Mammoth Apostate vs the World 1: "Lost in the Mist"

I need a clarification on positioning of an 'in play' unit, specifically 'Pathfinders'. From where are they trying to perform their scans?

Inside DP? Patrolling outside the city? Being your strongest scanning unit they are Osahi's bane and probably high on his "I -really- hate those guys" list.
My intent was initially to leave city to scan but maintaining 8-10 km buffer eliminating threat of all but ranged snipers.

Now that distance are on city borders? Highest helo accessable rooftop inside DP.
Now that a plan is submitted, merely awaiting 2 or 3 supporters or an alternate plan purposed.

Regardless of which plan is approved, scans to reveal Osahi are a necessity and can be taken as we await the plan to achieve majority.

Sensor Rolls needed: target 8+
Outriders 1d10+4 (9)
Mammoth 1d10
Whitecap 1d10 (8)
Loccent 1d10+2 *Special* as it explodes
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I thought I'd rolled for Loccent already on a previous page? I got an 8, +2 for a 10.
Ah. In that case, I'll roll for Loccent this turn!
Fyrstorm threw 2 10-faced dice. Reason: Loccent (+2) Total: 13
10 10 3 3
Still needing @Fyrstorm 's explosion roll and a few more votes supporting plan or purposing an alternate and combat can advance.
(OOC) 3 votes for Plan BadKatt, zero opposed... I deem that enough for Combat Consensus. Plan Locked.

Mammoth attempts to reveal Osahi, and risks catastrophic failure as the sensors flicker briefly functionally blinding Mammoth for the span of a single nerve wracking heartbeat, his multiple combat redundancies kick in before any circuits can short and everything returns to normal.

Both the 'Outriders' & Whitecap Triton achieve solid sensor locks dragging Osahi into view; his scream of outrage at being thwarted again reverberates making hair climb in a primal manner.

It is however LOCCENT itself that shows Osahi's true vulnerability to his antithesis. As the sensors sweep over his visible form with perfect resolution and optimal gain, techno-organic circuitry briefly glows a wave of fluorescent green that ripples over the surface of every square meter of body surface and dance with foreign sparks caused as it battles to counter the scan with his now failed camouflage.

Osahi suffers an ongoing universal penalty -1. (Further Critical scans will cause further persistent damage.)

Please Resolve Little Bird GLTD paint attempt 4+ to hit vs Osahi, if successful resolve Cobras. If failed Cobra's hold fire AGAIN.

2x Cobras if lock achieved, to hit with Hellfires on 4+ (normal a 5+ to hit ; GLTD gives equiv 1 rngd on successful lock - stackable )

1x 'Smooth Operators' 'Elite' Cobra Unique Elite Bonus : 'I can find the Sweet Spot; even in the dark' Hits on 3+ w/t Hellfires w/t GLTD lock.


Resolve Mammoth charge against Guiron ( charge auto succeeds this distance) & Slam roll (2x) 1d10+2 for slam, if successful your skewer perk dbls the strength bonus to damage of each tusk that hits. If result is 5+ that blade connects, and I'll juggle all the formulas. roll (2d10) hit location for each tusk that hits.
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(OOC) 3 votes for Plan BadKatt, zero opposed... I deem that enough for Combat Consensus. Plan Locked.

Mammoth attempts to reveal Osahi, and risks catastrophic failure as the sensors flicker briefly functionally blinding Mammoth for the span of a single nerve wracking heartbeat, his multiple combat redundancies kick in before any circuits can short and everything returns to normal.

Both the 'Outriders' & Whitecap Triton achieve solid sensor locks dragging Osahi into view; his scream of outrage at being thwarted again reverberates making hair climb in a primal manner.

It is however LOCCENT itself that shows Osahi's true vulnerability to his antithesis. As the sensors sweep over his visible form with perfect resolution and optimal gain, techno-organic circuitry briefly glows a wave of fluorescent green that ripples over the surface of every square meter of body surface and dance with foreign sparks caused as it battles to counter the scan with his now failed camouflage.

Osahi suffers an ongoing universal penalty -1. (Further Critical scans will cause further persistent damage.)

Please Resolve Little Bird GLTD paint attempt 4+ to hit vs Osahi, if successful resolve Cobras. If failed Cobra's hold fire AGAIN.

