Mammoth Apostate vs the World 1: "Lost in the Mist"

Damn! Suffers 10 strikes worth of damage and doesn't exceed his durability?

I'm just thankful he'll be operating at -3 on both HtH & Dex.

5 ongoing is pretty ugly too...
Osahi vents its rage at the only target in range... Mammoth Apostate. With a deep inhalation it launches a variegated globule of sputum the yellow and blue tinted phloem begin to mix immediately and leave an after trail of off gasses that shimmer in the air along its flight path like a heat mirage.

(Edit: OMG; the dice hate me)

It falls far short of its mark, the globule itself strikes with an audible acidic hiss; EVERYTHING touched blackens and melts. Concrete, glass, rubber or steel it makes little difference as they loose cohesion and puddle like mercury.

The off gasses are prolific and swamp not only the struck area but each of the surrounding areas to form a mass 3x3 extending upward in a column, the gas is clingy and resists dispersal by the light breeze blowing. Birds fall from the sky mid-flight and all vegetation exposed wilts and darkens.

Moderate environmental damage, (Post battle you will need research roll to discover an effective cleanup method, 1d10 roll under your current research stat or suffer the hit).
Smithsguild threw 1 10-faced dice. Reason: Squicky Snot glob +3 Total: 1
1 1
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(OOC - Guiron is supremely upset, he had plans for that hand.)

Guiron snuffles and snorts, and brings his blade down in an overhead chop as he collapses forward to his normal 4 3 footed posture, empowering the blade with all the inertia his considerable mass and muscle can provide.

(Declare defense and make roll to oppose this attack)

Edit: I just died a little bit inside :cry:
Smithsguild threw 1 10-faced dice. Reason: Overhead Chop Total: 1
1 1
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The intelligent thing would be to parry and get the counter attack.

At this point however that would feel like punching a puppy.


Logic says that evil extra dimensional invaders must die ASAP so my vote reluctantly is plan : punch puppies.
The intelligent thing would be to parry and get the counter attack.

At this point however that would feel like punching a puppy.


Logic says that evil extra dimensional invaders must die ASAP so my vote reluctantly is plan : punch puppies.

Roflmao, at least you made me laugh! I can wish fate were kinder and you actually felt threatened by my cast of bugaboos.
Believe me, I am threatened...

Guiron is a Beast, & Osahi is a stealth dipped environmental nightmare.

I shudder to think if our rng luck were reversed.

Edit: Fellow councillors, has Smithsguild conveyed an ongoing sense of threat with his menagerie in your opinions ? A show of hands to ease his mind.
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Current Plan, [X] Punch Puppies: attempt a parry to earn counterattack with 1 vote. (BadKatt)
I'm guessing that missing a leg is not so good for a quadruped with a head weapon.

In any case,
[X] Parry!
-[X] If successful, counterattack with a Punch!
Oh, no, I definitely feel the heat with this quest. Our luck's been good, but these fights are pretty damn terrifying. Those spider-paratroopers were especially bad, IMO.

But yeah, I'm leaning towards going for a Parry, here.
Well, luck is on our side this far on the fight. Would be one hell of a headache if it wasn't.

[X] Parry!
-[X] If successful, counterattack with a Punch!
Not attempting to sway any particular behavior, but I do want to remind you your Stat advancements unlocked use of :

Gain (x2)

SKH-01 'Sikh' Vibroblade Chakram

Held Melee / Ranged Weapon
Attack Dice: 1d10+1
Parry Dice: 1d5+Str (because of blades thin profile parry NOT suggested).
Armor Penetration: 1 AP
Grappling Bonus:-2 (each)
Durability: 6
Damage Type: Edged/Thermal
Thrown Damage Bonus: Strength
Range: Str+3/Str+6/Str+9 (carbine)
AV: 4/2
Requires: Dex 1 (melee), Rng 1 (ranged) to use to full potential.

It is noted that currently on Mammoths frame at waist level are 2 hydraulic 'C' clamps intended to store the Chakram; yet keep them in easy reach. (Equip or store as free action). Assumed to be onboard as part of prep.

Edit: Both fist and chakram use a 1d5 to parry modified by HtH, the chakram is further capable of allowing Mammoth to add strength as a bonus. Although the blades are thin, they are intended for combat and apply their AV 4/2 as a reduction before they take damage to their durability on a Parry.
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Consensus is reached, defense will be a parry and punch seems to be preferred style of counter-attack. I will leave it open until tomorrow as I do have some RL commitments I need to handle in case the new info provided sways a change.
Parry/Punch is locked and in need of rolls. If your parry is a 2+ (anything better than your own crit-fail) roll for punch 1d10-1 + HtH (+3), 5+ to hit. If hit succeeds roll 2d10 for hit Loc.

After your defense/counter is done. As kaiju's turn ends Osahi fades from view, rinse / repeat a new set of detection rolls.

Sensor Rolls needed: target 8+
Outriders 1d10+4
Mammoth 1d10
Whitecap 1d10
Loccent 1d10+2
Going to handle Whitecap.

Edit: Probably, yeah.
Nixeu threw 1 10-faced dice. Reason: Whitecap does the thing? Total: 8
8 8
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Guiron over commits to his overhead chop and telegraphs it allowing Mammoth to easily sidestep and drive the blow far off target, as Guiron adjust to the sudden unexpected shift of his momentum he tries to stabilize himself by putting weight on a hand no longer in his possession. The result is an immediate and drastic lurch to one side resulting in Guiron screeching in pain and Mammoths follow up punch whiffing through the air where Guirons face -should- be.

Osahi again flickers from view, and surprisingly even his flaming limb disappears the only sign the residual smoke, one would think that an active flame would still be belching smoke... it's almost as if when he disappears from view he is no longer fully in our world.
Well that explains a lot of the inconsistent things about Osahi.

If he is projecting a good bit of himself into somewhere else a reduction in mass in our world explain our sensors not reading him easily, and the difference in his foot prints.

Edit: mass reducing tech? Yes please.
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Sensor Rolls needed: target 8+
Outriders 1d10+4
Mammoth 1d10
Whitecap 1d10 (8)
Loccent 1d10+2 (4)
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