Mammoth Apostate vs the World 1: "Lost in the Mist"

Vote time people:

[ ] In.The.Face. (die roll modded to 21 for called shot) (BadKatt, Nixeu)
[ ] Normal Punch (die roll of 25) Right Arm

First to acquire 3 votes locks it.
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[emote] QM's jaw drops.

With a double crit, I'll allow a 1 time, called shot post roll (but only to the face) because of "Rule of Cool!" but it'll shave 4 off your roll to shift it that far... Any objections? (with a 25 I think you can afford it, but the dice gods are a fickle lot, and I've yet to roll Guiron's defense.)

3 yes votes to lock in called shot "To.The.Face."
Works for me.

[x] In.The.Face. (die roll modded to 21 for called shot)
[X] In.The.Face. (die roll modded to 21 for called shot)

roll 1d10 on 4+ target acquisition bonus acquired;
if successful Cobras then roll 1d10 for Hellfires, hits on 4+, roll 2d10 for hit loc.

rolling this

No cobras, Whitecap shoots at -1
Cmd. Frost threw 1 10-faced dice. Reason: Targeting Total: 2
2 2
[X] In.The.Face. (die roll modded to 21 for called shot) : LOCKED

Guiron attempts to parry with his skullblade (injury offsets his HtH bonus)

rolling 1d10
Smithsguild threw 1 10-faced dice. Reason: Parry Total: 2
2 2
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[X] In.The.Face. (die roll modded to 21 for called shot) : LOCKED

Guiron attempts to parry with his skullblade (injury offsets his HtH bonus)

rolling 1d10
Ouch. That's gonna hurt.

Guess I'll roll for Whitecap.

Edit: I think the Dice Gods (or possibly the Outer Gods) are yanking our chain.
Nixeu threw 1 10-faced dice. Reason: Snipe the Sneak (5+, 1d10+1) Total: 1
1 1
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(21-2 = 19)

Mammoth goes airborne spinning hip and shoulder adding his weight to his momentum with a flying haymaker! The results are as spectacular as a multistory robot going full on Jason Momoa should be!
19 - 3av = 16 blunt to head, 2x head wound chart

Major head wound: 5 strikes suffered, SKULL Fractured (-1 universal penalty)! Primary Brain Destroyed!!! (Instant kill!)

Guiron defeated! Quick Kill bonus achieved! Flawless Victory bonus achieved!

The Brute skids a tenth of a kilometer to the side from the force of the blow!
(OOC) posted here, behold the terror you so easily vanquished due to the whims of the dice gods

Category III (20/20) Mv 6/12
Hand to Hand: 3
Ranged: 2
Strength: 5
Toughness: 6
Agility: 3
Dexterity: 1
Durability: 16
Structure: 24

Appearance: Guiron is a heavily muscled beast on a scale previously unprecedented. The closest earth equivalent would be a Belgian Blue Bull.
At nearly a third of its body length its Skullblade is more massive than any other kaiju on record including Trespasser.
The bulbous eyes can operate independantly and can scan its periphery at will to as far back as its hindquarters without turning its head.
Although physically capable of bipedal locomotion, Guiron seems to prefer four footed charges allowing him to Charge, Slam, & Skewer while channeling the full mass of his inertia into his natural weapon.

Skullblade -
Built-In Melee Weapon
Attack Dice: 1d10(+3 HtH bonus)
Damage Type: Edged
Damage Bonus: Strength(5)
Armor Penetration: 1 AAP
  • Charge/Slam/Skewer: +2 to slam roll, on successful slam may immedeately roll to hit with skewer. Dbl strength damage bonus. 2 AAP
  • Slash & Dash: blade attack on driveby no mv penalty; 1d10(+3 HtH) 1 AAP, may move 1d5 units past (possibly setting up for another charge slam.
  • Bipedal Chop: 1d10 (+3 HtH), if to hit is 3+ over needed roll, check for slam knocking target prone.(May use as standard attack in Grapple).

Bone Shurikens -
Built-In Ranged Weapon:
hits on 5+ (singular), Dual fire hit on 7+ & may split targets
Attack Dice: 1d10 (+2 Rngd stat)
+2 AAP (Endless Supply)
Four Footed Flying Stomp - (usable only on prone targets)
2x (1d10+1), + Str+5, +5 Damage Bonus.

