Mammoth Apostate vs the World 1: "Lost in the Mist"

I for one say 'for the moment' allow Jack and crew to handle business, if it deteriorates further call a meeting.

There is a possibility he is holding back trying to stay under our radar, and hampering himself by doing so.

It might be that if we acknowledge a certain amount of criminal activity is inevitable, and we'd let him know it was better to allow a person that maintains strict limits for what spills out in public to 'clean up' other elements not so inclined.
Ah yes, the Vetinari school of thought. If we're going to have crime, it might as well be organized and orderly. Now, if only we can get the muggers to give out receipts...
Regarding North Eastern border, if Savannah Law Enforcement's Cobra could maybe devote a bit more time helping sweep near us checking less obvious terrain? And I would love to assign a single 'Avenger' AA unit on the border just in case of an unfriendly 'Reaper' gets frisky. They shouldn't really be an issue unless Charlotte's Comms range is bigger than anticipated. But better safe than sorry.

[X] Assign an Avenger w/t Border Patrol (Should require council consensus)

Other than that start a dialogue with the people of Liberty as they pass through our checkpoints, they have considerably more experience as they scavenge north of our borders, and they apparently are quite good at evading Charlotte's troops.
Sounds good to me.

[X] Assign an Avenger w/t Border Patrol (Should require council consensus)
Ah yes, the Vetinari school of thought. If we're going to have crime, it might as well be organized and orderly. Now, if only we can get the muggers to give out receipts...

Actually so far most of the crime going on in Savannah have been in the form of consensual and victimless ( low incidences of theft & violence) more what could be described as questionable recreational endeavors.

Hard drugs (opiates/amphetamines) are nearly non-existent as Massarones crew are more subscribers to a Godfather-esque mentality and all of Savannah is their home neighborhood. (You don't crap where you live.)

Incidents outside Savannah are a bit looser, but whether that's a lack of neighborly love or lack of Masserone control is anyone's guess.
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3 votes in favor of BadKatt border security modifications including the Avenger. Need at least one more for me to feel comfortable declaring consensus.
Other than that start a dialogue with the people of Liberty as they pass through our checkpoints, they have considerably more experience as they scavenge north of our borders, and they apparently are quite good at evading Charlotte's troops.

It is isn't long before the checkpoint encounters an outbound convoy heading towards Charleston's turf; I'm recapping the little general knowledge about the people of Liberty for ease of reference.

They have grown a large community (350+ people with constant traffic in and out) in minimal time, it is almost puritanical in its work ethic and unswervingly loyalty to Savannah. What is problematic, is they are taking their rights to defend themselves seriously, EVERY man, woman, and pubescent child is heavily armed and they have apparently begun travelling northeast into Charlestons area of Influence and begun recruiting the downtrodden survivors from the wastes that Charlestons Raiders prey upon either to follow them back here or begin a resistance network there.

Allegedly their contacts are extensive and information there can be purchased cheaply for food, clothing, or other basics of survival from the newest downtrodden.

The small groups are in a convoy of no more than 2-3 small quick vehicles that have been modified to help mask the vehicles IR signatures, including a ridiculous looking system to flush the engine compartment with 2 large 5 gal. water bottles stolen from office coolers in emergencies, each Liberty raider is in a poncho made from a heat reflecting blanket (metallic side in) they explain north of the check points they have to use start and stop tactics to avoid 'Reaper' patrols. By making a quick dash in, stopping and allowing engines to cool, then dashing again they can generally avoid all but ground based raiding parties.

Each vehicle has food, firearms, and manuals of advice for would be insurgents in it, the manuals also contains tales in their own words of the lives of those who have chosen the Savannah protectorate as home after fleeing Charleston oppression.

After looking around the 'Son's of Liberty' (as the raiders fancy themselves) make a few common sense suggestions on how to be less obvious to reaper sensors while maintaining a functional checkpoint.

Edit: Bonus gained: Future reaper attacks will require dice to roll 1 higher than normal to hit targets at compliant checkpoints.
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(OOC) I just noticed I've been making a unintentional blunder that may have sowed unnecessary confusion. I have been (?occasionally?) using Charlotte when speaking of the Cthulhu worshiping cultists; it IS and has always BEEN meant to mean Charleston.

