Mammoth Apostate vs the World 1: "Lost in the Mist"

Knight sat up slowly in bed, blinking away the sleep in his eyes. A hand briefly went over his face then instinctively reached for glasses he no longer needed (and hadn't for a couple of years). His mouth set itself into a thin line, and his eyes closed in concentration.

Inside of his mind, the simple and homey dwelling that resembled nothing so much as a Hobbit-hole from the works of Tolkien had gently-curving hallways that led back to an enormous dark metal door, part of the mountain-fortress that was the bulk of his "mind and memory palace", a technique he had ruthlessly learned and applied in recent weeks.

After gathering himself, inside of his mind a self-projection opened the door to the humbler home, a flat look on his face for...whoever, or whatever, was at his mind's door.

"Why should I let you in or talk to you?"

<You don't need to let me in... I do not need to wade through a human mind to ferret out any secrets you may hold. I am a being of finesse, not the blunt sack of hammers my distant nephew seems to spawn, and as to Why should we talk? Is it not a human axiom the enemy of my enemy is my ally?>

There is a pause and a wispy manlike form whose features remain obscure slowly smiles. <However, if my attention and my gifts are truly unwanted, I will take them away and leave you to your own devices> The being begins slowly to fade away...
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<You don't need to let me in... I do not need to wade through a human mind to ferret out any secrets you may hold. I am a being of finesse, not the blunt sack of hammers my distant nephew seems to spawn, and as to Why should we talk? Is it not a human axiom the enemy of my enemy is my ally?>

There is a pause and a wispy manlike form whose features remain obscure slowly smiles. <However, if my attention and my gifts are truly unwanted, I will take them away and leave you to your own devices> The being begins slowly to fade away...
"I apologize if that was overly rude, I am exhausted and you woke me from a near-sleep state."

His face betrayed hints of irritation and distrust.

"I am agreeing to nothing, to be clear, except to hear what you would speak."
"I apologize if that was overly rude, I am exhausted and you woke me from a near-sleep state."

His face betrayed hints of irritation and distrust.

"I am agreeing to nothing, to be clear, except to hear what you would speak."

The smile broadened, the fading away reversed, but never achieved near solidity.

<Sleep and the realms of Dream beyond them are MINE. I am sorry if this timing vexes you, it was easier to hold this parley when you approached my realm. I am glad you agree to hear what I would speak. You are a wary soul, and when dealing with my kindred that is not a skill to be undervalued.

But rejoice for I am unlike most of my kind, I never was forced by compact to suffer the long imprisoning slumber and while my relatives slept and dreamed of exacting retribution, I walked the earth watching your ancestors quest for fire, language, and rational thought. I have no ancient grudge to sate, and I find your kind amusing as you struggle forward to within reach of true enlightenment only to drive yourselves back again into the darkness again all -on your own-.

If the majority of my family are cruel children pulling the wings off flies in sick glee, I would be more like the studious child with an ant farm. You unfortunately in both scenarios are the insects. I say this not to belittle or degrade your species, but on an evolutionary/power scale it is a painfully accurate assessment.

You are Councillor Knight, but I also name you 'Beast-Baiter' for rare is the being that insults Cthulhu's Eldest son and retains enough 'self' afterwards to again speak.

Would you care to guess my name? Choose wisely for each of my 1,000 names has its own aspect, and some are not even mildly -pleasant-.>
The smile broadened, the fading away reversed, but never achieved near solidity.

<Sleep and the realms of Dream beyond them are MINE. I am sorry if this timing vexes you, it was easier to hold this parley when you approached my realm. I am glad you agree to hear what I would speak. You are a wary soul, and when dealing with my kindred that is not a skill to be undervalued.

But rejoice for I am unlike most of my kind, I never was forced by compact to suffer the long imprisoning slumber and while my relatives slept and dreamed of exacting retribution, I walked the earth watching your ancestors quest for fire, language, and rational thought. I have no ancient grudge to sate, and I find your kind amusing as you struggle forward to within reach of true enlightenment only to drive yourselves back again into the darkness again all -on your own-.

If the majority of my family are cruel children pulling the wings off flies in sick glee, I would be more like the studious child with an ant farm. You unfortunately in both scenarios are the insects. I say this not to belittle or degrade your species, but on an evolutionary/power scale it is a painfully accurate assessment.

