending a J-tech research action to research powered armor flight.

Step 2: roll high enough to achieve a success. (Valid for use of reroll tokens ;))

Speed research on this topic burns any bonus dice you *might* have had from city research stat. (IE. It offsets the rushed research penalty).

Roll 1d10

5+ limited success (limited flight unlocked)

8+ dual high speed -or- stealth mode achieved

10+ ??? (How big does the crit explode?)

Your QM is dubious that hundred(s) of MPH is an achievable goal out of the gate, (your pushing into Strike Eagle speeds).

( exact nature and speeds achievable when burdened with passenger in mortis harness still will require some adjustment on my part. And more info on your part - Are you going for 1 passenger or 2? More wieght = less speed as you must overcome the additional drag.)

------ All flying units are limited to SSC weaponry - any not rigged for passengers I will allow a limited use hvy ssc & travel as if carrying a single passenger ------

In my head cannon these prototypes are leaning hard towards "Vulture" from Marvels cinematic universe, crits might move it towards a more "Falcon" appearance/performance.
Vulture is what I'm pushing for honestly, because his rig seems capable of a lot more heavy lifting.

And "hundreds" is more like 200ish than 500ish, I guess I should have clarified that.

As for passengers, I inferred that there were dozens of the Not!Eva!Cyborg!Pilot Kids, so my idea was more "break them out and get them to the Resistance/friendly troops, then GTFO".

If we can manage capability for 2 passengers, that's fine, speed reduction included. This is intended to be taking place amidst all the other chaos.

Honestly, the Falcon packs feel more like something we'd see used by the SpecOps that @BadKatt85 is envisioning, since they lend themselves more to someone who's "just" in an armored suit, not a full Combat Jacket. I picked the bigger MCU Vulture rig specifically for looking big enough to handle a full Combat Jacket.
I'm endorsing Knights plan, (for the children's sake) w/t a heartfelt don't get dead for the Councillor.

As to the Angels sent can we possibly have a lead with psych background, preferably with some experience in cult reprogramming and / or experience with children soldiers from pre-breach 3rd world?
Backing it as well. Barring the morality angle, the tech itself will be useful to have, and depriving Charleston of Mark 0 pilots is a very good thing, IMO.
Design intent clarified. Flight capable, heavy hauler, but attempting to obtain a slower stealth capacity through (combination of active noise canceling / radar absorbent materials & active radar jamming)
I also need 2x dice rolled. 1d10 no modifiers.

Higher is better intel gathered, only a crit-fail will result in enemy contact. (Training to go unobserved is a cornerstone of their activities, and versus all but elite they have a decided advantage).

D1 is Zodiac Team of SEALs / D2 is the vehicle based team.
Two dice, I can do that.

Edit: welp, that did not go as intended.
HolyDragoon threw 1 10-faced dice. Reason: Zodiac SEALs Total: 2
2 2
HolyDragoon threw 1 10-faced dice. Reason: Vehicle scouting Total: 10
10 10
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Already burnt my reroll token, IIRC.
You have not, unless nothing in your post contained the word "reroll". I'd do something more thorough than a quick username/keyword search, but I used up most of my brain cells, sanity, and f*cks for todaying analyzing sh*t for TRvtW, and I genuinely cannot be arsed to put in any more effort right now.
You have not, unless nothing in your post contained the word "reroll". I'd do something more thorough than a quick username/keyword search, but I used up most of my brain cells, sanity, and f*cks for todaying analyzing sh*t for TRvtW, and I genuinely cannot be arsed to put in any more effort right now.

I spent it fucking up the Valstrax's attempted escape. Look for Trombe or override XD
Declaring it locked, scout write up inbound!


The 2 deep scout recon SEAL teams take a few days before they make it back safely, and their reports are at opposite ends of the spectrum.

First the Zodiak team report back, they stayed to the interior waterways and actually made it to within about 5 km out from the apparently completed 'Wall of Life' style of defensive perimeter.

This is -Highly Suspicious- that no one was actively watching these approaches, it is out of character that the Deacon did not devote even militia style troops. The team are dubious that they should pass so easily unnoticed but encounter not even the first patrol along the streams or in sight of it.

The scale and scope of the project are intimidating. The summit of the wall is about 1.5x Mammoths height, it encircles the landward portions totally. It bristles with hardened artillery emplacements and SAM hard points. (Supposedly to provide a ranged killbox before an aggressor can reach the foot of the wall.)

