Mammoth Apostate vs the World 1: "Lost in the Mist"

So far @BadKatt85 's first broadcast has drawn little in the way of commentary other than Nixeu voicing some reasonable concerns. (Charleston knows they've done plenty to piss you off, and the 'threat' was mild as political saber rattling goes, so it is -likely- it will have little in the way of causing them to step up their security anymore than it already was pre-broadcast.)

I'm quoting here for emphasis. She wants feedback and support BEFORE this becomes the 'official' broadcast.

Before we consider this a done deal, I'd like feedback. Really have nothing to say? then X up your support.
@Nixeu I've been researching things I thought might give our navy some advantages and just wanted to throw them out as 'official' research topics.

Using a combined missile/gun system like the Russian Kashtan CIWS but incorporate the supercavitating Cav-X ammunition for the chainguns. This would provide a ballistic anti-torpedo solution also good for chewing up targets down to periscope depths.

And Just a reminder of one of Smiths posts, countermeasure anti-torpedoes are a viable technology

Penn States Advanced Research Lab has had significant success with development of CAT torpedoes (Countermeasure Anti-Torpedo) and with BadKatt pointing out the existence of Cav-X ammunition - CIWS (Close In Weapon Systems) Phalanx style anti-torpedo defenses become viable in this AU.
Oh, and some more goodies I stumbled over... it seems Plasma Weaponry has been on the table for a while and we've neglected pursuing it. :facepalm:

An unexpected prize is found offered on the exchange by a private collector, Atlanta and Savannah trade agents snatch up the purchase immedeately!
Complete technical schematics for Crimson Typhoons buzzsaw/plasma caster left arm/hand! The information is copied and sent home to both cities.

We own schematics to reproduce the IB-22 plasma caster and Crimsons buzzsaw/hands.
So far @BadKatt85 's first broadcast has drawn little in the way of commentary other than Nixeu voicing some reasonable concerns. (Charleston knows they've done plenty to piss you off, and the 'threat' was mild as political saber rattling goes, so it is -likely- it will have little in the way of causing them to step up their security anymore than it already was pre-broadcast.)

I'm quoting here for emphasis. She wants feedback and support BEFORE this becomes the 'official' broadcast.
Fair enough. If that's not an issue, I don't see anything wrong with it. But then, I'm not exactly an expert at PR, lol. It makes our position clear, and communicates our intentions well.
@Nixeu I've been researching things I thought might give our navy some advantages and just wanted to throw them out as 'official' research topics.

Using a combined missile/gun system like the Russian Kashtan CIWS but incorporate the supercavitating Cav-X ammunition for the chainguns. This would provide a ballistic anti-torpedo solution also good for chewing up targets down to periscope depths.

And Just a reminder of one of Smiths posts, countermeasure anti-torpedoes are a viable technology
Could be quite handy for dealing with Deep Ones, from the sound of it. Which is definitely a desirable feature. While that is deployed on ships, however, I'm guessing that we'd need to take steps to really water-proof it if we wanted to submerge the weapon on a regular and ongoing basis. There's a difference between "can withstand a bit of water from time-to-time" and "can be entirely submerged and still function".
Could be quite handy for dealing with Deep Ones, from the sound of it. Which is definitely a desirable feature. While that is deployed on ships, however, I'm guessing that we'd need to take steps to really water-proof it if we wanted to submerge the weapon on a regular and ongoing basis. There's a difference between "can withstand a bit of water from time-to-time" and "can be entirely submerged and still function".

Actually I was meaning for use in a forthcoming surface ship design, something to fill the role of a defensive ship kinda like the tank in Tacit (Hiln?) whereas the Hiln? projects a shield, I was thinking of a ship that could provide CIWS / CAT torpedo defense overwatch for -other- ships in proximity.

If it could be designed as a Catamaran Hull my earlier suggestion would make it a hub for the Patrol torpedoes to work with.

Maybe construct a catamaran hulled Naval reload platform? Something with a well deck to receive spent PT's and provide at sea rearmament of torpedoes pit crew style.