You are Councillor Knight, but I also name you 'Beast-Baiter' for rare is the being that insults Cthulhu's Eldest son and retains enough 'self' afterwards to again speak.

Would you care to guess my name? Choose wisely for each of my 1,000 names has its own aspect, and some are not even mildly -pleasant-.>
Councillor Knight listened warily as the being spoke. When he was named "Beast-Baiter", he blinked and tilted his head, though he did file away the information that that being was the eldest son of Cthulhu. But at the question of the being's name, his eyes widened slightly. The area around him shimmered, and in moments the outside of the "Hobbit Hole" bore Elder Signs, while the hallways found regularly-spaced crosses of various kinds.

Not the best name for him, I think. Like he said, he's got a lot of names, and you probably just a picked one of his most primal and alien ones. I'd have gone with "Odin", myself. Judging by his dialog, I suspect he's the origin of the myth.

Alternatively, I'd given him a new name, for use in our conversations about him, or for him to us when he's communicating with us. He seems to collect them, and I suspect the idea would amuse him. Plus, it'd give us a layer of safety to help keep others from understanding who we're working with.

Ah well. We can still give him a code-name in the future.
Councillor Knight listened warily as the being spoke. When he was named "Beast-Baiter", he blinked and tilted his head, though he did file away the information that that being was the eldest son of Cthulhu. But at the question of the being's name, his eyes widened slightly. The area around him shimmered, and in moments the outside of the "Hobbit Hole" bore Elder Signs, while the hallways found regularly-spaced crosses of various kinds.


< Laughing the form advances undeterred, "I am He, The crawling Chaos; First born of Azathoth the Cold One who sits timeless in the center of all. I proudly laid the keystone for the first arch at Karnak. You name me true, man of Faith. But have little faith in this twaddle".

With a gesture the Elder Signs combust searing the wood of the doors frame.
"They were crafted by the Elder Things for their war with Cthulhu and his kin, and I was ancient long before Yeb and Nug ever conceived him; they hold no power over me..."

As proof he too manifests the three Signs that Knight knew in solid light dancing above his palm,and too briefly to be remembered maybe a half dozen more.

"For your sake I tried to put on the face of something less than my full power, but if you want me to reveal myself as named, I will not hide myself...">
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< Laughing the form advances undeterred, "I am He, The crawling Chaos; First born of Azathoth the Cold One who sits timeless in the center of all. I proudly laid the keystone for the first arch at Karnak. You name me true, man of Faith. But have little faith in this twaddle".

With a gesture the Elder Signs combust searing the wood of the doors frame.
"They were crafted by the Elder Things for their war with Cthulhu and his kin, and I was ancient long before Yeb and Nug ever conceived him; they hold no power over me..."

As proof he too manifests the three Signs that Knight knew in solid light dancing above his palm,and too briefly to be remembered maybe a half dozen more.

"For your sake I tried to put on the face of something less than my full power, but if you want me to reveal myself as named, I will not hide myself...">
Knight's eyes narrow slightly, but he does not waver.

"You true face is unneeded. You confirm your name, I take your word that it is so. I am honest in appreciating your consideration of my sanity and wholeness."

He considers his next words more carefully still.

"I would ask politely what you seek in this audience with me. I understand the timing and the form, now. But I ask that you share at least a part of why you have come to speak with me, if you and I is as great as you say it is."
Knight's eyes narrow slightly, but he does not waver.

"You true face is unneeded. You confirm your name, I take your word that it is so. I am honest in appreciating your consideration of my sanity and wholeness."

He considers his next words more carefully still.

"I would ask politely what you seek in this audience with me. I understand the timing and the form, now. But I ask that you share at least a part of why you have come to speak with me, if you and I is as great as you say it is."

< "I will explain in more detail and yet try to keep it simple. Names, especially 'True Names' are powerful; as powerful in some ways as 'True Faith'.

If you insist on -that- identity for me you grant me access to my full power and I must wear the aspect that fits...

Choose another name something closer to a non-power as I can become: Randall Flagg, Marten Broadcloak, Walter o'Dim, these limit me somewhat and safeguard the more fragile psyches of men that is what they were made for. As I walked among you, observing, I could not leave a trail of broken people in my wake, that would ruin my research.

