Mammoth Apostate vs the World 1: "Lost in the Mist"

Nah, don't worry about it. It's not like we have any ships to build yet. As far as I know, anyway. If you really feel the need to make me feel better, use the Comms action to loot the Naval base Frost was talking about for hulls and gear.

I should really look into what to expect out of that base. I think it might be for subs, based on purely on my step-dad's memory. Maybe? @Cmd. Frost, you got a name for that naval base? That'd help me use the Google machine properly.

You're in luck, the base is called Kings Bay Naval Submarine Base.
Nah, don't worry about it. It's not like we have any ships to build yet. As far as I know, anyway. If you really feel the need to make me feel better, use the Comms action to loot the Naval base Frost was talking about for hulls and gear.

I should really look into what to expect out of that base. I think it might be for subs, based on purely on my step-dad's memory. Maybe? @Cmd. Frost, you got a name for that naval base? That'd help me use the Google machine properly.

Nixeu it is my belief that trying to be to specific might be detrimental. Let's cast a wider net.

How about using the comms we make it known across our sphere of influence that we are looking for information of pertaining to relatively intact Naval bases or Coast Guard facilities that might house the larger vessels?
Kings Bay Naval Submarine Base.

Before anyone gets too happy to have a Trident sub base this close to home, once the danger of the Puerto Rican Breach opened the Atlantic coast to a clear and lasting danger of kaiju attack the nuclear fleet were withdrawn to limit the danger of nuclear accident to Norfolk, Va. and an amazing array of ships cordoned the naval base with such an impressive array of force as to be virtually unassailable.

The Ohio Class Georgia & Florida guided missile subs were last known as being homeported here.
You're in luck, the base is called Kings Bay Naval Submarine Base.
Hey, guess he remembered correctly. Let's see what we have here...

...Holy crap. This looks to be the East Coast counterpart to the Bangor section of Kitsap. That may mean it has nukes. The repair facilities are quite impressive too. Massive covered drydock, state-of-the-art degaussing'd probably worth taking their files and anything we can salvage. Maybe even starting it back up ourselves, if it's intact enough.
Nixeu it is my belief that trying to be to specific might be detrimental. Let's cast a wider net.

How about using the comms we make it known across our sphere of influence that we are looking for information of pertaining to relatively intact Naval bases or Coast Guard facilities that might house the larger vessels?
Comes down to it, that just spends more actions. Getting information gets you just that: information. You just still need to act on it. I could see scouting the length of 95, getting a feel for how intact all the bases Frost mentioned along the highway are, to figure out which are best to hit. But just asking for what is almost certainly going to be rumors and old news seems like a bad way to spend an action.

Before anyone gets too happy to have a Trident sub base this close to home, once the danger of the Puerto Rican Breach opened the Atlantic coast to a clear and lasting danger of kaiju attack the nuclear fleet were withdrawn to limit the danger of nuclear accident to Norfolk, Va. and an amazing array of ships cordoned the naval base with such an impressive array of force as to be virtually unassailable.

The Ohio Class Georgia & Florida guided missile subs were last known as being homeported here.
Heh. Didn't think it'd be that easy. Mind you, Kaiju being walking nuclear accidents waiting to happen, I'm not sure they should have bothered. And the severity of what might happen is honestly lower than you'd think it would be, I suspect.
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Comes down to it, that just spends more actions. Getting information gets you just that: information. You just still need to act on it. I could see scouting the length of 95, getting a feel for how intact all the bases Frost mentioned along the highway are, to figure out which are best to hit. But just asking for what is almost certainly going to be rumors and old news seems like a bad way to spend an action.

That is assuming it'd be old news, Smithsguild has stated that we are having a constant influx of people being drawn in, but I get your point.

Use comms to announce we're here and looking to assist in stabilizing the region, requesting any current military in sphere make contact and any prior service that want to aid in the good fight make for Savannah? Not likely a large naval response but you never know.
That is assuming it'd be old news, Smithsguild has stated that we are having a constant influx of people being drawn in, but I get your point.

Use comms to announce we're here and looking to assist in stabilizing the region, requesting any current military in sphere make contact and any prior service that want to aid in the good fight make for Savannah? Not likely a large naval response but you never know.
Hm. Diplomatic, but unlikely to sway people who feel that it's their duty to man their post, or are otherwise waiting for orders to come. Who are those most likely to still be manning bases, at this point. Those who feel obligated to do so would be the only ones left, unless the base was doing something like what we are.