Edit: I'm blaming it on BadKatt her troop deployment plan uses wrong name and I started going wrong about then.
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Just as it seems business as usual can resume, alarm sensors trigger and warning sirens blare! No ambiguity this time the readings are stronger than ever and the initial event has given the techs solid data to calibrate for surety. The Kaiju Master's are hard at work!!

Sensor anomaly detected - Southwestern sensor quadrant. Intermittent Antiverse radiation spikes - data triangulation concurs to a locale within 100 km - sensors error margin +/- 5%.

64% match to breach phenomena Marianas Trench
64% match to breach phenomena Puerto Rican Trench

High probability phenomena is an attempt at a non-tectonic plate breach.

(OOC) This breach location is much closer than the initial attempted breach; almost as if they are zeroing in on Savannah.
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(OOC) I just noticed I've been making a unintentional blunder that may have sowed unnecessary confusion. I have been (?occasionally?) using Charlotte when speaking of the Cthulhu worshiping cultists; it IS and has always BEEN meant to mean Charleston.

Edit: I'm blaming it on BadKatt her troop deployment plan uses wrong name and I started going wrong about then.

I deny everything, my cat must have danced on the keyboard. /emote whistling innocently


The Kaiju Master's are hard at work!!

High probability phenomena is an attempt at a non-tectonic plate breach.

I guess Whitecap was recognized, oh well can't put the genie back in the bottle. Might want to ready our blacksite nuke and it's kaiju skin slip cover. HEL project next turn make nuke #2, we got the materials and design specs for construction while it's feasible.
Alternatively, I think I finally have a personal project in mind:

Modular Armour.

Basically, it could go one of two ways; the first is the replacement of standard armour mounts with plug-and-play style connections, allowing for a jaeger's entire metal skin to be swapped out in an hour or two. Combined with speciality plates, this could allow a Jaeger to deploy more advantageously (chem resistant armour against notably toxic foes, pressure armour for underwater, etc). And, as a side effect, use of differently shaped plates could help disguise Whitecap on land, allowing us to deploy him without hitting the Precursors' panic button.

Alternatively, it could just allow us to slap supplementary plates over top of existing armour, for a simpler but probably less effective way of short-term optimisation.

@Smithsguild, would this be a viable pet project?

Edit: also, finally made it through the whole thread! I'm all caught up now!
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Actually so far most of the crime going on in Savannah have been in the form of consensual and victimless ( low incidences of theft & violence) more what could be described as questionable recreational endeavors.

Hard drugs (opiates/amphetamines) are nearly non-existent as Massarones crew are more subscribers to a Godfather-esque mentality and all of Savannah is their home neighborhood. (You don't crap where you live.)

Incidents outside Savannah are a bit looser, but whether that's a lack of neighborly love or lack of Masserone control is anyone's guess.
That's sort of the joke. Lord Vetinari in Terry Prachet's Discworld series made the Thieves and "Seemstresses" Guilds legal in his city-state, and, in the case of the former, they basically became something of mob, while also slowly becoming bureaucratic. They started accepting what is basically protection money and giving out receipts for everything they stole. Muggings became rather polite affairs, and probably involved the mugger showing ID. And you better believe non-guild thieves tend not to live long.

being a satirical series, I wasn't expecting quite the same result, but the principle is there. If you have to have crime, it might as well be organized, and organized by someone smart enough not to rock the boat and piss of the local government.
Just as it seems business as usual can resume, alarm sensors trigger and warning sirens blare! No ambiguity this time the readings are stronger than ever and the initial event has given the techs solid data to calibrate for surety. The Kaiju Master's are hard at work!!

Sensor anomaly detected - Southwestern sensor quadrant. Intermittent Antiverse radiation spikes - data triangulation concurs to a locale within 100 km - sensors error margin +/- 5%.

64% match to breach phenomena Marianas Trench
64% match to breach phenomena Puerto Rican Trench

High probability phenomena is an attempt at a non-tectonic plate breach.

