Mammoth Apostate vs the World 1: "Lost in the Mist"

Just so you guys know I have forces assigned to the rig in the plan.

I really don't think the rig needs artillery and flyers, the Torpedo Boats should be more then capable of holding off attackers until a larger force can arrive.

I respectfully disagree, the Artillery in indirect fire mode gives the Rig a standoff capability range wise. (Out to 4 km.)

Artillery is also great anti-air defense (flak cannons) once a round is researched. Add the fact that non-mobile artillery is of limited usefulness except in a defensive capability.

As to copter, I like having some aerial support on tap, it gives us a flexibility the boat cannot offer, let's say if another boat approaches and keeps the Rig between us and them, torpedoes require a clear line of sight, being able to work height into our strategies disables such tactics.
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(OOC) Artillery (including the large naval guns) is particularly effective versus small fast attack craft not rated for 'blue water' engagements (non-littoral waters) as even a near miss may swamp (or capsize) a smaller craft causing them to founder and sink.
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Plan: Coastline v.3 & Permanent Rig assignments (addendum) are the plans submitted and running as yet unopposed, closing them out 6 pm EST tomorrow; hopefully they can garner more support than the 2 & 1/2 official votes cast so far (KnightDisciple, BadKatt85) Cmd. Frost has 'officially' endorse his own plan, and has agreed with the addendum.
Artillery is also great anti-air defense (flak cannons) once a round is researched.

As to this Artillery rounds in general have timed fuses, to convert a HE-Incendiary round (your standard K-scale round) for Flak use all that is necessary is to incorporate using a range finder and adjust the timing to cause the round to air-burst at appropriate altitude. No new research required.
downtime #8 write up
Write up for Coastline v.3

Clean up Sarin 224 Rs Done!
Although the Sarin cleanup presents its own unique hurdles, thermal sterilization is found to be a fairly effective and easy initial sterilizing procedure.
You roll out the M270 with its area denial warheads and pepper the affected area with 3 salvos of the HE/I submunitions. A task that would have been an all day process without your Self Propelled Launch Loader (SPLL) resupply vehicle has been handled within the span of a quarter hour.
Some stubborn heavily saturated areas require intervention of the 'Ghost Riders' and their bike mounted flame throwers.
Once thermal sterilization is complete the Kaiju cleanup crews in their Hazmat suits and self contained breathing apparatus mount construction equipment and remove the tainted wreckage of the Tomahawks, that is then sealed in cement.

Build 5 AK Patrol Torpedo Boats 1,000 Rs

Upgrade comms once 1,500 Rs
Done! Savannah Comms to 3.

Upgrade the civilian shelters 900 Rs
Done! Upgraded to Disbursed NBC Shelters.

Dispersed NBC Civilian shelters - positive pressure airlock doors seal the shelters & mitigate civilian casualty die roles. 1 AP vs all Casualty die rolls, 1 shelter purchase permitted per 2 points of population. 10 population = 5 shelters = 5 ap vs Casualty die rolls cost: 300 r / per (Stacks with Defense City Stat AV)

Buy 10 ranged and 10 dexterity rolls 400 Rs

Send the Engineers to restart the Oil Rig, get the original crew to come back on or train some replacements.
The people of Liberty are enthusiastic to help teach replacement riggers and a few dedicated souls agree to stay on despite the place being a constant reminder of 'The Orders' brutality and the inhumane conditions they slaved under.
The Engineers are thorough and efficient in removing the booby traps and scouting the rig for any surprises the cultists may have snuck in since their last visit. Within less than four hours the rig is pumping the storage tanks full, they will radio Savannah when the Supertanker needs to be escorted out.

Need your rolls to gauge success on these actions:

Hephaestus: Upgrade Mammoth's ranged and dexterity stat.
I will need single rolls 1d10 +4 (research stat bonus) labeled as either dex or ranged. A success is a natural roll of 8+.
Keep rolling until 2 additional successes are generated or the 10 upgrades are used up.

Free High Energy Lab: Research particulate resistant jet engines. Roll 1d10 +4 (research stat bonus)

Free Mist Life Sciences Research: Distill the organ tentacle from the conjoined Kaiju in a non-destructive manner to harvest the science resistant luminous flecks, hopefully in larger concentrations and continue to try to understand them
Roll 1d10 +4 (research stat bonus)

Free Bureau Paranormal Research & Defense (Magic): Investigate empowering sigils from the Chaat Aquadingen.
Roll 1d10 +4 (research stat bonus)

Scan for wandering Kaiju
Roll 1d10 +2(Sensor stat bonus)

Free J-Tech: Research a J-scale hand held, cylinder fed, scatter, Shock/impact firearm.
Roll 1d10 +4 (research stat bonus)

Free K-Sciences Research: Research better methods restraining captured Kaiju.
Roll 1d10 +4 (research stat bonus)
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Rolling slammer (J-scale impact firearm, assuming this uses slammer cannon style tech)
Edit:hmm A nine, could be good, could be not, couldn't say for sure...
dgr11897 threw 1 10-faced dice. Reason: j-tech +4 Total: 5
5 5
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Rolling slammer (J-scale impact firearm, assuming this uses slammer cannon style tech)

Actually this is an attempt at an as yet, unnamed primary, electrical scatter weapon (the impact is a secondary effect caused by the delivery system). A slammer would definitely be a Impact primary.

