Mammoth Apostate vs the World 1: "Lost in the Mist"

I've seen the scene your speaking of, and I am firmly in the NOPE category for refreshing it in my brain. I will continue to allow that to fade, thank you just the same.
Yay!!! I am stoked, we have hit the 100 page thread personal success goal. Thank everyone for your participation!

May we catch Tacit one day!!! LOL.
Proposal for new rule, cleanup ops are conducted so no-one ever goes alone, and where the whole clean up squad is paired up with an equal amount of guys with guns and preferably jacket powered armor.
Proposal for new rule, cleanup ops are conducted so no-one ever goes alone, and where the whole clean up squad is paired up with an equal amount of guys with guns and preferably jacket powered armor.

Armed Guards are a reasonable precaution, but complacency is the human norm. No one thinks security protocols until AFTER a disaster.
And point of fact they were not alone, there were 2 doing cleanup, 1 was just occupied watching cat videos. All work parties having an armed escort would be do-able. Remember each infantry unit is roughly 10 men so the equal armed to unarmed thing may not be plausible if your work force is too scattered or too large. Most outposts don't have a ton of armed man standing around (Luckily for you Liberty and Bloomingdale are exceptions), the Homeland standard is 1 platoon AKP's per settlement. If the council wants to expand that, it'd need consensus.

You have the specs now for the Jacket armor, but it is a bit costly to upgrade all units to include it (150 R /ea), although with only 4-5 outposts and them being the local heavy hitters assigning jacket AKP's to each settlement might be worthwhile... give your outposts a fighting chance if faced with a swarm of API's that contains Cat-Zeros.
Rolling for 2nd militia unit.

The second Militia unit yells out a warning! and it is just in time as the troops backpedal out of range of physical attack, more Weasels expose their fleshy bits, snapping silently but hungrily after the prey now out of reach.

[ ] unload wiping everything in the pit out.
[ ] unload on the 6 not distended with workers and then -carefully- target the bodies (away from where the victims are visible in the gullet) of the two who have fed, in the hopes of still saving the victims.

[ ] write something in
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[X] unload on the 6 not distended with workers and then -carefully- target the bodies (away from where the victims are visible in the gullet) of the two who have fed, in the hopes of still saving the victims.


[X] I support the idea of increasing the Homeland Standard to 2 AKP's per outpost.

[X] I support all outpost mandate taking an armed escort when working away from the main outpost area as a standard security protocol. Never reducing village security by more than 1/2. (Why have standing troops if they aren't actively protecting the citizenry?)

I would like to hear my fellow Councillors re: Stationing 1 jacket AKP per outpost (would require 750 R outlay atm / 5 outposts)

I am atm, personally for it. However funds are getting a bit lean and the powered armor initiative is not MY pet project ( I don't want to dilute the value of it, but the combat jacket is only a first step and is great to beef up an outpost)

The actual next gen powered armor is for the elite strike force envisioned for whatever we are eventually going to call our 'Warriors of Faith'.
All the other outpost were high enough they were not victim of API migration.

Such rolls look likely to be made part of our regular downtime 'events' if the are not interesting enough speak now...

(I personally think they reflect the inherent danger of our world in a way that has yet been lacking.) But my players enjoyment is ALWAYS paramount and your feedback is desired.

Current Cash 1,752 R so :

Stationing 1 jacket AKP per outpost (would require 750 R outlay atm / 5 outposts) would leave 1,002 R still available
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AS to: increasing the Homeland Standard to 2 AKP's per outpost.

5x AKP's @40 R/ each = 200 R to cover existing outposts
Stats for AC-130U "Spooky II" Gunship (1,500 R/each)

The AC-130U has expanded fuel tanks, multiple redundancies, and a fairly low flight ceiling with a long operation time. May be equipped with detachable fuel tanks to dramatically increase their flight duration. -- however, its custom design makes it difficult to mass-produce.
Its main weapons are a 25mm GAU-12/U cannon, a single-barrel, rapid-fire 40mm Bofors L/60 cannon, and a modified 105mm M102 howitzer. All firing to the left of the ship as it must make pylon turns to acquire and fire on its target.

- Move up to 16 units a turn. Must move at least 8 units a turn.

- Expensive Components: Only discounted to 80% price when constructed by mods, augments, or anything else that modifies price.

- (Nose & Tail) Point Defense Vulcans: Deals 1 Impact k-scale on a 5+. Range -/-/10.
May be fired simultaneously with each other, even at a different targets.
Designed as point defense, 270 degree field of fire, locks so can't self target. Works independent of Massed Fire Broadside.

- Massed Fire Broadside: (this is the combined fire of the GAU-12/Bofors Cannon/105 howitzer) 4x 1d10 Fire damage. -1 Damage. AP3. Range 5/10/15. Hits on 5+. Cauterises Wounds. Benefits from GLTD.

