Mammoth Apostate vs the World 1: "Lost in the Mist"

Torpedoes, specifically super-cavitating ones, will be kings of a mighty steep hill. Depth bombs like the 'porcupine' generally trump depth charges but have some inherent limitations (stress caused to ships hull being main hurdle as so many launches at same time are extremely stressful). Potential anti-torpedo countermeasures can and will be introduced.

As to you heading up naval stuff, I could personally think of few people I'd rubber stamp as qualified. You are on that shortlist.
I'll take that as a complement, rather than pointing out my amateur status. Honestly, most of what I know was either picked up from fiction, though usually the sort made by people who know at least some of what they're talking about, and Google. I just have brain that likes to understand and analyze systems, and one of those happens to have been the parameters behind things like weapons fit for ships, and why battleships fell out of fashion in the first place.
All valid areas of naval research, your spoilered project ideas are evidence of general qualification to grab this as your pet. :)
Figured including some notes on execution would help show I had an idea of how to go about doing this. Honestly, I expect we can find some old crusier and battleship schematics somewhere. Any port city is going to have a few enthusiasts, the way I see it. Kinda like how you get aircraft enthusiasts around air bases and airports. And, manufacturing-wise, if we can make armor plates for Jaegers, we can make armor for battleships.

Biggest logistics issue is can think of is honestly just the necessary drydock space. I know Savannah's a port, and that means some degree of repair capacity, but I'm not sure if it's got much in the way of ship-building. A cargo ship slip might be big enough to work with, if there are any. Otherwise, we'll have to pour ourselves some concrete.
Something else we haven't talked about yet: Military bases!

To the south west of the perimeter is Hinesville, now Hinesville's kind of a one trick pony but it has a pretty damn good trick, that being Fort Stewart. Housing a National Guard Retention Center, a Marine Reception Center an Army Reserve Center, an RMA, TMP, Auction Center, Defense Logistics Agency and the crown jewels The Fort Stewart-Hunter Army Air Field and the Fort Stewart Deployment Operations & Rail Marshaling Area. Hinesville is a place we want secured yesterday.

Continuing down 95 we run past an Air national Guard base, the Shellman Bluff Naval Tower and into Brunswick where we find the Georgia Air National Guard, A Coast Guard Base and a branch of the Department of Homeland Security. Running past that and all the way to The Line we end up at a Giantass Navy Base.

Macon has Robins Air Force Base to the south and Weracoba has Fort Benning. All other blobs of military stuff are in Augusta or Atlanta with the exception of Camp Merril to Atlanta's north near the Tennessee Border.

TL;DR 95 South is an all but literal goldmine.
Naval base would probably have dock space, maybe some stuff for repairs, but almost certainly nothing for ship-building, unfortunately. Due to military contracting, there's a grand total of four Navy-operated yards, as far as I know. Mostly because the Navy isn't about to outsource the nuclear stuff. One's located at Pearl Harbour, one's next-door to Seattle, one's in Portsmouth, Maine, and, of course, there's one in Norfolk, Virginia. Coast Guard apparently has an active yard in Baltimore, but that's for small craft. So, any other base is going to have ships, but not much in the way of gear for ship-building.
Naval base would probably have dock space, maybe some stuff for repairs, but almost certainly nothing for ship-building, unfortunately. Due to military contracting, there's a grand total of four Navy-operated yards, as far as I know. Mostly because the Navy isn't about to outsource the nuclear stuff. One's located at Pearl Harbour, one's next-door to Seattle, one's in Portsmouth, Maine, and, of course, there's one in Norfolk, Virginia. Coast Guard apparently has an active yard in Baltimore, but that's for small craft. So, any other base is going to have ships, but not much in the way of gear for ship-building.

True, but we've got four river boats right now. If that base has a destroyer and a pair of frigates we'd still be better off than we are now. It should also have facilities for maintaining any ships we find even if we can't build more.
Well, Savannah does have some formerly active yards. Maybe one active one, though the location Google is showing for it is...odd. Going to have to look into that. We might be able to use those old yards as a basis for our own. At the very least, that means there's space for them. Not sure what size of those old docks was, but I'll look into it, as well as that active shipbuilding company that popped up on Google.