Quickly chose another name, for it begins to chafe holding myself back...>
< "I will explain in more detail and yet try to keep it simple. Names, especially 'True Names' are powerful; as powerful in some ways as 'True Faith'.

If you insist on -that- identity for me you grant me access to my full power and I must wear the aspect that fits...

Choose another name something closer to a non-power as I can become: Randall Flagg, Marten Broadcloak, Walter o'Dim, these limit me somewhat and safeguard the more fragile psyches of men that is what they were made for. As I walked among you, observing, I could not leave a trail of broken people in my wake, that would ruin my research.

Quickly chose another name, for it begins to chafe holding myself back...>
"The Royal Pant."
The being laughs; it comes out with a thick Creole accent. Knight could swear he never blinked, but before him stands a distinguished black gentleman with graying beard and hair and coke bottle thick glasses.

< "Betta Chère, not perfec but betta.

Tink on me as Switzerlan, I am Officia for no side, But Mista Calamari done been got to big for'n his breetches. Family gotta code, on how we luv, how we fight, when we die... My hand be tied, bu I like dis world, I no be lowwin them to wreck it. Sous-entendre? Be like Dune - Kanly ? >

(OOC - please excuse my poor attempt at creole, little time to be more accurate.)
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The being laughs; it comes out with a thick Creole accent. Knight could swear he never blinked, but before him stands a distinguished black gentleman with graying beard and hair and coke bottle thick glasses.

< "Betta Chère, not perfec but betta.

Tink on me as Switzerlan, I am Officia for no side, But Mista Calamari done been got to big for'n his breetches. Family gotta code, on how we luv, how we fight, when we die... My hand be tied, bu I like dis world, I no be lowwin them to wreck it. Sous-entendre? Be like Dune - Kanly ? >

(OOC - please excuse my poor attempt at creole, little time to be more accurate.)
"I found the idea of a musician more appealing than one of Flagg's faces. With that said, is there another face you would prefer that you believe does not present a risk to my sanity, personhood, and/or existence?

As for your That makes as much sense as anything. And I can understand what you mean about family and your hands being tied. So...

He tilts his head a bit.

"Is this meeting about extending an offer of whatever information and aid you can provide?"
< "Dealer's choice Chère?" Again without movement or breaking their gaze it is suddenly just somebody else, this time a white man, late 40's, clean shaven and with a Windsor look (big ears, prominent nose and bad teeth) the voice a crisp British tone. "This gent is one that hasn't seen recent use, One Nicholas Scratch, esquire. He seems apropos, for our Faustian dealings.

I am neutral, I provide you no aid, I grant you no information such are the 'rules', but if my hijinks elsewhere are an impediment to my idiot nephew by happenstance and you are bright enough to exploit the crumbs left in my wake..." He shrugs casually

"Take the conjoined corpse as an example, its death was a consolidation of my power in the realm of Dreams, that I banished all that belonged to it from my realm to leave no threat there makes perfect sense. Tis not my fault some curious monkeys, looked its corpse over and found secrets arcane.

A nighttime visit to a mortal, to toy with one I found -intriguing- Why that is almost a sport for us, thinnest of coincidences...">
Anyone else noticed when he shifts his personality alters?

The indistinct form was bland, Royal Pants was familiar and freindly, Mr. Scratch appears pompous and condescending.
Anyone else noticed when he shifts his personality alters?

The indistinct form was bland, Royal Pants was familiar and freindly, Mr. Scratch appears pompous and condescending.
Yeah, I noticed that. It was one reason I chose Pants, but his comment about "not perfect" and your earlier comment about making him name himself led me to let him choose his form. I can deal with this guy's attitude, though.

Any suggestions on questions or comments?
I say treat him like a guest, a head of state guest, let him lead the conversation, and let him drop what crumbs he will...

I doubt you could trip him up and gain anything he doesn't intend us to have.
I say treat him like a guest, a head of state guest, let him lead the conversation, and let him drop what crumbs he will...