Lower on the wall (but still too high for infantry to easily engage are numerous integral bunkers featuring heavy machine gun nests and gun ports big enough to allow use of MATADOR anti-tank weapons to discourage conventional forces from achieving a position too close for the artillery to deal with.

Then from at the foot of the wall itself out half a km is a tangle of concertina wire, czech hedgehogs, dragon's teeth and anti-personnel and anti-tank mines channel all other approaches towards the pillboxes killbox.

It is evident that the area is pockmarked with craters from attempted escapees -or- (as witnessed at long range through binoculars) those driven from within the walls for some perceived failure, who must try to navigate the dangers while the soldiers above hoot and holler encouragement while making bets on how long they last in this fresh hell. Those hesitant to brave the dangers are 'encouraged' by sniper fire to move along or be dropped where they stand.

The seaward side is a captain's nightmare bristling with underwater hazards from steel capped wooden piles chained below the waterline where all but the shallowest draft risk a hull breach unless a pilot tug leads you through, to a wide variety of naval mines, to vessels scuttled intentionally as artificial reefs.

-----SEAL Team #2 exploits will need to wait, exhaustion has me ATM, but an exploded roll of 14 means good stuff for you... An early reveal of info that was meant for later along my storyboard! ----------------
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Declaring it locked, scout write up inbound!


The 2 deep scout recon SEAL teams take a few days before they make it back safely, and their reports are at opposite ends of the spectrum.

First the Zodiak team report back, they stayed to the interior waterways and actually made it to within about 5 km out from the apparently completed 'Wall of Life' style of defensive perimeter.

This is -Highly Suspicious- that no one was actively watching these approaches, it is out of character that the Deacon did not devote even militia style troops. The team are dubious that they should pass so easily unnoticed but encounter not even the first patrol along the streams or in sight of it.

The scale and scope of the project are intimidating. The summit of the wall is about 1.5x Mammoths height, it encircles the landward portions totally. It bristles with hardened artillery emplacements and SAM hard points. (Supposedly to provide a ranged killbox before an aggressor can reach the foot of the wall.)

Lower on the wall (but still too high for infantry to easily engage are numerous integral bunkers featuring heavy machine gun nests and gun ports big enough to allow use of MATADOR anti-tank weapons to discourage conventional forces from achieving a position too close for the artillery to deal with.

Then from at the foot of the wall itself out half a km is a tangle of concertina wire, czech hedgehogs, dragon's teeth and anti-personnel and anti-tank mines channel all other approaches towards the pillboxes killbox.

It is evident that the area is pockmarked with craters from attempted escapees -or- (as witnessed at long range through binoculars) those driven from within the walls for some perceived failure, who must try to navigate the dangers while the soldiers above hoot and holler encouragement while making bets on how long they last in this fresh hell. Those hesitant to brave the dangers are 'encouraged' by sniper fire to move along or be dropped where they stand.

The seaward side is a captain's nightmare bristling with underwater hazards from steel capped wooden piles chained below the waterline where all but the shallowest draft risk a hull breach unless a pilot tug leads you through, to a wide variety of naval mines, to vessels scuttled intentionally as artificial reefs.

-----SEAL Team #2 exploits will need to wait, exhaustion has me ATM, but an exploded roll of 14 means good stuff for you... An early reveal of info that was meant for later along my storyboard! ----------------
Well, I guess I know what to have the Staurolite blow a hole in. Aim them right, and the missiles should clear out that hellhole of a minefield, and expend most of their force on the Wall itself, rather than anything even remotely civilian. Should probably blow a hole in the seaward defenses as well.
Not so sure that wasting cruise missiles ($$$) to clear ($) mines is fiscally viable, especially when you consider they potentially replenish via FASCAM.
Not so sure that wasting cruise missiles ($$$) to clear ($) mines is fiscally viable, especially when you consider they potentially replenish via FASCAM.
Hey, given that part of my plan involved hitting something with cruise missiles to lure the enemy into an ambush, and that they tend to locate civilian housing near most other targets, hitting their defensive perimeter (which, for practical security reasons, probably lacks much nearby civilian housing) is a perfectly reasonable choice. Gives them significantly less political ammunition against us. Though I'm not entirely sure why they think they can use it effectively, given how blatantly insane, criminal, and cultish they are.