The good news is that there's a civvy drydock meant for really big yachts we could probably use. The stats they give are in the right ballpark for taking a destroyer, and that probably means the rest of their facilities are of a size that would work for our purposes, even if some adjustments need to be made to accommodate them. So, repairs-wise, we can probably handle destroyers. The draft depth on the drydock is a bit short of what I might like (especially for the Arleigh Burke-class, the most common active destroyer class, which has a rather deep draft for a ship it's size), but draft depth can be worked around by increasing ship buoyancy with external floats or unloading the ship, removing equipment, etc.
True, but we've got four river boats right now. If that base has a destroyer and a pair of frigates we'd still be better off than we are now. It should also have facilities for maintaining any ships we find even if we can't build more.
Mechanically, we can maintain ships. We maintain giant robots. Ships may need different equipment, but equipment can be made, and it's well within our means to do so, though anything we can loot would be appreciated.

Unfortunately, ships also need space for their facilities. Drydocks take up a lot of space, and we have limited amounts of workable real-estate for naval purposes. Unless we set up a base at that place, even if we can take all the equipment there, we might not have anywhere to set it up here.
With the newer emphasis on railways, ships, ship building, usable dry docks, etc there is another aspect of ongoing maintenance that needs addressed.

Dredging and water way maintenance. In more peaceful times the Savannah branch of the Army Corps of engineers operated multiple dredgers that operated year round and also maintained the multiple dams upstream from Savannah. Heaven forbid a dam upriver of Savannah should fail...

Fort Pulaski and the sandbar 'Mister Crabs' was killed on is a wonderful example of what Savannah will face in the near future should they continue to be neglected. The amount of output of downstream flow is substantial and so is the amount of silt produced per annum (Near 8 million cubic yards).

Your current combat engineers are qualified to handle the jobs of infrastructure maintenance but are vastly undermanned and overworked already and its estimated to effectively run the needed infrastructure of Homeland to full potential setting up new settlements, and maintaining roads, rails, dredging, & dams will require a substantive increase in the number of engineers on hand. (At minimum 10+ new engineer units).
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Not attempting to derail the conversation, just a nudge these rolls still need finished:

Conventionals eligible for rolls to become Elites.

2 Cobras ( 1st is standing military / 2nd is member of Savannah Protectorate Law Enforcement)
2 T-95 Artillery (Garrisoned)
1 AKP (standing military)

Although numerous other conventionals were on site, they remained out of range and unable to actively contribute.
Rolling for standing military cobra.

Edit: Crap, someone else take these rolls.
BadKatt85 threw 1 10-faced dice. Reason: Cobra Total: 4
4 4
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Smithsguild did you see where I requested we gather 'Killzu' samples for use in sedation of 'Sage'?

Antiverse toxin versus Antiverse biology.
Smithsguild did you see where I requested we gather 'Killzu' samples for use in sedation of 'Sage'?

Antiverse toxin versus Antiverse biology.

I had saw it, then had a senior moment and failed to respond. Samples are acquired; interesting approach using Precursor tech to overcome itself. :drevil:
Time to start narrowing down what is 'this turns' goals. I will link some of the ideas floating around.

Northern Border Guard - Northern listening posts along major approaches from Charlotte.
Ranging from 800 R (all rifle), 50/50 mix rifle/AKP for 1,200 R, to All AKP force for 1,600 R.

Establish Satellite Cities (Macon/Vidalia) 2,400 R/each + whatever shelter cost upgrades you desire (edit: To bring to Savannah equiv. total jumps to 3,025 R /each)

Re-establish functional railway between Atlanta/Savannah
(? @cokerpilot you interested in becoming our Railway Baron ? Councillor pet project, if I'm not mistaken it was you that began rail inquiries.)

- Need to decide a route So I can assign costs, 2 viable routes are an Express line no added stops, or a line that travels by way of Vidalia & Macon.
Either line can expedite trade from commodity exchange, (Express line will not impact Vidalia or Macon markets).

Possibly submit ideas for an Armored Fortress train, (with or w/o an Iron Bitch-lite)

Savannah Shipyard/Dry Dock investigation & expansion project (Nixeu pet project)
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Rolling Savannah Cobra.

EDIT: what was the min value, again?

Graduation to an Elite is a Natural '10', as it unlocks a unique perk, increased survival chance, and unlocks exploding dice.