I would make a great deal of sense if there were a protocol or set of rules in-place for the PODC to take control of the military, in the event of societal collapse. Or for Rangers to have some degree of rank equivalency in the armed forces. It's possible we could simply pull rank, or otherwise order any remaining military bases to work with us. That might be more effective.
Hm. Diplomatic, but unlikely to sway people who feel that it's their duty to man their post, or are otherwise waiting for orders to come. Who are those most likely to still be manning bases, at this point. Those who feel obligated to do so would be the only ones left, unless the base was doing something like what we are.

I would make a great deal of sense if there were a protocol or set of rules in-place for the PODC to take control of the military, in the event of societal collapse. Or for Rangers to have some degree of rank equivalency in the armed forces. It's possible we could simply pull rank, or otherwise order any remaining military bases to work with us. That might be more effective.

Garrisoned military forces (all branches) have orders to cooperate with PODC forces if it does not violate standing orders, that does expand to PODC's authority to take control if normal chain of command is disrupted in all but the most sensitive postings. A request from a recognized LOCCENT with proper validation codes (that you possess) would at least get them to make contact.
Heh. Didn't think it'd be that easy. Mind you, Kaiju being walking nuclear accidents waiting to happen, I'm not sure they should have bothered. And the severity of what might happen is honestly lower than you'd think it would be, I suspect.

If you had a nuclear arsenal available as a politician, and you had the clout to call them all back to defend your kaiju proof triple standard strength 'Wall of Life' as well as recall the other branches to bunker up.

Even the radioactive crystals in a dental x-ray are potent enough to cause fatalities; multiple tridents (24 on the Alaska with 8-14 mirv warheads each is ALOT of potential radiation) to have kicked around the beach by a kaiju.

Edit: my bad I mis-remembered, wasn't dental x-ray was minor source that was comparable.
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This is the roughest of drafts, the ones X'd up are what I personally consider priorities. I am open for candid discussion; change my mind! :)
Again I'm just one woman and I do miss things, sometimes important things! Keep digging and keep us on the right path.

[ ] Plan: Home for the Holidays!

List of free actions available:
[X] Spend 325 R to have a Cobra on hand when the elite 'Smooth Operators' recover from their injuries.
[X] Increase funding of shared currency (1,000 r in of 5,000 R needed) +500 R more invested
[-] increase seed money in goods fueling the commodity exchange Not this turn
[X] integrate Computerized Communications Center with Savannah Comms stat
[-] begin investigation of Whitecap Triton's rifle (flawed design or just bad luck?) Skip it, We can collect the debris and investigate later date.
Research a Cav-X Sniper as discussed with Smithsguild as J-tech project instead.

[X] diplomatically approach the 'Landrum-Pickering titanium mine, and request scaling back production (down to 300 r from 450 current) as current scrubber technologies are incapable of keeping pace (No + environmental shifts possible in the interim.) Longer this is neglected the more persistent the time before + shifts become available.
(Diplomacy is my Jam :p ) Explain to the miners how we are intent on recovery from Osahi's ecologically devastating rampage and we need the mine to scale back 'temporarily' to assist our cleanup efforts. Concurrently assign free (HEL) research to seeing if the plasma combustion Doc Brown has been researching has an application to boost waste scrubber efficiency. Flash frying waste with plasma sounds like a thing.

[X] detailed scout on potential satellite city sites Macon / Vidalia
Assign Little Bird as a quick, evasive preliminary fly-by scout. The fuel range should allow a spiral search to generally gauge 'safety' of both settlements. If no tangible threat use Jumphawks to bring in AKP's/Combat engineers to do site analysis for DP placement, existing infrastructure that will be of use, etc.

IF scout is favorable green light colonization & Civil defense patrol (250 R/ea.) upgrade & civilian shelter (25 R/ea.) upgrades (bringing them in line w/t Savannah can be done next downtime). R total. I suggest we buy troops for both settlements to conserve actions and only develop 1 settlement this turn. As getting AKP's = 1 action, 1 Def / 1 Pop / 2 Comms = 3 more actions.

Free Actions:

[ ] one free J-Tech Research Project - Councils choice: Whitecap a sniper rifle that can use Cav-X and maintain under water utility, Mammoth could *finally* get the MLRS chest module in working order, or some as yet unvoiced project (my vote is for getting Whitecap dangerous on land at range).

[X] one free K-Sciences Research Project - Use the 'Killzu' sedative in conjunction with the haloperidol we had success in blocking hivemind as a means of working safely in close proximity to 'Sage'. If he goes under do some non-invasive testing/scans etc and make use of the opportunity.

