Mammoth Apostate vs the World 1: "Lost in the Mist"

I guess I'll handle the Paranormal Research into empowering the other Elder Signs we've learned of.

Edit: Well. I guess we did get one.

Miss Cartwright attempts to duplicate the results, and apparently her newfound magical reserves are sufficient for both symbols (Lovecraftian branch & Derleth's flaming pentacle) glow; they are a bit more subdued in the candle power produced but they are steady, solid light with nary a flicker.

She does feel like she has run a marathon, muscles weak, short of breath, and just a touch swimmy headed. There are limits to personal energies and she's sure shes approaching hers.
Rolls still needed:

J-Tech roll 1d10 + research bonus
Sniper rifle research

K-science roll 1d10 + research bonus
Killzu sedative

MLS roll 1d10 + research bonus
Capture equipment

HEL roll 1d10 + research bonus
Plasma mine waste elimination

roll 1d10 + Comms bonus
All call to military
I shall roll the sniper rifle.

Edit: I don't recall the Research bonus off the top of my head, but that's... a bit worse than mediocre. Still, at least it's not as low as it could have been.
Fyrstorm threw 1 10-faced dice. Reason: Giant robots with giant guns Total: 4
4 4
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Moar diplomacy! All call military.

The response is quite impressive considering how stable your sphere has been and that one would think you would have captured some comms traffic inside your sphere from anyone inside it as you did with Fort Pulaski.

Both contacts are happy coincidence as they maneuvered into your sphere with comms up.

1st contact is a representative that had came south to acquire supplies for their group. A single Special Forces team assigned to clear structures and provide security on behalf of a large contingent of Combat Engineers tending the Dams upriver from Savannah. (J. Strom Thurmond Dam & Lake, Richard B. Russell Dam & Lake, and the Hartwell Dam & Lake) they had originally been assigned to Savannah district but once Savannah had been abandoned they moved on upstream to avoid Kaiju contacts and still maintain the dams to safeguard innocents from flooding.

Currently they are out of radio range to contact their Engineers, but upon receiving the Order they split their party 1/2 coming to Savannah to comply the other unit of special forces returned with the food and medicines the engineers were in need of. (Total troops involved 2 Special Forces, 30 Combat Engineers).


2nd contact is a ship the USCG "Sea Dragon" Marine Protector class cutters (an 87 ft long cutter) out of Naval Submarine Base King's Bay.
They bear good news although the Trident nuclear attack subs were withdrawn, the base is still in good shape and contains tons of infrastructure as well as 1 semi-functional submarine the "USS Georgia". (The Georgia was damaged by a Cat-1 and narrowly escaped).

(Stats will be assigned for the ships shortly, The Sea Dragon makes an excellent surface ship frigate template).
I shall roll the sniper rifle.

Edit: I don't recall the Research bonus off the top of my head, but that's... a bit worse than mediocre. Still, at least it's not as low as it could have been.

Research bonus is a +4, but the design is a simple upscaling of a sniper rifle design and easy enough to produce. It is the Cav-X ammo you requested that is being problematic. It will require additional research to get it right.

(Stats later )


'Arbalest' - Standoff Combat Rifle (Sniper weapon) Impact/Fire [cauterizes] 350 R

Range: 20/30/40, w/t 2 pts AAP, (submerged rng 2/3/4, 1 pt AP) 1d10+1 , hits on 5+, 5 round magazine. (reload can be accomplished in place of a mv action)

Accurate Weapon: Allows called shots. May use upto 2 to hit roll to shift a called shot by 2 locations.

Focused: Allows 'safe' firing into clusters. Requires weapon to be properly braced for stability. This can only occur with the attached bipod when the shooter is in a prone position or if a 'proper' brace is found to provide a stable position that can support the weight and recoil of the weapon. This weapon when 'Focused' cannot roll exploding dice against Clustered targets.
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Mist Life Sciences exceed all expectations designing the capture equipment for human scale combatants. By using cutting edge materials (such as Carbon fiber for the capture loops), exotic high capacity discharge stun rods, and refining the ideas of leyden ball inspired ammunition (in all actuality it utilizes 3D printed artificially grown piezoelectric crystals that when they impact and are compressed they generate massive current to tase a target) to construct effective but extremely short ranged 'stunner' shotguns.