Pneumatic bladders inflate once the PT is in the service zone to stabilize and isolate it from the swell that might make the two boats shift causing internal collisions. Once the ship is secure, safety hoists can swing ordinance into load position to re-arm the mk-32 tri barrel torpedo tubes. Once reloaded safely bladders deflate and the reload deck can be exited forward allowing the next reload needing PT to take its slot efficiently without the need for the loaded ship to backpedal out of the well deck.

Just an idea, but I think a dedicated torpedo reloader could make the PT's utility increase greatly by eliminating the need to home port to rearm.
We could even expand on the whole defensive support ship and slap on 3-4 Avenger AA cupolas to provide air cover (or better yet something utilizing the SL-AMRAAM missiles we got plans for w/t the Strike eagles).

Edit: upon further research I found there is a current program using the SL-AMRAAM as an upgrade path for all the National guards Avengers phasing out the Stingers for SL-AMRAAMS in their stead :)
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@Nixeu what style of 'big gun' were you considering incorporating in your first 'real' blue water surface ship?

There is no reason the defenses and utility(reload) Badkatt was speaking about couldn't be included in something NOT built strictly defensive.

WW2 style ballistic artillery, Laser cannons like the DEW Mastodon, Rocket Artillery M270 style with the quickload you pioneered with Mammoth? All would be possible (for a corvette/frigate/destroyer) my use of ship sizing is quite suspect).

Edit: Hell there is no reason I know you couldn't incorporate a few MAC tubes if that was the direction you wanted to go...
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I guess I don't have any more specific's good stuff. It's Monday, and our basement flooding thing ate up a lot of my active attention over the weekend, even just to the point of passive frustration/anxiety, cleaning things, moving random stuff, etc.
Actually I was meaning for use in a forthcoming surface ship design, something to fill the role of a defensive ship kinda like the tank in Tacit (Hiln?) whereas the Hiln? projects a shield, I was thinking of a ship that could provide CIWS / CAT torpedo defense overwatch for -other- ships in proximity.

If it could be designed as a Catamaran Hull my earlier suggestion would make it a hub for the Patrol torpedoes to work with.
Right, so there are mechanics for that in TRvtW. The long and short of it is that the gun would burn its Overwatch on rolling an opposed attack roll, and, if its total exceeded the incoming attack's total, you completely negate it. In some cases, especially with Remote Weapons, multiple shots could be dedicated to a single attack. I see no reason why a ship with multiple guns couldn't do the same.

However, as compared to a Barrier, active defenses are less reliable and also all-or-nothing propositions. Shots are going to get through sometimes, especially if you roll poorly. They're also heavily reliant on the number of guns or weapons you have available to do the intercepting. Too many incoming attacks will overwhelm your defenses (though the same is true of Barriers). Therefore, limited use weapons, like most missiles, are much less desirable than guns would be, for that reason: ammo limits would make it much easier for you to be overwhelmed with massed fire. They're also often mutually exclusive with offensive use: a gun that shoots on your turn isn't going to be available for defensive work.

What that means overall is that I'd prefer purpose-built ships that are built to handle active defenses over ships trying to do multiple things. While putting some active defenses on a support/supply ship isn't a bad idea, due to its high tactical value as a target, using it as a defensive unit in addition to its role as a support ship might not be as worthwhile, depending on how many guns we can fit. It'd be kinda like relying on the limited AA capacity of an Aircraft Carrier to provide topside cover for the rest of the fleet: it's not meant to cover for much more than itself. It's probably best to use dedicated units for the task, supported by any additional guns other units might mount.
@Nixeu what style of 'big gun' were you considering incorporating in your first 'real' blue water surface ship?

There is no reason the defenses and utility(reload) Badkatt was speaking about couldn't be included in something NOT built strictly defensive.

WW2 style ballistic artillery, Laser cannons like the DEW Mastodon, Rocket Artillery M270 style with the quickload you pioneered with Mammoth? All would be possible (for a corvette/frigate/destroyer) my use of ship sizing is quite suspect).

Edit: Hell there is no reason I know you couldn't incorporate a few MAC tubes if that was the direction you wanted to go...
Honestly, I wasn't feeling super-ambitious. I had planned for Frigates and Destroyers to serve as AA and anti-0 scale units, and assumed that they would mount less power intensive weapons. The main line dividing them from Light Cruisers was to be their reduced armor and a lack of a nuclear reactor, so I figured mounting railguns and DEWs was probably fairly infeasible. Missile tubes would be acceptable, though.