2x Cobras if lock achieved, to hit with Hellfires on 4+ (normal a 5+ to hit ; GLTD gives equiv 1 rngd on successful lock - stackable )

1x 'Smooth Operators' 'Elite' Cobra Unique Elite Bonus : 'I can find the Sweet Spot; even in the dark' Hits on 3+ w/t Hellfires w/t GLTD lock.


Resolve Mammoth charge against Guiron ( charge auto succeeds this distance) & Slam roll (2x) 1d10+2 for slam, if successful your skewer perk dbls the strength bonus to damage of each tusk that hits. If result is 5+ that blade connects, and I'll juggle all the formulas. roll (2d10) hit location for each tusk that hits.

Slaming time
cokerpilot threw 2 10-faced dice. Reason: everybody do the SLAM Total: 14
5 5 9 9
I'll get Little Bird and the cobras!

(Come to think of it, that's kind of a decent band name. Little Bird and the Cobras...)

Edit: Little bird paint succeeds, and (at least) one Cobra hits. Not too shabby.
Fyrstorm threw 1 10-faced dice. Reason: Is bird the word? Total: 7
7 7
Fyrstorm threw 2 10-faced dice. Reason: Cobra missiles Total: 10
7 7 3 3
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The 'Mighty Merlin's' -finally- achieve a solid target lock with the adapted GLTD target acquisition system and all 3 attached Cobra's open fire at Osahi with their Hellfires; the results are a wildly mixed bag.

'Smooth Operator's' suffers a misfire; missile release clamps fail to activate and safety overrides are only partially effective. When fired the missiles engines engage (they should not w/o a clear release) but the warheads remain inert (as they should). The effect is as if someone had ignited a surprise JATO (jet assisted take off) pack causing the helicopter to jump forward without warning in manner beyond most to control... This pilot is not most; he does the impossible and rides the turbulence to a controlled crash (No fatalities, but sprains and stitches galore in their near future. Unit is effectively mission dead and will require a new Cobra purchase and 2 down times to recuperate fully.) Unit counts remainder of this battle as a dismounted infantry unit w/o weapons and is 3 km away from a large stompy kaiju headed their way.

The first conventional cobra narrowly misses, the ground at Osahi's feet broils as the aerosolized napalm ignites lighting him dramatically like a Showa era, Toho movie monster.

The second conventional scores a solid hit in the right thigh,
7+1 fire damage minus 3 AV thigh = 5, 5+ = Minor wound causing 3 strikes, and a -1 AGI.
Right Thigh is on fire! armor mitigates the additional fire strikes this turn but the flames blaze on...

Osahi suffers 3 strikes, and a -1 AGI and right thigh is on fire.

Guiron attempts to parry Mammoth's charging skewer, (Mammoth rolled 5, & 9)

Edit: and fails spectacularly! Resolution in following post.
Smithsguild threw 1 10-faced dice. Reason: Parry Total: 1
1 1
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Guiron counted on knocking aside Mammoths dual dorsal blades with his own skull blade but his clumsy execution open both his forelegs to vicious slices.

On a normal slam they would have only been glancing blows, but when using the 'skewer' it is the Tusks tips that first connect and even Guirons micro-mesh chain mail flesh parts as it cannot well turn aside that much thrust driven onto so small a chisel style tip. The Red glowing of the tusks vibroblades take the small tear in the protective dermis and rip through cutting flesh and bone with startling ease.

5 edged + dbl strength 6 = 11 damage vs AV3 and resilence 2 edged = 5AV leaving 6 edged damage, minor wound

Left arm suffers Minor Wound, 3 strikes, -1 HtH, -1 Dex!

9 edged + dbl strength 6 = 15 Damage vs AV3 and resilence 2 edged = 5AV leaving 10 edged damage, Destruction wound!

Right arm suffers a Destruction wound!!! Right hand severed, 7 strikes, suffers 5 ongoing, -2 HtH, -2 Dex

Amazingly durable Guiron snorts and bellows and raises to his hindlegs, looking down as he towers now head and shoulders taller than Mammoth, the stump of an arm still spraying blood seemingly ignored.

Edit : (OOC - Damn You fickle dice gods!!!)
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