Mammoth Apostate vs the World 1: "Lost in the Mist"

I'm wondering whether anyone will think to post bail for Doc Brown... ;)
"God damn single-mined researchers...might be good at their jobs, but they're almost more trouble that they're worth...I'll get this, guys. And I'll take care of outlining exactly how he screwed up, starting with 'not asking us to get him his damn vacuum cleaner'. Bloody hell."
"Mention also that if he ever pulls an Archimedes stunt in the future, we're not bailing him out. We can take a lot of shit, but an old man running around in his birthday suit is seriously pushing it."
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"God damn single-mined researchers...might be good at their jobs, but they're almost more trouble that they're worth...I'll get this, guys. And I'll take care of outlining exactly how he screwed up, starting with 'not asking us to get him his damn vacuum cleaner'. Bloody hell."

He stands charged with criminal trespass, theft by taking, malicious mischief (Ramming a set of unlocked doors with a car), and tagging his cell walls (indecipherable research notes on jet engine / particulate solution). He is quickly released into Councilman Nixeu's custody until arraignment and equipped with a house arrest ankle monitor.
Take pictures of those walls, or at least write that stuff down as you see it. Might save us the time later.

(that, and I'm not sure if he won't forget about part of what he wrote and try to discover it again)
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Take pictures of those walls, or at least write that stuff down as you see it. Might save us the time later.

(that, and I'm not sure if he won't forget about part of what he wrote and try to discover it again)
"Already handled it. Convinced a guard to let me in. Wasn't hard, when I told him what Doc Brown was researching and had already given us."
"Already handled it. Convinced a guard to let me in. Wasn't hard, when I told him what Doc Brown was researching and had already given us."

Gain 1 particulate research token. It seems only when forcibly physically isolated from solving the thermobaric explosion mystery could Doc focus on his assigned task; Such is the level of Doc's OCD. The work is brilliant if bordering on indecipherable, and shows several intuitive leaps regarding resonate attraction as a means of drawing the crystals to form in a non-critical intake area, a pre-breather as it were.
"Warning: Kaiju Signature Detected, massive Category 3 (displacement value, borders Category 4 parameters)."
Based on current heading and speed entity made projected landfall south of Sapelo Island / North of Brunswick. Currently on a direct intercept for Savannah, Currently at 30 km mark (sensor periphery) projected ETA 10 minutes, +/- margin of error 1 minute. Some minor inexplicable sensor ghosting occurring...

(OOC) Time for Sensor rolls, Roll 1d10 (+2 City Sensor Bonus) and do it twice to shake that ghosting bug... Whatever it is, it is moving faster than Mammoth Apostate run speeds. Once I know how successful the sensors are, I'll provide relevant intel.

Might also begin figuring out deployment strategies.

Edit: This may be something that allows you to draw in your 'day job' conventionals

Potential Valid units: Emplaced Garrisoned Artillery, & Law enforcement Cobra.
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I would like to get all hands on deck, scan wise... Both Jaegers and get the Outriders in the air scanning (work those perks :)).

When Smithsguild offers 2 sensor rolls, I want 5+ :wink:
I would like to get all hands on deck, scan wise... Both Jaegers and get the Outriders in the air scanning (work those perks :)).

When Smithsguild offers 2 sensor rolls, I want 5+ :wink:

At this extreme range Jaeger sensors are only going to return minimal data, but I'll allow it. The Outrider's however can do a quick jaunt out, grab some solid scans while maintaining 10-15 km safety buffer.

Please label rolls for 'who' is rolling,

LOCCENT - Savannah Sensors roll twice 1d10 (+2 sensor bonus)

Jaegers may now add (dex stat as a bonus to initial sensor rolls = Computer hijinks interpreting data) roll once 1d10 (+dex) per Jaeger
Dump stat my ass.

Mammoth dex 1 / Whitecap dex 3

Outriders roll once 1d10 (+4 their unique perk: 'seeing the unseen')
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Edit: Rolls needed
Outriders 11
Mammoth 5
Whitecap 8
Loccent (roll #1) 3
Loccent (roll #2) 8

Loccent attempts to scan to retrieve detailed information on the inbound Kaiju. Things don't go so well, the first attempt merely catches a grainy series of photos from a remote set of traffic cams. The initial assessment is an understatement, the Category 3 is clearly designed to be a beast in melee combat. It features double musculature (Hyperplasia), the closest terrestrial equivalent would be a Belgian Blue Bull. LOCCENT assigns the codename 'Guiron'.

The command center techs rip into the sensor panels double checking for loose connections or any other simple repair to improve sensor resolution the give an estimate of 2 minutes for an improved result.

Mammoth and Whitecap trundle out of the Shatterdome feeding all previous scans into memory, take their own readings, and use the raw processing speed and neural link to compare and contrast the data viewed through the pilots perceptions.

Ezra & Keerat briefly share a sense of awe, the readings indicate it being only 14 metric tons short of the Cat 4 displacement threshhold. And apparently a third of its total body length is its Skullblade, the largest integral Kaiju weapon on record, dwarfing even Trespasser.