As such, I'm thinking dual-purpose guns would indeed work best. Maybe some missile racks and torpedos, as well. Missile bombardment might be best left to submarines like the Staurolite and larger units, as it's a capacity I don't see us using all that often, and I think being able to go quiet is a good thing on a heavy-hitting unit like that. I'm honestly kinda tempted to refit the Sea Dragon for AA and anti-Deep One operations, if we design better guns suited for active defense and small scale combat.

As a side note, I advocate for using both size, power source, amount of armor. and purpose in class identification. Makes life way easier than deciding on arbitrary tonnage or length limits.
:lol: And this is why it was a hodge podge of ideas meant solely for your consideration, to be used or discarded as you see fit.

I hope they prove useful in one design or another.
Offhand I do like the idea of having mostly-dedicated point-defense ships, if and when we truly build up our naval fleet. I've always been a fan of sea or space fleets that have various ships with different purposes.

As a side note, I advocate for using both size, power source, amount of armor. and purpose in class identification. Makes life way easier than deciding on arbitrary tonnage or length limits.

I'd agree. The parallel that comes to my mind is how in the Honor Harrington setting, the protagonist faction of Manticore has size-creep on their ships, where their ships classed as one size are almost as large as the next "step up" from other navies, yet in comparative size and power retain the same ratio and purpose.
Offhand I do like the idea of having mostly-dedicated point-defense ships, if and when we truly build up our naval fleet. I've always been a fan of sea or space fleets that have various ships with different purposes.

I'd agree. The parallel that comes to my mind is how in the Honor Harrington setting, the protagonist faction of Manticore has size-creep on their ships, where their ships classed as one size are almost as large as the next "step up" from other navies, yet in comparative size and power retain the same ratio and purpose.
...*looks at the copy of House of Steel in my e-Library*

Yeah...that's exactly the reason why I approached the various designs the way I did. I stopped keeping up with the series a while ago (not for quality reasons), but I read House of Steel's ship class descriptions every blue moon or so, when I feel like I need something to read. Excellent breakdowns of the designs, the reasoning behind them being built as they are, and what, if any flaws they had.
So far 2 councilors have given the equivalent of their nod in support of the propaganda broadcast ( Nixeu after his reasonable concerns were addressed, and KnightDisciple.) I'm fairly certain @Highwind (and his thinly concealed crusaders soul) would find anything to object to in the message.

As QM I think its safe to say just run with it.
My sole problem with BadKatt's broadcast was this part
To the armed Guerrilla's husband your strength and await our call to action, then strike Charlestons sensors and comms.
I see no reason to specifically mention attacking Sensors and Comms, aside from intentional misdirection. We could certainly divulge some fake info (that we "accidentally" let slip, or that we tell them about because of "our hubris as we let our past victories get to our heads") so their troops are out of position to quickly respond to our opening strike.

We know those transmissions are going to reach the Deacon's ears almost instantly, so we can use that for some good old military deception.
Valid point @Highwind. @Smithsguild please modify the offending line as below, better to not announce specific targets.

...To the armed Guerrilla's husband your strength and await our call to action... then strike Charlestons sensors and comms.


Comms message #2 can carry the 'slip' maybe misdirect them to believe we're going to hit their support column for the other city we know they have besieged. The threat of a strike to sever their supplies in an ongoing campaign should make them scoot like somethings on fire.
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Well to the best of my ability these were the votes by end of Monday.

[X] my official vote for V1.2
[X]Plan: "Get this shit done and smack some cultists V1.2 (with missiles & scouts!)"
[X]Plan: "Get this shit done and smack some cultists V1.2 (with missiles & scouts!)"

3 of 4 necessary for consensus (and the bonus acquisition of the Mk. 211 .50 caliber rounds) . .. ... :cry::cry::cry:

However the plan has had zero opposition since inception and has drawn no dissention or proposed competition, so:
Gained - Schematics Mk. 211 .50 caliber rounds (Because the foundation of Bolters is too cool to quash because of 1 missing/late vote.)