With the use of riot gear style body armor, and close range cooperative tactics, a 'capture' doctrine that minimizes the risks to fellow team mates is developed. Although it is contrary to the general design it is recognized situations may develop where they may need to utilize lethal force to protect themselves or their squad mates P-90's are issued with APNC (armor piercing nuclear core)

Gain 1 Capture Team (any future Capture Teams will cost 200 R / each) hit 4+ (melee)/ Hit 5+ (at rng)

Perks: Durable - may suffer a single point of SSC with no lasting ill effect (due to body armor)

Edit: Sniper rifle stats edited into sniper rifle post
The research team uses the approach of a man scale reinforced exoskeleton as a base line for a starting point for down scaling and applying jaeger musculature. For an early prototype the result prove actually field worthy, and are projected as enhancing the survivability of infantry beyond the best kevlar, ceramic ballistic plates, or steel inserts on flak jackets can provide. The enhanced musculature increases carry capacity and run speed as well.

They are referred to as Combat Jackets as they do not as yet meet the research goal of a mobile set of Powered Armor.

Most non-stealth based infantry can benefit from the enhanced strength, durability, and agility the combat jacket provides.

Combat Jacket: base infantry cost + 150 R (in traditional SSC a single hit usually is fatal to all but the luckiest, the combat jacket allows the trooper to shrug off 2 normal or a single Hvy SSC wound (IE it'll take 3 SSC / or 1 hvy & 1 SSC to prove fatal), In addition Mv becomes 2 (3, if unit forgoes attacks for the turn). If engaged in melee the Combat Suit can inflict (Scratch damage - zero point K-scale) more than sufficient to splatter all but the hardiest SSC/Cat - Zero opponents.

Attacks are as per the base infantry unit with the exception that crew served weapons (such as AKB's recoiless rifles) can be mounted on waldo style swing arms making weight less of a limiting factor.

1.) I dig it.
2.) I like that you're giving us room for improvement.
3.) I have ideas on our next, slightly more focused, step.
4.) I will try to crank out an IC reaction bit in the next few days.
Killzu sedatives and the plasma mine waste elimination are still left to be rolled. I've already rolled twice, so I'd prefer other people to take them, but I'll do them if they're not done by sometime around 10 pm.
1.) I dig it.
2.) I like that you're giving us room for improvement.
3.) I have ideas on our next, slightly more focused, step.
4.) I will try to crank out an IC reaction bit in the next few days.

Thank you, I try.
In most research there is always room for improvement, sometimes a better next gen version, sometimes it'll unlock the tech that makes it obsolete.

I am always open for a broad strokes idea of what your looking for, it lets me better tailor the results to your wishes while allowing me to generate the meat and bones stats for game balance.

As always it tickles me to death to have player/contributors pushing back the envelope of our shared universe with their flavor and character building omakes. When you floor me I shower you in shineys...
K-Science has a near disaster in the forced growth of the 'Killzu' sample to acquire enough sap to aerosolize as a sedative, a rookie tech misread the amount of fertilizer to be used and shifted a decimal point a place in the plants favor.

With the benefit of extra nutrition the plant breached its containment greenhouse, microscopic rootlets invading imperceptible cracks and then throwing its full growth against the perceived weakness as if too possessed a rudimentary intelligence. Lexan bowed and tungsten steel alloy framework warped until the air tight warehouse hissed its failure.

In less time than it took for a siren to blare warning twice a root pushed through and expands into an ambulatory bud that bolted across the small scale containment laboratory ducking under equipment, dodging pursuit until cornered in the sealed lab by the soldiers kept on hand to respond to such potential threats. Their flame throwers flicker and lick the bud as still other guards trigger a thermobaric charge designed to suppress the killzu to more manageable levels.

Even after dealing with this, the killzu's explosive growth allows time to effect repairs to warehouse and still grow sufficient toxin to experiment with.


Sage falls helpless to the Killzu sedation, and with the addition of the Haloperidol blocking the hivemind connection no outside forces exist to prompt the Kaiju to wakefulness. All of his secrets are exposed to safe study.

The cursory study shows Sage opens multiple fields relating to electrical projection, magnetism, emp, EM shield generation, and other related fields.
Doc Brown is intrigued (if in a distracted way) and jots a quick schematic on a scrap piece of paper along with the name of a man in manufacturing that prints prototypes.

Plasma combustion will easily solve the mines waste production and still leave some of the Titanium that was thought irretrievable in the waste as a by product. For a meager 300 R the incinerator increases the mines output from their previous 450 R/turn to 550 R/turn, and with the quick turn around the lost shifts with the slow down can easily be recovered. (IE effectively the slow to 300 R never occurred.)