Art used by kind permission of Bracey Kaiju Revamp - Guiron

Although physically capable of bipedal locomotion, Guiron seems to prefer four footed charges like a bull or a rhinoceros and he eats up the distance in a terrain devouring pace as large trees, small buildings, and all intervening debris is knocked aside or trampled under foot without slowing.

Whitecap refuses to be outdone, the untried team of Dwayne Frederickson and Jeffrey Noble buckle down and work the superior computing power of Triton although their data on Guiron is no more impressive than Mammoths they are the first to realize the sensor 'ghosts' are not malfunctions at all.

A previously invisible interloper is detected and suddenly flickers and becomes visible in an eye watering manner, previously undetected by even the most sensitive sensors in Savannah's arsenal; The shared data sets the kaiju claxons in LOCCENT off again. It had been ghosting along allowing Guiron to cut a path, and wear the blame for any anomalous readings that might have allowed for its detection.

Secondary Kaiju signature detected, Category 3, Codename: 'Osahi'.

Jeffrey smirks, "Thanks Loccent, but -we- kind of told *you*..." Dwayne frowns, "Don't get cocky Rook, we haven't EARNED cocky yet..."

Osahi whenever visible, appears as a digitigrade legged humanoid form, the head is hidden from view inside an armored sleeve of flesh, the only visible facial feature are pale blue luminous eyes.

Its form flickers and jumps like a poorly tuned television image complete with multiple ghosts images.

The hands consist of 4 double jointed talons that curve inward to palm or outward to back of hand with equal ease, bracketing the four talons are 2 opposable thumbs on the opposite side of the hand.

Loccent & the Outriders merely confirm Tritons scans.

Edit: 28 km out

Get your plan on...

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(OOC) Due credit needs given, My Osahi is a rehash of Open_Sketchbooks Osahi from Cherno Quest, adapted and ran through a wringer for redistribution. One of the more unnerving Cherno Kaijus...
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Why do I feel Guiron was built as a kaiju version of Mammoth (that or wrestle giant rocket powered turtles?).

If we hadn't broken invis, that could have been quite the nasty double team.

I'm thinking harass at range with Cobras, painting with an evasive Mighty Merlin's, Cobras use the accurate Hellfire missiles.

If they are able to outrun Mammoth going out to meet them risks them out maneuvering us and stomping around in the city while we attempt to catch up.

Half a kilometer outside the city sounds 'safe' or as close as we are likely to get.

Looking for general strategy discussion (detailed plan will be wrote up after we hash out bare bones).

Burn the funky invisible one down as priority.
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Invisibility doesn't stop mass saturation bombardments.

Therefore, I'd suggest:
- Mammoth goes and beats the snot out of Guiron
- Crunchies swarm Osashi and turn him into an invisible stain on the floor
- Whitecap... um... Whitecap stays back near the perimeter as backup to reinforce whoever seems to need it? I dunno what else to do with 'm.
Invisibility doesn't stop mass saturation bombardments.

@Fyrstorm , you are brilliant!

My biggest concern was what do we do if we lose track of where has it disappeared.

M270 with area denial rockets, a single Salvo (of the 4 it is capable) will do a square 5x5 units, that's a lot of can't hide.

How a Salvo of grenade sized sub-munitions would effect a massive kaiju that covered every square meter in white phosphorus particles.

(Death by 10,000 burns? Or merely irritated like a bad sun burn?) That'd be a rules call.
@Fyrstorm , you are brilliant!

My biggest concern was what do we do if we lose track of where has it disappeared.

M270 with area denial rockets, a single Salvo (of the 4 it is capable) will do a square 5x5 units, that's a lot of can't hide.

How a Salvo of grenade sized sub-munitions would effect a massive kaiju that covered every square meter in white phosphorus particles.

(Death by 10,000 burns? Or merely irritated like a bad sun burn?) That'd be a rules call.

This is an interesting question... Can enough Non K-scale damage be applied to actually harm a Kaiju? I'm going to seek @Fyrstorm s opinion as I HIGHLY value their experience.

My initial gut reaction:

I am going to go with a vague answer (conditionally; Yes.) and then illustrate a fully cannon example.

Striker Eureka post EMP "We can sit here and do nothing, or grab these flare guns and do something really stupid" followed by flare to eye (?Glancing wound to eye / Fire damage type / Scratch damage?)

It could definitely be -BAD- sunburn with blistering, current rules cover fire damage type to a specific body target arm, leg, head, pelvis, (as that is how majority of attacks resolve) that can 'catch fire' as fire damage types *special*.

This would be GENERIC full body scratch damage that can 'catch fire' possibly anywhere and the rules weren't really designed to handle this... It would take place only as a narrative interpretation on my part trying my best to 'fake it' as creating a 'rule' for a "one of a kind scenario" would be ridiculous.

I CAN guarantee it won't be sooo effective as to become a viable tactic for non-stealth kaiju.
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@Fyrstorm , you are brilliant!

My biggest concern was what do we do if we lose track of where has it disappeared.

