Mammoth Apostate vs the World 1: "Lost in the Mist"

I agree with @Highwind 'Silent Eagle' tech should be a priority to MAINTAIN and expand our aerial technology superiority (one of our biggest advantages over Charleston). It has my support as long as it's not intended to bump anything from this DT plan, next turn I'm firmly in your corner.

I'm certain even the best shot we can muster, isn't going to end this fight in a single turn. But I don't think we can afford to allow them to continue all their research without rattling their cages and disrupting the status quo. Too close to a combat capable Jaeger, and no dirty trick they won't use...

They need bloodied now, destroy anything that looks research or production related, and weaken their infrastructure. I know it's not 'really' all giant robot-ey goodness, but we need to develop some espionage agents inside feeding us intel on priority targets.

Edited in Addendum: Did anyone bother to squeeze the escapee interviewee from the casting call to get a firm location for their Jaeger Research? It'd be really, really nice to drop some Cruise missile love dead center of their version of the Shatterdome.
One interesting way we can damage their infrastructure is by increasing their citizen's morale. The nature of their "augments" makes their Morale scale flip, meaning negative morale gives them production bonuses while positive morale gives them maluses.

We can damage their infrastructure through both direct damage to their Manufacturing facilities and by increasing their people's morale to at least Neutral. It's something to keep in mind for the future!
[X] - Savannah Dry Docks & Shipyard: 4 SOC-R to patrol our interior waterways. (4@ 300 = 1,200 R)
6,127 - 1,200 = 4,927 R remaining ; Alternatively we could buy more Patrol Torpedoes (6@ 200 =1,200 R) at Admiral @Nixeu 's discretion... but if we get a lightning strike up our interior waterways (pun intended) I'm going to be painful smug for longer than most could tolerate.
Much as I'd really like more "oomph" for our naval strike on Charleston, more PT boats is probably not as good an investment. They just don't have good staying power, and that means they have a tendency to need to bug out of fights partway through. Not really the best trait in a naval vessel.

Mind you, I'm probably going to regret saying that if we end up having to "ambush" a force out of Charleston that has our ships severely out-gunned. I know, I know, Whitecap will likely do a lot to even our odds. But we have a grand total of 6 ships (plus Triton), one of which is only armed with machine guns. And we're about to poke a potential hornets' nest. Forgive me if I'm a teensy bit nervous about trying to lure out the ships protecting one of the larger shipbuilding ports on the entire East Coast. They have a former naval yard that got turned over to civvies and kept in-use on their side. And, don't forget that they had a joint air/naval base in their territory, as well. Chances are, their ships are bigger and better than anything we have, bar the Staurolite.

All that said, I'm fairly sure 6 more PT boats isn't actually likely to do all that much more against a missile frigate or a destroyer. Triton's probably worth about as much as a battleship, with regard to dealing with enemy naval units, so I'm not super-worried. Just kinda wished I'd realized the base and yards were there before I proposed poking the sleeping bear. Even if we don't, though, we're still probably going to have to deal with that Navy, possibly with Deep Ones for marines.
Everyone keeps talking about your Tomahawk Cruise missiles aboard the SNS Staurolite.

Your other 20 MAC tubes aboard the Staurolite (the ones usually possessing the PBXN (high explosive) are sitting Empty, hollowed by their use in defeating a Tsunami. When she reported in joining Savannah she only had 8 of the 22 MAC tubes loaded.

To do a current full cruise missile rearm (your choice of PBXN -or- BLU-97/B Combined Effects Bomb are per MAC tube) to fill your tubes to capacity would require 20 tubes x 350 R = 7,000 R

Still 14 cruise missiles that aren't suffering from the attrition of particulate damage, means 14 missiles get their to hit chance... PBXN would be better than the BLU's for punching holes in walls, but that is why you have Maverick's / Hellfires / Divine Thunderbolts now isn't it?
Ah. Kinda missed that there were differences in the warheads. Anti-personnel would potentially work for a poke to piss them off, or a supporting missile strike. Less so for sinking ships. Given what I've learned about Charleston's probable naval strength, we may need to rethink a few things.
The BLU is anti-vehicle capable as well as anti personel. It is even capable of messing up non hardened buildings through incendiary effects.

But 'Wall of life' style hardened? Might as well throw stones.

BLU would be good vs smallest naval (PT or SOC-R) but anything as big or bigger than Sea Dragon would likely shrug it off.