I doubt you could trip him up and gain anything he doesn't intend us to have.
OOC: Fair enough....
< "Dealer's choice Chère?" Again without movement or breaking their gaze it is suddenly just somebody else, this time a white man, late 40's, clean shaven and with a Windsor look (big ears, prominent nose and bad teeth) the voice a crisp British tone. "This gent is one that hasn't seen recent use, One Nicholas Scratch, esquire. He seems apropos, for our Faustian dealings.

I am neutral, I provide you no aid, I grant you no information such are the 'rules', but if my hijinks elsewhere are an impediment to my idiot nephew by happenstance and you are bright enough to exploit the crumbs left in my wake..." He shrugs casually

"Take the conjoined corpse as an example, its death was a consolidation of my power in the realm of Dreams, that I banished all that belonged to it from my realm to leave no threat there makes perfect sense. Tis not my fault some curious monkeys, looked its corpse over and found secrets arcane.

A nighttime visit to a mortal, to toy with one I found -intriguing- Why that is almost a sport for us, thinnest of coincidences...">
Councillor Knight smiled, faintly, at the last bit from "Nicholas Scratch". He was still very much on-guard, but he wasn't manifesting even more defenses, and he wasn't speaking with hostility. He seemed to feel (and perhaps this being could know anyway) that he could at least handle this situation. Marginally.

"Perhaps no almost about it, Mister Scratch. I am flattered you think us bright enough to just happen to perhaps gain some small benefits from crumbs left in your wake; again, considering the differences in our nature, scope, and station, I take this as a compliment."

He seemed to consider something, then looked behind "Nicholas Scratch". A table grew in the gentle green grass behind the visitor. Two simple benches sprung up behind it. An eyeblink later, a steaming pot, two mugs, and tray with an array of tea bags appeared.

"I hope perchance you will forgive that I do not invite you further into my mind, but mayhaps we can compromise and sit as you continue to...toy with a susceptible mortal...for a time yet."

If the visitor agreed, they would move to the table, where Councillor Knight would think a moment before picking up a bag, placing it in a cup, and pouring near-boiling water over it. A few moments later, the scent of cinnamon and chocolate would drift up to a wan smile.

"Much has been lost due to the actions of the Kaiju and the chaos derived from them. I've lost much. Even these tea flavors. But here in my memory...they say our senses of smell and taste are powerful triggers. These bags are different flavors, pick as you will."

He sips for a moment.

"May I ask a question? You are free to answer or not if I may."
Councillor Knight smiled, faintly, at the last bit from "Nicholas Scratch". He was still very much on-guard, but he wasn't manifesting even more defenses, and he wasn't speaking with hostility. He seemed to feel (and perhaps this being could know anyway) that he could at least handle this situation. Marginally.

"Perhaps no almost about it, Mister Scratch. I am flattered you think us bright enough to just happen to perhaps gain some small benefits from crumbs left in your wake; again, considering the differences in our nature, scope, and station, I take this as a compliment."

He seemed to consider something, then looked behind "Nicholas Scratch". A table grew in the gentle green grass behind the visitor. Two simple benches sprung up behind it. An eyeblink later, a steaming pot, two mugs, and tray with an array of tea bags appeared.

"I hope perchance you will forgive that I do not invite you further into my mind, but mayhaps we can compromise and sit as you continue to...toy with a susceptible mortal...for a time yet."

If the visitor agreed, they would move to the table, where Councillor Knight would think a moment before picking up a bag, placing it in a cup, and pouring near-boiling water over it. A few moments later, the scent of cinnamon and chocolate would drift up to a wan smile.

"Much has been lost due to the actions of the Kaiju and the chaos derived from them. I've lost much. Even these tea flavors. But here in my memory...they say our senses of smell and taste are powerful triggers. These bags are different flavors, pick as you will."

He sips for a moment.

"May I ask a question? You are free to answer or not if I may."

< "Ah how -civilized- you are, so diplomatic, and so childlike in your naivete, you have no clue as to how deep and treacherous the waters you tread are, how ill equipped you are 'to handle' me... But the convention of a civil tea and this aspects nature run so deeply together, it would be absolutely beastly of me to refuse."

Mr. Scratch waves a hand, and proper loose leaf tea in a tea ball appear steeping in a cup of fresh boiling water.

