Mammoth Apostate vs the World 1: "Lost in the Mist"

Fuck it, I've got two of them.

With permission I wish to burn one of my rerolls on casting call.

EDIT: And of course I decide to refresh and my whole omake disappears. Just freaking great.

No permission needed, use them whenever you like (within a reasonable window- I merely ask no forced ret-con for late token use), I'm sad for the loss of an omake :cry:, I always type my stuff up elsewhere, then cut and paste to post. It has saved my butt from numerous glitches.
No permission needed, use them whenever you like (within a reasonable window- I merely ask no forced ret-con for late token use), I'm sad for the loss of an omake :cry:, I always type my stuff up elsewhere, then cut and paste to post. It has saved my butt from numerous glitches.
I always back up whatever I write on google docs, and always make sure to copy the entirety of the text right before clicking on the Post Reply button so I can just paste it back in should anything happen, just to be sure.

The internet will always fail you when you need it most, so it's best to always err on the side of caution and have at least two copies of whatever you write, just in case.
Make a public announcement to all in our area of influence, requesting that anyone with useful information or artifacts relating to the Charleston cultists, Magic, the Mist creatures or anything else they believe important, to come forward and inform us. Anything that is verified to be true or useful will be rewarded. (The Casting Call)
2nd token roll : 7 + comms bonus of 3 (10)

Kaiju Sciences Lab: Research Kaiju Blue and how it reacts with various things. Like Rare Earth elements.
Roll of 2 + 4 bonus (6)

Jaeger Tech Research: Quick release clamps that can endure Jaeger combat. (Fyrstorm's pet project)
Roll of 6 + 4 bonus (10)

(OOC) Been waiting on this last roll to process others.
High Energy Lab: Complete the Plasma Jet Intake research (utilizing Jail research note token as well as its only relevant to this line of research)
Roll 2x 1d10 +4 (Research bonus) bonus only applied to the first of the d10's
Plasma rolling...

Edit:SV being a little shit with dice rolling on mobiles...
HolyDragoon threw 1 10-faced dice. Reason: Plasma intake +4 Total: 3
3 3
HolyDragoon threw 1 10-faced dice. Reason: I said two dice, you little... Total: 5
5 5
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I would love to respond to that casting call but i do not really know the spesifics of the situation of this quest that well... unless yall would be willing to take on someone who has never been an active particpant in a quest like this. I do have a decent grounding in the chthulu mythos that might help. Also know for oddball ideas that sometimes are amazing
I would love to respond to that casting call but i do not really know the spesifics of the situation of this quest that well... unless yall would be willing to take on someone who has never been an active particpant in a quest like this. I do have a decent grounding in the chthulu mythos that might help. Also know for oddball ideas that sometimes are amazing

Well, lets see.

Highwind is occult research.
Knight is Ground Forces.
Nixeu is Navy.
Katt is Internal Affairs, I think?
I'm Air Force.
Not sure what Coke and Holy are supposed to be.
We don't have an R&D guy, that might work for you.
Well, lets see.

Highwind is occult research.
Knight is Ground Forces.
Nixeu is Navy.
Katt is Internal Affairs, I think?
I'm Air Force.
Not sure what Coke and Holy are supposed to be.
We don't have an R&D guy, that might work for you.
Knight tends to be focused on his anti-occult paladins, more than our overall Ground forces, so that might be up for grabs. Up to him, really. You could also always specialize in, for example, artillery or tanks, over Knight's focus on infantry. We had a guy whose thing was tanks, a while back in TRvtW, though he kinda just...vanished off the site, some time back. Equally, you could be leading some other important subset of the Air Force or Navy, so long as you're willing to be someone's "subordinate".

R&D has a lot of different sections you could specialize in, too, if you don't want to be the main R&D guy. J-Tech, C-Tech, K-Sci, etc, as well as subsets therein. There's a couple of other important jobs you could take up, like managing Logistics. I mean, assuming you're willing to wrangle the bunch of semi-legit former thieves in Acquisitions. Maybe Industry? Or perhaps Homeland/policing? Comms? Some other division that should probably exist, that we haven't thought of? Sky's the limit, honestly, so long as Smith's cool with it.
I would love to respond to that casting call but i do not really know the spesifics of the situation of this quest that well... unless yall would be willing to take on someone who has never been an active particpant in a quest like this. I do have a decent grounding in the chthulu mythos that might help. Also know for oddball ideas that sometimes are amazing
You're more than welcome to join in!
If you have any questions, I'd be happy to answer them to the best of my knowledge.
Katt is a force of nature, masquerading as our Public Relations person.