Next turn we need to research something closer to a frigate or destroyer. Maybe even a naval equivalent of the SPLL to re-arm torpedoes (something with a well deck).
One interesting way we can damage their infrastructure is by increasing their citizen's morale. The nature of their "augments" makes their Morale scale flip, meaning negative morale gives them production bonuses while positive morale gives them maluses.

We can damage their infrastructure through both direct damage to their Manufacturing facilities and by increasing their people's morale to at least Neutral. It's something to keep in mind for the future!

The odds of positive morale in city where you're little more than conscript labor under the boot of sociopaths. Not very likely...

With that said if the people see Charleston as less the irresistible force they must survive in a relationship with and more a bully that can be hurt (and you can survive doing it!). Well then, they'd face acts of internal sabotage like the third reich did... Artillery cannons barrels bored with lethal bottlenecks, and other passive forms of resistance.
Addressing two bottlenecks and I am requesting a halt of all cross talk not relevant to these two bottlenecks until they are resolved.

Issue one:
A vote has been called to allow @BadKatt85 to write some propaganda type spin for Liberty's Tolls pirate broadcast. She has 3 of 4 needed votes for consensus (her own, Highwind, & KnightDisciple)

Nearly a week has passed since this vote was called.

Issue two: The lengthy and detailed plan by @BadKatt85 has only -ONE- decision that needs a decision by consensus. Should the directed energy weapon research in the plan best be directed to Conventional (vehicles) or Conventional (man portable)

Votes tallied to date :

Katt stands in favor of Conventional (vehicles)

I find it hard to credit my readership has dwindled to the point the 4 votes for consensus are no longer obtainable in a timely fashion. :eyebrow:
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Addressing two bottlenecks and I am requesting a halt of all cross talk not relevant to these two bottlenecks until they are resolved.

Issue one:
A vote has been called to allow @BadKatt85 to write some propaganda type spin for Liberty's Tolls pirate broadcast. She has 3 of 4 needed votes for consensus (her own, Highwind, & KnightDisciple)

Nearly a week has passed since this vote was called.

Issue two: The lengthy and detailed plan by @BadKatt85 has only -ONE- decision that needs a decision by consensus. Should the directed energy weapon research in the plan best be directed to Conventional (vehicles) or Conventional (man portable)

Votes tallied to date :

Katt stands in favor of Conventional (vehicles)

I find it hard to credit my readership has dwindled to the point the 4 votes for consensus are no longer obtainable in a timely fashion. :eyebrow:
Count me in favor of both. Been meaning to vote, but life's been...interesting. I'm simultaneously suddenly feeling way better due to a medication change, but now having to deal with a lot of the stuff I've been putting off while I was feeling like absolute garbage. There's also just less pressure to vote when there's no opposition.
Propaganda attempted locked - Dust off your keyboard BadKatt.

Now DEW research Conventional (vehicles) has 2 supporters: BadKatt, Nixeu. 2 more need (or 4 in favor of Conventional (man portable)
A vote for the Directed Energy Weapons research to be for Conventional (vehicles), if we wish for it to be man portable it should be much easier if we already know how to "configure" the weapons for vehicles, potentially upscaling it to be a city defense tower or some such? I forget, do we have defense towers in/around the city?

Also a vote to Allow BadKatt85 to write Propoganda for the Pirate Broadcast.
With those votes in support of D.E.W. research Conventional (vehicles) I believe all issues have been resolved. Plan should be green lit to go.

I will allow up to 24 hours for last minute tweaks before calling for a consensus vote.

I forget, do we have defense towers in/around the city?

No towers per se, you do have a defensive perimeter with entrenched T-95 Anti-Kaiju artillery and guard shacks at regular intervals with AKP's upon the berms summit. There is the recent addition of the 'Iron Bitch' 800 mm artillery piece mounted centrally on a rail-car roundhouse. Seaward there is also an impressive minefield (currently at half strength)of Captor Mk.40 torpedoes.
I will allow up to 24 hours for last minute tweaks before calling for a consensus vote.

Actually I was considering shaving something (maybe a single Strike eagle?) to allow us to afford some of the High Explosive Cruise missiles for SNS Staurolite?

Thoughts? I value my fellow Councillors opinions and I am nervous about the trend to rubber stamp anything I put my name to... I -do- mess up, and taking everything I say as gospel has proven a mistake in other campaigns. Please hold me to a higher level of scrutiny, feel free to challenge my thought processes. I have thick skin, I can take it.
Actually I was considering shaving something (maybe a single Strike eagle?) to allow us to afford some of the High Explosive Cruise missiles for SNS Staurolite?

