Mammoth Apostate vs the World 1: "Lost in the Mist"

Ok, I added some more new stuff to the research doc. Including a sensors augment to hopefully help with sniffing out invisible and/or otherwise undetectable foes. Oh, and slash harkens...

Definitely some interesting thoughts; but with your QM being a "Code Geass" fanboy don't be surprised if some of these were already slotted for opposing forces, Allied cities, etc...

I see your suggestion included landspinners, slash harkens, but the series provides so much more tech opportunities... You neglected to include factspheres, the sensor pods that provide increased situational awareness of the battlefield and when in open/exposed mode allow for AI assisted defense options (ranged dodge?), and the Blaze Luminous (hard light shielding).

Will be in and out today as I indulge in alternating bouts of binge eating and power naps. Americana at its best, Happy Thanksgiving! I hope all are enjoying a state of bounty and have as much to be thankful as I do...
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Other than Fyrstorm, anyone care to weigh in on strategy?

I'm fine allowing Mammoth to go toe to toe with Guiron after our conv forces (cobras) and spotters tenderize him along his approach.

Leave Whitecap as a reserve unit, either piling more hurt on with conventional units at range or physically imposing itself if Osahi threatens to dogpile Mammoth or enter the city proper.

I for one don't want to test the effectiveness of the new shelters if it can be helped.
Other than Fyrstorm, anyone care to weigh in on strategy?

I'm fine allowing Mammoth to go toe to toe with Guiron after our conv forces (cobras) and spotters tenderize him along his approach.

Leave Whitecap as a reserve unit, either piling more hurt on with conventional units at range or physically imposing itself if Osahi threatens to dogpile Mammoth or enter the city proper.

I for one don't want to test the effectiveness of the new shelters if it can be helped.
That seems like a pretty sound game plan, that plays to our strengths.

And agreed on the shelters...
I will get on combat plan in a bit, but while I have a captive audience, I would like to float an idea I have been thinking on.

Seeing as we are working so closely with Atlanta (shared currency & commodity exchange) maybe we could float the idea of a Union of Independent city states, leaving local governance to each city, but pooling resources to help 'grow' more members.

I would like to see a functional Macon & Augusta started, same way as we got Atlanta up and running.

Base it on the idea of a South Eastern Protectorate, we make the area safe by helping forge strong members militarily and fiscally. Allowing and encouraging them to better defend themselves.

Mutual defense pacts while possible, are not within the scope of this organizations purpose. Information exchange, trade, and rebuilding and stabilizing the economy is.

Edit: Everything within 30 miles of a city is its sovereign territory, not to be encroached by anyone without agreed compensation.
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I could see something like that, but you will have expansionists that found multiple satellite cities in proximity to their "mother" city you must think how you want to handle the political clout such entities can generate and how unless you too go expansionist, Savannah's voice may soon "be lost in the crowd."
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So I had this whole thing typed out that I was planning to post today as a reverse birthday present but it got corrupted and lost. (First time I have ever had a problem with docs before.) So I am sad.
So I had this whole thing typed out that I was planning to post today as a reverse birthday present but it got corrupted and lost. (First time I have ever had a problem with docs before.) So I am sad.

I am sorry it escaped, I was looking forward to more by you. I have used your tone to pattern Knights encounter with Pants & Scratch.
Right, Katt's idea looks sound.

In the mean time, I've got a Omake I'm working on. It's not done yet but since it involves other players characters I figure I'll show what I have for changes and suggestions. Fair warning though, I shoved this thing out on Thanksgiving afternoon, make of that what ye will.

OMAKE: The Meeting
Col. Frost looks across the table at the men and women of the Savannah Council, three months ago he'd barely known any of them and now he trusted each of them with his life. He had to, Marshal Deveroux was dead, contact with command is non existent and the Kaiju are only the first of a thousand problems threatening to destroy them. Thi- the fuck did she just say?

"You mind repeating that Katt?" Frost asked while

"I said, the troops are complaining about the new Armor policy and it's affecting moral in the city." Katt replied with no small amount of irritation in her voice.

"Of course they are, first we get complaints about lack of protection and now this, Knight is this an Pacific Defense Corp. thing or are soldiers just not happy unless they're complaining about something?" Frost asked while reaching for a cig- nope,you're inside, the pains gone for now and it's too fucking early.

"Couldn't tell ya Frost." Knight replied while nursing a mug of coffee.

"Alright, someone'll have to address this. Anyone want it or should we draw straws again?"

