Mammoth Apostate vs the World 1: "Lost in the Mist"

Scan for wandering Kaiju:
The techs review sensor data, they are certain there are no 'wandering' kaiju (Category 1-5) within Savannahs sphere of influence. However there are a few anomolous areas, that ring as possessing elevated antiverse radiation zones. What exactly that entails remains currently unclear.
Site 1 - Coastal Marsh Site (heavily forested)
Site 2 - Deep Water Oceanic
Site 3 - Inland Sinkhole
Cursory exams, by flybys reveal little more information...
(OOC- These sites will each require a downtime action and force specific expedition to garner further details.)

K-Sciences Research: Research better methods restraining captured Kaiju.

Again 'Sage' is frustrating in the levels of resistance he provides.

The ether used is totally ineffectual, although the haloperidol does cause an affect, apparently there was a suppresion of the hive mind but without an effective general anesthetic it only drives Sage into a psychotic rage.

If his general build had been more melee oriented he might have threatened to breach his containment, but the feeble arms that produce such wonders of electromagnetism are ill equipped to batter down walls. He quiets as soon as the haloperidol runs its course.

The newest physical restraints are found to be functional, a set of cables that lassoed his arms and by exerting opposing pressure blunt the force he can actively exert. They are designed to steal and use the force he can generate to be redirected against another limb, forcing him to wrestle against his own mass and strength.

High Energy Lab: Research particulate resistant jet engines.

No Progress made!
Although 'Doc Brown' is unquestionably a brilliant mind, he suffers from crippling attention deficit disorder. The mystery of the thermobaric event and the death of the janitor still plague him to the exclusion of all work.

To his extensive understanding the event should have been impossible, no known substance in his lab should have interacted in such a fashion and the 1 unknown (Neuatope), is a radioactive element if it were causal there should have been an increase in background radiation in the lab, there was none.
When the council come to get a progress report on safe jet flight they instead find him reviewing looped security footage detailing the lab explosion.
He pointedly ignores all attempts at conversation directed at him until suddenly he leaps from his chair, exclaims "Great Scott!" and rushes from the lab and disappears from sight and from the lab at a run headed into town on some unknowable errand.

Free Mist Life Sciences Research:

The science resistant flecks are harvested in great abundance (nearly 50 grams of glitter sized flecks), and in the process a strong insight into their nature is revealed.

They are a substance that defies easy categorization, they exhibit behaviors as if they are simultaneously matter AND energy or more accurately the potential to become either.

As lab workers are exposed over protracted periods it is apparent that the flecks are psychoreactive, they alter brain chemistry particularly in the portion containing the peneal gland and temporarily awaken dormant neural pathways. Side effects include mild hallucination (worm like creatures swimming in air, reports of seeing auras around other individuals,etc.)

Alarmed all workers have CAT scans ran, but there is no ill affects to be found. Effected individuals are held in the infirmary for ongoing observation. Once separated from proximity with the flecks the awakened pathways slowly and measurably begin to quiet and go dormant in 95% of the patients. (Of the 20 exposed techs, ones system remains active but at a slightly reduced from full exposure level.)

Free Bureau Paranormal Research & Defense (Magic): Investigate empowering sigils from the Chaat Aquadingen.

At first research into empowering sigils is slow, no, to be fair it is absolutely glacial.

That is until happenstance and a lunch date between researchers begins to alter our perceptions of the multiverse.

BPR&D research tech Amelia Fouchild goes to meet her gaming friend who works in the newly formed Mist Life sciences division.
As always their talk over the mess halls mid-day meal is comparing their progress or lack of it in their respective jobs.
Harry explains the scare MLS had experienced working with the mystery flecks and how glad he himself was that he hadn't seen or heard anything that would require ongoing observation.

Amelia quips back "Well at least a scare means somebody is discovering something of note". She pulls out a few photocopies from the Chaat Aquadingen and begins to explain her task of 'empowering' a sigil whatever the hell that means...

Harry is fidgeting with a new dollar coin, the ones minted with the Elder Signs and compares the illustration from the book with the one in his hand, how the tomes artist rendered a glow in two dimensions when 'clearly' such a thing required no less than six, with no effort and less conscious thought he moved his hands to where such points would need anchored on his coin when suddenly the horned pentacle elder sign flairs incandescently an eye searing white.