[X] one free Mist Life Sciences (MLS) Research Project - begin construction of some 'capture equipment' based on existing technologies (gas sedatives, capture loops, shock rods and ranged tasers.

[X] one free Jaeger Repair or Upgrade action (Hephaestus) Patch Whitecap up

[X] one free High Energy Lab (HEL) Project

test viability of using plasma combustion to boost Landrum-Pickering Mine scrubbers

[X] one free Bureau Paranormal Research & Defense (Magic) Project
Shirano "Glass" Cartwright (our magically awakened) attempts to duplicate the Empowering of an Elder Sign twice more with the 2 remaining known signs... branch and flaming pentacle -coins are fine- ( @Smithsguild I'm assuming the horned pentacle is still empowered? ) I'm sure -something- was done with the coin that was glowing like a flashlight?!?

[ ] one free Comms action (Computerized Communication Center) I have no clue...

Five General actions (1 per Pop) :
[X] 1. - Build AKP's (20 for settlements, 40 for border patrol) 2,400 R (my gawd, that's a metric shitload but kills it for 2 projects)
[X] 2. - City Defense 1 (new settlement- dealers choice)
[X] 3. - City Population 1 (new settlement- dealers choice)
[X] 4. - City Communications 2 (new settlement- dealers choice)
[X] 5. - KnightDisciple's powered armor research for our 'Sentinel's of Faith' (These have been neglected far too long IMHO, Nixeu Iwas torn to jump to the naval dockworks. Knight has been quite patient and supportive of my plans I hope you'll believe me when I say it and the rails are high on my priorities)

Expenditures total - 3,950 R
I don't see anything to disagree with. I do agree on the Sniper Rifle for Whitecdap.

I'm not 100% sure on the Comms action either....maybe something that searches for more survivors around us?
Regardless we should try and make contact with Fort Stewart first.

(OOC) Ermagawd! Without any knowledge it appears I accidentally placed your Shatterdome in close proximity to some of the most prestigious and heavily used staging areas for the US military.

To keep my head from exploding and me from by necessity becoming a military history expert I'm instituting a shiney friendly gear/troop acquisition policy.

When you find a potential military goldmine, give me a blurb about what you're hoping to find and if it is within reason and I don't have a justification plot wise for why it's not there you can locate something of use.

It might be a wreck (for BP), it might be a repairable unit, it might just be some infrastructure to support what was once there. Between what I've seen browsing King's Bay/ Fort Stewart /Hunter Army Airbase I'm in stunned awe.

Help me help you... give me your best case and then we'll roll some dice. Capricious politicians, opportunistic raiders, Stompy monsters all can knock a bases utility away from optimal.
Garrisoned military forces (all branches) have orders to cooperate with PODC forces if it does not violate standing orders, that does expand to PODC's authority to take control if normal chain of command is disrupted in all but the most sensitive postings. A request from a recognized LOCCENT with proper validation codes (that you possess) would at least get them to make contact.
Thought as much. Maybe don't broadcast those codes, but definitely use them whey they inevitably call asking for the required codes.
If you had a nuclear arsenal available as a politician, and you had the clout to call them all back to defend your kaiju proof triple standard strength 'Wall of Life' as well as recall the other branches to bunker up.

Even the radioactive crystals in a dental x-ray are potent enough to cause fatalities; multiple tridents (24 on the Alaska with 8-14 mirv warheads each is ALOT of potential radiation) to have kicked around the beach by a kaiju.

Edit: my bad I mis-remembered, wasn't dental x-ray was minor source that was comparable.
It's all about the kind of radiation, the dose, and the location of the dose. Most nuclear weapons material is, by necessity, relatively safe for handling. Because you need to be able to disable them. I mean, yeah, if a tungsten-carbide block falls on a plutonium core, you're in deep sh*t, but we aren't exactly talking about deliberately tickling the dragon's tail here, we're talking about accidental discharge of material due to damage. That's unlikely to be too bad. Particularly with any design that involves surrounding the core in other materials.
(OOC) Ermagawd! Without any knowledge it appears I accidentally placed your Shatterdome in close proximity to some of the most prestigious and heavily used staging areas for the US military.

To keep my head from exploding and me from by necessity becoming a military history expert I'm instituting a shiney friendly gear/troop acquisition policy.

When you find a potential military goldmine, give me a blurb about what you're hoping to find and if it is within reason and I don't have a justification plot wise for why it's not there you can locate something of use.

