Mammoth Apostate vs the World 1: "Lost in the Mist"

(OOC) As promised the new upgraded stat blocks.

I am throwing the Combat Jacket up strictly for reference as Combat Engineers are the last remnants (usually with the waldo arms retrofitted to better server in construction and demolition tasks).

Combat Jacket: base infantry cost + 150 R (in traditional SSC a single hit usually is fatal to all but the luckiest, the combat jacket allows the trooper to shrug off 2 normal or a single Hvy SSC wound (IE it'll take 3 SSC / or 1 hvy & 1 SSC to prove fatal), In addition Mv becomes 2 (3, if unit forgoes attacks for the turn). If engaged in melee the Combat Suit can inflict (Scratch damage - zero point K-scale) more than sufficient to splatter all but the hardiest SSC/Cat - Zero opponents.

Attacks are as per the base infantry unit with the exception that crew served weapons (such as AKB's recoilless rifles) can be mounted on waldo style swing arms making weight less of a limiting factor.

Waldo #1 Gustav Recoilless Rifle as per normal AKP's

Waldo #2 .50 Hvy MG w/t suppressive fire subroutine (uses suppressive perk mechanic) Hvy SSC (limited AoE 1d3 targets) 360 traverse 10/20/30

Improved Combat Jacket - Low End powered armor (base infantry cost + 150 R) just under 7 foot
May endure 3 points damage as per old jacket / Mv is 2 (3 if forgoes attack opportunities) 30 mph (45 mph)

Waldo #1 Gustav Recoilless Rifle as per normal AKP's
Waldo #2 .50 Hvy MG w/t suppressive fire subroutine (uses suppressive perk mechanic) Hvy SSC (limited AoE 1d3 targets) 360 traverse 10/20/30
  • Shrugs off SSC (unless a natural 9 or 10 on to hit)
  • Endless filtered air / or sealed environment 30 minutes
  • Resistance to cold/heat based attacks -1 to hit

Improved Combat Jacket - Low End powered armor (base infantry cost + 150 R) just under 7 foot
May endure 3 points damage as per old jacket / Mv is 2 (3 if forgoes attack opportunities) 30 mph (45 mph)

Waldos are surrendered in favor of vectored thrust wings -
  • Shrugs off SSC (unless a natural 9 or 10 on to hit)
  • Endless filtered air / or sealed environment 30 minutes
  • Resistance to cold/heat based attacks -1 to hit
Limited flight capability - aerial mv - 3 ( 45 mph) w/t 2 charges of NOS/afterburner fuel - required to achieve flanking speed for 1 turn but necessitates a success die roll (base 5+ first use - 1 or 2 = crit failure) ; second use not recommended due to engine stress (base 7+ succeed, 1-4 crit failure) - on a success however add +5 to aerial mv

If the armor however operates as a Ground Effects Vehicle using the vectored thrust to slalom along 1m off ground, the flight armor can skim along faster than any ground vehicle in our arsenal. MV 5 (75 mph) ---> 10 mv (150 mph) for NOS/afterburner.

For my sanity sake all variants S.A.R. / Hvy Construction / Hvy Medic / Carrier Para-rescue Exo / etc. will mostly be RP difference handled in MY HEAD but combat treatment will be based off the Powered Armor (base unit).
Fine by me. Those are meant primarily as fluff! If there's a "crunch" benefit I see it as more of an ad-hoc thing.
BTW only the 3 Sentinel of Faith were documented (named/appearance/perk) from the 8 gained... 5 more need given some personality.

If no one is willing to devote the effort they will be treated as 'Conventionals trained as powered armor' until the are given a distinctive & unique feel.
(Complete with the 2 turns of diminished combat ability).
BTW only the 3 Sentinel of Faith were documented (named/appearance/perk) from the 8 gained... 5 more need given some personality.

If no one is willing to devote the effort they will be treated as 'Conventionals trained as powered armor' until the are given a distinctive & unique feel.
(Complete with the 2 turns of diminished combat ability).
This for Elite AKPs, or Elite Power Armor units?
BTW only the 3 Sentinel of Faith were documented (named/appearance/perk) from the 8 gained... 5 more need given some personality.

If no one is willing to devote the effort they will be treated as 'Conventionals trained as powered armor' until the are given a distinctive & unique feel.
(Complete with the 2 turns of diminished combat ability).
I have two names right now.


"...weeping may endure for a night, but joy cometh in the morning."

The Hands of War

"Blessed be the LORD my strength, which teacheth my hands to war, and my fingers to fight: (...)"
I have two names right now.