She is perfectly comfortable giving crap to foreign dignitaries with the same natural ease as she dresses down our own troops, (or her fellow Councillors, or the QM for that matter ;)). What's annoying is she's usually right to a greater or lesser degree... :rage::V:V:V

@cokerpilot had voiced an interest in being our train guy, but has been largely inactive of late. No judgement intended, this quest is intended as a casual entertainment.

Holy abstained from holding a defined position or grabbing a pet project.
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Holy is the master of the "crouching monkey, flinging shit" style.

Which means I pretty much only pitch in every once in a while if anything manages to give me ideas of some sort.
6/30 downtime processing
QM's response to PLAN: Over Budget and Way Ahead of Schedule.

Normal Actions:

Repair and reactivate the Macon-Atlanta Railroad Express line, as well as as much of the Macon-Savannah line as possible. (100R)

The Combat Engineers led by the Massarone Constructions railway crews finish the missing bridges in an amazing display of competency and effeciency. The entire route is given a thorough once over, from Atlanta to Savannah not one detail is out of place.
During the maiden run of the new Atlanta to Savannah Express, she is greeted by unexpectedly large crowds that have turned out just to watch its arrival and departure.

The train is the first overtly visible symbol that life is no longer limited to only isolated little pockets of humanity. Mankind is reclaiming the spaces in between the fortified camps that are the new reality of daily life.

Savannah Morale improves.
Macon Morale improves.
Atlanta citizens perception of Savannah improves.
Atlanta leaderships perception of Savannah improves.

Commodity Exchange gains a +05% transportation bonus
(increased volume of cargo the train allows over the use of trucks)

- Commodity Exchange Escort Forces re-assigned to accompany train, they follow and protect the exchange goods wherever that may be.
Tanks, Stryker's & Conestoga trailers put on flat cars with ramp/side rails
4 tanks, 4 strykers w/t trailers, & 8 AKP's (half of which are Atlanta troops)

Build a Dockworks augment (400R)

Existing infrastructure is pressed in service by Masserone Construction along with the modified CAD jaeger design program acquired from the Black Site all under the watchful eye of Admiral Nixeu.

Savannah Gains: Naval Dockworks.

Naval Dockworks - Maximum one per city. Only in cities with a waterfront. Dockworks provide an automatic 20% discount on all naval craft constructed in that city. A city with a naval dockworks gains 1 free action/turn to construct, repair, upgrade, or install new naval equipment.
Due to the use of preexisting structures, the project completes ahead of schedule, so far ahead of schedule some minor repairs are effected on the Georgia, she is made safely submersible and presentable enough for her renaming ceremony. (She still needs extensive durability and structural integrity issues addressed at normal resource/action costs to restore her to full fighting glory, but she is no longer hamstrung. IE not -currently- suffering over dura penalties.)

Increase Savannah's Defense stat by 1 (1000R)


Existing earth work ramparts are reinforced by driving steel piles into the mounds of tightly packed earth. Outer and inner surfaces are given a ceramic coated brick facing. The top of the ramparts are broadened to allow a single conventional vehicle at a time to drive by without displacing the infantry from their positions, and ramps are placed strategically along the inner edge to allow vehicular access. Externally the position is further strengthened vs SSC aggressor's with the addition of a 10' deep by 20' wide trench and concertina razor wire coils.
Make a public announcement to all in our area of influence, requesting that anyone with useful information or artifacts relating to the Charleston cultists, Magic, the Mist creatures or anything else they believe important, to come forward and inform us. Anything that is verified to be true or useful will be rewarded. (The Casting Call)

Modified roll of (10)

Will be detailed in a later post, as it merits its very own textwall.
Recover as much of the useful infrastructure that remains in Fort Stewart and the Hunter Army Airfield and use them to build all three relevant augments (600R)

Having the infrastructure of the two neighboring bases and the existing runways of Savannah/Hilton Head International Airport close at hand to draw on it takes minimal effort for Masserone and the Combat Engineers to bring Savannah's military industrial complex online.

