Mammoth Apostate vs the World 1: "Lost in the Mist"

All your suggestions are within the realm of plausible research. However your understanding of Doc Brown plasma combustion net is flawed.

The particulate is only partially consumed, the dander like skin flake that acts as an ultra-light airfoil gets burned away. What remains is a near diamond hardness radioactive granule that is barely visible to the naked eye, they possess a weak attractive field for other such granules (usually prevented by the dander) and when they clump they grow like sugar water produces rock candy. They grow inside engines until they reach a size that moving parts are eaten by the friction as diamond hard crystal trumps metal engine part.

Stage 2 - Doc Brown plan (part 2 as yet incomplete) is to devise a collector that resonates same frequency as the crystals weak attractive field and allow the crystals to grow where they cause no damage and can be removed like an air filter as a matter of routine maintenance. Those crystals collected then become research material for energy research like the engines you purpose. you know the ones for: "(Biiiiig airships, long range attack craft, jaeger scale flight systems, and maybe even vtol carriers.)"

Edit: designing a engine to react with the scattered, airborne, minuscule radiactive fuel is currently not viable, using the clumps that grow to the size of a softball that is quite plausible.
hmmm, in that case, large scale collector arrays would be really nice.
hmmm, in that case, large scale collector arrays would be really nice.

Omg! Large scale material collection with the possibility if we exceed the Cat-5's production, could clean up the atmosphere at least locally.


Edit: That could have tons of positive consequences.

With cleaner atmosphere each level of comms & sensors reach farther, extending our sphere of influence.

The environment has an ongoing bonus as any ill effects of the antiverse radiation can begin to fade .

Brilliant seems mild.
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Omg! Large scale material collection with the possibility if we exceed the Cat-5's production, could clean up the atmosphere at least locally.


Edit: That could have tons of positive consequences.

With cleaner atmosphere each level of comms & sensors reach farther, extending our sphere of influence.

The environment has an ongoing bonus as any ill effects of the antiverse radiation can begin to fade .

Brilliant seems mild.

(OOC) Your not wrong; this is yet another unforseen wrinkle where your collective creativity has blind sided me. The particulates shitting up the air was intended to be half of an enduring problem (the other half the Cat-5's electrical discharges supercharging the upper atmosphere) that make conventional communications (and some electronics) nearly non-functional disabling a ton of the tech our world had grown reliant on.

It was discovered legitimately, and can have farther reaching effects than a stable currency (with Elder Signs:sour:). It does create some 'challenges' for me but I am willing to work around those in the spirit of 'research anything' and the indomitable curiosity of mankind rising to meet all challenges catches the heroic flavor that is an underpinning of this campaign. Kudos!
@Nixeu , I am a lurker on Tacit Ronin and an interesting conversation over magneto hydrodynamic drives has come up.

As our aspiring Admiral I'd like to point out that is one of the technology Whitecap Triton is using that makes him so versatile at sea.

Edit - From Whitecaps Stat sheet:

'Poseidon's Wake' Aquatic propulsion system
Allows use of (Elevation / Depth) system & gives a +3 dodge bonus in water that stacks with AGI.

(Fluff: Using MHD* accelerators as vernier thrusters on wrists, ankles, & each hip,the Poseidon's Wake is capable of extreme short burst acceleration and near instant direction changes.) *Magneto hydrodynamic drive

Have you considered the benefits it might give to the navy you intend to build?
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MHD requires a substantial power source to operate effectively; it would be limited to either a large vessel or something sporting a reactor.
Omg! Large scale material collection with the possibility if we exceed the Cat-5's production, could clean up the atmosphere at least locally.


Edit: That could have tons of positive consequences.

With cleaner atmosphere each level of comms & sensors reach farther, extending our sphere of influence.

The environment has an ongoing bonus as any ill effects of the antiverse radiation can begin to fade .

Brilliant seems mild.
Thank you! Though that was literally just me throwing out a random idea, and if you throw out enough of those you eventually find smart and/or good ones.
My favorite quote: "He didn't administer a reign of terror, just the occasional light shower."
Heh. Yeah, Terry Pratchet was an amazing author, particularly skilled in word play. I mean, the Discworld series started with the lines "In a distant and second-hand set of dimensions, in an astral plane that was never meant to fly..."
@Nixeu , I am a lurker on Tacit Ronin and an interesting conversation over magneto hydrodynamic drives has come up.

