Mammoth Apostate vs the World 1: "Lost in the Mist"

Regarding Atlanta, how do my fellow Councillors think I should handle it.

Offer to cede, Macon to Atlanta for our cash outlay? re-coup the City Stat expenses and let them run Macon? ( I view this as a last option to placate our Ally)

Or should I start by justifying our expansionist policy as a means of building a permanent line of relaying Comms with our Atlanta Allies, and re-opening the trains (Atlanta, Macon, Vidalia, Savannah) as our contribution to further expediting trade. I might even play it off that, "How could they question our motives?" when every act we've performed have been altruistic in the truest sense. And only AFTER I've shamed them make an offer to Cede Macon to show our friendly intentions?
[X] sink cash now? (Cmd.Frost, BadKatt, KnightDisciple, & Fyrstorm)

Solid Consensus IMO.

Cash deducted, Mine upgrade achieved!
(OOC) A rather profitable downtime overall. Now for the proof you live in interesting times portion of our game - Events

At your regularly scheduled meeting with Waldo Kim (Atlanta's Ambassador to Savannah) things take a surprising turn...

Mr. Kim seems distant and almost aloof.

"Councillors, Mayor Adaire wants voiced his surprise and concern. Working hand in hand as we have it came as an unwelcome shock that you would suddenly expand in close proximity to Atlanta without even the courtesy of discussion. We are praying it was merely a faux passe and not a shift in policy."

"We in Atlanta have not been focusing our attentions militarily, and followed what we thought was a shared goal of economic construction and growth. We understand we have been free of the burden of a hostile neighbor like Charlotte, at least until your troops occupied Macon practically on our doorstep. If this is not a hostile move on your part and serves a greater purpose we would like it explained to us in detail, and we'd prefer it done NOW."
Re: Atlanta

Shit! I brag about diplomacy being my jam and I missed this?!? I'll try and do a write-up if no one else wants to clean this up, may take me a minute to review all the info and spin this into something less like manure.
Go for it.
Kinda figured with Masserone having his underworld contacts (example: Billy Bones our kaiju black marketeer) and being an expy from "the Soprano's" I figured something like this might crop up.
Kinda figured he'd handle it so we didn't notice, actually. From the sounds of it, someone may be muscling in on his turf. Someone a lot less likely to play things carefully.
Regarding Atlanta, how do my fellow Councillors think I should handle it.

Offer to cede, Macon to Atlanta for our cash outlay? re-coup the City Stat expenses and let them run Macon? ( I view this as a last option to placate our Ally)

Or should I start by justifying our expansionist policy as a means of building a permanent line of relaying Comms with our Atlanta Allies, and re-opening the trains (Atlanta, Macon, Vidalia, Savannah) as our contribution to further expediting trade. I might even play it off that, "How could they question our motives?" when every act we've performed have been altruistic in the truest sense. And only AFTER I've shamed them make an offer to Cede Macon to show our friendly intentions?
Shaming thing sounds fine to me. I basically see them as allies so close we might as well be the same faction, so that'd be at least one person on the Council's genuine response. Because that was kinda my intial reaction, given that we built their defenses for them, IIRC. If we wanted to conquer them, we would have just stayed in Atlanta, or kept some forces under our command there.
I feel like, broadly, starting "soft" with just "here's why" is good, and then we can do offer/counteroffer stuff. Don't lean too hard on "shame".
I feel like, broadly, starting "soft" with just "here's why" is good, and then we can do offer/counteroffer stuff. Don't lean too hard on "shame".
Given that we built much of their defenses, I think giving them a little flak for jumping to the conclusion we could have hostile intent may be in order. While, admittedly, that golem they have is probably doing them more good, we are still a major factor in their prosperity.

Sure, I get that a close ally suddenly building a military base near you without consulting can be somewhat concerning. But going straight to comparing us being there to having cultists for neighbors is going a bit too far. They're being unnecessarily confrontational here.
(OOC) A rather profitable downtime overall. Now for the proof you live in interesting times portion of our game - Events

At your regularly scheduled meeting with Waldo Kim (Atlanta's Ambassador to Savannah) things take a surprising turn...

Mr. Kim seems distant and almost aloof.

"Councillors, Mayor Adaire wants voiced his surprise and concern. Working hand in hand as we have it came as an unwelcome shock that you would suddenly expand in close proximity to Atlanta without even the courtesy of discussion. We are praying it was merely a faux passe and not a shift in policy."

"We in Atlanta have not been focusing our attentions militarily, and followed what we thought was a shared goal of economic construction and growth. We understand we have been free of the burden of a hostile neighbor like Charlotte, at least until your troops occupied Macon practically on our doorstep. If this is not a hostile move on your part and serves a greater purpose we would like it explained to us in detail, and we'd prefer it done NOW."
Rough Draft please feel free to coment.