!1! more council vote needed for V1.2 to achieve consensus & lock.
[X]Plan: "Get this shit done and smack some cultists V1.2 (with missiles & scouts!)"

Was distracted with other conversations.
Okay, okay... Plan is locked. ;)

While Katt ready's part 2 of her propaganda spree, I am preparing to handle all the non-rescue/combat / cult smacking downtime dice rolls.

First however, Mrs. Smith gets some movie watching.
Plan: "Get this shit done and smack some cultists V1.2 (with missiles & scouts!)"

[X] - (RESERVED ACTION for Rescue / Diversionary strike)
Held in reserve

[X] - Construct a MASH unit: 350 R
Gain 1 MASH unit

[X] - Construct 6 of the Little Bird Variants (Medevac, Spotter/T.A.G., Killer Shrikes)
1x Medivac (200 R) for our MASH unit, 3x GLTD spotter/TAG (@250 R ea. for 750 R subtotal), 1x Killer Shrike (275 R) gifted to Liberty Raiders.
Total expenditure on Little Birds: 1,225 R

Gain 1 Little Bird (Medevac); Elite unit "Mighty Merlin's" transfers in taking control the Medevac unit. With the acquisition of both MASH and a medevac unit the specter of death is pushed further from a combat certainty, not too surprisingly there is a marginal improvement in morale of all troops.

Gain 3 Little Bird (spotter/TAG)

[X] - Construct 5 Grey Eagle UAV's

Gain 5 Grey Eagle UAV's

[X] - Send our 2 Special forces teams for an Advanced deep scout of Charleston using the stealthy Blackhawks. Final plan should be more detailed, (the better the write up the better the reward.) - COMPLETED

[X] - Citizenship census and ID's to be issued

This -generally- goes well, there is some minor pushback from people concerned on how the new information will be used and a very small handful of disgruntled people even compare the requirement of ID's to Nazi Germany's "Papers please" and are concerned how such could be used to limit and track citizen's movements.

The people are issued I.D.s in a variety of 'flavors': Citizens & Visitors are expected to know & are protected under our law, Undocumented are referred to the closest I.D. issuing location to apply for a Visitors Visa, if they choose not to apply they are warned not to violate any laws and they will
receive only minimal access to Cities and Outposts.
  • 'PODC' I.D. (RFID chip with encoded biometric data - IFF enabled) allows access to sensitive & secure areas
  • 'Full Citizen' known inhabitant of an official city or controlled outpost
  • 'Citizen' person of fixed abode inside our sphere of influence
  • 'Visitor Visa' person from outside our Sphere who has applied through channels to regularly access our territories to enjoy a reduced level of scrutiny - reasonable cause searches & due process
  • 'Undocumented' the category is for those outsiders who have yet been issued I.D. ; high level of scrutiny, subject to random search & detention for questioning or deported fully at the discretion of Border patrol / Law enforcement / Protectorate Troops / local Militias etc. The wheels of justice turn slowly (if at all) if these people choose not to cooperate with the system.
Behind the scenes there is now strong evidence of multiple, unexplained disappearance of maybe upto 20-30 total individual scattered around the Sphere of influence (generally in the Cities and Outposts) in clusters of 3 & 4 individuals. These were no doubt triggered by the increased scrutiny, and odds are the individuals have gone to ground or fled entirely giving the impression of having been cooperative 'cells' with some nefarious purpose.

[X] - Computerized Communication Center, Comm action:
Inform citizenry in our comms range to be on high alert for increased banditry threat and the potential that Charleston may send a sizeable military force against us, borders are monitored and guarded, but increased vigilance is advised. Residents are not to engage, but are to seek shelter, and request immediate assistance from Protectorate forces over civilian comms on a dedicated Citizen Band Channel reserved only for emergency communications.