M270 with area denial rockets, a single Salvo (of the 4 it is capable) will do a square 5x5 units, that's a lot of can't hide.

How a Salvo of grenade sized sub-munitions would effect a massive kaiju that covered every square meter in white phosphorus particles.

(Death by 10,000 burns? Or merely irritated like a bad sun burn?) That'd be a rules call.
It's a 2,000 ton giant monster. Just look for the footprints. Invisibility doesn't stop it from being heavy.

Well, I mean, in Cherno Quest it kinda did, but I'm trying not to metagame too hard. As far as we know, it's invisible to sensors, but it should still affect the environment around it, and still make noises, and still reek of ammonia (or whatever it is kaiju smell of).

This is an interesting question... Can enough Non K-scale damage be applied to actually harm a Kaiju? I'm going to seek @Fyrstorm s opinion as I HIGHLY value their experience.

My initial gut reaction:

I am going to go with a vague answer (conditionally; Yes.) and then illustrate a fully cannon example.

Striker Eureka post EMP "We can sit here and do nothing, or grab these flare guns and do something really stupid" followed by flare to eye (?Glancing wound to eye / Fire damage type / Scratch damage?)

It could definitely be -BAD- sunburn with blistering, current rules cover fire damage type to a specific body target arm, leg, head, pelvis, (as that is how majority of attacks resolve) that can 'catch fire' as fire damage types *special*.

This would be GENERIC full body scratch damage that can 'catch fire' possibly anywhere and the rules weren't really designed to handle this... It would take place only as a narrative interpretation on my part trying my best to 'fake it' as creating a 'rule' for a "one of a kind scenario" would be ridiculous.

I CAN guarantee it won't be sooo effective as to become a viable tactic for non-stealth kaiju.
Sufficient non-anti-kaiju firepower can still cause K-Scale damage, though not very much. Pretty much every modern day (non-nuclear) weapon would have a negative damage modifier in Jaegerboiled-- your current stuff is specifically made to be able to actually hurt kaiju. Therefore, anything not originally intended for anti-kaiju use would probably be dealing Glancing Wounds at best (though I'd probably prevent it from actually being able to set kaiju on fire).

Of course, even if an attack doesn't deal Strikes, that doesn't mean it doesn't damage the target-- scratches, chips, scorch marks, all sorts of imperfections on its armour are going to crop up even if not a single attack penetrates. Just from like a fluff/narrative point of view.

As another thing; if you want non-location-specific damage, what I'd do is treat is as hitting the most armoured location on the target, and ignore any special wound effects that might result (so a Minor Area Wound would just do 3 Strikes, 1 Ongoing). This doesn't really work so well for Destruction Wounds, but unless you're using Elites I doubt you'd see that. Alternatively, you could just accept the inaccuracies and roll for locations anyways (just say that the rolled location took the brunt of the attack).

Finally, for Striker Eureka? Well, they are jaeger pilots.
It's a 2,000 ton giant monster. Just look for the footprints. Invisibility doesn't stop it from being heavy.

Well, I mean, in Cherno Quest it kinda did, but I'm trying not to metagame too hard. As far as we know, it's invisible to sensors, but it should still affect the environment around it, and still make noises, and still reek of ammonia (or whatever it is kaiju smell of).

Sufficient non-anti-kaiju firepower can still cause K-Scale damage, though not very much. Pretty much every modern day (non-nuclear) weapon would have a negative damage modifier in Jaegerboiled-- your current stuff is specifically made to be able to actually hurt kaiju. Therefore, anything not originally intended for anti-kaiju use would probably be dealing Glancing Wounds at best (though I'd probably prevent it from actually being able to set kaiju on fire).

Of course, even if an attack doesn't deal Strikes, that doesn't mean it doesn't damage the target-- scratches, chips, scorch marks, all sorts of imperfections on its armour are going to crop up even if not a single attack penetrates. Just from like a fluff/narrative point of view.

As another thing; if you want non-location-specific damage, what I'd do is treat is as hitting the most armoured location on the target, and ignore any special wound effects that might result (so a Minor Area Wound would just do 3 Strikes, 1 Ongoing). This doesn't really work so well for Destruction Wounds, but unless you're using Elites I doubt you'd see that. Alternatively, you could just accept the inaccuracies and roll for locations anyways (just say that the rolled location took the brunt of the attack).

Finally, for Striker Eureka? Well, they are jaeger pilots.

Thank you, your input has once again proven invaluable.

When I mentioned 'catching fire' in regards to M270 assaults my head cannon was not viewing it in the same vein as K-Scale Incendiary 'CATCHING FIRE' your arm bursts into flames; but more a lower case 'a thermite shard hits a fatty deposit and a small tongue of flame catches hold and cause the equivalent of a kaiju scale cigar burn'. Painful as hell, not something to ignore certainly, but nowhere near life threatening.

You have helped me gain the perspective I sought, so thank you!
Ok, I added some more new stuff to the research doc. Including a sensors augment to hopefully help with sniffing out invisible and/or otherwise undetectable foes. Oh, and slash harkens...