As our aspiring Admiral I'd like to point out that is one of the technology Whitecap Triton is using that makes him so versatile at sea.

Edit - From Whitecaps Stat sheet:

'Poseidon's Wake' Aquatic propulsion system
Allows use of (Elevation / Depth) system & gives a +3 dodge bonus in water that stacks with AGI.

(Fluff: Using MHD* accelerators as vernier thrusters on wrists, ankles, & each hip,the Poseidon's Wake is capable of extreme short burst acceleration and near instant direction changes.) *Magneto hydrodynamic drive

Have you considered the benefits it might give to the navy you intend to build?
I mean...if it's viable for non-short bursts for things smaller than Jaegers, it mostly just means less repair overhead and quieter ships. I would assume that it's part of the modern tech options I'd have had our designers incorporating. It's got fewer moving parts, and is rather quiet, but it's mostly just another method of moving water. It's an impressive feat, mind you, since MHD drives are usually slower than props or water jets, AFAIK, so making it work for Triton was probably a job of work.

If it is just for short bursts, it's useful for emergency maneuvers, but not going to change too much. Submarines would be the biggest beneficiaries of that, since they move up and down, so making sudden and quiet major shifts would be quite useful.
MHD requires a substantial power source to operate effectively; it would be limited to either a large vessel or something sporting a reactor.
I was definitely figuring on putting reactors in our battleships and submarines, maybe even smaller vessels. Battlecrusiers ("Large Crusiers", if we really want to follow bizarre traditional US classifications), probably. Could put it in smaller craft, but probably not for the initial designs. And any aircraft carriers we make will obviously be nuclear-powered.
@Nixeu To further clarify a fluff comment into a working more accurate portrayal of the current technobabble regarding MHD in this AU.

MHD is a means of aquatic propulsion, it excels at quick burst as without inertia and the need to build speed in a driveshaft or propeller it can go from dead stop to full acceleration and only need to overcome the vessels inertia (w/o the inertia of the drive train as a consideration). Triton gains dodge bonuses because with a humanocentric form and the vernier thrusters at key points provides the flexibility to perform incredible contortions in water relatively easy.

The reason MHD has historically been slower than traditional systems is the inefficient energy to thrust ratio, it is to be assumed using Whitecap Triton as our benchmark that between MHD improvements and the use of Triton's electrolysis for cavitation modification these obstacles have been overcome. It works, and it works quite well...
@Nixeu To further clarify a fluff comment into a working more accurate portrayal of the current technobabble regarding MHD in this AU.

MHD is a means of aquatic propulsion, it excels at quick burst as without inertia and the need to build speed in a driveshaft or propeller it can go from dead stop to full acceleration and only need to overcome the vessels inertia (w/o the inertia of the drive train as a consideration). Triton gains dodge bonuses because with a humanocentric form and the vernier thrusters at key points provides the flexibility to perform incredible contortions in water relatively easy.

The reason MHD has historically been slower than traditional systems is the inefficient energy to thrust ratio, it is to be assumed using Whitecap Triton as our benchmark that between MHD improvements and the use of Triton's electrolysis for cavitation modification these obstacles have been overcome. It works, and it works quite well...
Ah, excellent. It was a possibility that it was too energy-intensive for long-term propulsion, but not sudden bursts. I wasn't sure. Good to know it should work long-term.
(OOC) Well, I hope all matters that need clarification or modification have been addressed? Good! Let our regularly scheduled mayhem commence...

First off I will need rolls (1d10) for the follow outposts:

Liberty (Shineys from Charleston)
Pembroke (Dairy)
Bloomingdale (Mine)
Fort Pulaski (Market)
Oil Rig

Next as we await the rolls and a writeup of the results, eyes turn to Macon.

Apparently a group of local bandits did not do their homework, ignoring the recently raised earthwork ramparts, as they brazenly roll up in a pair of open topped jeeps their rifles firing into the air, screaming "This is a robbery, cooperate and no one gets hurt!"

Apparently their past successes with such shock and awe tactics has robbed them of all caution.

The look of realization is priceless as they survey their intended victims. At least 10 platoons of on duty AKP's still armed and in the uniforms of Savannah Protectorate soldiers, with rifles(and a few recoiless)leveled in their direction.

The off duty soldiers go about their business chuckle enjoying some free entertainment to go with mess and rack time, knowing this will be a tale for the grand-kids one day. Local civilians whose natural reaction was to cower, panic, and dive for cover look around, dust themselves off, and begin to go about business as usual as overwhelming force is on hand and the outcome is never in doubt.