Thoughts? I value my fellow Councillors opinions and I am nervous about the trend to rubber stamp anything I put my name to... I -do- mess up, and taking everything I say as gospel has proven a mistake in other campaigns. Please hold me to a higher level of scrutiny, feel free to challenge my thought processes. I have thick skin, I can take it.
Yes. Definitely. We're going to want those for the raid, for sure.
(OOC) A little nervous here, no pressure at all :rolleyes:
Before we consider this a done deal, I'd like feedback. Really have nothing to say? then X up your support.

[Last down times pirate broadcast]

The broadcast begins with Liberty's Tolls signature opening:

(Sounds of bells ringing, lifted from AC/DC's Hell's Bells. It has a slightly haunting sound)

"Do you hear that? That is the sound of Freedom.

We are Liberty's Toll, Traitors in Charlestons Eyes. Expatriates living in Savannah with the people who freed us from the Deacon. They have asked us to help spread the following message.

Attention people of Charleston and to the good people outside their walls suffering the ravages of their raiders. There is a new player on the field, Savannah will no longer suffer the unwarranted raids to steal our children, we will not suffer the threat of bio-weapons aimed at our civilian population to instill terror, we will not suffer your troops on our sovereign soil. If you fail to reverse these wrongs we will soon bring the fight to you. Every time our troops have clashed ALL your men either deserted or died while we have suffered no casualties at your hands.

To those that are willing to throw off the shackles of Charleston's oppression and stand beside us in this fight, we will offer asylum, or assistance surviving on your own. We ask you not to trade your current Master for another, but to seek us out as a friend in these troubling times.

If we are forced to combat we ask that you only provide what aid you feel comfortable providing. To the armed Guerrilla's husband your strength and await our call to action, then strike Charlestons sensors and comms. Don't martyr yourself fighting beyond your ability to succeed, hit and then fade away. Bleed them with 10,000 small cuts. We are not claiming a war with Charleston will be quick, or without great cost. We are merely saying if we should go to war we will stay the course, bringing every tool at our disposal until the job is done.

To the worker forced to labor on Charleston's behalf, we value the intellect you possess, any actions that delay or taint your work that will fail to draw punishment should be taken; but only if you remain safe. Your safety is more important to us than your assistance.

Charleston we of Liberty's Toll earned our Freedom, we urge you to consider doing the same. And Deacon you can STILL suck it.
(OOC) A little nervous here, no pressure at all :rolleyes:
Before we consider this a done deal, I'd like feedback. Really have nothing to say? then X up your support.

[Last down times pirate broadcast]

The broadcast begins with Liberty's Tolls signature opening:

(Sounds of bells ringing, lifted from AC/DC's Hell's Bells. It has a slightly haunting sound)

"Do you hear that? That is the sound of Freedom.

We are Liberty's Toll, Traitors in Charlestons Eyes. Expatriates living in Savannah with the people who freed us from the Deacon. They have asked us to help spread the following message.

Attention people of Charleston and to the good people outside their walls suffering the ravages of their raiders. There is a new player on the field, Savannah will no longer suffer the unwarranted raids to steal our children, we will not suffer the threat of bio-weapons aimed at our civilian population to instill terror, we will not suffer your troops on our sovereign soil. If you fail to reverse these wrongs we will soon bring the fight to you. Every time our troops have clashed ALL your men either deserted or died while we have suffered no casualties at your hands.

To those that are willing to throw off the shackles of Charleston's oppression and stand beside us in this fight, we will offer asylum, or assistance surviving on your own. We ask you not to trade your current Master for another, but to seek us out as a friend in these troubling times.

If we are forced to combat we ask that you only provide what aid you feel comfortable providing. To the armed Guerrilla's husband your strength and await our call to action, then strike Charlestons sensors and comms. Don't martyr yourself fighting beyond your ability to succeed, hit and then fade away. Bleed them with 10,000 small cuts. We are not claiming a war with Charleston will be quick, or without great cost. We are merely saying if we should go to war we will stay the course, bringing every tool at our disposal until the job is done.

To the worker forced to labor on Charleston's behalf, we value the intellect you possess, any actions that delay or taint your work that will fail to draw punishment should be taken; but only if you remain safe. Your safety is more important to us than your assistance.