Apologize for not informing them ahead of time. Bring out a map of the major transportation routes between our two cites and explain that we are trying to set up a series of safe location between them. Float the idea about reactivating the trainways between our two cites and see if they would be interested in contributing to an armored train project to help create a more secure trade network with an eye for using as safe means of transport between cities and towns in the future.
I am greatful for all the input. And I do appreciate cokerpilots draft I have however spent the effort of preparing a BadKatt Omake and want to forward it for consideration.


No sooner than Mister Kim finish speaking than Councillor BadKatt leaps to her feet.

"Really?!? Wow, I mean Really? Did you just compare us to the child stealing, rapist, slave taking City State of Charlotte?"

She draws her diminutive 5' 4" frame up, clenches and unclenches her fists, and pauses to contain her anger before starting in again.

"First I want to make clear that the following is my personal view and I am but one of many voices that lead in Savannah, my opinion is just that, 1 persons opinion and not the official position of our council.

Let us lay out the 'Why?' As you so diplomatically demanded.

In a continuing effort to build relations we were attempting to put up satellite cities to open an unbroken line of communications from Savannah to Atlanta via Macon and Vidalia.

We had also envisioned an armored train running throughout the above communities, easing the burden of the trade convoys which we -had- intended to offer as another joint venture.

Personally I'm beginning to rethink tying ourselves closer to someone who doubts our honorable intent, especially considering our altruistic past. We can list the examples individually if you need reminded: your defenses, the shared coinage, the commodity exchange, opening our library of blue prints... and what was our price???

We asked you only be our friend. Think on your tone today and your words, is that the type of friendship you want us to share?"


Omake concluded awaiting your consideration.

(I'm good with guilt and shaming ;) )
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So once you all chime in on what approach of response to Ambassador Kim you prefer. I can begin formulating his response.

@cokerpilot has a rough draft up & @BadKatt85 has her Omake. There are also several posts re: approaches for the meeting. We need final drafts and [x] up votes for consensus.
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I edited in Stats and cost for Triton's Sniper Rifle here .

I'd like to apologize for the sketchy (will get to it later) responses for this down time but I had to dash for RL commitments. Just know I don't intend to make it a habit. (I'll do updates when I can commit a block of time and "get shit done".)
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Remember when I posted this:
Good news on the artwork front. The gentleman that created a fan made jaeger good enough to be featured in cannon work has tentatively agreed to produce some artwork for Mammoth as his schedule permits.

For a sample of the quality stuff he turns out His video featuring Azure Defiant is here.

I present his rendition of Mammoth Apostle (IE the ruined frame Mammoth Apostate was built upon.) I think it was every bit worth the wait...

'Councillor' Dragoon looks up from his notebook and expresses his disappointment at Atlanta's lack of faith regarding our intentions, given that he can't think of anything that we have done before this that even hinted at aggression to a city we count among our scarce allies.
I am greatful for all the input. And I do appreciate cokerpilots draft I have however spent the effort of preparing a BadKatt Omake and want to forward it for consideration.


No sooner than Mister Kim finish speaking than Councillor BadKatt leaps to her feet.

"Really?!? Wow, I mean Really? Did you just compare us to the child stealing, rapist, slave taking City State of Charlotte?"

She draws her diminutive 5' 4" frame up, clenches and unclenches her fists, and pauses to contain her anger before starting in again.

"First I want to make clear that the following is my personal view and I am but one of many voices that lead in Savannah, my opinion is just that, 1 persons opinion and not the official position of our council.

Let us lay out the 'Why?' As you so diplomatically demanded.

In a continuing effort to build relations we were attempting to put up satellite cities to open an unbroken line of communications from Savannah to Atlanta via Macon and Vidalia.

We had also envisioned an armored train running throughout the above communities, easing the burden of the trade convoys which we -had- intended to offer as another joint venture.

Personally I'm beginning to rethink tying ourselves closer to someone who doubts our honorable intent, especially considering our altruistic past. We can list the examples individually if you need reminded: your defenses, the shared coinage, the commodity exchange, opening our library of blue prints... and what was our price???

We asked you only be our friend. Think on your tone today and your words, is that the type of friendship you want us to share?"


Omake concluded awaiting your consideration.

(I'm good with guilt and shaming ;) )

Well okay if you want to play it that way.

Lets go for Good cop, Bad cop and have @BadKatt85 omake followed up more sympathetic interjection.


"Come now Councillor BadKatt."

Councillor Cokerpilot interjected. Walking up behind BadKatt

"I'm sure Mayor Adaire did not mean any offense. This is a dangerous new world we find our selves in after all. Would we not have been just as alarmed if Atlanta had moved its military forces into Vidalia with no warning? "

He took a moment to straighten his collar before stepping forward and slightly in front of Badkatt as e continued.

"You must forgive my fellow Councillor, Mr. Kim. She has been greatly concerned about the safety of the route between our two cites. She has especially been worried about convoys coming out of Atlanta given that you all have far less spare forces with which to guard them. She has personly spent a great deal of time overseeing the project, and probably feels a bit betrayed by your comments as such."