I mean, why does a group broadcasting something like this:
Results of Comms roll - Success against hidden target number of 5+

On the North Eastern Edge of Comms range a booster / repeater tower was nearly high jacked by a pirate broadcast and had it been successful a looped message would have been broadcast the length and breadth of your sphere of influence damaging morale. Although the general populace will never hear this broadcast due to the quick response of your Comms team it is shunted to a non-monitored test channel and recorded for council review and analysis.

"Mankind can become like the Great Old Ones; free and wild and beyond good and evil, with laws and morals thrown aside and all men shouting and killing and reveling in joy. Then the liberated Old Ones will teach us new ways to shout and kill and revel and enjoy ourselves, and all the earth would be enflamed with a holocaust of ecstasy and freedom.

Ecstasy and freedom. Pleasure and dominance. An end to those pesky rules that are preventing us from doing things... The dark secret things we have longed for in the shadowy recesses of our hearts we dared not admit, even to ourselves.

The number of people buying what the Great Old Ones are selling is….big, and getting bigger, in this post apocalyptic, once civilized world.

The choice is always our own, sheep or wolf? The Esoteric Order of Dagon chooses wolf; your choice is simple as well: Howl with us as brothers or bleat your discontent as you're devoured."
Think anyone is going to buy their bullsh*t when they claim someone else committed warcrimes or whatever?
Feel creativity starting to flow again, so back to work. :D

Gives them significantly less political ammunition against us. Though I'm not entirely sure why they think they can use it effectively, given how blatantly insane, criminal, and cultish they are.

I mean, why does a group broadcasting something like this:
Think anyone is going to buy their bullsh*t when they claim someone else committed warcrimes or whatever?

Because of mankind's limitless ability to believe things we hope are true, or conversely fear to be true.
(Terry Goodkind's "Wizard's First Rule").

They KNOW Charleston are royal bastards, it is not a stretch for an outside entity to be painted with the same brush out of lack of true facts...
(The fear of the unknown, sometimes it is out of proportion with the ACTUAL known conditions being suffered. "The devil you know...")

Clinically coping mechanisms like the Helsinki Syndrome, where a victim becomes reliant on their victimizers for their moment to moment survival enough they begin to identify and seek to assist the victimizers. Battered Wife Syndrome, and a handful of other sad but real conditions exemplify people under duress buying into bullshit and suffering for their choice even when resisting seems a logical choice.

Remember that Charleston has Dr. Olav Minsk a former military psi-ops doctor with five degrees (Medical, Sociology, Psychiatry, Psychology, & Pharmacology). When every waking moment is built to push the citizenry/soldiery towards compliant behavior, such conditions would run rampant.

He also has several City Mods that amplify and build on his expertise manipulating perceptions:

House of Pain & Penance - through liberal use of public torture and terror, negative morale modifiers for people trapped inside the city proper are treated as positive modifiers for purposes of production.

House of Revelations - an indoctrination center where people are kept captive and re-educated when deviant thought processes are detected to vastly increase the base level of zealotry in the common militia & citizenry.

Unethical Research Center - Human/Kaiju/(Others) testing in the tradition of Josef Mengele, & Shirō Ishii, unfettered scientific inquiry without any moral or ethical boundaries.

Public Workhouse - adds an additional 50% to manufacturing production as the use of child labor, the elderly, & the handicapped are forced by abuse and referrals to the "House of Pain & Penance" to squeeze production from the unfortunate souls.


SEAL team 2 write up will be up shortly(tm)
Feel creativity starting to flow again, so back to work. :D

Because of mankind's limitless ability to believe things we hope are true, or conversely fear to be true.
(Terry Goodkind's "Wizard's First Rule").

They KNOW Charleston are royal bastards, it is not a stretch for an outside entity to be painted with the same brush out of lack of true facts...
(The fear of the unknown, sometimes it is out of proportion with the ACTUAL known conditions being suffered. "The devil you know...")

Clinically coping mechanisms like the Helsinki Syndrome, where a victim becomes reliant on their victimizers for their moment to moment survival enough they begin to identify and seek to assist the victimizers. Battered Wife Syndrome, and a handful of other sad but real conditions exemplify people under duress buying into bullshit and suffering for their choice even when resisting seems a logical choice.

Remember that Charleston has Dr. Olav Minsk a former military psi-ops doctor with five degrees (Medical, Sociology, Psychiatry, Psychology, & Pharmacology). When every waking moment is built to push the citizenry/soldiery towards compliant behavior, such conditions would run rampant.