Micro-Mesh Chainmail Flesh -
Coverage: All excluding Eyes
Armor Value: 3
Resilience: Standard (+2 Impact,+2 Edged)
Durability: 6
Whitecap sights in on Osahi, slightly impaired firing at maximum range and the untried weapon fails abysmally. The round detonates apparently breaching in the barrel. MC-1 'Boomstick' Destroyed! Shrapnel causes a minor neck wound, 3 strikes suffered, and future physical exertions risk 3 ongoing!

The flames continue to lick at Osahi's thigh but fail to do any substantive damage this turn!

Feeling the death of it's mighty companion via the hivemind; Osahi gives out a bleat of startlement and dismay. Guiron was to play his shield and distraction! Tactics need to change if it's objective stands a prayer of completion!!

The kangaroo like digigrade legs compress and it leaps skyward; and -dissappears- yet AGAIN... Where it landed no telltales are given, it has taxed its mass displacement skills to beyond its theoretical limits. (This tactic consumes its full turn)

It is again your turn. Decide a plan in the mean time,Mammoth, Triton, and LOCCENT may attempt discovery sensor rolls but at a new target number of 10+ to detect.

Jaegers each may make sensors rolls @ 1d10 (this will not aggravate ongoing)

LOCCENT 1d10+2
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Osahi is revealed to have gone prone after landing in E-8 and low crawled as far as E-4 trying to skirt the AKP's defensive line and nearly succeeding (if it wasn't for you meddling kids!)

Map not updated (because I'm pouting :p )

This brings all 5 of the AKP's into firing range. 'Burn Unit' , 'Fortunate Sons', & 'Roy's Raider's' and 2 non-elite AKP's.
Recoilless Rifle Bombardment: 1d10+1

relevant perks:

Burn Unit - 'Elite' AKP Perk: 'Experimental Ammo' 'Experimental' RPG round issued as an ongoing field test, XM01-prototype-Dragon's Blood rounds (damage type Acid/Fire)

Fortunate Sons - Unique Elite Perk - 'Fated to Win' one time per battle this unit may re-roll a die roll of their choice and take the more favorable result.

2 DP emplaced Artillery may fire on Osahi due to being in indirect fire range.

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If -anyone- would be so kind as to roll 1d10 for Mammoth I can at least get the scan write up out of the way...
Jesus, I just looked at Guiron stats.

:o I can't imagine the ass beating we sidestepped.

Mammoth clone on steroids, with some ugly special attacks. 16 durability & 24 structure? Mammoth has 7 & 15 by comparison.
Jesus, I just looked at Guiron stats.

:o I can't imagine the ass beating we sidestepped.

Mammoth clone on steroids, with some ugly special attacks. 16 durability & 24 structure? Mammoth has 7 & 15 by comparison.

In all fairness when you open with a destruction wound your 1st attack, then follow up with a Major head wound, no one expects even a bio-engineered Tank to walk it off.

Edit: if you check his armor +2 resilience vs Edge(Mammoth tusks) and Impact (large portion of Conv.) Making AV 5 on most likely damages
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LOCCENT and Mammoth try to bring Osahi once again out into the open, their sensors unequal to the task. It is Whitecap Triton still reeling from the devastating misfire who reveals the furtive beast who creeps 'ever so gently' past the diligent AKP's with nary a whisper to betray his passage.

The phased sensors in Triton's conpod reach out and ignite another shower of sparks that dance over most of Osahi's near prone form as he low crawls ever closer towards Savannah. Murderous intent is glared back to the source of his discomfort, the pale blue eyes hidden flash malevolently towards the injured Jaeger. The showering sparks merge into arcing prominence's rivalling lightning in its ferocity, the blows turned aside from the beasts hidden head only by the armored sleeve of flesh that cowls its countenance.

Osahi stunned and loses both action and movement the remainder of this turn!
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[ ] Just say no to ninjas!

Little Bird attempts to paint Osahi, if successful cobras fire hellfires
If Little Bird fails cobras close to use miniguns instead.

Mammoth runs full speed to engage Osahi asap.

Conventionals (tanks, mortar, MLRS, and Stryker) attempt to close to closest point to Osahi inside DP using Jump hawk's.

All AKP's fire on Osahi utilizing any perk to maximize damage during his stunned state.

DP entrenched artillery x2 fire Osahi indirect fire.

Triton minimize chance of suffering ongoing.

Edit in changes pointed out by smithsguild.
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