Mammoth Apostate vs the World 1: "Lost in the Mist"

[X] Badkatt85

Some of it is other quests being active. Especially when a very long-time friend's both GMing and fond of his players discussion future plans and goals, I try to be doing stuff there. But it does impact my engagement elsewhere, sometimes.
My Quest is and shall -always- be an "at leisure" entertainment. Although no excuses are ever needed, they are always appreciated.
Sorry I've been lax of late, family issues & a general lack of motivation on my part.

I am taking a small break... hopefully I regain my muse soontm.​

Look for me to get this battle out of the way and then I will do some inspirational watching of my source materials again and try to regain my fire. I apologize for any inconvenience.
(OOC - breath now caught. Feeling a bit more optimistic and ready to hit it running. I hope everyone else is ready to kick some Kaiju ass ?!?)

The gap between the 28km and the beginning of the ( 7 km) 'engagement zone' quickly narrows as the two living engines of destruction quickly close upon Savannah. In just under four minutes the intervening terrain is covered, Guiron's impact tremors as it gallops grows steadily, counterpointed by the odd on again off again ones of Osahi. When visible the impact tremors from Osahi nearly rivals Guirons, but as soon as the sensor locks break and he fades from view they diminish to nearly inaudible, and the 2-3 foot deep tracks left in his wake barely depress the soil four to six inches.

Each time he is hidden he randomly changes his course to flank Guiron to the right or left or to trail every so slightly behind his massive companion, and each time as he is again acquired by sensors, he bellows his frustration to the heavens.

Sensor Rolls needed as he approaches engagement range: target number 8+ (Exploding Critical Scan possible on 'Natural 10' /Crit failures are a real danger as well...)
Outriders 1d10+4 (6)
Mammoth 1d10 (6)
Whitecap 1d10 (3)
Loccent 1d10+2 (10)

Once Stealth Success / Failure is resolved I will enact BadKatt plan.
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I'll roll Loccent!

Edit: an excellent roll of a 10!
Fyrstorm threw 1 10-faced dice. Reason: Loccent (+2) Total: 8
8 8
(ooc) This is an informational post, to make valued readers aware campaign is active and moving again. This was meant only as a courtesy as I have found the alert system is at times a bit wonky. Your past participation was found valuable and is still desired.

If you were tagged and Mammoth has since lost your interest please speak up and I will refrain from tagging you again in the future.

@Cmd. Frost

Anyone else active I missed my apologies, all readers whether lurker or participant are highly valued!
(ooc) This is an informational post, to make valued readers aware campaign is active and moving again. This was meant only as a courtesy as I have found the alert system is at times a bit wonky. Your past participation was found valuable and is still desired.

If you were tagged and Mammoth has since lost your interest please speak up and I will refrain from tagging you again in the future.

@Cmd. Frost

Anyone else active I missed my apologies, all readers whether lurker or participant are highly valued!
Hrm what's all this now... oh huh missed an update.

Looks like you still need a roll.
cokerpilot threw 1 10-faced dice. Total: 3
3 3
Right I added a new idea for a research augment to the research doc. And would Like to confirm that while I do not tend to vote for combat stuff (I am kinda rubbish at tactics, and the number of units we have at our disposal kinda overwhelms my ability to create a good plan), I will keep following this and providing ideas for future avenues of research.
With the myriad arrays of sensors sweeping the battlefield it would seem virtually impossible something as massive as a kaiju could nearly be missed, but such is the case.

The 'Outriders' border catastrophic overload on their sensors (roll of 2), the smell of ozone and melting plastic is thick in the chopper, so disruptive is the multiple conflicting sensor ghosts and anomalous data combined with errant reflections from the other scanning parties that all the sensors are working at overload capacity.

Mammoth and Triton sensors bear the load quite well but still fail to locate Osahi, only through the valiant effort of Loccent is the beast revealed at last...

Please roll for the 'Mighty Merlins' Little Bird (GLTD target acquisition on Osahi to maximize hit chance of Cobras Hellfire Missiles.) 4+ to successfully 'paint' target.