"I'll do it" Katt Spoke up.

"You sure about that, Katt? You aren't exactly... diplomatic" Frost offered.

"Exactly, I'm terrible at bullshitting and people know who I am"

"Which makes you the best choice because?" Frost asked.

"Okay, you're Air Force, you go out there and everyone just think's you're making life hard for the grunts, Knight or Nix do it and it'll come off as a fig leaf, and Coke or the Old Man. Let's not." Katt answered while thumbing through some papers.

Katt looked up from the reports to the confused looks of the other councilors.

"Where the hell did that come from?" Knight asked confusedly

"What, am I not allowed to have hobbies?"

"No, it's just strange that you've taken an interest in something people focused"

"Back on topic, unless anyone actually want's to do this" Frost states.


"Okay then, job's your's Katt" Nix says

"Alright then, what's next?" Knight asks

"Brown got himself arrested" Nix replied "I got him released but Brown's under house arrest and there's been little to no progress on the jet engines, however we might have gotten something out of it."

"And what might that be?" Knight asked

"After Brown got arrested he started tagging the walls of his cell, I got a few pictures before it was cleaned and sent them to the propulsion lab. It should give them something to work with while Brown's unavailable."

"Well, it's something. Any chance we can get it lifted?"

"Not likely, regardless of what's going on Brown set off a bomb for the second time in as many weeks, he'll be good to go for next week though. Assuming he doesn't burn down his house" Katt- wait wait was that?

"Damn, tech priests and their toasters" Knight muttered.

"Right, anything else?" Frost

"Not really, The rig's back to functioning and we've got plans for the gun, the upgrades were applied to Mammoth although it took longer than expected, however we found another pilot for Whitecap so I'd say we made out pretty good this week even if the Thaumaturgy division had little to show this week." Nix stated, to the odd looks of the others. "What? It's better than calling it the Magic lab or Circle of magecraft or whatever they've changed the plaque to now."

All of a sudden the doors to the council room are flung open as Coke runs in.

"You are not going to believe what the fuck just happened in the Magic Lab!" Coke exclaimed.

As he catches his breath alarms start blaring.

"I can assure you it wasn't that though" Coke says while still trying to catch his breath.

"Tell us later, all hands to battle stations!"

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Lol, I personally love it, it is need of a little polish and some additional clarity in a few points but overall I'm feeling it.

With your indulgence I'll edit suggestions inside your quote.

Right, Katt's idea looks sound.

In the mean time, I've got a Omake I'm working on. It's not done yet but since it involves other players characters I figure I'll show what I have for changes and suggestions. Fair warning though, I shoved this thing out on thanks giving afternoon, make of that what ye will.

OMAKE: The Meeting
Col. Frost looks across the table at the men and women of the Savannah Council, three months ago he'd barely known any of them and now he trusted each of them with his life. He had to, Marshal Deveroux was dead, contact with command is non existent and the Kaiju are only the first of a thousand problems threatening to destroy them. Thi- the fuck did she just say?

"You mind repeating that Katt?" Frost asked while

"I said, the troops are complaining about the new Armor policy and it's affecting moral in the city." Katt replied with no small amount of irritation in her voice.

"Of course they are, first we get complaints about lack of protection and now this, Knight is this an Pacific Defense Corp. thing or are soldiers just not happy unless they're complaining about something?" Frost asked while reaching for a cig- nope,you're inside, the pains gone for now and it's too fucking early.

"Couldn't tell ya Frost." Knight replied while nursing a mug of coffee.

"Alright, someone'll have to address this. Anyone want it or should we draw straws again?"

"I'll do it" Katt Spoke up.

"You sure about that, Katt? You aren't exactly... diplomatic" Frost offered.

"Exactly, I'm terrible at bullshitting and people know who I am"

"Which makes you the best choice because?" Frost asked.

"Okay, you're Air Force, you go out there and everyone just think's you're making life hard for the grunts, Knight or Nix do it and it'll come off as a fig leaf, and Coke or the Old Man. Let's not." Katt answered while thumbing through some papers.

(Not following the old man reference)

Katt looked up from the reports to the confused looks of the other councilors.

"Where the hell did that come from?" Knight asked confusedly

"What, am I not allowed to have hobbies?"

"No, it's just strange that you've taken an interest in something people focused"

"Back on topic, unless anyone actually want's to do this" Frost states.


"Okay then, job's your's Katt" Nix says

"Alright then, what's next?" Knight asks

"Brown got himself arrested" Nix replied "I got him released but Brown's under house arrest and there's been little to no progress on the jet engines, however we might have gotten something out of it."