Amelia shrieks in surprise, Harry fumbles the still glowing coin dropping it, where it lay glowing like a mag-lite flashlight beneath the table.


At the exact same moment in Mist Life Sciences a 1 gram portion of the collected flecks 'twinkles' briefly and blinks out of existence leaving a smell of rancid meat.

Oddly enough the missing amount, equals the amount on record that Harry personally harvested.


(OOC - I hope this suffices as an adequate leg up, you have bypassed 3 of my research hurdles. Harry is done... he is a muggle born and bred the material did the heavy lifting. You will need to NPC out the one 'Awakened' tech he/she is your doorway to non- fueled discoveries.
Also looking for a name for the flecks, I am favoring Aetheric Effluvium.)
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Hmm, so we need to write up an NPC who serves as the first awakened?
Edit: Added some ideas to the research doc, namely, deploy-able electrified barricades, a city wide system of anti personnel turrets, and a few others.
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Hmm, so we need to write up an NPC who serves as the first awakened?
Edit: Added some ideas to the research doc, namely, deploy-able electrified barricades, a city wide system of anti personnel turrets, and a few others.

Yes, and hopefully it won't take the amount of arm twisting that was required to get pilots for the second Jaeger ;). Remember their roots as a former lab tech...

Edit: and by write up I require only a name and some small fluff (but feel free to go nuts) QM creative well is at a low atm, help is appreciated.

I will review the research doc shortly, I'm grateful for the effort involved dgr.
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As lab workers are exposed over protracted periods it is apparent that the flecks are psychoreactive, they alter brain chemistry particularly in the portion containing the peneal gland and temporarily awaken dormant neural pathways. Side effects include mild hallucination (worm like creatures swimming in air, reports of seeing auras around other individuals,etc.)

Alarmed all workers have CAT scans ran, but there is no ill affects to be found. Effected individuals are held in the infirmary for ongoing observation. Once separated from proximity with the flecks the awakened pathways slowly and measurably begin to quiet and go dormant in 95% of the patients. (Of the 20 exposed techs, ones system remains active but at a slightly reduced from full exposure level.)
...So they basically awaken psychic/magical powers/"the third eye"/"the sixth sense". Cool.
At first research into empowering sigils is slow, no, to be fair it is absolutely glacial.

That is until happenstance and a lunch date between researchers begins to alter our perceptions of the multiverse.

BPR&D research tech Amelia Fouchild goes to meet her gaming friend who works in the newly formed Mist Life sciences division.
As always their talk over the mess halls mid-day meal is comparing their progress or lack of it in their respective jobs.
Harry explains the scare MLS had experienced working with the mystery flecks and how glad he himself was that he hadn't seen or heard anything that would require ongoing observation.

Amelia quips back "Well at least a scare means somebody is discovering something of note". She pulls out a few photocopies from the Chaat Aquadingen and begins to explain her task of 'empowering' a sigil whatever the hell that means...

Harry is fidgeting with a new dollar coin, the ones minted with the Elder Signs and compares the illustration from the book with the one in his hand, how the tomes artist rendered a glow in two dimensions when 'clearly' such a thing required no less than six, with no effort and less conscious thought he moved his hands to where such points would need anchored on his coin when suddenly the horned pentacle elder sign flairs incandescently an eye searing white.

Amelia shrieks in surprise, Harry fumbles the still glowing coin dropping it, where it lay glowing like a mag-lite flashlight beneath the table.


At the exact same moment in Mist Life Sciences a 1 gram portion of the collected flecks 'twinkles' briefly and blinks out of existence leaving a smell of rancid meat.

Oddly enough the missing amount, equals the amount on record that Harry personally harvested.
Let me guess, Harry's the one guy in twenty that just had the activity level reduced, rather than eliminated?
Let me guess, Harry's the one guy in twenty that just had the activity level reduced, rather than eliminated?

@Nixeu , Harry was the schmo, who was soo mundane awakening his third eye revealed no revelations (?hallucinations?) it took a drawing while distracted to allow him to connect the magical dots... and even then it is possible the Aetheric Effluvium pushed him HARD. The as yet unnamed 1 in 20 who was reduced is to be a Player generated NPC.

This Harry could only be LESS magical if Rubeus Hagrid himself showed up and said; "Your no wizard, Harry".