Charleston we of Liberty's Toll earned our Freedom, we urge you to consider doing the same. And Deacon you can STILL suck it.
@Smithsguild, how secure are these broadcasts? Are Charleston's leadership likely to hear any of this? Because we might not want to give them a warning that we're likely to be attacking them soon. Kinda defeats the purpose of a lightning raid if we warn them ahead of time.
Liberty's Toll hijack the signal from "Radio Air Charleston" a propaganda style broadcast in the same vein as 'Tokyo Rose' the one and only source of news and entertainment extolling the virtues of compliance and promising purpose, work, and food to those struggling inside their sphere of influence yet outside their walls to survive despite Charleston's constant predatory raids. If you give yourself over as 'volunteer' labor for Charleston's war machine you are guaranteed food and shelter (of sorts).

When you left a pile of heads by a sign after the kidnapping attempt, when you co-opted their oil rig & stole their super-tanker in retaliation for shots fired, when you crushed their armored column making a bee-line for your sphere, these things threw red flags of we're tired of you shit and 'might be a credible threat, a bit of propaganda and public saber rattling will doubtless rate less immediately threatening than any of those actions.

Never doubt such a message will be brought directly to the Deacon's attention. Anything less would be viewed as treasonous.

If you fail to reverse these wrongs we will soon bring the fight to you.

This sentence (at least in my eyes) seems like the tone of a government still willing to entertain negotiations if in a tone similar to
President Theodore Roosevelt's foreign policy of: "speak softly and carry a big stick; you will go far." YMMV
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(OOC - point of information)

Liberty's Toll uses something similar to a CB radio linear amplifier (Only Mil-Spec crafted for broadcast E-warfare). Anyone experienced with CB's has experienced the phenomena of being 'walked on' by a person with a more powerful radio, where their broadcast completely drowns out the original weaker signal.
Plan: "Get this shit done and smack some cultists V1.1 (with missiles!)"
All of this EXCEPT Rescue / Diversionary is negotiable.
Green stuff, been in forever not negotiable at this point if you don't like it write your own f-ing plan :p

13,452 R this turn to work with. Solid decided on #'s for purchases amount to 1,600 R spent. Leaving 11,852 R available to purchase Gray Eagle UAV's, Apache Longbow helos, M270 MLRS, SPLL, SOC-R, & Jaeger upgrade rolls as called for in the plan.

Normal Actions: (5 population, 1 from Environmental bonus)
[X] - (RESERVED ACTION for Rescue / Diversionary strike)
[X] - Construct a MASH unit: 350 R
[X] - Construct 6 of the Little Bird Variants (Medivac, Spotter/T.A.G., Killer Shrikes)
1x Medivac (200 R) for our MASH unit, 3x GLTD spotter/TAG (@250 R ea. for 750 R subtotal), 1x Killer Shrike (275 R) gifted to Liberty Raiders.
Total expenditure on Little Birds: 1,225 R

Idea; lets reassign the "Mighty Merlins" to Medivac, with their double dipping in evasion skill they are able to go into hot zones and get out intact with their rescuees. Free to do, but I still need enough support for consensus.

[X] Mighty merlins transfer checkbox

[X] - Construct 5 Grey Eagle UAV's (5 @ 350 = 1,750 R)
11,852 - 1,750 = 10,102 R remaining

[X] - Send our 2 Special forces teams for an Advanced deep scout of Charleston using the stealthy Blackhawks. Final plan should be more detailed, (the better the write up the better the reward.) - COMPLETED

[X] - Citizenship census and ID's to be issued

Free Actions:
[X] - Computerized Communication Center, Comm action:
Inform citizenry in our comms range to be on high alert for increased banditry threat and the potential that Charleston may send a sizeable military force against us, borders are monitored and guarded, but increased vigilance is advised. Residents are not to engage, but are to seek shelter, and request immediate assistance from Protectorate forces over civilian comms on a dedicated Citizen Band Channel reserved only for emergency communications.

[X] - Jaeger Tech Research: Mark Zero Research

[X] - BPRD Magical Research: Magical Recon Charleston - COMPLETED

Only decision in the plan -
[?] - High Energy Lab: DEW (Lasers) Research focus to be decided by further council decision.
scale being researched: Conventional (vehicle mount), or Conventional (man portable) ??

I say we go vehicle mount first. (Just my not so humble opinion).

[X] - Hephaestus Repair and Upgrade: finish Jaeger upgrades , purchase the limit (15 upgrade rolls) (15@ 50 = 750)

[X] - Kaiju Sciences Lab: Finish research on Sage's EM shielding

[X] - Savannah Hangar & Airfield: Construct 3 Apache Longbow Helos ( 3@ 975 = 2,925 R )
10,102 - 2,925 = 7,177 R remaining

[X] - Savannah Infantry Training Regiment: Train some SOCOM equivalent troops, I'm looking for something similar to Marine Force Recon or Marine Scout Snipers specializing in non-contact 'Green operation' deep penetration/ long duration intel gathering ( < 25 miles behind enemy lines); the force retains 'Black operation' capabilities if needed for high value targets of opportunity. Troops are to be G.L.T.D. capable and act as spotters painting enemy targets, preferably able to use something like the stealth cycles to be able to infiltrate on their own.