Massed Fire Broadside Dice may be split (in any combination)between 2 targets -if- they are within 10 units of each other.
Okay I need some player input regarding your F-15E Strike Eagles it regards their armament.

Currently they are locked as possessing M-61A1 20mm Gatling gun / 4 AMRAAM missiles (AA) in addition on their two hardpoints I envision the TER triple rack allowing 6 additional munitions.

I am providing you with the AGM-65 Maverick (a GLTD friendly air-to-ground missile) but the F-15E is so versatile with payload I'm having a devil of a time choosing which other ordinance should come with it.

These others are all dropped munitions ( however the GBU does course correct and is GLTD friendly). Your choices are:

2 types of cluster bombs:

  • CBU-87 Combined Effects Munition - The bomblets are designed to be used against armour, personnel and softskin targets and consist of a shaped charge, a scored steel fragmentation case and a zirconium ring for incendiary effects.
  • CBU-97 (anti-tank munition) featuring 'skeets' (top down penetrators that actively seek vehicles as they descend)
*GBU-12 Bomb (HE) a GLTD friendly munition

GATOR mine system munitions

  • BLU-91/B (anti-tank mine) dispenses a 6 unit long by 2 unit wide field
  • BLU-92/B (anti-personnel mine) dispenses a 6 unit long by 2 unit wide field

I'm showing you 5 new munitions, you may keep 2. Let the debate begin!

Edit: I forgot the F-15E can target designate (GLTD) as well
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So, just to confirm, our options are:
- Incendiary fragmentation cluster bombs
- Anti-tank penetrator bombs
- High explosive guided bombs
- Anti-tank mines with an area effect
- Anti-personnel mines with an area effect


If that's the case, I'll vote for:
[X] CBU-87 Combined Effects Munition
[X] BLU-91/B Anti-Tank Mine

The former because it's a cauterizing option (and cauterizing means less cleanup to deal with), the latter because it's a (probably K-Scale) field of damage. Minefields are fun, especially if they can hurt kaiju.
- Anti-tank mines with an area effect
- Anti-personnel mines with an area effect

These mine a static area of ground ; then when an offending trespasser of the right scale(infantry/tank) enters a mined unit, must roll to attempt to pass through safely (roll 1d10) 1-8 boom, 9 or 10 you luck out. Other than that your interpretation looks spot on!

Edit: one small addition
- Incendiary, Anti-armor, fragmentation - cluster bombs.
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Must say I agree with Fyr's assessment, if we can only get 2, I want these:

[X] CBU-87 Combined Effects Munition
[X] BLU-91/B Anti-Tank Mine

The others look tasty but are researchable.
Seeing as how this wasn't actually a vote just your QM asking for input (Which I have received from 2 well respected players) and I have noticed a few lurkers who never weighed in. I'll just declare you've helped me decide ;).

Additional ordnance is:

CBU-87 Combined Effects Munition & BLU-91/B Anti-Tank Mine cluster bomb.


F-15E Strike Eagle: mv 14 /must move 9 Cost: 850 R
This is a Jet aircraft, as such it has a limited flight time of 1 hr before mandatory maintenance. Flight beyond this window risks catastrophic failure.

Perk: Go Evasive (always on) F-15E becomes 2 pips harder to hit (because the strike eagle always maintain high speeds and flies evasively, it is harder to hit than most targets)

Ground Laser Target Designator (GLTD) 1d10 attack. Hits on 4+. Range 20/30/40.

On a successful hit, all 'accurate' weapon systems are treated as having gained 1 Ranged against the target. This point of Ranged may be used for increased accuracy, or Called Shots. Stacks to a bonus of 2 (1 against underwater targets). All bonuses are removed at the end of the round.

M-61A1 20mm Gatling gun 2d5, -1 dam, Impact damage. 2AP Rng 5/15/25 hit 5+

4 AMRAAM missiles (AA) hit 4+, 1d10+2, Damage type: Fire -3 dam (min 1) 25/35/45

Strike Eagle has room to mount 6 supplemental ordnance, must be chosen from this list.


AGM-65 Maverick Missile (GLTD friendly) rng 15/20/30, hit 5+, 1d10+1, Impact, damage -1 (min 1) perk: accurate - allows called shot

CBU-87 Combined Effects Munition - Hit on 3+, does 1pt K scale Fire/Impact (check for clusters)

BLU-91/B (anti-tank mine) dispenses a 6 unit long by 2 unit wide field, when a vehicle enters a mined unit, must roll to attempt to pass through safely (roll 1d10) 1-8 suffer 2pts blast k-scale, 9 or 10 you luck out.
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Edited in some changes to above description of F-15E, GLTD target designation & jet aircraft warning.
[X] unload on the 6 not distended with workers and then -carefully- target the bodies (away from where the victims are visible in the gullet) of the two who have fed, in the hopes of still saving the victims.