Savannah Gains:
Airfield & Hangars - Maximum one per city. Airfield & hangars provide an automatic 20% discount on all aircraft built in that city . A city with an airfield & hangars gains 1 free action/turn to construct, repair,upgrade, or install new aircraft equipment.

Motor Pool - Maximum one per city. Motor Pool provide an automatic 20% discount on all ground craft built in that city . A city with a Motor Pool gains 1 free action/turn to construct, repair,upgrade, or install ground craft equipment.

Infantry Training Regiment - Maximum one per city. I.T.R. provides an automatic 20% discount on all infantry units built in that city . A city with an I.T.R. gains 1 free action/turn to construct, repair,upgrade, or install infantry equipment.

Increase Macon's Manufacturing by 2 (1500R)

Repurposing old existing factories and warehouses in Macon to take advantage of advances such as the autojig allows Macon to become several steps closer to becoming a self sufficient community.
Free Actions:
Jaeger Tech Research: Quick release clamps that can endure Jaeger combat. (Fyrstorm's pet project)

Modified roll of (10)

Positive results are achieved on the first prototype, an electromagnetically spun tumbler that causes rods like a bank vault to extend or retract from the underlying frame. Backed up with a recessed physical cotter pin, to prevent errant magnetic fields from stripping away armor mid-combat.

The 'Hephaestus' waldo arms are easily equipped with a manipulator to pull or replace the pin and spin the tumbler as a single motion.

The design works so well and is so intuitive the armor plating removed from Whitecap Triton for his toughness upgrades is modified to work with the system long before his upgrades can be accomplished. It is only a minor side job to incorporate the locking slots in his framework to receive the rods, It also allows the former bulky armor attachment space to be reclaimed a net savings in overall weight while retaining original durability.

Whitecap Triton gains Modular Armor (sub-system).
'Deepwater' Carbyne Enhanced Composite Plating (for all areas but Con-pod) converted to [Modular] 'Deepwater' Carbyne Enhanced Composite Plating.

High Energy Lab: Complete the Plasma Jet Intake research
Modified roll of (12!)


PODC has unlocked unrestrained jet flight (including missile/rocket propelled flights. However; long duration non-piloted craft still suffer from particulates causing a persistent gaussing effect that adversely affects current computers; think of it as cumulative systemic EMP poisoning for computerized systems. ICBMs / Low Earth Orbit / etc. still outside your reach)

2 new Research Branch unlocked - Localized Atmospheric Scrubber & Neuatope isotope recovery research becomes feasible.

Localized Atmospheric Scrubber Research
It is posited that if the localized atmosphere has the parts per million of particulates reduced sufficiently, certain benefits could be regained. Comms & Sensors would reach farther per point of city stat, & certain currently non-feasible technologies such as local television broadcasts could be restored within affected areas.

Neuatope isotope recovery research
A completely alien radioactive element when triggered to violently decays produces no harmful radiations as a by-product, it only produces intense heat and light? Possible research avenues...

?Smaller & lighter reactors? / ?Thermobaric weapons of atomic scale with no lingering radiation hazard?/ You figure out the potential!

Kaiju Sciences Lab: Research Kaiju Blue and how it reacts with various things. Like Rare Earth elements.

Modified roll of (6)

K-science wants to begin testing of Kaiju biomass and how such things impact and interact with various things in earths bio-sphere. The most impactful to date has demonstrably been kaiju blue; there is no way a creatures blood should 'randomly' act as an aerosolized nerve agent that is effective both inhaled or absorbed thru the skin across all earthly fauna.

With Sage your prisoner in Hazardous Research and Containment facility you are presented the unique opportunity to study 'kaiju blue' under controlled lab conditions and see the how and the why as it reacts, rather than merely dealing with (and trying to survive) the after-effects.

It is found that Blue begins its transition from thick toxic sludge to a bluish vapor as it reacts with one of the most common elements present in the soil worldwide - Aluminum.

K-science continues to work diligently through the periodic table and discovers a few other unexpected interactions.
Platinum causes an explosive combustive interaction in the presence of oxygen, comparable to liquid rocket fuel but on an unprecedented scale.
It severely taxes the Hazardous research centers fire suppression, and only the fact the containment cabinet is of limited volume and the internal halon suppression caused the blue to become oxygen starved before the heat and pressure ruptured containment saved the researchers and surrounding lab.

It is not until the lanthanides are reached, that another surprise is encountered. Specifically the Rare Earth Element Neodymium is tested.