"...weeping may endure for a night, but joy cometh in the morning."

The Hands of War

"Blessed be the LORD my strength, which teacheth my hands to war, and my fingers to fight: (...)"
I think the 5 units mentioned are just Elite AKPs, not necessarily all meant to be Sentinels of Faith, based on a bit of digging I did. Not against a few more such units, but I feel like 8 might be too many.
Yeah I tried to only "claim" a portion of Units, since at the time, everyone was writing up units.
I think the 5 units mentioned are just Elite AKPs, not necessarily all meant to be Sentinels of Faith, based on a bit of digging I did. Not against a few more such units, but I feel like 8 might be too many.
Wait, rea--

BTW only the 3 Sentinel of Faith were documented (named/appearance/perk) from the 8 gained...

only the 3 Sentinel of Faith
Huh. My mind must've skipped over that "the". :facepalm:
At least we have two possible names for the next set of Sentinels.
I shall double check but I am -fairly certain- 8 akp's were upgraded same downtime as you obtained the stealth motorcycle scouts.
If / When found I will post a supporting Quote.

The undocumented were not Sentinels, merely powered armor troopers.
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I was mistaken, there are 6 to document :confused::cry::rolleyes:
We might also have at least 2 named Elite Combat Engineer units that haven't been added to the Elite Units document.

RL dogpiled me today but I -did- manage to find x2 Combat Engineers promoted to Elite Status, If memory served @Highwind had forwarded some ideas for names & elite perk themes?
Check here and in the posts in the next couple pages. The names were apparently locked in.
They are on the roster list. All the other sheets will be updated to reflect the corrected roster.

RL been rather busy last few days, optimistically Saturday(ish)
With the use of the complete roster sheet the following ***SHOULD*** now read troops correctly.

Savannah sheet
Macon sheet
Superheavy sheet
Conventional sheet only shows numbers of troops available for general assignment & NOT garrisoned or special assignments

Names of ALL -completed- Elite units are now reflected on Elite unit sheet, Descriptive blurbs detailing perks and flavor text to be forthcoming soon(ish). Maybe will be brought in line tomorrow or next day.
(OOC) As promised Combat engineer perks now showing on elite page. All 3 Sentinels will be added there as soon as I can find the time.

Reposting Combat Engineer blurbs here for ease on my readers.

'Ground Dragons' 'Elite' Combat Engineer
These engineers are outfitted in the now obsolete 'Combat Jacket'. Waldo's are refitted with a variety of heavy construction tools to enhance their utility in construction & demolition.

Perk: "Combat Veteran" if successfully targeted by K-Scale attack, roll a d10, on a 'natural' 9 or 10, unit miraculously is merely disabled. You are considered mission Dead and require 1/2 your unit cost (no reductions) to bring you back into fighting shape [Free Action], when you survive such an attack add an asterisk (*) beside your unit name. More *'s = more plot driven love that unit gets…

Unique Elite Perk - 'Big Bada Boom' minefields & IED's are the Ground Dragon's bread & butter; will be handled mostly as an off camera mechanic. Just know it blows up more efficiently than most would expect.


'Silent Sappers' 'Elite' Combat Engineer
These engineers are outfitted in the now obsolete 'Combat Jacket'. Waldo's are refitted with a variety of heavy construction tools to enhance their utility in construction & demolition.

Perk: "Combat Veteran" if successfully targeted by K-Scale attack, roll a d10, on a 'natural' 9 or 10, unit miraculously is merely disabled. You are considered mission Dead and require 1/2 your unit cost (no reductions) to bring you back into fighting shape [Free Action], when you survive such an attack add an asterisk (*) beside your unit name. More *'s = more plot driven love that unit gets…

Unique Elite Perk - "Won't know what hit 'em"
With the benefit of SOCOM stealth training, non-reflective Venta-Black combat jackets whose servos are slightly less powerful than standard to minimize operational noise, & special foot pads to absorb the impact tremors normally associated with powered armor/combat jacket movement these Engineers are practically ghostlike. Will be handled mostly as an off camera mechanic.
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Plan: "Get this shit done and smack some cultists V1.0"
All of this EXCEPT Rescue / Diversionary is negotiable.
Green stuff, been in forever not negotiable at this point if you don't like it write your own f-ing plan :p

13,452 R this turn to work with. Solid decided on #'s for purchases amount to 1,600 R spent. Leaving 11,852 R available to purchase Gray Eagle UAV's, Apache Longbow helos, M270 MLRS, SPLL, SOC-R, & Jaeger upgrade rolls as called for in the plan.