When the 'Smithy' (crucible/forge) City augment is finished it may lead to opportunities for improvement in those odds.
Smithsguild I'm pondering to get most bang for buck.

If we spend an action on constructing little birds, could we produce different variants using same action.

IE. GLTD spotters and medievac same action?
Smithsguild I'm pondering to get most bang for buck.

If we spend an action on constructing little birds, could we produce different variants using same action.

IE. GLTD spotters and medi-evac same action?

I'd allow it, the base chassis is same, it's only how its last 2-3% is kitted out that impacts it being a variant in this case.

Rule of thumb; I'd say if there is 25% or less difference in base models you can lump them in a single action.

Edit: Expanding the analogy, Conestoga troop transport trailer to E-warfare Conestoga would require 2 actions. As it would be extensive alterations.
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Savannah Shipyard/Dry Dock investigation & expansion project (Nixeu pet project)
I can do the research/investigation myself IRL, complete with a proposed paper trail I might follow in-game. If anything, the digging should be easier, if more time consuming, in-game, because I'd have easier access to municipal administrative files, as well as potentially the files and records of the Savannah Historical Society. Digging for info from WWII-era Savannah online is surprisingly hard, but I've found quite a bit. There seem to have been at least three yards operating in the Savannah area during WWII. There was one in the city itself, one just outside, and one in Port Wentworth, all of which I think would be within our DP.

The one in the city produced mostly minesweepers, and seems to be used for storing casks these days. The minesweeper thing nearly fooled me into thinking it was too small for us to use, but I hit upon a source that indicates it was much longer than it needed to be for working on minesweepers, and that it worked on Victory-class cargo ships (450+ feet long). That's larger than pre-dreadnought battleships, and about the size of some of the early US dreadnoughtds. We could easily build small battleships/big battlecrusiers in it. It's actually on the same street as the civilian yacht drydock. Given that drydocks are, at the core, mostly just a big stretch of concrete, we could probably get this one working again, no problem.

The yard just outside the city produced Liberty Ships, a cargo ship type that was mass-produced during WWII. They've got similar proportions to the Victory-class, and this yard seems to have had 6 drydocks. The problem is that pin-pointing where it was and what happened to it has been pretty hard. The port supposedly bought it after the war, but the trail seems to end there. All I know is that it's somewhere about two miles east of the city. According the online blurb attached a book on the subject (which in-game me could almost certainly get his hands on, but IRL me can't), the site is derelict, and the mention of thousands driving by it makes me think it's somewhere along the highway out to Tybee Island. In-game, we would probably just have to scout for it.

The Port Wentworth Yard was an older yard that closed, but was temporarily re-opened to make some concrete tanker ships. The original yard could have up to 16 ships being worked on at once, likely of similar dimensions to the prior yards. That parcel of land now has a waste water processing plant on it, but I'm not sure if they build anything on the drydocks. It wouldn't be surprising if they have, though. Drydocks are basically massive basins of reinforced concrete, which can be used for a hell of a lot of things.

While it's not quite the order in which I did the research myself, since I lack Google, this would probably be an early find, since it seems to have been made for educational or governmental use: WWII Production Research. After that, for the first yard, I'd look at the city files recording how and when the property used in WWII changed hands over the years. That's close to what I did, actually. Found a record of what happened to the place post-War, then I Googled the company names until I found the current owners. Game-me could also just go to the address. Similar methods could be used for the facility at Port Wentworth, though a different source would be needed, rather than this one, which game-me probably wouldn't have access to.

The second one would be a lot easier to find if I was in the actual city. It's highly likely that this book would be available in the library, or possibly at some gift shop, given the subject matter, and come up when searching the library catelog. If that didn't explicitly tell me where to look, it would have hints, which, when added to the official document from before, would probably be enough to find it. That's also assuming the city hadn't kept track of it, or the Port Authority. If they did, then it'd be easy to find. As it stands, I have no idea where it is IRL.

This would probably take at least a week in-game to track down out, and would come after getting a good grounding in battleship and crusiers designs. Call it two weeks total.