All hell breaks loose...

The event is measured as enduring less than a millisecond.

In that brief window a hole is opened to elsewhere, apparently this elsewhere demonstrates traits best explained as a hard vacuum as the atmosphere inside the cabinet is sucked away.

But it is drawn away faster than the vacuum of space would account for through an aperture that size should allow, almost as if it were being obliterated instead of drawn out.

From a hole the size of the smallest scale needle, as the atmosphere escapes lightning arcs into our reality in exchange, and when the dust settles the grounding wire to the cabinet is discovered to only remain as molten slag.

Almost as an afterthought the metal pings inward at the violence of the decompression and then squeals in protest but it holds. Crumpled like a rednecks beer can.

LOCCENT alarms scream, BREACH EVENT DETECTED. Coordinates: Hazardous research lab and containment facility.

Situational Free Actions:
Man Elba Island plant (No resource until next downtime as crews need trained to safely handle the product.)

Training is going as projected, it is a bit harrowing at times as processing potentially explosive materials tends to be with an all rookie crew, fortunately a 70 year old plant retiree was found living nearby who has agreed to come on as a safety consultant.
Environmental Cleanup -100 R If not done, you will Not receive the Regular Action (Environment) slot

Cleanup is tedious, but routine. Hardly worth noting except for the fact a single 'grey widower' was encountered, and the armed cleanup crews of Buffalo Billy made short work of it.

But it does inspires the military to break out their newly upgraded K-9 corps and do a block by block sweep of the city. It is a good thing too.

Hidden about the city was a small nest of four 'Sturgis', two more 'Widowers', and a pseudo-paper nest the size of a man's torso containing Larval 'Hellwasps'.

Samples of all were taken by your capture team and now are isolated in Hazardous Research and Containment facilitiy for examination at your convenience.
Restore the 2 captured Hawkeyes (Humvee mounted) Artillery
Done! Added to your roster.
Replenish your exhausted Mk.60 - Captor Naval minefield (7 to regain 'functional' coverage / 14 to fully restock @100/r each) (700R)
Perform the Electrical grid upgrade/repairs 950 R (Masserone -10% new total 855 R )
Dispatch the SuperTanker to the Oil Rig to retrieve the oil and return it to Savannah for processing.
-Send all torpedo boats, a Fast Attack Little Bird, and a Supercobra to act as escorts. They are to keep their eyes peeled and ready to fire warning shots at anything that looks even slightly fishy.

Done! Trip was rather routine, but it is better to err on the side of caution than to lose so much revenue to complacency.
Upgrade 9 Elite AKPs with Combat Jackets. (1350 R)

Upgrade all Militia K-9s into K-9 Corps. (30 R)

Upgrade Regular Motorcycle Militia into Stealth Scouts. (30 R)

Normal Actions:
Increase Scanner stat by 2 (1500R)

With Sensors that now encompass its surrounding environs and the equal of their comms ability, Macons sphere of influence extends out to 30 miles. People who were living nearby now begin to consider themselves 'citizens' of the Protectorate.
With its own dedicated sensors, the people of Macon feel more secure than having to be reliant on the sensors of a vehicle ('Spooky II' ) that is sometimes away on missions, as their only warning of imminent attacks.

Macon morale improves significantly!
Free Actions:
Robins AFB: Remain Idle.
Bank the crude oil surplus for future processing to gain the increased resource value (1, 200 crude R = 1,800 R processed)
Use the free city augment to build an Iron Bitch.

Savannah Gains 'The Iron Bitch' defensive Mod.
"Iron Bitch"
800mm Artillery Emplacement [Defensive Mod]
3500 Resources
- Can not be deployed outside of a city. Does not benefit from city fortifications, it's just too big.
- Can not be moved once deployed (Installed on a Railway Roundhouse so it may fire at any point of the compass)
- 800mm "Iron Bitch" Howitzer: 1d10 Impact damage. +8 damage. Range 20, Hits on 7s. Will Not Cauterise Wounds,
Can fire indirectly, increasing its range to 120 units. Indirect fire is at -2 to hit. normal 7+ (see perk)
The gun can only be fired every second turn

---- Crewed by Elite Artillery Unit----
'The Sons' - elite perk: 'Zeroed In' counteracts indirect fire penalty
Upgrade Caravan Guard to use Strykers & Conestoga (250R)
Send Councillor Katt to have a stern talking-to with the Homeland Security (& Law Enforcement per Katt's response) about how they went about their recent acquisitions.