You may have missed the OOC I edited in :

(OOC - I hope this suffices as an adequate leg up, you have bypassed 3 of my research hurdles. Harry is done... he is a muggle born and bred the material did the heavy lifting. You will need to NPC out the one 'Awakened' tech he/she is your doorway to non- fueled discoveries.
Also looking for a name for the flecks, I am favoring Aetheric Effluvium.)
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@Nixeu , Harry was the schmo, who was soo mundane awakening his third eye revealed no revelations (?hallucinations?) it took a drawing while distracted to allow him to connect the magical dots... and even then it is possible the Aetheric Effluvium pushed him HARD. The as yet unnamed 1 in 20 who was reduced is to be a Player generated NPC.

This Harry could only be LESS magical if Rubeus Hagrid himself showed up and said; "Your no wizard, Harry".

You may have missed the OOC I edited in :
Ah. Which is why it burned power outside of himself for him to use magic, I'm guessing. Someone more gifted could probably actually power spells themselves.
Iceman's Trek 6
Michael wakes, he can tell by the lightening gloom it is merely false dawn slanting in the basement windows.

His body is a mass of kinks and knots from sleeping in that awkward posture, the adrenaline rush made his feast sit like lead in his stomach most of the night and coupled with the near famine of the last few months, the air and gas building up are causing abdominal cramps. The cool damp of the basement had also crept into every old injury and made them stiff.

Michael assumes a serviceable imitation of Hunter's voice "Another beautiful day, eh Lad?"

Then chuckled silently to himself he thinks; I guess it is, I woke up right side of the dirt (no one who hurts this much can be dead), my belly has food to complain about, I'm one day closer to Savannah.

He readies his gear, stretches to work out all but the most persistent of knots and heads out. Savannah won't come to him...
Yesterdays progress was feeble, only twentyish miles in 9 hours, that would mean he still had nearly a weeks walk ahead of him.

He could only push himself so hard on foot before exhaustion would overtake him. He needed Savannah and to be back in Bracer now Damn it!
If only he could find some Raiders fat, full of liquor, and asleep and could steal a vehicle without bringing a drone down on his head.

Michael had passed any number of abandoned vehicles that might have been coaxed back to life but he knew about mechanic work about as well as he did about piloting the space shuttle. Nothing,and that any attempt on his part would assuredly end only in frustration and tears.
If he trudged diligently he might make Yemassee with enough daylight to scout another safe camp.
The ammonia pools around the vats had taken on the taste of the growth stimulating hormones, it was a taste of desperation. Only twice in their eon spanning history had all the vats been online at the same time. They were meant to lie fallow for a century or three, running them hot tended to allow genetic anomalies to creep into otherwise pristine flesh, and yet it would be the grower held to blame for flawed work and never the materials.

"A good grower should be able to string primordial soup into a sublime creation" is what the Bishops would exclaim, "If not challenged by adversity, how can one evolve and adapt?" Ages of success proved their canonical doctrines were both elegant and right minded. A simple Grower risked heresy even trying to elevate itself to view things it was never meant to understand, contemplating the divine schemes of the Diocese, let alone daring to critique them.

Almost as if summoned, a second Precursor (whose large head crest denotes it being one of those grown specifically to rule) says : <How comes the gestation of our Hunter Prime, Grower? These Aetheric abominations need to be driven from our rightful conquest.>

<"All goes as scheduled Holiness. All the flesh conforms to design, We adapt.">
Downtime Planning appears to have been resolved, (without much chatter, either I'm getting better at explaining stuff or you all have given up :V)

The behind the scenes with Iceman and a Grower for the precursors/kaijumasters will count as our events...

Anything needing more clarity, any of the nuts and bolts need explained, or shall I get my rear in gear and reset the Doomsday clock?
"Eureka!" Emmett shouted into the crisp evening air that echoed only once in the violated "Maintenance Services" storage building before fading into nothingness.

Both the reinforced metal doors lay in disarray crumpled on the floor as if Mammoth himself had given them the boot. The headlights that shone in through the cadaverous door frame showed the true culprit, "Doc's" Flawless 1948 Packard Custom Eight Victoria sat unphased, not even a scratch on its monolithic bumper.

After hours of searching shops in and around Savannah, it dawned on him where there had been one he might find others, his elusive prey grasped possessively. A discontinued Dyson DC 21 Stowaway canister vacuum, just like the one on the looped security tape. The epicenter of the the thermobaric event, the Rosetta stone to unlock the mystery. ( A half dozen of its twins lie scattered about the building.)