Mixed bag results, the idea of a large threat frightens many. But the government being transparent about it and having a readiness plan in place is ultimately deemed reassuring. Minor dip in morale, (smallest movement on morale scale that is possible)

[X] - BPRD Magical Research: Magical Recon Charleston - COMPLETED

[X] - Savannah Hangar & Airfield: Construct 3 Apache Longbow Helos

Gain 3 Apache Longbows

[X] - Savannah Motor Pool: construct 4 M270 MLRS

Gain 4 M270's

[X] - Savannah Infantry Training Regiment: 4 COLT deep recon scouts

Gain 4 COLT deep recon scouts

[X] - Savannah Dry Docks & Shipyard: 4 SOC-R to patrol our interior waterways.

Gain 4 SOC-R craft & crew

Situational Free Actions:
[X] - Prior to Rescue/Strike "Liberty's Toll" use their Pirate Broadcasting to Hijack Charleston broadcasts to ready disparate rebel cells to be ready for unified action on our signal.

[X] - 25 R to get the 'Outrider's' airborne ASAP.
Elite Outrider's are combat ready and awaiting orders.

[X] Buy 20 'Stinger' manpads upgrade packages, 8 gifted to Liberty's Elite Guerilla's, 4 issued to units providing air cover to Bracer Rescue efforts, 8 gifted out to various resistance units to as any unused stay in play after our opp as ongoing harassment for the Deacon.

Done! Please make clear when & where the Stingers are attached to a unit - 4 units may be so modified. Distribution occurs as stated.

Normal Actions:

- Buy 4 SPLL's w/t trailers to resupply the Savannah/Macon M270 MLRS's purchased

Gain 4 SPLL's w/t trailers, both they and the M270's are distributed as per 'the plan' thanks to the Railway.

Free Actions:
[X] - Macon Hangars & Airfield: Construct 2 Strike Eagles

Gain 2 Strike Eagles.

[X] - Negotiate with Liberty's Council to act as the Protectorates official 'Refugee Assimilation Center' (goes hand in hand w/t my proposed Census & citizenship action)

Liberty agrees, but conditionally. They realize the 'potential' for an influx of refugees could easily outstrip their ability to feed and shelter them. From time to time they may require the protectorate to cover necessary upgrades.

[X] - Prior to Rescue/Strike Gift a full armed Killer Shrike along with the Cargo Container M-16's, ammo, and Stingers for Liberty distribution to Charleston Rebels .

Gift of items to Liberty's arsenal (Killer shrike/Stinger missiles) and the other items intended for distribution to Charleston Guerillas have Liberty's leadership nearly dancing in the streets, the overall Outpost composite morale score rises mildly as a result.

************Rolls will be required for these items below; I will make a call when I am ready to process those.

[X] - Jaeger Tech Research: Mark Zero Research

[X] - High Energy Lab: DEW (Lasers) Research focus Conventional (vehicle mount)

[X] - Kaiju Sciences Lab: Finish research on Sage's EM shielding

[X] - Hephaestus Repair and Upgrade: finish Jaeger upgrades , purchase the limit (15 upgrade rolls)

****Clarification Needed**** before I call for rolls; I wanted to confirm which Jaeger (Guessing Triton) & which stat (again guessing Tou)

Triton is at 12/15 stat points
Mammoth is at 14/15 stat points


(OOC) I apologize for how long it is taking me to process this, However part of the delay is me rolling all the acquisitions into the roster as they are gained and avoiding any book keeping snafu's from creeping in. Roster updated, conventional & Elite sheets soon to follow.
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(OOC) Critique the hell out of this, I was moved in the moment and am not sure how it REALLY turned out (creative bias), I'd prefer consensus before considering it official.

[This down times pirate broadcast - mere hours before our counterstrike]

The broadcast begins with Liberty's Tolls signature opening:

(Sounds of bells ringing, lifted from AC/DC's Hell's Bells. It has a slightly haunting sound)

"Do you hear that? That is the sound of Freedom.

We are Liberty's Toll, Traitors in Charleston's Eyes. Expatriates living in Savannah with the people who freed us from the Deacon.
Today we have a special guest who wishes to speak to you the people of Charleston, the Guerilla's who resist Charleston oppression, and Ultimately even to 'The Deacon' as well. We present Councillor BadKatt speaking on behalf of Savannah.

