Mammoth Apostate vs the World 1: "Lost in the Mist"

I -did- implement @Highwind 's idea, false info re: hitting the supply column.

All of Libertys guerrilla contacts know sensors /comms / and SAM sites are our true priority targets.

It is -possible- an unaffiliated guerilla group DOES hit the supply column, in which unexpected credibility bonus.
Righto. Has my stamp of approval then.
Whitecap Triton - Triton is at 12/15 stat points to reach Toughness 2 requires 10 successes (8/10 obtained).

Need confirmation this is the upgrade we are shooting for , plz.
Refresher on how upgrade rolls work.

Whitecap is currently a Mk.2 jaeger = meaning to upgrade a stat requires a modified roll of 12 (10+Mk) to earn a point towards stat upgrade his current toughness is an anemic 1 to raise a 1 to a 2 requires 10 successes (0/10) luckily your J-tech lab gives your full research stat as a bonus (+4).

So for each roll 1d10+4, of 12+ equals a success. (IE. an unmodded roll of 8+) a natural unmodded '10' gives 2 successes (new rule :p)
One of four in favor of the Propaganda pt. 2" (Nixeu has voiced his support).

Unfortunately, I really don't know enough about our current strategic situation to know which we should go for. And my digging isn't bearing the fruit it usually does. While I might just have missed something, that section doesn't actually seem to have spawned from any sort of discussion. It just sort of...appears, from one version of the plan to the next. So I don't know exactly what was meant by it. I think only @BadKatt85 could know for sure.

That said, making Triton more durable sounds quite fine to me. He's potentially going to need it. So tentatively put me down for "Triton, Tou".
Add another vote in favor of the propaganda speech and another tentative vote for upgrading Triton's Toughness.
I'm sorry. I was vague, yes the purchase was intended for Tritons partially completed toughness upgrade. (Finish it up to 2).

Left over rolls, go wherever the council deems they are needed next. Next Down time business.
With this mystery solved we can begin the rest of the rolls and get'r'done.

[X] - Jaeger Tech Research: Mark Zero Research
Roll 1d10 (+4 research bonus)

[X] - High Energy Lab: DEW (Lasers) Research focus Conventional (vehicle mount)
Roll 1d10 (+4 research bonus)

[X] - Kaiju Sciences Lab: Finish research on Sage's EM shielding
Roll 1d10 (+4 research bonus) + (+2 live subject possessing skill)

[X] - Hephaestus Repair and Upgrade: finish Jaeger upgrades , purchase the limit (15 upgrade rolls)
roll 1d10+4, rolls of 12+ equals a success. (IE. an unmodded roll of 8+) a natural unmodded '10' gives 2 successes
Need 2 successes to hit TOU 2. (spend upto 15 rolls until 2 successes achieved)
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Whitecap Toughness now (9/10 obtained) - 12 upgrades remain
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Rolling to increase Toughness, 3 rolls.

Edit: ...
Highwind threw 3 10-faced dice. Reason: Triton Toughness Total: 7
3 3 1 1 3 3
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Rolling three upgrade rolls.

Edit: Good thing we bought so many, I guess.
Nixeu threw 3 10-faced dice. Reason: Tougher Triton? Total: 13
4 4 5 5 4 4
Toughness 2 acquired! Natural '10' garners 2 successes putting Triton at (1/10 successes towards Tou 3).

4 upgrade rolls remain in your inventory, Hephaestus has Triton stripped down to his underoo's if the Council wishes the four remaining rolls could be spent at no additional action cost while your elbow deep in servos and hydraulics.

Edit: Potential upgrades are not limited strictly to toughness, although only 4 rolls aren't likely to get you to a full stat point ANYWHERE.
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Triton is now at 13/15 stat points & to reach Toughness 3 requires 10 successes (1/10 obtained).
If it's at no additional cost, I see no reason not to roll.

I'll roll two now and leave the last two to someone else.
Highwind threw 2 10-faced dice. Reason: Extra Tough Total: 13
5 5 8 8
The '8' was good enough to get you another improvement. (2/10 obtained towards Tough 3) - 2 upgrade rolls remain.
At some point these rolls will need some love too.

[X] - Jaeger Tech Research: Mark Zero Research
Roll 1d10 (+4 research bonus)

[X] - High Energy Lab: DEW (Lasers) Research focus Conventional (vehicle mount)
Roll 1d10 (+4 research bonus)

[X] - Kaiju Sciences Lab: Finish research on Sage's EM shielding
Roll 1d10 (+4 research bonus) + (+2 live subject possessing skill)
I'll roll for Mark 0.


Five with four bonus points from the city research is good enough to break the success threshold.

Exact details will be forthcoming soon(ish). It's Valentines and I owe my Mrs. an evening out (& so much more).

Minimal thumbnail sketch is they require the Ultra-compact Fusion Reactor and come in 3 classes each at a different price point.

Mk. Zero (basic) 950 R
Mk. Zero (plus) 1,150 R
Mk. Zero (premium) 1,350 R

Although a Mk. Zero will never be in the same league as a Mk. 1 Jaeger due to issues like scale and mass, there will be a marked difference in the capabilities between a basic Mk-zero & a premium Mk-zero.
Five with four bonus points from the city research is good enough to break the success threshold.

Exact details will be forthcoming soon(ish). It's Valentines and I owe my Mrs. an evening out (& so much more).

Minimal thumbnail sketch is they require the Ultra-compact Fusion Reactor and come in 3 classes each at a different price point.

Mk. Zero (basic) 950 R
Mk. Zero (plus) 1,150 R
Mk. Zero (premium) 1,350 R

Although a Mk. Zero will never be in the same league as a Mk. 1 Jaeger due to issues like scale and mass, there will be a marked difference in the capabilities between a basic Mk-zero & a premium Mk-zero.
Noice. Hopefully the exact details will give us a rough idea of where they're currently at? That is, what a good pop-culture-comparison is?

Calling it now:a basic Mark Zero is basically a better VOTOMS. A Premium is closer to an early-gen Knightmare Frame. A Plus is somewhere in between (maybe an early-generation Arms Slave? I haven't watched either Code Geass or Full Metal Panic yet, so I can't be sure how they compare beyond what I've seen in SRW videos.)
Highwind's guess is fairly astute. Basic is as close to VOTOM's as any other likely pop reference.

Although Mk. Zero Basic feature armor based upon those of Jaegers the thickness is thinner than one would desire for something that technically qualifies as a super heavy unit (possession of structure points). The general design is constrained as the servo's and superstructure are bordering red line tolerances armor was the only viable sacrifice in design.

Mk. Zero Plus correct and improve on the servos and superstructure allowing appropriately scaled armor thickness (increasing overall survivability) besides allowing this unit full armor it also allows some additional internals allowing for stat enhancement over Mk. Zero Basic performance.

Mk. Zero Premiums take the foundation of the Plus and fine tune it even further by manufacturing custom crafted tailored parts to push the limits of Mk. Zero design. These units are closer to a 2nd generation knightmare than 1st, and should inspire awe in all but the most callused.
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Addendum: to put things in proper perspective Re: Charleston Mk. Zeros

Those spotted most of the 5 man squad were Basics (4 of 5) and their leader would have been a Plus at best. To date no evidence exists that they have advanced their Mk. Zero program to allow Premiums.

Your roll was higher than mid-line thanks to possession of J-Tech research facility (something Charleston doesn't possess.)