Mammoth Apostate vs the World 1: "Lost in the Mist"

Also need to address the possibility of additional Elites joining your Ranks: Need rolls please.

2 Cobras
2 Tanks (Need name and appearance, please)
1 M-270 MLRS
5 AKP's <----------these orphans need some love.
Also need to address the possibility of additional Elites joining your Ranks: Need rolls please.

2 Cobras
2 Tanks (1 Elite needs name and appearance, please)
1 M-270 MLRS
5 AKP's 1 AKP needs rolled, (1 Elite needs name and appearance, please)
Need names and appearance for 1 elite tank, and 1 Elite AKP before I assign unique perks.

I will assume the forces being permanently assigned to Commodity Exchange caravan guards will be 2 standard (non-Elite) AKP's & 1 standard tank?
Plan locked!
I will begin write up as soon as you guys provide some flavor for newest two elites.
'Hammer's Slammers' Elite tank crew.

Led by a rather ambitious 2nd Lieutenant, one Alios Hammer, whose military career would advanced faster with less of a mercenary outlook.

Hammer encourages the crew to name and decorate the tank as they wish as long as the design does not compromise a low visibility profile.

IE. A multitude of intricate designs are done in childrens multicolored chalk, and are constantly changing and evolving as a new whim strikes the crew or wear and rain necessitate repair.

The crew; emphatically insist the tank is named Bess, after a rather attractive croupier at Massarone's 'Blackjack on River Street'.
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'Hammer's Slammers' Elite tank crew.

Led by a rather ambitious 2nd Lieutenant, one Alios Hammer, whose military career would advanced faster with less of a mercenary outlook.

Hammer encourages the crew to name and decorate the tank as they wish as long as the design does not compromise a low visibility profile.

IE. A multitude of intricate designs are done in children's multicolored chalk, and are constantly changing and evolving as a new whim strikes the crew or wear and rain necessitate repair.

The crew; emphatically insist the tank is named Bess, after a rather attractive croupier at Massarone's 'Blackjack on River Street'.

(OOC) Please excuse me a moment, BadKatt85 knows I'm a big time David Drake fanboy... (Smithsguild lets loose a -manly- squee!!!)

*This* is the style, and depth of Elite development description wise, reminiscent of 'Rough Rider's', 'Ghost Rider's', etc in early days of the Quest.

Narratively I have been lacking in incorporating these unique differences, and making them as exciting a part of the unit as they are meant to be... (I will be working harder on this!)

Unique Elite Perk - 'Tactically Flexible' at start of each turn this unit may chose to take either an offensive or defensive bonus. This may be applied as a +1 to hit (Offensive) or unit is harder to hit by 1 pip (Defensive).
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Idea for AKP'S.

'Fortunate Sons'
appearance plain olive drab BDU's, but wear tie-dyed wristbands in rainbow hues decorated by a Native American of indeterminate lineage known as "Shaman" who in shell beadwork makes good luck symbols.
Only 4 hours remaining to offer alternates or show support for BadKatts elite proposals.
Idea for AKP'S.

'Fortunate Sons'
appearance plain olive drab BDU's, but wear tie-dyed wristbands in rainbow hues decorated by a Native American of indeterminate lineage known as "Shaman" who in shell beadwork makes good luck symbols.

Hmmm, 1960 army uniforms (Vietnam era) on proto-hippy soldiers, Make the Native American a Staff Sargent raised in an ashram (by REAL tree hugging hippies) in charge of the unit and we'll ignore the non-reg peyote usage (it's strictly for religious purposes).

Unique Elite Perk - 'Fated to Win' one time per battle this unit may re-roll a die roll of their choice and take the more favorable result.
(OOC) What I think is cool is the inbuilt mechanism, whereby once you research a parallel upgrade you can cross train your existent Elites over to the new shiny next gen tech and retain their elite status.

Theoretical example? You develop 1st generation mobility jackets (ala Edge of Tomorrow), it would be perfectly reasonable to assign the best infantry unit you possess to get the most bang for your buck. 'Fortunate Sons' in mobility jackets /powered armor? 'Hammer's Slammers' assigned to a Mastadon SuperHeavy? Makes sense to me...
:rolleyes: 6pm deadline, and not a single vote, comment, etc... for the Elites.

I simply REFUSE to allow this to degrade to 1 vote equals consensus. We'll just assume everyone is busy with life & having fun and extend deadlines ad infinitum until my readers can spare some time.
Right, I will vote for
[X]BadKatt85's elites
Then go slink back to the research doc to plot...
Quick ideas I had in the doc,
Kinetic energy "slammer" rounds, designed to be fired from a massive cannon to knock kaiju around.
War bikes (motorbikes built for combat, with built in weapons, better engines, and armor. since a large number of our elites are motorbike battalions.)
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Right, I will vote for
[X]BadKatt85's elites
Then go slink back to the research doc to plot...
Quick ideas I had in the doc,
Kinetic energy "slammer" rounds, designed to be fired from a massive cannon to knock kaiju around.
War bikes (motorbikes built for combat, with built in weapons, better engines, and armor. since a large number of our elites are motorbike battalions.)

Oooo more shineys...

I will be along in a bit.
3 votes in support, no opposing plan, over 18 hours past deadline... we'll call it locked.

I will now begin processing the down time plan.
Free actions:

Partially Fund the Shared currency program
Morale improves in both Savannah and Atlanta as the bothersome 'barter system' begins to take a back seat to familiar cash transactions.

(morale bonus to manufacturing soars to +20% !!!)

Initially Atlanta suffers a small run on exchange of coinage for precious metals, but once this causes not a single eyebrow to raise, the run ends. Within two days most of the metals are returned as currency is far easier to work with and no one can accurately base value of platinum, gold, or silver for common trade good.

Upgrade All our applicable forces that could benefit from existing new tech (GLTD/ PP/ Recoiless) - 280 R

Kaiju Blue Cleanup
[X] Clean - 185 R

Assign troops and "seed money resources" for start of Commodity Exchange
Done! I will do a behind the curtain, dice roll to see how much current exchange of seed resources profits the Exchange starting at next downtime and post profits gained (if any, believe me odds are in your favor).

I need rolls for your free research laboratories: Need rolls of 1d10 +4 (full research Stat) for:
HEL - Kaiju Particulate research
K-science - ways to safely work with test subject, including prompting ability use
J-Tech - MLRS chest module (continued)


Five General actions (1 per Population) :
1-Used for Containment/ HEL Lab Construction

2-Build 4 Avengers

3-Build 1 Self Propelled Launch Loaders w/t trailer

4-Upgrade city manufacturing stat to 3.

5- Authorize a new research lab "Bureau for Paranormal Research and Defense". (Magic research).
An overly motivated lab tech has already began a translation of the book and has discovered it is comprised of two very different sections, an encyclopedic listing of entities (and their servitors) that reside in the oceans including many illustrations & a more formulaic treatise on precautions that should be taken to ensure the readers continuing survival.

He says that the precautions section states something about empowering sigils, and using the 'Voorish Sign' to awaken an inner eye?!? But gives no real details what that would entail.


A Cultist leader is exposed to a cell in the small scale containment, featuring the 3 known Elder signs recessed into the 3 walls behind a clear lexan panel. He evidences first shock, then revulsion. He moves to put his back to them and pointedly ignores them. No, other effects are immediately visible. Cell is under constant video surveillance and tapes will be analyzed and observations logged.
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