The Hoodlums are disarmed, briefly questioned, and once they reveal they are an independent band with no ties to Charleston are quickly dispatched.
Their bodies are taken to the nearest crossroad and heaped unceremoniously in a pile. Nearby a sign is posted;

"Macon is now under the protection of the Southeastern Protectorate by the authority of the PODC. All violent crime will be met with lethal force. You have been warned."
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Actually I never declared what the rolls were for did I? or a target number... What if I were looking for a range to gauge whether anything happens at all? :drevil::drevil:
Right, sure, why not, how bad could it get?

Remember way back early game when I was explaining the dangers of API's, Nest, and unexplained bouts of gribbley migration?

Liberty is in the midst of such an unexplained migration, Giant Antiverse Blowflies the size of toy poodles with auger bit proboscis that can drill thru soft wood or leather kind of bad... about 34 of these insectile horrors to be exact. They fly around buzzing a potential victim until they can land in a spot not easily defended (such as small of back or between shoulder blades and feed, clawed feet latching tight).

Fortunately the people of Liberty are confirmed ammosexuals! Their tendency to arm up at the drop of hat (80% of people actively carry/ 98% own) is your saving grace!

With a Population of 364 people they field the equivalent of 25 civilian militia units (at 10 ppl unit), it would be more but they have Charleston raiding parties out, and their lone Homeland AKP unit. Hardly do the alarms to take shelter sound than a cacophony of gunshots wring out, the Blowfly are ended and only 2 people are wounded from friendly fire and ricochets.
Exhaustion has struck, I'm off to bed, finish these in the A.M.

Edit: Fort Pulaski and Pembroke still need rolls!
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I've got Pembroke!

Edit: perfectly average.
Fyrstorm threw 1 10-faced dice. Reason: Do he got it? Total: 5
5 5
The town of Bloomingdale hosts the Landrum-Pickering Titanium mine and is without a doubt your most lucrative outpost, with a population nearing 900 residents it is also one of the largest.

Your recent environmental efforts are still being carried out, recovery although expedited by the plasma incinerator will be the work of weeks as literally tons of toxic run-off have accumulated. The incinerator runs endlessly to cope with the mines 3 shift schedule and as lulls happen the old sludge is retrieved and added to be processed. It is the poor souls on recover duty this day that encounters the small infestation right here in our own backyard.

No one knows how or when these creatures eggs were introduced to the overflow reservoir, or if somehow a live specimen slithered in and made itself to home. But 'Carnictics Sordicus' (Vile Meat Weasel) thrive and now HUNT your citizens from their toxic refuge.

The beast lies near dormant, its outer shell the size of a Buick is featureless save a few bristly hairs swaying towards the heat and scent of potential prey, the Meat Weasel is incapable of more than slug like motion and must ambush its victim or go hungry.

The junior miner works a hand crank siphon pump filling 55 gal barrels on a trailer, his more senior partner sits astride the golf cart listening to youtube videos earbuds firmly in place. Both oblivious as Carnictis extends a mucus covered fleshy throat ending in a double maw of inward hooking teeth, whether it is pheromones or some other cue that a hunt is in progress, other Weasels slither closer looking like nothing more than toxin stained rocks at a glance.

The first clue anything is amiss is the shriek of the Junior Man as the first weasel latches on to his free arm at the wrist, the two jaws work in unison, one acting as an inescapable bear trap, the other reaching up pulling more of the arm in. They alternate in turn, a slow death by inches.

The foreman sees his companion being eaten slowly, grabs a fireaxe from a nearby safety station and moves to help. His focus is solely on the man and the beast feeding on him. He has no clue that behind him yet more fleshy throats emerge wielding their own hooked mouths...

15 - 20 minutes later, someone comes looking for the long overdue delivery of sludge. What they find are two weasels throats fully extended one man 90 percent engulfed, the other man swallowed to the waist and they still are moving, alive as digestion begins.

The discoverer does the sensible thing and sounds the alarm, The 3 militia unit and the AKB's on hand answer the call.

No one seems to notice the other six boulders nearby, each with a small tuft of hairs quivering.

Roll me 4x 1d10 for the units to realize their danger, target of 5+

Edit: Credit the Weasels to King Kong (2005) their scene still haunts me, if you want to share the nightmares youtube video here.​
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