Cokerpilot tired to ignore the feeling of BadKatts stare boring a hole into his back as he moved over the nearby map table motioning for Mr. Kim to follow.

"I must apologize on behalf of Savanah I have no idea how our intentions were not communicated to you ahead of time. Now as Councillor BadKatt briefly covered in her comments our primary goal was to ensure safe and secure lines of communication and transport between our two cites. The fact that it was populated, organized and in decent condition was actually a pleasant surprise to us."

"We have also been looking over the rails line both directly between our cites and in the general around the countryside and have found for the most part besides some general wear and tear from disuse they are in surprisingly good condition. As such we have been strongly considering reactivating them where we can with a few caveats."

Councillor Cokerpilot handed over some documents to Mr. Kim's staff as he finished that statement.

"In that documentation, you will find some proposals for a series of armored trains to ensure safe transport and trade between our two cites with an eye towards using them for even more locations in the future. As a sign of friendship and Atlanta's natural location as a train hub, we were wondering if you would be interested in working on this as a joint project or at the very least having some input into it."

Cokerpilot took a moment to move his finger on the map over Vidalia which was colored orange with red stripes over it.

"My earlier mention of Vidalia wasn't actually entirely random... While our forces were moving to Macon we had them checking locations along the way, and we have found strong indications that it is being used as a... Nest for those monsters that are wondering the countryside. Now naturally it is in our backyard so we will deal with it, but if settlements are being used by those things as staging grounds they might very well be using some further inland and closer to Atlanta as well."

"Other than that we have also made contact with the dams upriver from us which are intact and functional. As well as the Naval Submarine Base at King's Bay. Which while also mostly intact is not housing any of the Tridents. Again I must apologize for the lapse in communication and I hope that this information has reassured of our friendly intentions and will ease any worries that Mayor Adaire and the citizens of Atlanta have about our recent movements"


Again if we want to go with BadKatt's aproch I offer this up to go along with it.
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Not exactly the vote I called for but between BadKatts omake, HolyDragoons brief vocal support of Katts decrying Atlanta's lack of faith, Nixeus silent but definitely judgemental glare, & Knights open hearted willingness to overlook the minor insult , then followed by the Cokerpilot Omake

I feel confident I can run with this...


Ambassador Kim is startled, he never expected his hyperbole (used more for dramatic effect than anything else) to incense the small woman, and never dreamed she would approach his near seven foot frame with violent intent. If it weren't proof of how badly he misread his audience, it would have been comical, the Chihuahua attacking the St. Bernard. His comment framed as she had framed it, actually came across as quite insulting. He had only meant to imply they were being inconsiderate not imply they were a threat nor they were immoral.

Then Badkatt shifted gears, showed restraint and explained a quite acceptable explanation that made him regret opening his mouth. It was even worse when Councillors Dragoon and Nixeu also let their disappointment show. He was going to have a devil of a time explaining to Mayor Adaire how a simple inquiry about intent had devolved to something that threatened to alienate Atlantas closest ally.

His coffin nail was the gent Cokerpilot being apologetic for the oversight and hand holding him through a presentation, including valuable military intel that Savannah weren't obliged to share.

"Councillors, one and all, I apologize... I didn't mean to imply a lack of trust. I'm a fool and I spoke carelessly and beyond my actual authority. You would be well in your rights to send a formal complaint to Mayor Adaire, no doubt meaning my removal."

His hands flutter nervously at his lapel.

"Your explanation will bring joy to Atlanta, and I'm sure Atlanta will be honored to support any of the shown projects once we get hard numbers for our representatives to review. I hope my foolish tongue has not tainted your feelings for the people of Atlanta."


@KnightDisciple @HolyDragoon @Nixeu @Fyrstorm

She's more like the Chihuahua no?

I ain't touching this question with a ten foot pole.

Back to the scene. Well, the guy realized how badly he fucked up and is being level with us. That counts a lot to me in regards to his integrity. Dunno if you want to squeeze him more on your ends, I'm willing to throw him a bone this time.

"Prudence is a quality nowadays, and it seems we set of quite a few bells off on your end, even after discounting this minor overreaction, though I'm only speaking for myself on this particular point," the councillor explains, checking his sigil-trimmed notebook, namely a map attached to the pages with the area between the two cities, though with no indicators beyond what you may see in a common map.

"I must ask though, did we step on any long-term plans you had for the area, or is this a matter of feeling a bit too close for comfort, even if we're on good terms?"

Ps:typing on a phone is hard.
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@KnightDisciple @HolyDragoon @Nixeu @Fyrstorm

She's more like the Chihuahua no?
Gonna have to join Dragoon and Knight in their silence on that one, my dude.
Back to the scene. Well, the guy realized how badly he fucked up and is being level with us. That counts a lot to me in regards to his integrity. Dunno if you want to squeeze him more on your ends, I'm willing to throw him a bone this time.
Nope, I'm more than satisfied. Admiral Nixeu is no longer glaring, and nods once in agreement as Dragoon finishes saying his piece.