Good day to all, this message is a formal declaration of hostilities between Savannah and the despotic regime holding Charleston captive. We consider ourselves reasonable and good people. The crimes of 'The Deacon' and his supporters are beyond number and are horrific beyond recounting. I need not be more explicit than this as my listeners are either the victims or the perpetrators of these atrocities and understand their depths better than I could every voice.

"The Only Thing Necessary for the Triumph of Evil is that Good Men Do Nothing".

Savannah being good people, can no longer stand idle , we declare war on the evil you espouse, we reject the
amoral forces you serve that crave to subjugate mankind.

We shall remain masters of our own destinies until our final breaths. We stand in service of a free mankind and ask those that can join us do so... in whatever capacity you can resist and survive. Be that armed revolt or subtle sabotages. Charleston has overextended themselves and
committed a substantial portion of their strength to lay siege to peoples in the West, long meandering supply line lay vulnerable and easily exploited. They now face a war on two fronts caused by their own provocations, a desperate position historically at best.

The time is now to rise up, cast off your shackles - aid where you can, and look to your freedom when the opportunity presents itself! Savannah shall stay the course until the battle cry "Free Charleston" has become a reality, a free Charleston devoid of oppression & barbarism, a safe place for families once again.

Friends of Liberty, you have been briefed, armed and will be given succor within our Protectorate as needed after you give the bastards Hell!
(OOC) Critique the hell out of this, I was moved in the moment and am not sure how it REALLY turned out (creative bias), I'd prefer consensus before considering it official.

[This down times pirate broadcast - mere hours before our counterstrike]

The broadcast begins with Liberty's Tolls signature opening:

(Sounds of bells ringing, lifted from AC/DC's Hell's Bells. It has a slightly haunting sound)

"Do you hear that? That is the sound of Freedom.

We are Liberty's Toll, Traitors in Charleston's Eyes. Expatriates living in Savannah with the people who freed us from the Deacon.
Today we have a special guest who wishes to speak to you the people of Charleston, the Guerilla's who resist Charleston oppression, and Ultimately even to 'The Deacon' as well. We present Councillor BadKatt speaking on behalf of Savannah.

Good day to all, this message is a formal declaration of hostilities between Savannah and the despotic regime holding Charleston captive. We consider ourselves reasonable and good people. The crimes of 'The Deacon' and his supporters are beyond number and are horrific beyond recounting. I need not be more explicit than this as my listeners are either the victims or the perpetrators of these atrocities and understand their depths better than I could every voice.

"The Only Thing Necessary for the Triumph of Evil is that Good Men Do Nothing".

Savannah being good people, can no longer stand idle , we declare war on the evil you espouse, we reject the
amoral forces you serve that crave to subjugate mankind.

We shall remain masters of our own destinies until our final breaths. We stand in service of a free mankind and ask those that can join us do so... in whatever capacity you can resist and survive. Be that armed revolt or subtle sabotages. Charleston has overextended themselves and
committed a substantial portion of their strength to lay siege to peoples in the West, long meandering supply line lay vulnerable and easily exploited. They now face a war on two fronts caused by their own provocations, a desperate position historically at best.

The time is now to rise up, cast off your shackles - aid where you can, and look to your freedom when the opportunity presents itself! Savannah shall stay the course until the battle cry "Free Charleston" has become a reality, a free Charleston devoid of oppression & barbarism, a safe place for families once again.

Friends of Liberty, you have been briefed, armed and will be given succor within our Protectorate as needed after you give the bastards Hell!
Aside from possibly implementing an idea Highwind suggested earlier (which you might have, with the supply line thing, but I'm not sure), I think it's serviceable. It hits most of the points it should.

Said idea:
I see no reason to specifically mention attacking Sensors and Comms, aside from intentional misdirection. We could certainly divulge some fake info (that we "accidentally" let slip, or that we tell them about because of "our hubris as we let our past victories get to our heads") so their troops are out of position to quickly respond to our opening strike.

We know those transmissions are going to reach the Deacon's ears almost instantly, so we can use that for some good old military deception.
I -did- implement @Highwind 's idea, false info re: hitting the supply column.

All of Libertys guerrilla contacts know sensors /comms / and SAM sites are our true priority targets.

It is -possible- an unaffiliated guerilla group DOES hit the supply column, in which unexpected credibility bonus.