As for getting them running again, the difficulty would be in that order. The first one is being used for storage of goods, so, with the lack of shipping these days, would likely be abandoned or otherwise available for our use. Just have to move some junk, modify the buildings if needed, and set up the needed equipment. The second one would require pinning a location down, uncovering the docks that have likely gotten filled with silt, and rebuilding the necessary buildings. The Wentworth yard would require tearing down or repurposing the plant, possibly building a new one, and then building the equipment needed. The yacht yard should just require a bit of repair to get working for destroyer maintenance.
With the newer emphasis on railways, ships, ship building, usable dry docks, etc there is another aspect of ongoing maintenance that needs addressed.

Dredging and water way maintenance. In more peaceful times the Savannah branch of the Army Corps of engineers operated multiple dredgers that operated year round and also maintained the multiple dams upstream from Savannah. Heaven forbid a dam upriver of Savannah should fail...

Fort Pulaski and the sandbar 'Mister Crabs' was killed on is a wonderful example of what Savannah will face in the near future should they continue to be neglected. The amount of output of downstream flow is substantial and so is the amount of silt produced per annum (Near 8 million cubic yards).

Your current combat engineers are qualified to handle the jobs of infrastructure maintenance but are vastly undermanned and overworked already and its estimated to effectively run the needed infrastructure of Homeland to full potential setting up new settlements, and maintaining roads, rails, dredging, & dams will require a substantive increase in the number of engineers on hand. (At minimum 10+ new engineer units).
Yeah, we should definitely get on that. Support and maintanence are important. And more engineers is never a bad thing.
Not attempting to derail the conversation, just a nudge these rolls still need finished:
I'll roll for the arty.
Nixeu threw 2 10-faced dice. Reason: Heavier Artillery? Total: 8
5 5 3 3
No elites this time. Looking at the number of engagements you've had versus number of Elites you've acquired you're definitely ahead of the curve.
Let me set the stage for a plan write-up. I'm sure there's more but I've given you a running start...

List of free actions available:
[ ] Spend 325 R to have a Cobra on hand when the elite 'Smooth Operators' recover from their injuries.
[ ] Increase funding of shared currency (1,000 r in of 5,000 R needed) amounts at your discretion
[ ] increase seed money in goods fueling the commodity exchange
[ ] integrate Computerized Communications Center with Savannah Comms stat (VORTAC integration)
[ ] begin investigation of Whitecap Triton's rifle (flawed design or just bad luck?)
[ ] diplomatically approach the 'Landrum-Pickering titanium mine, and request scaling back production (down to 300 r from 450 current) as current scrubber technologies are incapable of keeping pace (No + environmental shifts possible in the interim.) Longer this is neglected the more persistent the time before + shifts become available.
[ ] detailed scout on potential satellite city sites Macon / Vidalia


Free Actions:

[ ] one free J-Tech Research Project

[ ] one free K-Sciences Research Project

[ ] one free Mist Life Sciences (MLS) Research Project

[ ] one free Jaeger Repair or Upgrade action (Hephaestus)

[ ] one free High Energy Lab (HEL) Project

[ ] one free Bureau Paranormal Research & Defense (Magic) Project

[ ] one free Comms action (Computerized Communication Center)

Five General actions (1 per Pop) :
1. -
2. -
3. -
4. -
5. -
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Nixeu went into great detail about ship stuff.

Having a dry dock available is a great start, and with some creative additional programming the Black Site Jaeger computer assisted design program could be forced to assist with warship design. (Especially useful for incorporating jaeger inspired armor, weapons, augments and modifications).

Rather than getting locked into the minutiae, you have proven to my satisfaction Savannah has the solid potential to support the proposed industry, now it is a matter for me to assign some resource costs and tell you what you get for your $$$. I'm thinking something along the lines of:

Building it new: Ground up 1,600 R (w/o Massarone Construction Bonus), Modifying pre-existing structure and retooling cost drops your expense to only 400 R (Includes Massarone & Councillors Pet Project reductions. -75% reduction sounds reasonable IMHO)

Naval Dock Works - (Defensive City Augment) Maximum one per city. Only in cities with a waterfront. Dock works provide an automatic 20% discount on all naval craft constructed in that city. A city with a naval dock works gains 1 free action/turn to construct, repair, upgrade, or install new naval equipment.

I'm willing to listen to suggestions, but I think this about on point.
Having a dry dock available is a great start, and with some creative additional programming the Black Site Jaeger computer assisted design program could be forced to assist with warship design. (Especially useful for incorporating jaeger inspired armor, weapons, augments and modifications).