He also has several City Mods that amplify and build on his expertise manipulating perceptions:

House of Pain & Penance - through liberal use of public torture and terror, negative morale modifiers for people trapped inside the city proper are treated as positive modifiers for purposes of production.

House of Revelations - an indoctrination center where people are kept captive and re-educated when deviant thought processes are detected to vastly increase the base level of zealotry in the common militia & citizenry.

Unethical Research Center - Human/Kaiju/(Others) testing in the tradition of Josef Mengele, & Shirō Ishii, unfettered scientific inquiry without any moral or ethical boundaries.

Public Workhouse - adds an additional 50% to manufacturing production as the use of child labor, the elderly, & the handicapped are forced by abuse and referrals to the "House of Pain & Penance" to squeeze production from the unfortunate souls.


SEAL team 2 write up will be up shortly(tm)
So it sounds like you're saying it's more for internal propaganda than for external diplomacy. That actually makes a lot more sense.
SEAL Team 2 - "Mostly off roading edition"

Where as the Zodiac teams approach was conspicuously quiet, it takes every trick of stealthcraft for the automotive insertion team to remain unseen... The amount of forces nearly encountered during the deep scout would be a smallish invasion force in their own right.

The Team make use of heavily modified Mil-Spec HumVee on loan from Liberty.

It is a stop and go affair; for every 10-15 minutes travel the team must shut the Hummer off until a bare hand can rest on the engine block to avoid drawing the infrared eyes of skyward drones.

Ten miles outside Smoaks, they encounter Charleston's first 'professional' caliber infantry units seen to date. A platoon sized detachment of RPG toting Charleston equivalent AKPs entrenched and camouflaged. The olive drab B.D.U.'s and the alertness and coordination of the AKP's speak to professional training and strict discipline (again enforced with explosive collars).

Although the Tank crews captured and 'Liberty's Toll' e-warfare unit acted more like regularly trained military, all infantry except for the Cyborgs appeared to only be Militia Grade. Apparently there's more to Charleston's military than a casual observer would notice.

It was only from catching a lucky glint off the Observation Posts binoculars that prevented the SEALs from travelling over a rise and into plain sight quickly and with caution they skirt the O.P.

It is nearly impossible to stay on the road once Highway 61 is reached as there is frequent traffic along its length flowing in both directions, the majority of the traffic is trucks full of uniformed Infantry and supplies headed to the NW & empty trucks (or truckloads of wounded) returning to Charleston. The team has to settle for roughly paralleling the Hwy using both binoculars and parabolic microphone to know when to freeze in place to minimize detection.

The other traffic is a mixed bag of the Hawkeye Artillery, Tanks, and the odd Stryker with modded trailer in tow (some are ID'd as radio e-warfare others nature remain a mystery). The biggest shock is when a Squad of 5 mini-jaegers skates along the Highway leisurely outpacing the other vehicles headed to the NW. The ease with which they skate in and around the slower vehicles shows they aren't travelling at their full speed.

There are two different models present 4 of them are 8 m tall painted a walnut brown, the other towers at 10 m and is a caramel brown, clearly a command unit.

The Command unit pauses beside the road and momentarily turns its head towards the opposite side of the road from where the team has taken cover a few armored panels on the mini-jaegers head slide back for just a moment it appears to scan that side of the road before the plates lock back down. Its curiosity sated it jets forward and easily rejoins its squad.

About 20 km out from Charleston proper the density of troops increase to the point the Team Leader decides to pull the plug on advancing any further. It has reached the point of where the mission has moved from 'if we get detected' to firmly into 'When we get detected'.

Up until now it appears we had not garnered Charleston's full attention because they are fully engaged elsewhere... With the intel gathered it is now confirmed they are capable of fielding real soldiers and have technologies we do not yet possess. While it comes as no surprise Charleston has angered others; it does come as a shock someone is fighting back (and holding their own, for now at least.)

The next sizeable city to the NW is Columbia, without additional intel though it would be wildly irresponsible to say that is where Charleston is engaged.
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SEAL Team 2 - "Mostly off roading edition"

Where as the Zodiac teams approach was conspicuously quiet, it takes every trick of stealthcraft for the automotive insertion team to remain unseen... The amount of forces nearly encountered during the deep scout would be a smallish invasion force in their own right.

The Team make use of heavily modified Mil-Spec HumVee on loan from Liberty.

It is a stop and go affair; for every 10-15 minutes travel the team must shut the Hummer off until a bare hand can rest on the engine block to avoid drawing the infrared eyes of skyward drones.

