Mammoth Apostate vs the World 1: "Lost in the Mist"

In hindsight it appears the Avengers were a wise purchase.

Without our recent acquisition the best we could of hoped for is dropping 2 and eating the last missiles payload.

Btw I was looking at possible payloads, and it is scary vague...

from Nuclear to Blu-97/B a combine effect warhead, dropping submunitions that mix shaped charges, fragmentation, and incendiary in a grab bag of ouch, to one very large HE warhead.
Actually your Kaiju sensors are proving quite helpful, as they are designed to read toxicity as part of the Serizawa Scale.

With all 3 missiles down and the immediate threat dealt with you can compare the missiles payload with known toxins, a match is found and it turns your intestines to water.

Sarin (G-series, "B") nerve gas, and this is no adulterated feeble attempt, this is height of the Cold War purity. The civilian shelters would have provided zero safety as they are not hardened for Nuclear, biological, or chemical attack.

Roll for potential 'elites' on 4 of your Avengers, they've earned it today!
I'm fairly certain there is only 1 group of cretins, willing to gas our civilians.

How they were able to launch Tomahawks and have no detectable ocean presence screams submarine to me.

We are not prepared to assault a Fortress town we simply don't have the numbers to spare and still be able to fend off K-scales.

Looking for a good way to give a counter punch, something to bleed the cultists without devastating the innocent people who are forced to work for them. Open to all suggestions .
How they were able to launch Tomahawks and have no detectable ocean presence screams submarine to me.

Actually there is -another- possibility, the operational range of a Tomahawk is over 800 miles at 550 mph, distance from Charleston to Savannah roughly 110 miles. They could have launched towards the ocean and let it circle in from an attack vector less likely to be watched than the skies in a direct path between the 2 hostile points and would only add a moment or two to the 12 minute flight time, it also adds a certain dubious deniability.

edit: 12 minutes jet vs particulate and 75% fell out of skies, that seems about right to me. :evil:
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Well with combat safely resolved for the moment, and your citizens still blissfully unaware of the hairs breadth they were away from painful, degrading, & horrid deaths , you can begin working towards providing them a safer tomorrow.

Initial symptoms following exposure to Sarin are a runny nose, tightness in the chest and constriction of the pupils. Soon after, the person will have difficulty breathing and they will experience nausea and drooling. As they continue to lose control of bodily functions, they may vomit, defecate and urinate. This phase is followed by twitching and jerking. Ultimately, the person becomes comatose and suffocates in a series of convulsive spasms. Moreover, common mnemonics for the symptomatology of organophosphate poisoning, including Sarin gas, are the "killer B's" of bronchorrhea and bronchospasm because they are the leading cause of death, and SLUDGE – salivation, lacrimation, urination, defecation, gastrointestinal distress, and emesis (vomiting). Death may follow in 1 to 10 minutes after direct inhalation.

Only you can decide how best to achieve that Councillors.

You have two equally valid options, figure out a suitable military response and set it in motion OR move to another downtime planning session where you can collect revenue & bolster your defenses.

[ ] Counter-Punch

[ ] Bolster Defenses

Edit: If you engage in 'Counter Punch' downtime will follow immediately afterwards.
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The -ONLY- viable combat retaliation I can think up is to send Whitecap Triton to reek havoc.

In a conventional mode he is a hell of a fast attack submarine capable of destroying shipping and choking Charleston harbor with everything that was afloat there...

That approach is iffy with limited Intel.

Or he could swim our 1 functional nuke into the harbor, and set a timer to blow the bad guys to hell along with every long suffering soul they have captive.

Neither of which will I support... the first is dubious chance of meaningful success, the second is a morally corrupt solution.
I hope one of my fellow councillors has a better idea of how to counter punch those asses than I do .

I am throwing some ideas out for consideration, take them as they are intended... merely ideas.

1) upgrade shelters to NBC defensive capable

2) troops need access to NBC training and personal protective gear. Sealed vehicles?

3) each downtime we need to pump out 1 useful troop type in quantity. (Rotate to balance our roster.)

4) pump our economy to support a healthy ongoing military expansion .

5) We have no navy!!!!

More after I sleep.
Receive 1,500 R! (Which coincidentally, would be -just- enough to have a new 'Mist Life Studies' lab ready by next downtime).

I also need to know if you guys want to shuffle the Resources to the foundation of MLS labs or prefer the cash in the bank? It will matter next downtime as either you do possess a free Mist research action or not...
[X] Bolster Defenses

We don't have the numbers or tech to mount an assault in the short term so right now our best bet is to fort up and wait until Iceman gets here so we can grab Bracer.
I am strongly in favor of taking the Mist Life lab vs cash. Research ACTIONS are too valuable and while we can get $$$ many ways, knowledge only comes from a limited action economy.


[X] Bolster Defenses

[X] Mist Life Science Lab
So far it's leaning towards defenses, so to ease plan construction I will process income now... if however the votes shift to combat these resources are unavailable until after that is handled.

1,346 R 10/22/2018 Starting treasury balance.