It might be a wreck (for BP), it might be a repairable unit, it might just be some infrastructure to support what was once there. Between what I've seen browsing King's Bay/ Fort Stewart /Hunter Army Airbase I'm in stunned awe.

Help me help you... give me your best case and then we'll roll some dice. Capricious politicians, opportunistic raiders, Stompy monsters all can knock a bases utility away from optimal.
It's the East Coast. Truth is, most of it has something major from some branch of military or government somewhere nearby. For a liberal enough definition of "nearby", anyway. Any active base is also likely to be major at this point, since the military seriously cut back on their overall number of facilities, and increased the number of joint bases.

Seriously, name an Eastern seaboard state, and there's almost certainly something major militarily in it. Hell, even a lot of the ones slightly more inland have stuff.
Glaring ooops BadKatt, you forgot 2,000 R in city stat upgrades for city of choice making spending in plan 5,950 R ;)

Actually Old man we were BOTH wrong. You didn't step up the full amount on comms 500 r lvl 1, 1,000 R for lvl 2 = 1500, not the 1k you quoted.
And no protest was made regarding funding commodity up.

new edited total for Home for Holidays 7,450 R spent. Out of 9,552 R available. 2,102 R still banked.
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It is my intent to garrison the full 20 AKP's in our fledgling city, at least until next turn when we'll have the actions to built the Artillery. After that we can transfer the 10 AKP's to the NEXT new settlement where/and when they'll both have arty support. We *really* need a firm decision as to which of the 2 possibles (Macon or Vidalia); at this point I see no difference maybe the results of the detailed scouts shed a light on which should take precedence or one of you Councillors knows something to sway Macon/Vidalia decision?

Imho 20 AKP's should be able to deal with the threats a pop 1 city should draw.
Actually Old man we were BOTH wrong. You didn't step up the full amount on comms 500 r lvl 1, 1,000 R for lvl 2 = 1500, not the 1k you quoted.
And no protest was made regarding funding commodity up.

new edited total for Home for Holidays 7,450 R spent. Out of 9,552 R available. 2,102 R still banked.

Old I may be getting... my only consolation is you are on the path that LEADS to old (and your farther along it than you care to admit :p)

I am rather proud not only you caught it, but you pointed it out, it speaks to my parenting that you have integrity. ;)
It is my intent to garrison the full 20 AKP's in our fledgling city, at least until next turn when we'll have the actions to built the Artillery. After that we can transfer the 10 AKP's to the NEXT new settlement where/and when they'll both have arty support. We *really* need a firm decision as to which of the 2 possibles (Macon or Vidalia); at this point I see no difference maybe the results of the detailed scouts shed a light on which should take precedence or one of you Councillors knows something to sway Macon/Vidalia decision?

Imho 20 AKP's should be able to deal with the threats a pop 1 city should draw.
I'm not super familiar with the area, but I'd say the easiest solution might be to consider which we feel has higher odds of being attacked.

I'd put Kaiju and Mist odds at similar enough to be equivalent between them, though it might be good to look at their locations and see if maybe one is more exposed than the other. However, the odds of attacks by cultists are most likely not similar, but rather based on proximity to said cult. As such, we could either reinforce our border with them, or settle where they're unlikely to attack, depending on which we find more useful.
I'm not super familiar with the area, but I'd say the easiest solution might be to consider which we feel has higher odds of being attacked.

I'd put Kaiju and Mist odds at similar enough to be equivalent between them, though it might be good to look at their locations and see if maybe one is more exposed than the other. However, the odds of attacks by cultists are most likely not similar, but rather based on proximity to said cult. As such, we could either reinforce our border with them, or settle where they're unlikely to attack, depending on which we find more useful.

Cultists are covered by the other 40 AKP'S / I was speaking of the 20 purchased just for new settlement defenses.

The listening posts along the border shared with Charlotte scattered on all major roads and enough to make skirting via back roads undetected in any appreciable numbers unlikely.

60 AKP'S purchase (20 for cities, 40 border guards)

Smithsguild posted a link to my original proposal for border guard a page or so back.
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Cultists are covered by the other 40 AKP'S / I was speaking of the 20 purchased just for new settlement defenses.

The listening posts along the border shared with Charlotte scattered on all major roads and enough to make skirting via back roads undetected in any appreciable numbers unlikely.