Re: Sending me to teach Law Enforcement & Homeland Security proper independent purchase etiquette.
I merely start with a thank you for such insightful purchases, then move on to how the slush fund is intended as an independent safety net removed from the normal budget to cover a worst case scenario.
An empty fund is useless in any emergency.
Then I point out, that it is a sign of deepest trust to be the guardians of the seeds to regrow. A betrayal of such trust would be grounds for transfer to the hazardous research and containment facility as the person who cleans Sages cage...

The respective heads of each organization glow at the praise, then nod knowingly as Katt reiterates the purpose of the funds, they begin to look alarmed at her statement; "An empty fund is useless in any emergency." and then they pale visibly as the underlying threat becomes overtly implict, there is no doubt they realize to the validity of her concern and the restrained strength of the council in the event of other such 'thoughtless incidents' in the future.

Properly chastened they retreat tails tucked, grateful it was only a mild verbal rebuke... this time.

=== holding off on the toughness rolls to get turn out to meet my self imposed deadline ===
[X] - Hephaestus Repair and Upgrade: Increase Whitecap Triton's Toughness (Use 15 rolls in the Inventory)


(OOC) several points I want to commit to writing before my addled brain misplaces them. You have more $ than @Highwind projected...

Masserone deduction not applied to Savannah Defenses, Macon Sensors, or Macon Manufacturing. I'll redo maths and issue you an appropriate credit.
Second point and we'll let this slide as I should have caught it. 4 troop production augs (Airfield, Dock, Motorpool, & I.T.R.) + Iron Bitch is 5 defensive augs putting you at 5/4. We'll let it float but Def stat must be upgraded BEFORE any other Savannah city stat is eligible for upgrade.
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Hmm actually i would not mind being a bio scientist. I have... ideas about how to use kaiju stuff to do funtm​ things. So how does this work? Do i do an introduction post? How often and when should i post? I kinda have no idea how this works.
I hope the above gives everyone plenty to chew on, I will be around next day or two to answer questions, But new content will be a couple of days out.

Hmm actually i would not mind being a bio scientist. I have... ideas about how to use kaiju stuff to do funtm​ things. So how does this work? Do i do an introduction post? How often and when should i post? I kinda have no idea how this works.

Omake's (small storylike posts, I think the translation from japaneses is something like 'bonus content'? ) are always welcome. If you want it to become official cannon material for this Alternate Universe, I'd prefer we setup a private conversation so I can make sure nothing is too far out of bounds with the narrative. I can help with any background etc. there, so as not to disrupt the storys flow here.

Post as often as you like, but actual research can only occur during downtimes (there are odd exceptions allowed) with appropriate actions/resources spent. Discuss ideas with your fellow Councillors if you gain their support they may throw your idea into the que for research next down time.

We are generally a forgiving bunch, mistakes will be made... I -still- make my fair share.

Edit: as a Council style game, 99% of decisions are voted out. In combat to simulate the frantic pace first 2 agreeing votes carry the decision. This encourages the eager make the decisions for good or ill. Out of combat it takes four like votes to achieve consensus, this is to reflect the more level headedness available when bullets AREN'T flying by.
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Hephaestus Repair and Upgrade: Increase Whitecap Triton's Toughness (Use 15 rolls in the Inventory)

Whitecap is currently a Mk.2 jaeger = meaning to upgrade a stat requires a modified roll of 12 (10+Mk) to earn a point towards stat upgrade his current toughness is an anemic 1 to raise a 1 to a 2 requires 10 successes (0/10) luckily your J-tech lab gives your full research stat as a bonus (+4).

So for each roll 1d10+4, of 12+ equals a success. (IE. an unmodded roll of 8+) a natural unmodded '10' gives 2 successes (new rule :p)

Let us break this down into groups of 3 rolls maximum at a time.

Common roll courtesy is if you have just rolled, allow an hour for others to have the opportunity to also participate. If it reaches an hour +1 minute feel free to grab another set. Rinse and repeat until all possible rolls are completed.
Neuatope isotope recovery research
A completely alien radioactive element when triggered to violently decays produces no harmful radiations as a by-product, it only produces intense heat and light? Possible research avenues...