[X] I support the idea of increasing the Homeland Standard to 2 AKP's per outpost.

[X] I support all outpost mandate taking an armed escort when working away from the main outpost area as a standard security protocol. Never reducing village security by more than 1/2. (Why have standing troops if they aren't actively protecting the citizenry?)

I would like to hear my fellow Councillors re: Stationing 1 jacket AKP per outpost (would require 750 R outlay atm / 5 outposts)

I am atm, personally for it. However funds are getting a bit lean and the powered armor initiative is not MY pet project ( I don't want to dilute the value of it, but the combat jacket is only a first step and is great to beef up an outpost)

The actual next gen powered armor is for the elite strike force envisioned for whatever we are eventually going to call our 'Warriors of Faith'.

I called for a vote about the gribblies at the mine, it prompted some additional vote worthy matters please review and cast your ballots (X's) I am halting my contributions until these are settled. (I distracted everyone with shineys, my fault ! but this is my fix so were good.)
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[X] unload on the 6 not distended with workers and then -carefully- target the bodies (away from where the victims are visible in the gullet) of the two who have fed, in the hopes of still saving the victims.
I called for a vote about the gribblies at the mine, it prompted some additional vote worthy matters please review and cast your ballots (X's) I am halting my contributions until these are settled. (I distracted everyone with shineys, my fault ! but this is my fix so were good.)

Two votes in: BadKatt , Nixeu

Needing more please.
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[X] unload on the 6 not distended with workers and then -carefully- target the bodies (away from where the victims are visible in the gullet) of the two who have fed, in the hopes of still saving the victims.
As we await the votes to either level the pit or attempt a rescue; I would like to LINK back to the post that prompted some ideas for revision of outpost security protocols, Doubling up homelands standards, and was meant to decide if we think outposts merit a shiny upgraded AKP wearing a combat jacket.

These thoughts are secondary and only to be addressed after we resolve the api attack at the mine. Smiths won't be moving the story until mine attack is resolved.
With that fourth vote we'll declare the rescue attempt locked.

A course of action is decided, the Civilian Militia are tasked with the slaughter of the still un-fed weasels, what they lack in accuracy they are willing to make up with in sheer volume of fire.

It the falls to the resident AKP's to kill the ones that contain the still struggling victims, they concentrate their fire on the boulder like body carefully avoiding the fleshy throats wherein the human forms are almost visible, occasionally fingers stretching outward as if wrapped in a latex sheet.

At first they seem almost unphased, the weasels primitive nerves slow to process what is obviously fatal wounds, the brain not aware vital organs are shattered beyond function. Final they slow, then slump to the ground still. After a moment or two only signs of life in the sludge pit are the victims increasingly feeble struggles.

A bold soldier from the AKP's can restrain himself no longer. Pulling an oversized combat knife from his belt he wades in grabs a handful of weasel flesh behind the dual jaws and pulls it away from the body, stabbing into the meat. Taking that hole he inserts the knife inverted blade cutting from the inside outward. He is mirrored at the other victim. Soon as many men as can wedge in side by side are grabbing the tear widening it until the bodies are disgorged.

The digestive acids have not been kind; all the soft tissues of the face have been eaten away, eyelids, eyes, ears, nose and even the lips, all the other exposed flesh suffers chemical burns and appear as so much raw meat.

Choppers evac the victims as best as they are able, but are ill prepared to sustain such critically injured men. It is a small miracle they survive to the hospital in Savannah. (If only a dedicated medical chopper were in our inventory, with iv's, bp/heart rate monitors, etc...)

Grim though their injuries seem, once they are at the hospital their prognosis improves dramatically. 10 years ago they would have been slated for a life as cripples living in freakish misery; that is not their fate today. With the advances spurred on by K-sciences and the organ growth technologies to further the understanding of our alien attackers.

The hospital has been equipped to clone and regrow tissue in days, the black site data and equipment advancing medical science with 3-d printed tissue and the ability to take a cell sample and render them the equivalent of undifferentiated stem cells, now able to be nudge into growing into specialized organs like eyes or olfactory nerves. Reconstruction -will be- expensive, uncomfortable, and a harrowing process but it is within reach. The men will be able to lead long, healthy, productive lives...
Note to self: research that bloody medevac chopper, possibly check for a larger version if the opportunity shows up later, if there is the need to have something larger to deploy away from home (some kind of field hospital unit)? Our EMTs can help a lot, but they do have their limits and this way we could possibly find a way to synergize their usage with medical units that deal with stuff beyond onsite aid and triage.