@Smithsguild what would such a unit cost $$$?

[X] - Savannah Motor Pool: 4 Moar M270 MLRS This is to include MLRS's for Macon Garrisoned city defenses to replace the arty I suggested earlier

3 field / 1 garrisoned Macon (3@ 350 = 1,050 R )
7,177 - 1,050 = 6,127 R remaining (remember I am skipping over the SOCOM Scouts expense, trying to keep some back for after Smiths gives me their costs.)

[X] - Savannah Dry Docks & Shipyard: 4 SOC-R to patrol our interior waterways. (4@ 300 = 1,200 R)
6,127 - 1,200 = 4,927 R remaining ; Alternatively we could buy more Patrol Torpedoes (6@ 200 =1,200 R) at Admiral @Nixeu 's discretion... but if we get a lightning strike up our interior waterways (pun intended) I'm going to be painful smug for longer than most could tolerate.

Situational Free Actions:
[X] - Prior to Rescue/Strike "Liberty's Toll" use their Pirate Broadcasting to Hijack Charleston broadcasts to ready disparate rebel cells to be ready for unified action on our signal.

[X] - 25 R to get the 'Outrider's' airborne ASAP.

[X] Buy 20 'Stinger' manpads upgrade packages, 8 gifted to Liberty's Elite Guerilla's, 4 issued to units providing air cover to Bracer Rescue efforts, 8 gifted out to various resistance units to as any unused stay in play after our opp as ongoing harassment for the Deacon.

(20@ 30 = 600 R)
4,927 - 600 R = 4,327 R remaining

[?] - Hephaestus Repair and Upgrade: finish Jaeger upgrades , purchase the limit (15 upgrade rolls) ***

Normal Actions:
[X] - Buy artillery for their Defensive Perimeter keeping parity with Savannah defenses.
- Buy 4 SPLL's w/t trailers to resupply the Savannah/Macon M270 MLRS's purchased (4@ 400 = 1,600 R)
4,327 - 1,600 = 2,727 R remaining

Free Actions:
[X] - Macon Hangars & Airfield: Construct 2 Strike Eagles (1@ 850 = 850 R)
2,727 - 850 = 1,877 R remaining

[X] - Negotiate with Liberty's Council to act as the Protectorates official 'Refugee Assimilation Center' (goes hand in hand w/t my proposed Census & citizenship action)
[X] - Prior to Rescue/Strike Gift a full armed Killer Shrike along with the Cargo Container M-16's, ammo, and Stingers for Liberty distribution to Charleston Rebels .

***Edit: was late researching the cost of Jaeger upgrade rolls (15@ 50 = 750)
1,877 - 750 = 1,127 R

277 R *should* buy several socom deep scouts

Edit: purchase 2 COLT deep scout units. 1,127 - 200 r = 927 R remaining! Plan complete minus DEW focus needs decided.

Buy 2 MAC tubes worth (14 missiles) of High explosive tomahawks 927 - 700 = 227 R remaining!

This altered plan removes the purchase of 1 Strike Eagle and reallocates the resources to Cruise missiles for the SNS - Staurolite.
Just realized new plan has some additional R laying around unspent...

Plan: "Get this shit done and smack some cultists V1.2 (with missiles & scouts!)"
Exactly the same as V1.1 +

purchase 2 more COLT deep scout teams 227 - 200 =27 R banked (brings the total to 4 !!! :D)

[X] my official vote for V1.2
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Holy shit. Fuck it, it's not like Charleston deserves anything more merciful.

[X]Plan: "Get this shit done and smack some cultists V1.2 (with missiles & scouts!)"
[X]Plan: "Get this shit done and smack some cultists V1.2 (with missiles & scouts!)"

So did @BadKatt85 propose something that's halfway to being Bolter rounds?
So did @BadKatt85 propose something that's halfway to being Bolter rounds?

If I've got my lore right, I'd say a bit over half way as the Archaic Ikanos pattern bolt pistol was in .50 caliber. It just doesn't possess the self propelling charge for 2 stage flight. But versus shit like the Elite Cyborg's in their powered armor, I'd say "close enough".