125 R / Downtime Pembroke Dairy
250 R / Downtime Casino taxes (ongoing)
50 R / Downtime Fort Pulaski Market (ongoing)
450 R / Downtime 'Landrum-Pickering Titanium mine' (ongoing)
1,500 R / Downtime Manufacturing (ongoing)
edit: +300 R for morale bonus to manufacturing
600 R from petroleum conversion to petrochemicals (next turn left and then tanker runs dry)

Dice dependent income:
Ports Authority - 1,033 R
Commodity Exchange - seed resource of 500 R, experienced 'Explosive Growth' 24% Return, seed maintained and grew to 550 R, payout you and Atlanta both receive 70 R.

( I know 70 R, doesn't sound impressive but your principle grew 10% AND you pocketed nearly 15% of seed value, the numbers are small only because 500 R is such a small seed amount.)

Edit: On comparison a standard exchange like NASDAQ 7% Annual growth is standard

New total 5,424 5,724 R available 10/28/2018 downtime income


Btw environment continues to improve (provided you dispatch crews to clean up the Sarin)
Hidden bonus unlocked: +1 Action bonus for providing such a nice environment to live and work
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Re: Homeland defense

Remember these guys from the Rig? Homeland has been keeping a close eye on them... the news is mixed.

You have 67 conscripted laborers (knowledgeable about rig & refinery operation)

Conscripts shall be given medical attention & opportunity to head for their homes (food & water, knife and a blanket) or opportunity to earn Savannah citizenship, earned at a Savannah sponsored abandoned community, they can improve and reap the benefits of.

They have grown a large community (350+ people with constant traffic in and out) in minimal time, it is almost puritanical in its work ethic and unswervingly loyalty to Savannah. What is problematic, is they are taking their rights to defend themselves seriously, EVERY man, woman, and pubescent child is heavily armed and they have apparently begun travelling northeast into Charlestons area of Influence and begun recruiting the downtrodden survivors from the wastes that Charlestons Raiders prey upon either to follow them back here or begin a resistance network there.

Allegedly their contacts are extensive and information there can be purchased cheaply for food, clothing, or other basics of survival from the newest downtrodden.

Edit: Settlement was formerly Okatie (along State route 278) , but has been rechristened as Liberty.

General scavenged goods +150 R/turn
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So, six actions, 5,424 Rs to spend and enemies with long range weapons.

One action is going to be spent building the Magic Lab and the cost was prededucted so we're back to 5 actions with 5,424 Rs to spend. So lets assume we clean up the gas, which we have to for the sixth action, and assume it costs 224 Rs to make the math easier.

We've now got to spend Rs on upgrading the shelters and seed money for the currency. We're going to want to spend between 1000 and 500 Rs on currency so let's say 750. I'm going to guess another 750 for bunker upgrades so we're down to 3 actions and an estimated 3,700 Rs. Meaning that if these numbers are accurate and assuming we spend no money on anything else we can upgrade comms twice, sensors twice, both of them once or manufacturing once.

I understand why you voted for it but shutting down the rig was a terrible decision.
Actually, I was being generous seeing as how a lot of what is going on is merely restructuring K-science and pointing them to new Mist related tasks no construction per se, just buying added equipment to reduce overlapping research bottlenecks.

Retain full 6 actions.

Environmental cleanup is always a free action just Resource cost.
Actually, I was being generous seeing as how a lot of what is going on is merely restructuring K-science and pointing them to new Mist related tasks no construction per se, just buying added equipment to reduce overlapping research bottlenecks.

Retain full 6 actions.

Environmental cleanup is always a free action just Resource cost.

My napkin math aside, shutting down the rig shot us in the foot economically.
So, six actions, 5,424 Rs to spend and enemies with long range weapons.

One action is going to be spent building the Magic Lab and the cost was prededucted so we're back to 5 actions with 5,424 Rs to spend. So lets assume we clean up the gas, which we have to for the sixth action, and assume it costs 224 Rs to make the math easier.

We've now got to spend Rs on upgrading the shelters and seed money for the currency Commodity exchange. We're going to want to spend between 1000 and 500 Rs on currency so let's say 750. I'm going to guess another 750 for bunker upgrades so we're down to 3 actions and an estimated 3,700 Rs. Meaning that if these numbers are accurate and assuming we spend no money on anything else we can upgrade comms twice, sensors twice, both of them once or manufacturing once.

I understand why you voted for it but shutting down the rig was a terrible decision.

Partially Fund the Shared currency program (1,000/5,000)
Morale improves in both Savannah and Atlanta as the bothersome 'barter system' begins to take a back seat to familiar cash transactions.

(morale bonus to manufacturing soars to +20% !!!)

Shared currency is in start up mode, no Mandatory Contributions required, although a token sum might be better diplomatically. I'm glad you caused me to question it because I forgot to add in your morale bonus to manufacturing. +300 More R towards total (QM's make mistakes too :p)

Assign troops and "seed money resources" for start of Commodity Exchange
Done! I will do a behind the curtain, dice roll to see how much current exchange of seed resources profits the Exchange starting at next downtime and post profits gained (if any, believe me odds are in your favor).
This is an optional growth thing to it will grow on it's own if allowed too, but more seed = more $ soontm​.