[ ] sink cash now?
[ ] Wait
Homeland Defense accesses the General Protectorate Slush fund (A private reserve of cash on hand for bettering the Protectorate set aside only homeland can get access; garnered in the background by your settlements) and without Council oversight authorizes their own expansion.

All existing soldiers garrisoned at settlements upgraded from Garrisoned Rifle Platoons to AKP's.
There is also another Homeland Team drafted (1 Combat Engineer & 1 K-9 militia) to expand the indoctrination of other settlements as per their mandate.
(OOC) A rather profitable downtime overall. Now for the proof you live in interesting times portion of our game - Events

At your regularly scheduled meeting with Waldo Kim (Atlanta's Ambassador to Savannah) things take a surprising turn...

Mr. Kim seems distant and almost aloof.

"Councillors, Mayor Adaire wants voiced his surprise and concern. Working hand in hand as we have it came as an unwelcome shock that you would suddenly expand in close proximity to Atlanta without even the courtesy of discussion. We are praying it was merely a faux passe and not a shift in policy."

"We in Atlanta have not been focusing our attentions militarily, and followed what we thought was a shared goal of economic construction and growth. We understand we have been free of the burden of a hostile neighbor like Charleston, at least until your troops occupied Macon practically on our doorstep. If this is not a hostile move on your part and serves a greater purpose we would like it explained to us in detail, and we'd prefer it done NOW."
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(OOC) Elsewhere in your Protectorate - More Events!

A small raiding force runs into your Border Guards checkpoint, spotting the checkpoint from a distance now manned by a vastly superior military force the militia quality raiders turn tail and retreat.

Similar near incursions are noted at 2 other alternate approaches. (Again, it is small bands of militia quality raiders that fall back w/o engaging).
Honestly, at some point I need to go back and read through this entire thread to get my mind fully wrapped around it. Because as is, I'm only half remembering chunks of it, and a full review could definitely help me be a better player here.

Also, it might inspire me for my own "pet project".
(OOC) And even within the Defensive Perimeter - More Events!

There is a sudden upswing of violence as some of the 'entertainment' provided near the Casino ripples out into the streets, allegations hint to a criminal element loan-sharking to gamblers, some of the oldest professions practitioners are being pressured to move along replaced by people working out of a former casino cruiser 'The Slattern' docked within a few blocks of the Casino.

There is also a recent influx of illegal drugs and resulting addicts, no hard information is available as to who is heading this parasitic taint on the jewel Savannah is becoming. But it is apparent that things if neglected, will only get worse.
Honestly, at some point I need to go back and read through this entire thread to get my mind fully wrapped around it. Because as is, I'm only half remembering chunks of it, and a full review could definitely help me be a better player here.

Also, it might inspire me for my own "pet project".

I'm tickled the content is interesting enough to you to merit 'research'. Your campaign was/is my shining north star, that I try and emulate, a bit more grim in my own way but it's intended as a darker reflection of Tacit Ronin none the less.
For a meager 300 R the incinerator increases the mines output from their previous 450 R/turn to 550 R/turn, and with the quick turn around the lost shifts with the slow down can easily be recovered. (IE effectively the slow to 300 R never occurred.)

[ ] sink cash now?
[ ] Wait

[ ] sink cash now? (Cmd.Frost)

More Councillors need to weigh in.
[X] sink cash now?


I am such a mixed bag of joy at turning the tables on Sage & loathing regarding the potential threat of 'Killzu'. That shit is scary...


The 'Edge of Tomorrow' is one of Smiths favorite films. I'm sure Combat Jackets are merely the tip of the Iceberg inspiration wise. Their VTOL troop transport would make an excellent jet driven upgrade for our Jumphawks once Doc Brown irons out the last of the particulate problems.


Re: Atlanta

Shit! I brag about diplomacy being my jam and I missed this?!? I'll try and do a write-up if no one else wants to clean this up, may take me a minute to review all the info and spin this into something less like manure.


Kinda figured with Masserone having his underworld contacts (example: Billy Bones our kaiju black marketeer) and being an expy from "the Soprano's" I figured something like this might crop up.

:grin::grin: Happy, Happy:grin::grin: got border guard in place to avoid multiple groups kidnapping our youths (or worse mischief).