"And what might that be?" Knight asked

"After Brown got arrested he started tagging the walls of his cell, I got a few pictures before it was cleaned and sent them to the propulsion lab. It should give them something to work with while Brown's unavailable."

"Well, it's something. Any chance we can get it lifted?"

"Not likely, regardless of what's going on Brown set off a bomb for the second time in as many weeks, he'll be good to go for next week though. Assuming he doesn't burn down his house" Katt- wait wait was that?

(There was only one explosion, and although Doc was injured, review showed him nowhere near ground zero, he has since been obsessed with understanding an explosion that violated Docs understanding of science.)

"Damn, tech priests and their toasters" Knight muttered.

"Right, anything else?" Frost

"Not really, The rig's back to functioning and we've got plans for the gun, the upgrades were applied to Mammoth although it took longer than expected, however we found another pilot for Whitecap so I'd say we made out pretty good this week even if the Thaumaturgy division had little to show this week." Nix stated, to the odd looks of the others. "What? It's better than calling it the Magic lab or Circle of magecraft or whatever they've changed the plaque to now."

All of a sudden the doors to the council room are flung open as Coke runs in.

"You are not going to believe what the fuck just happened in the Magic Lab!" Coke exclaimed.

As he catches his breath alarms start blaring.

"I can assure you it wasn't that though" Coke says while still trying to catch his breath.

"Tell us later, all hands to battle stations!"

Edit: You are spot on with painting me a straight talker, that leaves political correctness at the door. Facts are facts, straight truth is often painful but presented appropriately it's not anything people can object to. I may not be popular, but I am believed .
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You are spot on with painting me a straight talker, that leaves political correctness at the door. Facts are facts, straight truth is often painful but presented appropriately it's not anything people can object to. I may not be popular, but I am believed .

You my dear, inherited your beloved Mothers lack of social filters. When confronted about the bluntness with which you speak, standard first line defense is: "Well, you know what I meant..." You are right though, the brutal honesty with out benefit of a sugar coating makes you both an acquired taste. Those that can acquire it find the input invaluable, more often than not you only encounter stunned silence after a 'truth bomb' and then the ones who can't see past first contact tend to run (muttering under their breath) and hide.

Edit: @Cmd. Frost I found one other break in narrative, an incomplete thought, the line about Katt having a hobby seems incomplete. Other than that and the few inconsistencies Katt pointed out it was a fun read so far.
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My apologies for slowing the thread down, new RL job better pay/more hours/benefits down side; more after work commitments less free time.

Battle plan this evening at latest.
[ ] It's almost a plan (Migraine edition)

7 km out helicopters begin to engage at max range, fleeing if encountering any form of ranged resistance.

'Mighty Merlins' Little Bird is to engage GLTD targeting system on Osahi while at max. Range while flying evasively. (4 km)

When a lock is established, Cobras fire salvos of Hellfires at Osahi from max range. (3 km)


Mammoth Apostate is to match approach vector of Guiron and hold off the defensive perimeter at 6 units, allowing Guiron to close use 'Full Defense' and dodge to counter charge attempt , only counter charging a failed charge.


Whitecap Triton is to act as a free safety physically engaging Osahi if he attempts to dogpile Mammoth or attempts to breach defensive perimeter. Otherwise Whitecap is to remain 1 unit outside defensive perimeter on an intercept vector with Osahi applying ranged damage.


All conventionals are to overwatch attacking as targets of opportunity present themselves (with Osahi being target of preference) while using the DP for its intrinsic armor.

Mortars (3 km) and DP emplaced Artillery (4 km) using indirect fire until direct fire is possible to maximize engagement range, then switching to direct fire asap for increased accuracy.

M270 engages using 'Divine Thunderbolts' at 3km as preferred round, however if stealth becomes an issue and engagement has closed to rocket range (1.5 km) switch to area denial rockets for area saturation.

Tanks & AKP's are on Jump Hawk pallets or mounted for rapid support deployment where needed as are the resupply platoon.


Strategic priority is keeping Kaiju out of DP, and burning down the ninja.


All scan capable units, do so... I want every byte of data recorded and corroborated by as many sources as possible. Keep ninja under a spotlight...

Edit: Atlanta Stryker begin target painting at 4 km
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[ ] It's almost a plan (Migraine edition)

7 km out helicopters begin to engage at max range, fleeing if encountering any form of ranged resistance.