(OOC) This breach location is much closer than the initial attempted breach; almost as if they are zeroing in on Savannah.
Huh. That can't be good.
I guess Whitecap was recognized, oh well can't put the genie back in the bottle. Might want to ready our blacksite nuke and it's kaiju skin slip cover. HEL project next turn make nuke #2, we got the materials and design specs for construction while it's feasible.
Or they're narrowing in on Charleston, because they're trying to counter the Mist guys, as well as stepping up their invasion game and producing lots of new Kaiju. Hell, this could also be an attempt to "bomb" surviving settlements by teleporting in a bunch of Kaiju simultaneously to overwhelm or bypass defenses. In which case, we aren't going to be the only targets. We'll have to see. Still, I think it's too soon to assume Triton's the only reason they might trying to open a non-tectonic Breach.
High probability phenomena is an attempt at a non-tectonic plate breach.
Quick, SEND IN THE SCIENCE TEAMS! We should study this and see if we can use the data to figure out how to close breaches, open our own, or create a system to redirect where they appear, keeping them away from our city.
Edit: First step to doing this would be to see if we can figure out the location where the next attempted breach will occur, then set up a team to study it and send them to that area. And finally, seeing if we can figure out how they are zeroing in on our position.
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Quick, SEND IN THE SCIENCE TEAMS! We should study this and see if we can use the data to figure out how to close breaches, open our own, or create a system to redirect where they appear, keeping them away from our city.
Edit: First step to doing this would be to see if we can figure out the location where the next attempted breach will occur, then set up a team to study it and send them to that area. And finally, seeing if we can figure out how they are zeroing in on our position.

I'm in agreement with Dgr, with the addition of sciencing the hell out of current attempt, even their failure here should give extensive data. Breaches are a new phenomenon and the ones at depth are hard to research.

[X] send science teams ASAP, (military escort: cobra, k-9, & AKP'S ) another council vote

Representative of each major science branch and rubber stamp any testing they want to try.
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[X] send science teams ASAP, (military escort: cobra, k-9, & AKP'S ) another council vote
[X] send science teams ASAP, (military escort: cobra, k-9, & AKP'S ) another council vote

With 4 in favor, this is a slam dunk. Consider it locked.


With better data and a rough point of origin a jumphawk with cargo pallet is dispatched. They quickly zero in on the location to see it still visibly radiating an after glow in a 5m diameter circle, the radiation makes the affected area visible fuzz like viewing it through a smudged lens and the colors are muted like a water color painting that has smudged. The K-9's almost cannot be forced from the chopper, and when finally are forced they whine , whimper, and look ready to bolt.

Most of Mist Science chip in where ever their previous knowledge over laps, they act as runners, lab assistants, taking notes, etc.

K-science takes the lead, and denotes that there are some new wave forms present previously not encountered in either the kaiju flora or fauna, the closest radiation match would be something currently only found in kaiju blue ( specifically in their equivalent of white blood cells) but these components are catalyzing something* and producing something very similar to neutron radiation spikes but not at levels as yet sufficient to cause indirect ionization.

Jaeger-tech are a bit taken aback at their inclusion as initially it seems far from their scientific purview, however give a scientist a budget and expose them to some intriguing data and watch the magic. A former geologist now specializing in Jaeger armor fabrication takes sample and finds the blue is reacting with *Neodymium a rare earth that should NOT be found in these native soils and especially not in the concentrations present. It is almost as if these are foreign deposits caused as part of the reaction.

Blue/Neodymium Research token gained.

Someone mention a way to possibly predict future breaches as there are also traces of Iron and Boron and with the energy being put off cause the synthesis of Neodymium alloy is a by product. Measuring magnetic variance along with antiverse radiation could greatly increase the chance of early breach detection. After the premise is noted ideas for how to implement a Loccent model and smaller Jaeger variants begin to be churned out , are rejected, further modified and then re-submitted.

Breach Detector Research token gained.

The High Energy Lab geeks are tweaking like nerds with all access passes on Red Bull and Jolt Cola unsupervised at ComicCon.

Multiple experiments are running and no one without a background in theoretical physics, high order math, and the principles surrounding quantum tunneling have any idea about the variety of fan boy shrieks that keep emanating from each new discovery.

Some light is shed at last as a HEL scientist takes a break and is force by their Mist Life Science (wife/colleague) to break it down or sleep on a couch.

With enough raw power (4-5 ultra-compact reactors worth) the neodymium, Kaiju Blue, and the neodymium alloy cause magnetic lensing , that then focuses antiverse particles present in other portions of the blue to punch a hole in space/time between dimensions. With more readings we can narrow the possibilities down from near infinite to get a single 'return address' back to the Kaiju Masters. This opens the possibility of setting up resonance on a specific address and potentially making an inter-dimensional call block.