"Ask your question, and if it amuses me I will answer... I may even answer truthfully.">
< "Ah how -civilized- you are, so diplomatic, and so childlike in your naivete, you have no clue as to how deep and treacherous the waters you tread are, how ill equipped you are 'to handle' me... But the convention of a civil tea and this aspects nature run so deeply together, it would be absolutely beastly of me to refuse."

Mr. Scratch waves a hand, and proper loose leaf tea in a tea ball appear steeping in a cup of fresh boiling water.

"Ask your question, and if it amuses me I will answer... I may even answer truthfully.">
"I would risk my mind and soul a dozen dozen times for the sake of any others. Better that I bear this risk and burden than my fellow Councillors or our citizens. I lost one life, one set of friends and family already. I refuse to stand by and do so again."

He looks at his cup for a moment, before looking at Scratch once again.

"Are the Kaiju, and whoever or whatever created them, connected to you and yours?"

He gives Nick a chance to answer before his next question.

"Are there any of your family and kind, besides yourself, that we have not angered as we have Big C and some of the others?"
Nick chortles;

< "The vat grown, travesties? They are grown by a race that thinks if you make enough copies of a flawed picture you'll obtain a Masterpiece. They grow everything... Their workers, their leaders, their war machines and hard code racial memories they believe relevant into them.

It is a most -unnatural- selection, hive mind shared at each strata of society. No REAL creativity, no souls longing to be unique. No chaos and sparks of intuition. Deviant thought are purged, excised like a cancer. Structure is maintained and crafted evolution to solve problems, they are order carried to the farthest extreme.

My ilk are on the other end, throw the zoo into a pit, nature will cull the weak and the strong grow stronger... They are an annoyance and they dared to come for what had been claimed by us aeons ago. They found most of us napping thanks to the damnable compact and thought they could claim a jewel while most slept. They disrupted our jailors with their invasion, and freed the sleeping dragon they tried to tip toe past."

His face goes flat without emotion...

"Are there more 'Happy little horrors' that you might entreat? I do not know... we are a fractious lot, secretive, and often deceptive to each other as well as to the world at large; there are benefits in being -unpredictable-".>

Without warning he disappears. In the place where his bench sat is a stone. One not of Knights making and one which no amount of willpower will alter or eliminate. On it is inscribed this runic inscription.

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Nick chortles;

< "The vat grown, travesties? They are grown by a race that thinks if you make enough copies of a flawed picture you'll obtain a Masterpiece. They grow everything... Their workers, their leaders, their war machines and hard code racial memories they believe relevant into them.

It is a most -unnatural- selection, hive mind shared at each strata of society. No REAL creativity, no souls longing to be unique. No chaos and sparks of intuition. Deviant thought are purged, excised like a cancer. Structure is maintained and crafted evolution to solve problems, they are order carried to the farthest extreme.

My ilk are on the other end, throw the zoo into a pit, nature will cull the weak and the strong grow stronger... They are an annoyance and they dared to come for what had been claimed by us aeons ago. They found most of us napping thanks to the damnable compact and thought they could claim a jewel while most slept. They disrupted our jailors with their invasion, and freed the sleeping dragon they tried to tip toe past."

His face goes flat without emotion...

"Are there more 'Happy little horrors' that you might entreat? I do not know... we are a fractious lot, secretive, and often deceptive to each other as well as to the world at large; there are benefits in being -unpredictable-".>

Without warning he disappears. In the place where his bench sat is a stone. One not of Knights making and one which no amount of willpower will alter or eliminate. On it is inscribed this runic inscription.

Councillor Knight nods at the insight regarding the Kaiju and their creators. He blanches as Scratch reacts poorly to his next question. Nothing to be done.

When the scene shifts, and the rune is left, he sighs. With a though, the area reshapes so that there is a simple roof over the table, and what was an impromptu picnic table spot becomes something of an outdoor "receiving area". One separate from anything else. The implicit message being, he won't turn away this being, not yet, but he is only welcome here at the "doorway".

"I hope this doesn't doom us all."

OOC: Not sure how much more you had here bossman.
Hey guys Im back what did I mi... Oh god damn it.

Knight did remarkably well considering with what he was dealing; no faces were eaten, no souls bartered away, and there was quite a bit of hard to garner info gained about both flavors of Big Stompy Monsters... as encounters with Eldritch horrors go this was big time in the win column.