Normal Actions: (5 population, 1 from Environmental bonus)
[X] - (RESERVED ACTION for Rescue / Diversionary strike)
[X] - Construct a MASH unit: 350 R
[X] - Construct 6 of the Little Bird Variants (Medivac, Spotter/T.A.G., Killer Shrikes)
1x Medivac (200 R) for our MASH unit, 3x GLTD spotter/TAG (@250 R ea. for 750 R subtotal), 1x Killer Shrike (275 R) gifted to Liberty Raiders.
Total expenditure on Little Birds: 1,225 R

Idea; lets reassign the "Mighty Merlins" to Medivac, with their double dipping in evasion skill they are able to go into hot zones and get out intact with their rescuees. Free to do, but I still need enough support for consensus.

[X] Mighty merlins transfer checkbox

[X] - Construct 5 Grey Eagle UAV's (5 @ 350 = 1,750 R)
11,852 - 1,750 = 10,102 R remaining

[X] - Send our 2 Special forces teams for an Advanced deep scout of Charleston using the stealthy Blackhawks. Final plan should be more detailed, (the better the write up the better the reward.) - COMPLETED

[X] - Citizenship census and ID's to be issued

Free Actions:
[X] - Computerized Communication Center, Comm action:
Inform citizenry in our comms range to be on high alert for increased banditry threat and the potential that Charleston may send a sizeable military force against us, borders are monitored and guarded, but increased vigilance is advised. Residents are not to engage, but are to seek shelter, and request immediate assistance from Protectorate forces over civilian comms on a dedicated Citizen Band Channel reserved only for emergency communications.

[X] - Jaeger Tech Research: Mark Zero Research

[X] - BPRD Magical Research: Magical Recon Charleston -

Only decision in the plan -
[?] - High Energy Lab: DEW (Lasers) Research focus to be decided by further council decision.
scale being researched: Conventional (vehicle mount), or Conventional (man portable) ??

I say we go vehicle mount first. (Just my not so humble opinion).

[X] - Hephaestus Repair and Upgrade: finish Jaeger upgrades , purchase the limit (15 upgrade rolls) (15@ 50 = 750)

[X] - Kaiju Sciences Lab: Finish research on Sage's EM shielding

[X] - Savannah Hangar & Airfield: Construct 3 Apache Longbow Helos ( 3@ 975 = 2,925 R )
10,102 - 2,925 = 7,177 R remaining

[X] - Savannah Infantry Training Regiment: Train some SOCOM equivalent troops, I'm looking for something similar to Marine Force Recon or Marine Scout Snipers specializing in non-contact 'Green operation' deep penetration/ long duration intel gathering ( < 25 miles behind enemy lines); the force retains 'Black operation' capabilities if needed for high value targets of opportunity. Troops are to be G.L.T.D. capable and act as spotters painting enemy targets, preferably able to use something like the stealth cycles to be able to infiltrate on their own.

@Smithsguild what would such a unit cost $$$?

[X] - Savannah Motor Pool: 4 Moar M270 MLRS This is to include MLRS's for Macon Garrisoned city defenses to replace the arty I suggested earlier

3 field / 1 garrisoned Macon (3@ 350 = 1,050 R )
7,177 - 1,050 = 6,127 R remaining (remember I am skipping over the SOCOM Scouts expense, trying to keep some back for after Smiths gives me their costs.)

[X] - Savannah Dry Docks & Shipyard: 4 SOC-R to patrol our interior waterways. (4@ 300 = 1,200 R)
6,127 - 1,200 = 4,927 R remaining ; Alternatively we could buy more Patrol Torpedoes (6@ 200 =1,200 R) at Admiral @Nixeu 's discretion... but if we get a lightning strike up our interior waterways (pun intended) I'm going to be painful smug for longer than most could tolerate.

Situational Free Actions:
[X] - Prior to Rescue/Strike "Liberty's Toll" use their Pirate Broadcasting to Hijack Charleston broadcasts to ready disparate rebel cells to be ready for unified action on our signal.

[X] - 25 R to get the 'Outrider's' airborne ASAP.

[X] Buy 20 'Stinger' manpads upgrade packages, 8 gifted to Liberty's Elite Guerilla's, 4 issued to units providing air cover to Bracer Rescue efforts, 8 gifted out to various resistance units to as any unused stay in play after our opp as ongoing harassment for the Deacon.