Rather than getting locked into the minutiae, you have proven to my satisfaction Savannah has the solid potential to support the proposed industry, now it is a matter for me to assign some resource costs and tell you what you get for your $$$. I'm thinking something along the lines of:

Building it new: Ground up 1,600 R (w/o Massarone Construction Bonus), Modifying pre-existing structure and retooling cost drops your expense to only 400 R (Includes Massarone & Councillors Pet Project reductions. -75% reduction sounds reasonable IMHO)

Naval Dock Works - (Defensive City Augment) Maximum one per city. Only in cities with a waterfront. Dock works provide an automatic 20% discount on all naval craft constructed in that city. A city with a naval dock works gains 1 free action/turn to construct, repair, upgrade, or install new naval equipment.

I'm willing to listen to suggestions, but I think this about on point.
Works for me. Comes down to it, if you're making the ships fast enough, you're not going to need a lot of drydocks, and long-term wear-and-tear is much less likely to be an issue than battle damage is. And we can churn out ships pretty fast with the sort of tech that makes Jaegers viable. And, given the sort of stuff the Massarone guys can do, they can definitely combine and expand the yacht yard and former minesweeper yard into a much bigger facility, on par with the others, with a fair amount of ease. Price seems more than fair, too.
Smaller Boats such as our Patrol Torpedo, and Riverine can be cranked out in multiples, however Larger warships (anything larger than a cutter 20m length) tie up full naval yard production.

And, given the sort of stuff the Massarone guys can do, they can definitely combine and expand the yacht yard and former minesweeper yard into a much bigger facility, on par with the others, with a fair amount of ease.

Although using multiple drydocks will expand your production capacity to 1 large ship per dry dock; the free action and 20% cost reduction only apply to the first large craft or multiple small craft qued. (Will apply best savings applicable)
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Potential anti-torpedo countermeasures can and will be introduced.

Penn States Advanced Research Lab has had significant success with development of CAT torpedoes (Countermeasure Anti-Torpedo) and with BadKatt pointing out the existence of Cav-X ammunition - CIWS (Close In Weapon Systems) Phalanx style anti-torpedo defenses become viable in this AU.

Edit: This is all fine, until some enterprising entity goes and develops the 'Blink Dog' mass displacement torpedo: closes distance until nearly in countermeasure range then 'blinks' out :V:V:V
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This is the roughest of drafts, the ones X'd up are what I personally consider priorities. I am open for candid discussion; change my mind! :)
Again I'm just one woman and I do miss things, sometimes important things! Keep digging and keep us on the right path.

[X] Plan: Home for the Holidays!

List of free actions available:
[X] Spend 325 R to have a Cobra on hand when the elite 'Smooth Operators' recover from their injuries.
[X] Increase funding of shared currency (1,000 r in of 5,000 R needed) +500 R more invested
[X] increase seed money in goods fueling the commodity exchange + 1,000 R more to seed
[X] integrate Computerized Communications Center with Savannah Comms stat
[-] begin investigation of Whitecap Triton's rifle (flawed design or just bad luck?) Skip it, We can collect the debris and investigate later date.
Research a Cav-X Sniper as discussed with Smithsguild as J-tech project instead.

[X] diplomatically approach the 'Landrum-Pickering titanium mine, and request scaling back production (down to 300 r from 450 current) as current scrubber technologies are incapable of keeping pace (No + environmental shifts possible in the interim.) Longer this is neglected the more persistent the time before + shifts become available.
(Diplomacy is my Jam :p ) Explain to the miners how we are intent on recovery from Osahi's ecologically devastating rampage and we need the mine to scale back 'temporarily' to assist our cleanup efforts. Concurrently assign free (HEL) research to seeing if the plasma combustion Doc Brown has been researching has an application to boost waste scrubber efficiency. Flash frying waste with plasma sounds like a thing.

[X] detailed scout on potential satellite city sites Macon / Vidalia
Assign Little Bird as a quick, evasive preliminary fly-by scout. The fuel range should allow a spiral search to generally gauge 'safety' of both settlements. If no tangible threat use Jumphawks to bring in AKP's/Combat engineers to do site analysis for DP placement, existing infrastructure that will be of use, etc.