5- Authorize a new research lab "Bureau for Paranormal Research and Defense". (Magic research).

Magic lab was paid for last downtime... Contributions to currency or commodity exchange are optional and free actions. Only thing I see you listed that will cost actions are upgrading shelters.


@Cmd. Frost I see your point fiscally the rig had great $$$ potential, it also did possess the potential to become a money pit if troop losses exceeded revenue gained.

Without a dedicated Naval forces holding an asset at sea becomes extremely problematic. As a Councillor you can lobby for a Naval element and reclaim the site, the self capping well head is there ready for someone to build another rig with air & naval defenses (or blackjack and hookers; who am I to tell you how to build your oil rigs :))
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10/29/2018 downtime planning template
5,724 R available

Free Actions:

Sarin Cleanup 224 R
[ ] Clean
[ ] No clean

[ ] one free J-Tech Research Project

[ ] one free K-Sciences Research Project

[ ] one free Mist Life Sciences Research Project

[ ] one free Jaeger Repair or Upgrade action (Hephaestus)

[ ] one free High Energy Lab (HEL) Project

[ ] one free Bureau Paranormal Research & Defense (Magic) Research Project

Six General actions (1 per Population) (+1/environmental bonus) :
  1. -
  2. -
  3. -
  4. -
  5. -
  6. -

Incidental research (IE. Plot driven, no action cost involved)

Doc Brown files a preliminary thesis - he has so far eliminated all mundane materials in use in the lab, that leaves only the exotic alien crystals he has named Neuatope after John von Neumann, (A scientist Doc idolizes & tope from isotope). His thesis is something catalyzed the crystal, but that being the case there should have been a corresponding release of radiation... None was recorded on the labs internal sensors.

He will continue puttering with it in his spare time.


The behavioral scientist observing the taped behavior of the cult sub-leader being exposed to the three versions of the elder signs, has made some anecdotal connections. The Derleth pentacle has next to no data as the subject has steadfastly kept his back to all three symbols, but the Lovecraftian 7 limbed branch , and the Horned Pentacle have remained on the subjects periphery and are occasionally 'accidentally' glanced at.

The 'Branch' and the viewing of it are followed by periods of increased twitchiness, as if the subject has an unscratchable itch or some other unresolved irritant disturbing his comfort.

The 'Horned Pentacle' has nearly the opposite effect, immediately following accidental glimpses are periods of lethargy and almost narcoleptic episodes.

Neither are definitively causal, but behaviorally the subject is experiencing these behaviors well outside normal patterns.
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A ton of interesting stuff going on...

Never considered that the rescued rig workers might start an insurgency against the Deacon.

I'm all for starting a Navy, and reopening the Rig IF it can be held. I'm fairly certain build list has some kind of boats...

Auto sentries and captor mines (IFF) around rig, maybe 3-4 Avenger style turrets mounted on it.

Some sort of concertina wire version of a shark net to keep deep ones from ninja-ing in from below, maybe some depth charges?
You have two naval vessels on the build list:
Special Operations Craft – Riverine (Soc-R) Mv 5 300 R
(x2) M-134 mini guns, (x2) Mk. 19 automatic grenade launchers, (x1) M2HB .50 caliber MG

M134 Minigun: 1d10 Impact/Fire damage. -2 Damage [cauterize] Hits on 5+.
Range 15/-/20 May double as Hvy SSC - limited AoE 2d3 targets

Mk-19 Automatic Grenade launcher: 10/ - / - Hits on 5+
Perk: Variable munitions (does not need chosen w/t battle plan, may change ammo as free action)
  • High Velocity Canister Cartridge (HVCC) - Flechette AoE 1d4+1 targets hvy SSC [impact]
  • High Explosive Incendiary(HE-I) - K-scale Rounds 2d5 to hit, -2 Dam (min 1)
M2HB .50 caliber machine gun - hvy ssc- limited AoE 1d3 targets) 360 traverse 10/20/30

Crew is 6 man, (1 pilot 5 gunners) and can comfortably mount an additional 8-10 man squad for insertion/extraction.


AK Patrol Torpedo Boat Mv 4 200 R Crew is 6 man
(x1) M2HB .50 caliber machine gun, (x4) Mk-32 torpedo launcher, and (x1) 'Hedgehog' depth charge launcher (Aft mounted)

M2HB .50 caliber machine gun - hvy ssc- (limited AoE 1d3 targets) 360 traverse 10/20/-

Mk-32 tri-tube torpedo launcher - each salvo of 3 torpedoes does 1d10 K-Scale, rng -/-/60 (Must reload during downtime) May single fire versus conventional naval units.
'Hedgehog' Depth Charge launcher - does 1d10 K-Scale -3 dam. Min 1, rng -/-/10
(fires 24 rpg sized impact/proximity fuse depth bombs in a single salvo) if used vs SSC 3d5 targets AoE

Neither are ocean travel worthy, but are fine for Coastal operations in moderate weather.
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