It never occurred to Doc, to ask were there any vacuums of the make and model the late janitor had been issued, nor if a intern could fetch it for him. No this was his stolen fire and Doc was Prometheus, risking all -for science-.

Somehow in his heart of hearts E.L. Brown PhD knew here was the missing catalyst, here was the hidden secret to how an atomic element could release energy and yet fail to bathe the lab in radiation. Now he just had to explain himself to the burly Civil Defense Soldier that was brandishing the handcuffs.

(OOC) Sorry I couldn't hold it back, the scene formed spontaneously, and needed committed to print before it eluded me...
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I for one appreciate the omake style events, they make it all seem a bit more immersive.

I especially liked the Doc Brown stuff, had a 'back to the future' feel. Like a lost scene...
(OOC) This is a totally left field favor; but it bears some relevance.

I was growing concerned about a growing lack of interaction/participation when someone pointed out a good portion of my audience are probably eyeball deep in collegiate studies.

Being an old fart (54 as of yesterday) My grasp of Semesters/Trimesters and when college students will be their most unavailable is abysmal; so I was wondering if I could ask players to RED TEXT me, example: "Next 2 weeks prepping for Midterms/Finals - availability limited" or "Gone to visit Family, our family cave has a router made from rocks and twigs - internet limited".

The opposite could be true: Testing is over GREEN TEXT me, and I'll know I can release the Muse and go nuts...

I am not trying to be intrusive, just tailor my text walls to be player time appropriate and not make anyone feel rushed or pressured, this is an entertainment. If just one of you red texts me warning me finals etc approaching I'll know it'll be a lean 2-3 weeks.

Thanking you all in advance.
While I am indeed pretty deep in the midst of college (I have a paper due on the same day as a Calculus test, again, what is it with my teachers picking the same dates this semester?), I have rather large amounts of time in which I'm not in good enough shape for studying, but am in good enough shape for stuff like this. For example, when I'm waiting to reach the optimal sleep time, as my medication during that time kinda impairs doing homework, or when I'm waiting for my brain to fully boot-up in the mornings.

Nah, in my case, I'm just concerned about crossing the streams with Tacit Quest, which is why my tech suggestions have been fairly limited. It's hard to keep two sets of tech and designs for two very similar systems in my head without "mislabeling" and mixing the data "webs" that my memory tends to form to organize data points.
Well Nixeu, that has you as good to go...
BadKatt85 is my RL daughter, so I am up to speed on her schedule.
@Cmd. Frost , @KnightDisciple , @HolyDragoon , & @dgr11897 care to weigh in? Your my active core Players... with @cokerpilot playing catchup as of last word.

Fyrstorm has a lifetime come as they can 'pass', as they juggle their quest, their art and their busy schedule.

Numerous lurkers are welcome to step up -or- continue to lurk both are valid choices.
Well Nixeu, that has you as good to go...
BadKatt85 is my RL daughter, so I am up to speed on her schedule.
@Cmd. Frost , @KnightDisciple , @HolyDragoon , & @dgr11897 care to weigh in? Your my active core Players... with @cokerpilot playing catchup as of last word.

Fyrstorm has a lifetime come as they can 'pass', as they juggle their quest, their art and their busy schedule.

Numerous lurkers are welcome to step up -or- continue to lurk both are valid choices.
Last few days have been busy, haven't had much posting opportunity. Not sure if we're voting on anything right now?
Not in college anymore so I'm good until Thanksgiving, and then I'm probably going to be working my ass off until about a week after new years.

EDIT: Nevermind that last half, was for a different conversation.
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No votes called, Smithsguild was giving us some time to read through all his posts.

And giving himself some time to enjoy his birthday.
I really have little difficulty in continuing to do as I normally do for the foreseeable future. Even If I cannot weigh in, I typically have few objections to the quest continuing. I will probably message when I am unable to have much internet access. So as far as this quest and text walls are concerned, do as you please.
After 10000 years I have returned to prevent the things from beyond from conquering the earth Georgia. I am however on a tablet right now so color text is hard. Imagen that this is green.
Upon review there was one thing he asked, for us to flesh out a lab tech as our magically awakened individual.

A former Mist Life Science researcher altered by the phsycho reactive flecks.

It would probably be best to transfer them to BPR&D (Magical Research).