(20@ 30 = 600 R)
4,927 - 600 R = 4,327 R remaining

[?] - Hephaestus Repair and Upgrade: finish Jaeger upgrades , purchase the limit (15 upgrade rolls) ***

Normal Actions:
[X] - Buy artillery for their Defensive Perimeter keeping parity with Savannah defenses.
- Buy 4 SPLL's w/t trailers to resupply the Savannah/Macon M270 MLRS's purchased (4@ 400 = 1,600 R)
4,327 - 1,600 = 2,727 R remaining

Free Actions:
[X] - Macon Hangars & Airfield: Construct 2 Strike Eagles (2@ 850 = 1,700 R)
2,727 - 1,700 = 1,027 R remaining

[X] - Negotiate with Liberty's Council to act as the Protectorates official 'Refugee Assimilation Center' (goes hand in hand w/t my proposed Census & citizenship action)
[X] - Prior to Rescue/Strike Gift a full armed Killer Shrike along with the Cargo Container M-16's, ammo, and Stingers for Liberty distribution to Charleston Rebels .

***Edit: was late researching the cost of Jaeger upgrade rolls (15@ 50 = 750)
1,027 - 750 = 277 R

277 R *should* buy several socom deep scouts

Edit: purchase 2 COLT deep scout units. -200 r = 77 R remaining! Plan complete minus DEW focus needs decided.
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Savannah Infantry Training Regiment: Train some SOCOM equivalent troops, I'm looking for something similar to Marine Force Recon or Marine Scout Snipers specializing in non-contact 'Green operation' deep penetration/ long duration intel gathering ( < 25 miles behind enemy lines); the force retains 'Black operation' capabilities if needed for high value targets of opportunity. Troops are to be G.L.T.D. capable and act as spotters painting enemy targets, preferably able to use something like the stealth cycles to be able to infiltrate on their own.

@Smithsguild what would such a unit cost $$$?

Very deep skill sets (Marine Scout Sniper equivalent) , ground laser target designation in a man portable package, & stealth cycles... ?

COLT (Combat Observation & Lasing Team) deep recon scouts. 100 r/each

Hit on 4+, two 5 man fire teams (Sniper, Spotter, & 3 'guards' - All 5 men are interchangeable on fly to absorb casualties with minimal disruption of effectiveness).

Both fire teams may paint GLTD ( gaining 2 attempts to paint per unit). Unit is also trained as Artillery forward observers and may be used to 'walk' artillery fire in on a target in their LOS.
Very deep skill sets (Marine Scout Sniper equivalent) , ground laser target designation in a man portable package, & stealth cycles... ?

COLT (Combat Observation & Lasing Team) deep recon scouts. 100 r/each

Hit on 4+, two 5 man fire teams (Sniper, Spotter, & 3 'guards' - All 5 men are interchangeable on fly to absorb casualties with minimal disruption of effectiveness).

Both fire teams may paint GLTD ( gaining 2 attempts to paint per unit). Unit is also trained as Artillery forward observers and may be used to 'walk' artillery fire in on a target in their LOS.


That is a freaking bargain, paint where the hole needs in wall with GLTD & snipe any uppity wall guards that dare peep at fleeing civilians? HELL YEAH!
Even with Charleston having the Boomerang shot sensors for anti-sniper, high mobility should lessen the threat of counter sniper fire.

Edit. Modding plan now!
Seems Katt has done the heavy lifting, a mostly complete plan.

Conventional (vehicle mount), or Conventional (man portable) DEW research? Tie that up and you'll have a vote ready downtime plan.

And I believe Katt had also asked for a consensus vote to write up Liberty's Tolls pirate broadcasts to see the effect of her propaganda campaign 'motivational messages'.

KnightDisciple & Highwind have given their support, leaving her just 1 vote short of needed consensus.
COLT use the Barrett M107A1 anti-material rifle for sniper duty (w/t muzzle brake and suppressor) nicknamed the 'light 50'.
Oh yeah, I forgot to justify some portions of my plan. Talked with Smiths IRL about how many Grey Eagles can be handled by each Apache.
(Normally Grey Eagles are remote piloted from a command trailer/building out to our comms rng, the Apaches take a 'hand off' and can extend their operational window outside our comms bubble as long as they stay inside apaches comms rng).

His answer was 2, he has since updated the Conventional sheet to reflect this. So I bought 2 grey eagles for each Apache built or preexisting.

Bringing us up to 4 Apaches / 8 Grey Eagles.

I bought a SPLL for each M270 to give them some operational stamina, (no one wants a one-and-done artillery unit do they?)