60 AKP'S purchase (20 for cities, 40 border guards)

Smithsguild posted a link to my original proposal for border guard a page or so back.
I mean, like I said, I don't really know the area. What I was saying was, put them where you think they're most needed. Is one closer to the border of our territory? Which one is closer to us, and thus easier to reinforce if needed? Stuff like that. I don't know the parameters of the differences between the two well enough to judge which needs them most, and I have other things to focus on.

Worst-case scenario, just flip a coin. I don't know if this is actually vital enough to agonize over. Analysis-paralysis can be worse than just picking at random, or going wherever your gut takes you.
Both city sites are about as isolated from cultists. Vidalia is the closer to Savannah .

The reason I was wondering is if someone had an inside track on bases, depots, etc. That makes one more appealing than the other. No fear of paralysis just hoping someone could point a clear advantage.
This is a crap map not to scale just presented to make local geography more understood.

Thank you. I'd say Macon, just for the highway connections. They might be in bad shape, but they're still likely to be routes people are following. That means putting settlements and military bases on them has definite advantages.
Thank you. I'd say Macon, just for the highway connections

I tend to agree; Macon places us close to Robins Air Force Base, Vidalia is lacking a Military base in close proximity. If no one voices an objection will edit Macon in as our settlement choice to 'Home for the Holidays'.

I also further nailed down how & where Border guard troop placement in the
This is a more specific plan for troop distribution for my border guard plan covering all major and minor highway Charlotte might use to Attack Savannah.
(2 AKP's) Okatie Highway - hwy 170 - Bridge to Lemon Island form Shell point
(2 AKP's) Okatie Highway - hwy170 - Bridge to Chechessee Point/Chechessee Bluff from Lemon Island
With orders and explosives in place to blow the bridges if needed.
These forces are stretched out non-clustered to watch most area as possible, and yet support each other.
(5 AKP's) Coosawhatchie at the exchange for Interstate 95 / State route 17
(5 AKP's) Coosawhatchie hwy 462 N-S/ hwy 462 E / hwy 462 W
(5 AKP's) State Route 278 / hwy 462 exchange
(5 AKP's) Merge of State route 601 with State route 321
(2 AKP's) Harrassment units at each Garnett / Tarboro / Tillman / Ridgeland just in case they manage to slip past the primary chokepoints.
an additional (8 AKP's) scattered as single units on backroads & excellent vantage pts to make stealth troop movements near impossible by Charolette forces.
A total of 40 AKP's defending the border. I will gladly entertain any suggestions but I feel this is pretty comprehensive and all inclusive.
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I tend to agree; Macon places us close to Robins Air Force Base, Vidalia is lacking a Military base in close proximity. If no one voices an objection will edit Macon in as our settlement choice to 'Home for the Holidays'.

I also further nailed down how & where Border guard troop placement in the
This is a more specific plan for troop distribution for my border guard plan covering all major and minor highway Charlotte might use to Attack Savannah.
(2 AKP's) Okatie Highway - hwy 170 - Bridge to Lemon Island form Shell point
(2 AKP's) Okatie Highway - hwy170 - Bridge to Chechessee Point/Chechessee Bluff from Lemon Island
With orders and explosives in place to blow the bridges if needed.
These forces are stretched out non-clustered to watch most area as possible, and yet support each other.
(5 AKP's) Coosawhatchie at the exchange for Interstate 95 / State route 17
(5 AKP's) Coosawhatchie hwy 462 N-S/ hwy 462 E / hwy 462 W
(5 AKP's) State Route 278 / hwy 462 exchange
(5 AKP's) Merge of State route 601 with State route 321
(2 AKP's) Harrassment units at each Garnett / Tarboro / Tillman / Ridgeland just in case they manage to slip past the primary chokepoints.
an additional (8 AKP's) scattered as single units on backroads & excellent vantage pts to make stealth troop movements near impossible by Charolette forces.
A total of 40 AKP's defending the border. I will gladly entertain any suggestions but I feel this is pretty comprehensive and all inclusive.

3 tiered defense and to skirt it would require a trek that doubles my distance to the primary target? There will be no more military books on your present list.

It would seem a solid strategic border defense.
Uh-oh; when you start throwing 'seems' I get justifiably nervous.

Only thing I've not addressed is the possibility of amphibious assault, lets put all the Patrol Torpedoes not assigned to rig on patrolling sea approaches to Savannah. No sense having them and NOT putting them to work.

This is the -exact- reason I need to learn to STFU. :oops:

I need to re-review the Evil Overlord rules... #6 - I will not gloat over my enemies' predicament before killing them. Should be on my don't do it list :facepalm:
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