?Smaller & lighter reactors? / ?Thermobaric weapons of atomic scale with no lingering radiation hazard?/ You figure out the potential!
Technically, radiation is usually light. I'm guessing you mean visible spectrum emissions, though, which is the usual colloquial meaning, so that's fine. So, to be clear, this stuff is itself radioactive, but it can be made to decay in the form of visible spectrum light and heat? Would the impetus be collisions with, say, neutrons? Or some other particle?

If so...I don't think we'd be getting something like the energy efficiency of a nuclear reactor out of this without a lot of energy output from this decay. You wouldn't be able to get a chain reaction out of this. As such, you'd likely have something more like an engine of some sort. Set up a flow of this isotope, run it through a particle beam in a reaction chamber, then use the produced heat (and maybe light, with similar systems to non-photovoltaic solar generators) to boil water, producing power.
It is found that Blue begins its transition from thick toxic sludge to a bluish vapor as it reacts with one of the most common elements present in the soil worldwide - Aluminum.

K-science continues to work diligently through the periodic table and discovers a few other unexpected interactions.
Platinum causes an explosive combustive interaction in the presence of oxygen, comparable to liquid rocket fuel but on an unprecedented scale.
It severely taxes the Hazardous research centers fire suppression, and only the fact the containment cabinet is of limited volume and the internal halon suppression caused the blue to become oxygen starved before the heat and pressure ruptured containment saved the researchers and surrounding lab.

It is not until the lanthanides are reached, that another surprise is encountered. Specifically the Rare Earth Element Neodymium is tested.

All hell breaks loose...

The event is measured as enduring less than a millisecond.

In that brief window a hole is opened to elsewhere, apparently this elsewhere demonstrates traits best explained as a hard vacuum as the atmosphere inside the cabinet is sucked away.

But it is drawn away faster than the vacuum of space would account for through an aperture that size should allow, almost as if it were being obliterated instead of drawn out.

From a hole the size of the smallest scale needle, as the atmosphere escapes lightning arcs into our reality in exchange, and when the dust settles the grounding wire to the cabinet is discovered to only remain as molten slag.

Almost as an afterthought the metal pings inward at the violence of the decompression and then squeals in protest but it holds. Crumpled like a rednecks beer can.

LOCCENT alarms scream, BREACH EVENT DETECTED. Coordinates: Hazardous research lab and containment facility.
"...Well, time to start looting the neodymium from earbuds, it seems. Well, and refining it into pure neodymium."

As a side note, most of the lanthanides tend to react similarly. Makes them a pain in the ass to isolate from one another in their ores, where they're often all found together. And the good news is that there should be offshore deposits of monazite in the area. Individually small, lower quality ones, but we don't exactly have access to the ones in South Africa, India, or Australia.
Hmm actually i would not mind being a bio scientist. I have... ideas about how to use kaiju stuff to do funtm​ things. So how does this work? Do i do an introduction post? How often and when should i post? I kinda have no idea how this works.
Basically, as much as you feel needed. Give yourself as much background as you like. Some of us like having more background to our characters than others, some of us roleplay or comment "in-universe" more than others, and some of us post much more often than others. If there's something specifically in your sphere (or any sphere, really) that you really want to achieve, it's good to discuss it, and why we should support trying to go for it. If we agree, we'll be likely to try and research it.

Now, depending on how extensive that project is, more engagement and planning may be warranted. Some projects are going to involve more steps and effort than others, obviously. Sometimes, IRL research can be helpful. But we all tend to do things a bit differently. I'd say you should just engage however much you feel comfortable with.

I mean, @Fyrstorm doesn't exactly write Omakes or anything (being busy running another Versus the World quest and getting a degree), but we still did stuff for his Modular Armor project this round, since it has a lot of support. Meanwhile, I wrote an Omake and did lots of research, and it took until now to actually get the first step of my project done, so engagement clearly doesn't impact how fast things get done. :V

(I'm not angry about that, BTW. Fyr's project is, I believe, actually based on some ideas I first introduced in his game, and my project, Battleships and an above water nuclear Navy, has had pretty strong support. Nearly got that Dockworks made the Downtime before this, and I agreed with the prioritization of something else over it, so I have no real room to kvetch. The best, most urgent projects tend to win. Simple as that.)

Think I'll avoid rolling for now, since I'm on mobile.