Only 2 Strike Eagles because "Damn, they're expensive" and I wanted to cover all the other needed purchase. 3 jet fighters in a world where there are ONLY 3 jet fighters sounds sufficient -for now-.

Naval expenditures, we need moar boats... I'm pushing the SOC-R because our interior waterways are vulnerable. YMMV
[X] BadKatt's Thorough Plan

Sorry I can't give more input at the moment. A bit fried after our basement flooded last night (we've got pros helping clean up at this point).
Our road is very rural dirt road and only 2 miles long, my driveway is at the mid-point, sandwiched between a small lake and a mid-sized stream. Flood weather occurs and I usually lose one end or the other of my road to wash out.

When we try to duplicate south asia monsoons both ends go and I write text walls. Draw your own conclusions... :V:V:V
I haven't had the time to properly read the latest plan or the latest comments today, but I do bring one thing that we could work towards relatively quickly and that would let us attack Charleston with far less risk than we can do so now..

The Silent Eagle. It's a modification to our Strike Eagles and should be more than sufficient until we can develop 5th generation fighter equivalents.
Research anything! Radar absorbent materials and internalized weapon bays are certainly within a reasonable research window.

Certainly not as hard as duplicating Osahi's multi-dimensional phase shift invisibility. ;)
I agree with @Highwind 'Silent Eagle' tech should be a priority to MAINTAIN and expand our aerial technology superiority (one of our biggest advantages over Charleston). It has my support as long as it's not intended to bump anything from this DT plan, next turn I'm firmly in your corner.

I'm certain even the best shot we can muster, isn't going to end this fight in a single turn. But I don't think we can afford to allow them to continue all their research without rattling their cages and disrupting the status quo. Too close to a combat capable Jaeger, and no dirty trick they won't use...

They need bloodied now, destroy anything that looks research or production related, and weaken their infrastructure. I know it's not 'really' all giant robot-ey goodness, but we need to develop some espionage agents inside feeding us intel on priority targets.

Edited in Addendum: Did anyone bother to squeeze the escapee interviewee from the casting call to get a firm location for their Jaeger Research? It'd be really, really nice to drop some Cruise missile love dead center of their version of the Shatterdome.
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Everyone keeps talking about your Tomahawk Cruise missiles aboard the SNS Staurolite.

Your cruise Missile sub, currently has some non-K-scale munitions to sling, provided your Jet Propulsion research succeeds (with current city stat bonus to the HEL labs roll & the Jail research token roll, only some serious crit fail results could raise the bar beyond your likely reach) the cruise missiles can use target acquisition from your MQ-1C 'Gray Eagle's to distribute the 2 MAC tubes of BLU-97/B Combined Effects Bomb) .

Two tubes equates to 14 Tomahawks, each individually targetable and the (CEB) are effective against light armor, personnel and material, contains a shaped charge, scored steel casing and zirconium ring for anti-armor, fragmentation and incendiary capability.Each Tomahawks warhead distributes 150-200 bomblets over a relatively large area. Each bomblet case is made of scored steel designed to break into approximately 300 preformed ingrain fragments for defeating light armor and personnel. (That a lot of ugly in the air at ground zero).

Your other 20 MAC tubes aboard the Staurolite (the ones usually possessing the PBXN (high explosive) are sitting Empty, hollowed by their use in defeating a Tsunami. When she reported in joining Savannah she only had 8 of the 22 MAC tubes loaded.

BGM-109 Tomahawk Cruise Missiles (890 km/h = 37 mv turn) Nap of the earth flight (30-50m AGL) for use with the SSGN submarine

Range: with current technology in these atmospheric conditions, limited to about 300 km under perfect conditions. (Provided jet propulsion problem solved).

Design Flaw: Expensive - Each such missile fired costs 50 R (350 R per MAC Tube / or a total SSGN [154 Tomahawks] rearm takes 7,700 R)
Must choose HE or Combined Effects Bomb payload per MAC tube.

Perk: Accurate Weapon - allows called shot [PP]

Edit: Yes, these are grossly expensive but an over the horizon, local spotter friendly, standoff weapon that can deliver burst damage should be. After all it was never meant to be SNS Staurolite vs the World.

To do a current full cruise missile rearm (your choice of PBXN -or- BLU-97/B Combined Effects Bomb are per MAC tube) to fill your tubes to capacity would require 20 tubes x 350 R = 7,000 R

Still 14 cruise missiles that aren't suffering from the attrition of particulate damage, means 14 missiles get their to hit chance... PBXN would be better than the BLU's for punching holes in walls, but that is why you have Maverick's / Hellfires / Divine Thunderbolts now isn't it?