New Research Laboratory available for Production (once your City research stat grows to permit)

Breach Tech: This lab specializes in Dimensional Portals
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With 4 in favor, this is a slam dunk. Consider it locked.


With better data and a rough point of origin a jumphawk with cargo pallet is dispatched. They quickly zero in on the location to see it still visibly radiating an after glow in a 5m diameter circle, the radiation makes the affected area visible fuzz like viewing it through a smudged lens and the colors are muted like a water color painting that has smudged. The K-9's almost cannot be forced from the chopper, and when finally are forced they whine , whimper, and look ready to bolt.

Most of Mist Science chip in where ever their previous knowledge over laps, they act as runners, lab assistants, taking notes, etc.

K-science takes the lead, and denotes that there are some new wave forms present previously not encountered in either the kaiju flora or fauna, the closest radiation match would be something currently only found in kaiju blue ( specifically in their equivalent of white blood cells) but these components are catalyzing something* and producing something very similar to neutron radiation spikes but not at levels as yet sufficient to cause indirect ionization.

Jaeger-tech are a bit taken aback at their inclusion as initially it seems far from their scientific purview, however give a scientist a budget and expose them to some intriguing data and watch the magic. A former geologist now specializing in Jaeger armor fabrication takes sample and finds the blue is reacting with *Neodymium a rare earth that should NOT be found in these native soils and especially not in the concentrations present. It is almost as if these are foreign deposits caused as part of the reaction.

Blue/Neodymium Research token gained.

Someone mention a way to possibly predict future breaches as there are also traces of Iron and Boron and with the energy being put off cause the synthesis of Neodymium alloy is a by product. Measuring magnetic variance along with antiverse radiation could greatly increase the chance of early breach detection. After the premise is noted ideas for how to implement a Loccent model and smaller Jaeger variants begin to be churned out , are rejected, further modified and then re-submitted.

Breach Detector Research token gained.

The High Energy Lab geeks are tweaking like nerds with all access passes on Red Bull and Jolt Cola unsupervised at ComicCon.

Multiple experiments are running and no one without a background in theoretical physics, high order math, and the principles surrounding quantum tunneling have any idea about the variety of fan boy shrieks that keep emanating from each new discovery.

Some light is shed at last as a HEL scientist takes a break and is force by their Mist Life Science (wife/colleague) to break it down or sleep on a couch.

With enough raw power (4-5 ultra-compact reactors worth) the neodymium, Kaiju Blue, and the neodymium alloy cause magnetic lensing , that then focuses antiverse particles present in other portions of the blue to punch a hole in space/time between dimensions. With more readings we can narrow the possibilities down from near infinite to get a single 'return address' back to the Kaiju Masters. This opens the possibility of setting up resonance on a specific address and potentially making an inter-dimensional call block.

New Research Laboratory available for Production (once your City research stat grows to permit)

Breach Tech: This lab specializes in Dimensional Portals
Alternatively, I think I finally have a personal project in mind:

Modular Armour.

Basically, it could go one of two ways; the first is the replacement of standard armour mounts with plug-and-play style connections, allowing for a jaeger's entire metal skin to be swapped out in an hour or two. Combined with speciality plates, this could allow a Jaeger to deploy more advantageously (chem resistant armour against notably toxic foes, pressure armour for underwater, etc). And, as a side effect, use of differently shaped plates could help disguise Whitecap on land, allowing us to deploy him without hitting the Precursors' panic button.

Alternatively, it could just allow us to slap supplementary plates over top of existing armour, for a simpler but probably less effective way of short-term optimisation.

@Smithsguild, would this be a viable pet project?

Edit: also, finally made it through the whole thread! I'm all caught up now!

@Fyrstorm Sorry, so slow to respond. I think the whole concept of modular armor is wonderful and I heartily approve it as a Councillor's pet project.

I view the plug and play as definitely as a viable line of research (each jaeger would require custom tailored suits as there are some substantive differences in frame shapes and sizes reflected by their stat differences) and certain suits are really only effective if all locations are armored by that type. But slapping on acid resistant armor over the most vulnerable hit locs before facing an Otachi/Osahi is just good sense.

(Example: Mammoth would probably need a full set of 'Deepwater' Carbyne to withstand a run on the trench breaches as you want to maximize survivability at crushing depths).