Then 2x Cobras if lock achieved, to hit with Hellfires on 4+ (normal a 5+ to hit ; GLTD gives equiv 1 rngd on successful lock - stackable )

1x 'Smooth Operators' 'Elite' Cobra Unique Elite Bonus : 'I can find the Sweet Spot; even in the dark' Hits on 3+ w/t Hellfires w/t GLTD lock

on a hit please roll 2d10 hit loc , & Hellfires do : 1d10+1 Fire damage.
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(OOC) My heart goes out to you on the fickleness of RNG(od or Goddess).

Without the benefit of a solid lock at the 7 Km 'operational range' thus ends your turn. Noodle a bit and decide if there are any modifications you want applied at 5.4 km (post kaiju movement turn).

Guiron is now at 4 units from Mammoth (Well within potential charge range of Mammoth) and nearing range of DP entrenched Artillery.

Osahi's exact positioning will require sensor rolls AFTER you declare new Next Turn plan.

Breaking until -at least 6pm EST tomorrow- (longer if needed)
I will add an official plan shortly. For now I'm thinking Mammoth charge Guiron, Triton close at a run to engagement (max rifle) range.

AKP's form a skirmish line 5 units from DP, with 2 units spacing between each platoon (Braille speedbumps as they were) with ALSV's scouting any clues evenly spaced in advance of AKP's @ 7 units from DP.

All units follow previous plan arty / AKP's overwatch, helo painting and holding fire until successful painted.

Again feedback is gladly welcome. This is rawest of ideas.
BTW as strategist I -loathe- a stealth Kaiju, there are so many squiky things Smithsguild is likely to do...

I am truly trying to cover as many contingencies as I can think of.

Edit: this one in particular he is playing as cunning, stealth + smart accompanied by the tankiest Kaiju to date? I am truly nervous.
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this one in particular he is playing as cunning, stealth + smart accompanied by the tankiest Kaiju to date? I am truly nervous.

It was my intention that most of my encounters were to instill a certain sense of 'oh crap' but the RNG dieties have been favoring you heavily and having sound planning means no cake walks on my end.

If I actually make this battle a challenge I will feel vindicated as a QM, you have pretty much been bitch slapping my creations, without every 'really' needing extensive repairs afterwards. This is me raising the bar another notch without trying to go full on 'rabid'.
(OOC) Just a neat fact, the Bracey illustration of Guiron is his revamp of Guiron from Gamera fame.

Big jump from this:

To this:

Edit: one of the reason Bracey is my main go to kaiju artist...
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My attempt at submitting a plan will not occur tonight, my new jobs Xmas office party has stolen me away. (Free open bar trumps Internet giant robots ).

Edit: You don't want drunken plan
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Copious Quantities of top shelf tequila consumed AND no arrests or walks of shame involved (Best office party to date.)

Plan up shortly.
[x] Plan: All out of chewing gum

Mammoth Apostate charges Guiron, attempts a 'Scrambling Stampede Skewer' (perk).

Whitecap Triton runs forward 1.2 km to close distance towards max rifle range. (Osahi primary target)

Little Bird will attempt to paint Osahi (if revealed) and the Cobras will use the spotter bonus as a 'to hit' bonus with Hellfires. Maintaining max ranges, flying evasively, and fleeing from any ranged return fire.

Mortars and emplaced artillery are on overwatch using indirect fire on targets of opportunity. Osahi is primary target, but if Osahi is invalid rain hell upon Guiron if/when he isn't clustered with Mammoth.

Tanks, Stryker, & M270 ( Divine Thunderbolt) will also overwatch & contribute on targets of opportunity. (Stryker adding its GLTD painting at first opportunity) again Osahi is public enemy number one.

All AKP's are dropped via fast roping at a 5 km from DP skirmisher line centered on Kaiju approach 2 units between each AKP to extend line and yet support adjacent units.

ALSV's (fast attack dune buggies) patrol 1 unit in advance of skirmish line up (6 units from DP) length of picket line and back attempting to 'catch' Osahi if he ghosts us, looking for any tell tales. Dust, trampled veg, etc. or adding their k-scale if possible.

Think all bases are covered. Before popular vote sweeps it into effect look it over, and pick it apart.