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Incidental research (IE. Plot driven, no action cost involved)
Doc Brown files a preliminary thesis - he has so far eliminated all mundane materials in use in the lab, that leaves only the exotic alien crystals he has named Neuatope after John von Neumann, (A scientist Doc idolizes & tope from isotope). His thesis is something catalyzed the crystal, but that being the case there should have been a corresponding release of radiation... None was recorded on the labs internal sensors.
He will continue puttering with it in his spare time.
The behavioral scientist observing the taped behavior of the cult sub-leader being exposed to the three versions of the elder signs, has made some anecdotal connections. The Derleth pentacle has next to no data as the subject has steadfastly kept his back to all three symbols, but the Lovecraftian 7 limbed branch , and the Horned Pentacle have remained on the subjects periphery and are occasionally 'accidentally' glanced at.
The 'Branch' and the viewing of it are followed by periods of increased twitchiness, as if the subject has an unscratchable itch or some other unresolved irritant disturbing his comfort.
The 'Horned Pentacle' has nearly the opposite effect, immediately following accidental glimpses are periods of lethargy and almost narcoleptic episodes.
Neither are definitively causal, but behaviorally the subject is experiencing these behaviors well outside normal patterns.