This weapon was designed stealing inspiration from 20,000 Leagues under the Sea, namely utilizing a variant inspired by Captain Nemo's Laden Ball ammunition. These rounds contains piezoelectric crystals, which produce a voltage when they are compressed as they impact the target, the automatic scattergun delivery system allows volleys of them them to really stack the raw current on.

A single round targeting a patch of ground could generate a non-lethal stun to all man scale targets (SSC) sharing that terrain, whereas a 3 round burst would generally be enough to overwhelm Cat-Zeros, a full 5 round burst is required to achieve K-Scale effective voltage.

Its short body design incorporates the best features of an automatic sawed off Shotgun and a large cylindered (15 round) revolver and is designed to be equally usable by either hand. It's sling allows free use of hands and causes the weapon to hang at the hip in easy reach.
Edit: I am aware the attached graphic shows considerably more chambers than the 15 rounds, that is a safety feature, in the event of a misfire the empty chambers are there to prevent a failed round arcing out to a neighboring round and setting the whole mess off.​
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I'll scan for kaiju!

Edit: Well, on the plus side, we definitely didn't find any kaiju!
Fyrstorm threw 1 10-faced dice. Reason: Kaiju Scan (+2) Total: 1
1 1
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Mammoth range upgrades

EDIT: Sorry guys, I forgot the rolls didn't have to be a natural 8+
Cmd. Frost threw 9 10-faced dice. Reason: Range Total: 49
5 5 9 9 1 1 6 6 6 6 6 6 1 1 5 5 10 10
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I think I'll roll for the tentacle analysis. Let's see what our friendly neighborhood Outer God dumped on our doorstep.

Edit: Not bad. Here's to hoping we learn something.
Nixeu threw 1 10-faced dice. Reason: Ooh, shiny... (1d10+4) Total: 8
8 8
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Actually this is an attempt at an as yet, unnamed primary, electrical scatter weapon (the impact is a secondary effect caused by the delivery system). A slammer would definitely be a Impact primary.

This weapon was designed stealing inspiration from 20,000 Leagues under the Sea, namely utilizing a variant inspired by Captain Nemo's Laden Ball ammunition. These rounds contains piezoelectric crystals, which produce a voltage when they are compressed as they impact the target, the automatic scattergun delivery system allows volleys of them them to really stack the raw current on.

A single round targeting a patch of ground could generate a non-lethal stun to all man scale targets (SSC) sharing that terrain, whereas a 3 round burst would generally be enough to overwhelm Cat-Zeros, a full 5 round burst is required to achieve K-Scale effective voltage.

Its short body design incorporates the best features of an automatic sawed off Shotgun and a large cylindered (15 round) revolver and is designed to be equally usable by either hand. It's sling allows free use of hands and causes the weapon to hang at the hip in easy reach.
Edit: I am aware the attached graphic shows considerably more chambers than the 15 rounds, that is a safety feature, in the event of a misfire the empty chambers are there to prevent a failed round arcing out to a neighboring round and setting the whole mess off.​
... In all honesty I am happier with this result... This gives me... Ideas, For stuff like a crowd control mark zero
Edit: name idea, Electro-scatter cannons (or just laden guns), For the overall type of weapon. The nemo for this specific gun.
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Mammoth range upgrades

EDIT: Sorry guys, I forgot the rolls didn't have to be a natural 8+

To rate a success they DO need to be a natural 8+ (8, 9, or 10) , so of the 7 rolls you rolled only the 9 is a success.
You still have 3 range rolls available before you run out. (But you have 4 of the 5 successes needed to gain range 1).

Target number is a 10 + Mk. of Jaeger; IE Mammoth requires a roll target of 12,

8, 9, or 10 (plus the 4 for research bonus) equals 12, 13, or 14.
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As to other results I'll let the rolls accumulate and knock them out en masse tomorrow, I'm exhausted and crashing.
Wow, it's a good thing upgrades are cheap.

Anyway, Mammoth has Ranged 1, I'm not going to roll dexterity.
Wow, it's a good thing upgrades are cheap.

Anyway, Mammoth has Ranged 1, I'm not going to roll dexterity.

Range 1 (and 1 range upgrade banked); and yes whichever QM before me balanced cost versus success chance did an excellent job.

RNG dependent stat growth is always going to be a crap shoot. Mammoth is a good example 5 rolls first time = 3 successes, it took 9 rolls to generate 2 successes this time.
Free Bureau Paranormal Research & Defense (Magic): Investigate empowering sigils from the Chaat Aquadingen.
Roll 1d10 +4 (research stat bonus)

Free K-Sciences Research: Research better methods restraining captured Kaiju.
Roll 1d10 +4 (research stat bonus)

These still need rolled... and then write ups will be forthcoming.
With the 2 increases (range and dexterity) prerequisites are now met for use of:
SKH-01 'Sikh' Vibroblade Chakram
(Non-Equipped Mammoth currently lacking the Req. Dex -or- Ranged)
Held Melee / Ranged Weapon
Attack Dice: 1d10+1
Parry Dice: 1d5+Str (because of blades thin profile parry NOT suggested).
Armor Penetration: 1 AP
Grappling Bonus:-2 (each)
Durability: 6
Damage Type: Edged/Thermal
Thrown Damage Bonus: Strength
Range: Str+3/Str+6/Str+9 (carbine)
AV: 4/2
Requires: Dex 1 (melee), Rng 1 (ranged) to use to full potential.

It is noted that currently on Mammoths frame at waist level are 2 hydraulic 'C' clamps intended to store the Chakram; yet keep them in easy reach. (Equip or store as free action).