'Mighty Merlins' Little Bird is to engage GLTD targeting system on Osahi while at max. Range while flying evasively. (4 km)

When a lock is established, Cobras fire salvos of Hellfires at Osahi from max range. (3 km)


Mammoth Apostate is to match approach vector of Guiron and hold off the defensive perimeter at 6 units, allowing Guiron to close use 'Full Defense' and dodge to counter charge attempt , only counter charging a failed charge.


Whitecap Triton is to act as a free safety physically engaging Osahi if he attempts to dogpile Mammoth or attempts to breach defensive perimeter. Otherwise Whitecap is to remain 1 unit outside defensive perimeter on an intercept vector with Osahi applying ranged damage.


All conventionals are to overwatch attacking as targets of opportunity present themselves (with Osahi being target of preference) while using the DP for its intrinsic armor.

Mortars (3 km) and DP emplaced Artillery (4 km) using indirect fire until direct fire is possible to maximize engagement range, then switching to direct fire asap for increased accuracy.

M270 engages using 'Divine Thunderbolts' at 3km as preferred round, however if stealth becomes an issue and engagement has closed to rocket range (1.5 km) switch to area denial rockets for area saturation.

Tanks & AKP's are on Jump Hawk pallets or mounted for rapid support deployment where needed as are the resupply platoon.


Strategic priority is keeping Kaiju out of DP, and burning down the ninja.


All scan capable units, do so... I want every byte of data recorded and corroborated by as many sources as possible. Keep ninja under a spotlight...

Edit: Atlanta Stryker begin target painting at 4 km
Hm. Do we have a good enough eyes on Osashi to do targeted attacks? I'm of a mind to say we just do a Grid Removal on his general area for a couple of rounds.
Both kaiju are a considerable distance out

BadKatt was factoring as they closed using best range missiles, area saturation rockets only have a range of 1.5 km, you have several turns before any forces can engage. You can risk moving out to meet them but run the risk of Osahi slipping past, only thing reaching them at these ranges is sensors scans...
If Badkatt's plan has general consensus, we can burn through a turn or two of movement as the Kaiju close with the DP and your defense forces. Things don't really begin to 'happen' until you achieve engagement ranges. After the successful scans that revealed Osahi it flickers back out of view roughly 15-20 seconds later (start of kaiju's turn). At current best speed they are perhaps still 5-6 turns away from entering engagement range.

Leaving things open until 6 PM EST today then doing a tally of actual X'd up votes...

(OOC) It'll go something like scan rolls to reveal Osahi, if successful get an updated position, take your attacks (when/if in range), resolve Kaijus turn, rinse / repeat. If fail to reveal Osahi, he takes his hidden move and you'll attempt to notice secondary kaiju sign foot prints, crushed veg, Kaiju B.O. etc...

Searching for secondary signs risk you getting considerably closer to last known position than max weapon range... from 3-4 km away it is extremely hard to discern those type of give aways.
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Well crap, failed rolls means we need to risk something like our ALSV'S fast attack dune buggies or the Motorcycle Militia for point blank Recon, to reveal secondary signs.

Such duty risks putting them underfoot an invisible kaiju that can tap dance on our scouts...
(OOC) original revamp produced a short range electro-static EM pulse every time it was revealed, I restrained myself. :o :drevil:
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Smithsguild's brain tends to figure out most lethal solution then water them down to (barely) survivable.

Playing D&D with him was near impossible after a 'freind' got him the Grimtooth traps books.
Smithsguild's brain tends to figure out most lethal solution then water them down to (barely) survivable.

Playing D&D with him was near impossible after a 'freind' got him the Grimtooth traps books.
Seems like a more reasonable approach than allowing your players unlimited access to cheese to do something similar. Well, not entirely unlimited. Some stuff we avoided. Not much, though.
(ooc) I remember the most humiliating death in campaign, paladin met 10' x 10' pit trap filled with marshmallow creme and was skirting the edge holding the paving edge work while half submerged (merely gooey and inconvenient for levels of clean up plate armor would require) that is until a kobold with a short bow and a fire arrow went all flambe on him... (Flaming marshmallow creme makes a heat metal spell pale in comparison).

Edit: this in my defense was in response to some creative uses of "Rock to Mud" & force walls versus a story arc boss, I wanted to show them what it felt like after weeks of story crafting a big bad it kind of cheapens the experience to drown him in mud mid monologue.
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[X] BadKatt's plan

I was definitely not against it, and it seems like you both hashed out a couple of question areas, so I'm comfortable going forward.