IF scout is favorable green light colonization & Civil defense patrol (250 R/ea.) upgrade & civilian shelter (25 R/ea.) upgrades (bringing them in line w/t Savannah can be done next downtime). R total. I suggest we buy troops for both settlements to conserve actions and only develop 1 settlement this turn. As getting AKP's = 1 action, 1 Def / 1 Pop / 2 Comms = 3 more actions.

Free Actions:

[X] one free J-Tech Research Project - Councils choice: Whitecap a sniper rifle that can use Cav-X and maintain under water utility, Mammoth could *finally* get the MLRS chest module in working order, or some as yet unvoiced project (my vote is for getting Whitecap dangerous on land at range).

[X] one free K-Sciences Research Project - Use the 'Killzu' sedative in conjunction with the haloperidol we had success in blocking hivemind as a means of working safely in close proximity to 'Sage'. If he goes under do some non-invasive testing/scans etc and make use of the opportunity.

[X] one free Mist Life Sciences (MLS) Research Project - begin construction of some 'capture equipment' based on existing technologies (gas sedatives, capture loops, shock rods and ranged tasers.

[X] one free Jaeger Repair or Upgrade action (Hephaestus) Patch Whitecap up

One action for neck wound:
Repair 3 strikes to 'Deepwater' Carbyne Enhanced Composite neck Plating - 150 R
3 Ongoing repaired, -300 R (numerous hydraulic, coolant, and circulatory systems for the scrubbers for the liquid PFC of the conpod damaged)

[X] one free High Energy Lab (HEL) Project
test viability of using plasma combustion to boost Landrum-Pickering Mine scrubbers

[X] one free Bureau Paranormal Research & Defense (Magic) Project
Shirano "Glass" Cartwright (our magically awakened) attempts to duplicate the Empowering of an Elder Sign twice more with the 2 remaining known signs... branch and flaming pentacle -coins are fine- ( @Smithsguild I'm assuming the horned pentacle is still empowered? ) I'm sure -something- was done with the coin that was glowing like a flashlight?!?

[X] one free Comms action (Computerized Communication Center)
Using our comms to spread word far and wide, PODC have made Savannah our home. We are stabilizing the region, using Emergency Powers we order all existent military forces to make their presence and strength known, we shall do our best to see to any conflicts between existing standing orders and the precedence our mandate gives us resolved so your superiors would be proud; but entertain no doubts this is a LAWFUL order, make your presence known.

Five General actions (1 per Pop) :
[X] 1. - Build AKP's (20 for settlements, 40 for border patrol) 2,400 R (my gawd, that's a metric shitload but kills it for 2 projects)
[X] 2. - City Defense 1 (new settlement- dealers choice) 500 R
[X] 3. - City Population 1 (new settlement- dealers choice) 500 R
[X] 4. - City Communications 2 (new settlement- dealers choice) 500 + 1,000 = 1,500
[X] 5. - KnightDisciple's powered armor research for our 'Sentinel's of Faith' (These have been neglected far too long IMHO, Nixeu I was torn to jump to the naval dockworks. Knight has been quite patient and supportive of my plans I hope you'll believe me when I say it and the rails are high on my priorities)

Edited Expenditures total - 7,450 R

Edited in corrections pointed out by Smiths
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Actually, I was being ultra conservative as I wrote the plan. I really think we could afford to grow the commodity exchange a fair chunk as we have nearly 5,000 r uncommitted. At 1,000 additional we should be able to really see some return.

Might also be nice to bankroll whichever settlement we chose to open.
Suggestion: for the free comms action, looking for resource/materials stockpiles or abandoned military/support units are always decent choices that give us direct, immediate benefits.
[X] 5. - KnightDisciple's powered armor research for our 'Sentinel's of Faith' (These have been neglected far too long IMHO, Nixeu Iwas torn to jump to the naval dockworks. Knight has been quite patient and supportive of my plans I hope you'll believe me when I say it and the rails are high on my priorities)
Nah, don't worry about it. It's not like we have any ships to build yet. As far as I know, anyway. If you really feel the need to make me feel better, use the Comms action to loot the Naval base Frost was talking about for hulls and gear.

I should really look into what to expect out of that base. I think it might be for subs, based on purely on my step-dad's memory. Maybe? @Cmd. Frost, you got a name for that naval base? That'd help me use the Google machine properly.