Edit: I want to say a plug and play that applied an aesthetic besides a swimmers physique could go a long way into making Whitecap appear as someone besides the Precursor public enemy #1 (might also confuse any unwelcome watchers as to how many jaegers are actually on call in Savannah)
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Layers of Armor, that's where the heavy armor rules begin to take effect, a bruiser like Mammoth has the innate strength to pull off some layering, Triton not so much.
Edit: also, finally made it through the whole thread! I'm all caught up now!

Special note of Congratulations! Anyone who braves my endless text walls for a better understanding of the world as it is deserves a pat on the back.
I'm considering re-reading it myself as I'm sure I have plot hooks that have been dangling, time to freshen the bait and cast them again:drevil:
Anyway, I would like to bring up several ideas that I think would be useful things to research right now, or just soon/sometime. In no particular order
1. Stormfront class bunker: Short, less specific version, a fire support base and shelter designed to defend against ssc enemies trying to get inside. Designed as a base fortification we can improve over time
2.An engine that uses the particulate in the atmosphere as fuel, rather than trying to burn it before it enters the engine, or operate around them. (Biiiiig airships, long range attack craft, jaeger scale flight systems, and maybe even vtol carriers.)
3.Standardized Supplemental Comms/sensor Conventional vehicle, usually housed in an outpost or supported by combat troops as when deployed are neither mobile nor suited for combat. Possibly with a VORTAC station for good measure.
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@Fyrstorm Sorry, so slow to respond. I think the whole concept of modular armor is wonderful and I heartily approve it as a Councillor's pet project.

I view the plug and play as definitely as a viable line of research (each jaeger would require custom tailored suits as there are some substantive differences in frame shapes and sizes reflected by their stat differences) and certain suits are really only effective if all locations are armored by that type. But slapping on acid resistant armor over the most vulnerable hit locs before facing an Otachi/Osahi is just good sense.

(Example: Mammoth would probably need a full set of 'Deepwater' Carbyne to withstand a run on the trench breaches as you want to maximize survivability at crushing depths).

Edit: I want to say a plug and play that applied an aesthetic besides a swimmers physique could go a long way into making Whitecap appear as someone besides the Precursor public enemy #1 (might also confuse any unwelcome watchers as to how many jaegers are actually on call in Savannah)
Excellent! My plan is viable, and now I can attempt to enact it-- as soon as the downtime-analogue rolls around, hopefully. Getting Whitecap disguised ASAP would be really helpful, as we could safely field another jaeger without worrying about a crack squad of Cat IVs knocking at our door.
Excellent! My plan is viable, and now I can attempt to enact it-- as soon as the downtime-analogue rolls around, hopefully. Getting Whitecap disguised ASAP would be really helpful, as we could safely field another jaeger without worrying about a crack squad of Cat IVs knocking at our door.

If I might offer a suggestion, you have an unused research token - Retardant Paint (from Hakuja's Retardant Carapace Plate) the various crystals in it seemed to shift +/- ph towards neutral and was also good as a fire retardant. It'd be a good addition to any regular armor as a paint; but I think it has the potential to shine strongest as the basis of it's own modular armor where the metal was impregnated all the way through.
.An engine that uses the particulate in the atmosphere as fuel, rather than trying to burn it before it enters the engine, or operate around them. (Biiiiig airships, long range attack craft, jaeger scale flight systems, and maybe even vtol carriers.)

All your suggestions are within the realm of plausible research. However your understanding of Doc Brown plasma combustion net is flawed.

The particulate is only partially consumed, the dander like skin flake that acts as an ultra-light airfoil gets burned away. What remains is a near diamond hardness radioactive granule that is barely visible to the naked eye, they possess a weak attractive field for other such granules (usually prevented by the dander) and when they clump they grow like sugar water produces rock candy. They grow inside engines until they reach a size that moving parts are eaten by the friction as diamond hard crystal trumps metal engine part.

Stage 2 - Doc Brown plan (part 2 as yet incomplete) is to devise a collector that resonates same frequency as the crystals weak attractive field and allow the crystals to grow where they cause no damage and can be removed like an air filter as a matter of routine maintenance. Those crystals collected then become research material for energy research like the engines you purpose. you know the ones for: "(Biiiiig airships, long range attack craft, jaeger scale flight systems, and maybe even vtol carriers.)"

Edit: designing a engine to react with the scattered, airborne, minuscule radiactive fuel is currently not viable, using the clumps that grow to the size of a softball that is quite plausible.
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