Ten miles outside Smoaks, they encounter Charleston's first 'professional' caliber infantry units seen to date. A platoon sized detachment of RPG toting Charleston equivalent AKPs entrenched and camouflaged. The olive drab B.D.U.'s and the alertness and coordination of the AKP's speak to professional training and strict discipline (again enforced with explosive collars).

Although the Tank crews captured and 'Liberty's Toll' e-warfare unit acted more like regularly trained military, all infantry except for the Cyborgs appeared to only be Militia Grade. Apparently there's more to Charleston's military than a casual observer would notice.

It was only from catching a lucky glint off the Observation Posts binoculars that prevented the SEALs from travelling over a rise and into plain sight quickly and with caution they skirt the O.P.

It is nearly impossible to stay on the road once Highway 61 is reached as there is frequent traffic along its length flowing in both directions, the majority of the traffic is trucks full of uniformed Infantry and supplies headed to the NW & empty trucks (or truckloads of wounded) returning to Charleston. The team has to settle for roughly paralleling the Hwy using both binoculars and parabolic microphone to know when to freeze in place to minimize detection.

The other traffic is a mixed bag of the Hawkeye Artillery, Tanks, and the odd Stryker with modded trailer in tow (some are ID'd as radio e-warfare others nature remain a mystery). The biggest shock is when a Squad of 5 mini-jaegers skates along the Highway leisurely outpacing the other vehicles headed to the NW. The ease with which they skate in and around the slower vehicles shows they aren't travelling at their full speed.

There are two different models present 4 of them are 8 m tall painted a walnut brown, the other towers at 10 m and is a caramel brown, clearly a command unit.

The Command unit pauses beside the road and momentarily turns its head towards the opposite side of the road from where the team has taken cover a few armored panels on the mini-jaegers head slide back for just a moment it appears to scan that side of the road before the plates lock back down. Its curiosity sated it jets forward and easily rejoins its squad.

About 20 km out from Charleston proper the density of troops increase to the point the Team Leader decides to pull the plug on advancing any further. It has reached the point of where the mission has moved from 'if we get detected' to firmly into 'When we get detected'.

Up until now it appears we had not garnered Charleston's full attention because they are fully engaged elsewhere... With the intel gathered it is now confirmed they are capable of fielding real soldiers and have technologies we do not yet possess. While it comes as no surprise Charleston has angered others; it does come as a shock someone is fighting back (and holding their own, for now at least.)

The next sizeable city to the NW is Columbia, without additional intel though it would be wildly irresponsible to say that is where Charleston is engaged.
I was honestly assuming that they were fighting against local Anteverse flora and fauna, trying to cleanse the area of such things, since they competitors with the Great Old Ones, apparently. I'm guessing that something about the nature of the wounds on the injured soldiers made our team think otherwise, though.
I was honestly assuming that they were fighting against local Anteverse flora and fauna, trying to cleanse the area of such things, since they competitors with the Great Old Ones, apparently. I'm guessing that something about the nature of the wounds on the injured soldiers made our team think otherwise, though.

Valid points, and in retrospective, I should have anticipated such a conclusion.

The casualties were what one would expect from a pitched conventional battle. Lots of wounded, both the smaller Mist entities and the API's are usually more lethal leaving more dead than wounded. It is a testament that in spite of mankind's history of killing and innovations towards killing it is the creatures from other dimensions that hold the record for lethality.

Let's do an in character Addendum:

Conversations overheard by the SEALs parabolic microphone refer to Marginot Style defenses and withering artillery fire that excels at counter battery fire.
Valid points, and in retrospective, I should have anticipated such a conclusion.

The casualties were what one would expect from a pitched conventional battle. Lots of wounded, both the smaller Mist entities and the API's are usually more lethal leaving more dead than wounded. It is a testament that in spite of mankind's history of killing and innovations towards killing it is the creatures from other dimensions that hold the record for lethality.

Let's do an in character Addendum:

Conversations overheard by the SEALs parabolic microphone refer to Marginot Style defenses and withering artillery fire that excels at counter battery fire.
Interesting. Those are some impressive defenses, especially given how long they've had to construct them. They must have some serious anti-missile defenses, too, since we know that Charleston is quite willing to use cruise missiles. Definite going to need to contact these guys at some point.
Highwind has submitted an Omake for the magical ritual prep, I consider it cannon EVERY WORD.

What he now needs is council (4 3 vote approval, as @Highwind in is in support of his plan).